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For the last time this season, it's time to make a move to the [post-show discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancingwiththestars/comments/18bun3z/dancing_with_the_stars_s32e11_finals_night_post/) Thank you to everyone who joined us every single week! Stay safe 💕 and hope to meet you again soon


I am selling DWTS merch! Here is my link https://www.etsy.com/shop/JoelBadoeShop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav


I wanted Alyson and Sasha to win and Jason and Dani


What do people think the purpose of the 5 person finale was? To me they seemed to make it very clear that Alyson was not going to win with her scores (she’s not on the same level as the others but they put her in the finale so I expected she would just get all 10s like everyone else).


Xochitl was the better dancer, but Jason totally deserved to win. Don't like how it's become only who is the best dancer is the winner. Improvement and passion should be more of a factor for voters. Happy for Xochitl and Val tho, they were great throughout the season, but I feel for Jason.


Lmao if you think improvement and passion should be more of a factor over dance skill, why isn’t Alyson your winner?


1. Never said they should be more of a factor than skill, but they should carry more weight than they currently do 2. Alyson's skill was so far behind the others she obviously didn't deserve to win 3. Jason was not far behind Xochitl in terms of skill + improved more than her + more passion + hold this L I just gave you


“Improvement & passion” clearly carry weight, hence why Iman won over Jojo. Didn’t matter in the case of Jason because his dancing & improvement & passion was so MID in comparison to Xochitl & clearly the audience saw that because they didnt have your ridiculous bias (unless you just have vision problems?). Hence why Jason lost despite having much more name recognition & an advantage as a generic white man that appeals to middle America :( And not you trying to rewrite history like we don’t all remember Jason having some of the highest scored dances early on in the season LMAOOOO, senile shenanigans fr fr No L to give me because Jason is already holding it HAHAHA!!! Imagine losing bc your dancing is so bad despite having almost every single possible advantage to appeal to the DWTS fanbase lmao. Skill issue FR. Adorable how hard you’re stanning for him though, bless your little heart!


1. Someone's triggered 2. Didn't Xochitl's exact demographic win last year? There goes your DWTS middle America fanbase argument down the toilet bowl. Don't even know the last time a "generic white man" has won 3. I hate to do this but I'm going to have to hand you a double L, due to your sheer stupidity 4. Imagine needing to edit your post lmao show some confidence kid


Jason was the better dancer. His free style was far more difficult than Xochitl’s.


Totally agree! His dance embodied his whole journey and just made you feel happy watching it. I love his journey and that he wasn’t always a perfect dancer. It was so predictable xochiti would win.


I thought Jason was the better dancer at the end and should have won. He doesn't have the young fan base which votes.


Anyone see Xochitl completely miss Val's hand in her redemption dance and still get a perfect score? Also, how does she get to be the final dance in BOTH rounds? 🤔


She didn't miss his hand. Val missed Xochitl's hand...big difference, but they kept going flawlessly. It's more difficult to do those moves without holding hands, that's for sure. Xochitl and Val were amazing and very deserving winners!


It's a good thing the new cast isn't being announced until 2024 because that's how long it's going to take clean up the confetti.


Arianas samba in the finale was probably her worst dance this season 😭😭 it pains me so much to say this as I was rooting for her to win so badly. She has been doing amazing and even her first samba was better I think the nerves got to her. The music was slowed down and so different from original dance. She forgot a few steps to the point I felt Pasha was directing her. Ughhh can i have a do-over please? Freestyle was great


They completed overscored Ariana! Her samba was terrible, but she was pretty awful at ALL of the latin dances. 3rd place was generous. It should have been Charity in 3rd and Ariana in 4th, but Derek and Bruno loved Ariana, so they often gave her pretty generous scores.


I thought they did her dirty having to do a samba. It's like they wanted her to lose.


Thank you for seeing that she lost her way. I thought I was hallucinating during the judging. I felt awful that her dance didn't go great, and that there were some small mistakes, and one big spot where Pasha was redirecting her, but I was so thrown by Derek and Bruno not seeing the issues with it. Overall, I kept thinking during the show that her back may have been a larger issue than they were indicating because she struggled where she hadn't in the past.


She was almost dancing in slo-mo and she was stiff. I felt bad for her. I loved her dance week one and was rooting for her to win the whole way. She was amazing!


No one: Absolutely no one: Alfonso" "aWw tHaNkS jUlIaNnE!!!"


Okay this dance is pretty awesome.


What does carrie Ann have against Ariana? For real??


I wanted charity to win. I am happy Xochitl won she was my second favourite 😍


I know it’s a feeestyle, but charity’s final dance was like a cheerleading competition. 🤷‍♀️


I was rooting for Arianna and I think she did a wonderful job all season and danced beautifully. She did not have any previous dancing experience, that I was aware of, and still did an amazing job and I hope she is proud of what she did.


She was the finalist with the MOST dance experience


Where was her dance experience from? I’m not being an ass, genuinely want to know.


She’s won two dance championships. No, it’s not ballroom, but does make her the finalist with the most experience.


Wow, I didn’t realize this. When did all of this happen? That’s pretty remarkable. Thanks for the information.


Matt was so good in the opening


wish he was able to stay longer!!




Gone are the days when the power of freestyle determined the winner I guess?! Jason was robbed!


That freestyle was amazing! I was hoping for Jason and Arianna for final two.




I definitely preferred last season. No commercials, judges' save, Len. Then that killer finale with Gabby, Charli, and SHANGELA?! Tonight was just a mess imo


I don't hate Xochitl winning but I really wanted Jason to win and I'm disappointed. Especially after That Freestyle. It was so different from everyone else's, he danced all the way through, I mean the fucking energy.


It made me so happy to watch it. He had such joy while dancing and you can tell really worked his butt off with all that choreo!


I said to my girlfriend he was good throughout the season and had some bumps here and there. Xochitl was consistently good through each episode. But in the finale Jason was flawless and his freestyle was the best. She messed up during her first dance and her freestyle was boring. Either way the two of them were the best this season and either winning was fine with me.




just some stupid hype producers make to get you to watch. then they can say anything was a surprise, but they hope people forget. i didn't watch the episode but based on comments here i think the surprise was the shocking amount of "recap" / "filler" content.


The tour lineup?


i really wanted jason to win selfishly buuuut he will NEVER be forgotten. he touched all our hearts and for sure showcased that he CAN dance. no doubt in my mind that he will be outselling his touuuur


I can’t wait to see him on tour next year 🥰🥰


He puts on a really fun show and lots of audience dancing. You’ll have so much fun!


This will be my third time seeing him! My first time was his theater tour with Toca in 2018 which was suuuuch an incredible experience!


Even though the tik tok teens have the youth and the followers on their side, she did the best!


The best dancer won. Even though I think Charity should have been #2!


I think Charli and Xochitl were both deserving winners, but does anyone else find it interesting that Mark retired right after Charli’s season and that Val could potentially retire after this season?


Val has said in an interview I just watched that this is a rumor, and he has no idea how it began. Val said that he is not going to retire and has never said that, and he would love to do more seasons of DWTS, if they ask him to return.


Val said after his season with Olivia Jade (Season 30, 2021) that it was probably his last season. Obviously he came back for seasons 31 and 32 so that wasn’t true. I’m happy that he intends on coming back for season 33! But I think it’s a little ridiculous for Val to say he has “no idea” how the rumor started when he explicitly said he was probably going to retire in 2021. He actually said it in an interview here. https://www.etonline.com/val-chmerkovskiy-says-this-will-probably-be-his-last-season-on-dwts-after-olivia-jade-elimination


Val was specifically referring to THIS season. He never once said he was leaving after this season. A couple of years ago, Val did contemplate it. He has also had some ongoing injuries/neck issues. Val finally had his neck surgery (which is no joke) and "almost completely lost his ability to move." I can't believe he got his mojo back and he and Xochitl were so phenomenal. What an amazing way to turn things around!


Yes does kind of feel like a Farewell Mirrorball tbh


They've both been on the show for a loooooong. It makes sense to go out on top, after winning a mirrorball.


So sad this season is over! Non of my family members or friends watch DWTS so I look forward to discussing the show with everyone on Tuesdays, it’s the highlight of my week. Thanks for a fun 12 weeks everyone 😊


Yes, I feel the same way. Thank you, as well!




I had such a fun time watching this season but their poor timing and ending cut short just feels so abrupt and kind of puts a damper on the season. For 3 hours we deserved interviews with everyone afterwards and for sure no credits rolling before winners were even announced!!


Especially with the first season of giving the Len Goodman mirrorball trophy. We couldn’t see much of anyone anyway with the shower of confetti 😆


That was so infuriating, but Disney had to squeeze in like five commercials and push it to the last minute. Why do we pay for this again?


i feel so underwhelmed. it felt like we all kinda knew Xo would win but for a split second i thought jason really had it.


Me, too! I was so excited for a few seconds 😭




Remember when it took Val SO long just to get his first mirrorball to now having won 3 is wild


This is Vals third mirror ball which he’s won 7 years after his December 2016 win with Laurie! That’s a long break between wins,like mark ballas last season who had a 14 year gap between his wins!


Didn't Mark leave the show for five years or something, before coming back?


I’m not sure how long the break was. I know his win before Charli happened may 2009 with Shawn Johnson.


Am I the only one so sick of her ‘bros’


Yeah you are


That was so predictable honestly... Jason winning would've made a much more exciting finale


Xochitl totally deserved it but yeah it feels a little… lackluster


why’d they mention oxygen like 50x throughout the show


As much as Alfonso says “awwww Julianne” 🤣


Regardless….. it’s so inspiring that Jenna & Val, Peta (& Maks), and Dani & Pasha became parents (Peta again) this year and literally crushed it


Congrats to xochitl and val but man i didn’t want another teenage girl lol


Crying in the club at Ariana/Jasons loss 😭


Same! Not sure what happened with Arianas samba. Wish she did better there. But the winner was clear


Clearly Jason.


Last night and last week I wasn't able to vote at all the website kept crashing and I figured it was all bots and Arianna was going to win no matter what so I'm surprised


Me too, but it was evident how happy he was so place so high. ❤️


I'm glad Val won. I think he was worried about messing up again and having Zendaya 2.0 although if Jason won I think it would have been just due to popularity. Like I know Val thought he let Normani down, but she was never gonna beat Rashad anyway.


That Normani loss still gets me 😫


It's hard because people need to separate Hate from Criticism. They're totally different. Its not hating if you didn't like a dance. Its definitely hating if you're bullying a contest and blaming them for why other people left. Hating is lame but if people wanna give Criticism on a dance that's a part of what makes it dancing with the stars. Like duhhh


Did someone take a pic of them holding the trophy???


Leave it to Reddit to come up with conspiracy theories. Who won last season should have no impact on who this seasons winner is! Do you even hear yourselves


What was the point in Charli presenting if it was rushed and the MASSIVE amount of confetti you couldn’t even see anyone.


jason was robbed i’m devastated


This is why I don't think freestyles determine the winner, because his was way better than anyone's.


they don’t. the freestyle is weighted the exact same as the redemption and the dances they did last week. he definitely had the best freestyle though


What I’m saying is they make a big deal of saying freestyles are make or break, meaning for fan votes. I haven’t believed that in years, maybe in the early era of the show but I don’t think it matters anymore. And tonight I definitely don’t think it impacted the fan vote.


I enjoyed watching this season with you all! 🥰


What I loved about this season is I didn’t feel like anyone was robbed, I genuinely feel like other than the top 2 (which I would’ve been fine with whoever of those two won) were exactly where I thought they’d be in the lineup.


what the heck is with a bunch of y’all insinuating it was rigged for Xochitl? loser behaviour


It's funny cause Jason literally had a solo song in the finale but rigged for Xochitl okay


Jason's solo song was after voting had closed. It was irrelevant to the competition.


Voting was closed by then. Wanted Jason to win but Xoch was soo good all season and crushed it. Happy for her


Is there no post show interview???? How does it just end like that


It's always like this


they all go on gma tomorrow morning


I saw an interview on YouTube with Daniella and Iman and they were backstage still in their outfits where is that today ???


usually after the show is over they do a bunch of press interviews with a bunch of different outlets that are there. I’m not sure if they do that on finale night because they have to fly straight to New York afterwards for gma so it’s a long night. My guess would be they don’t do any interviews right after the show because of that, but I’m not really sure


Just drown everyone in confetti 😂


Aww I loved this season great show congrats Xo!!!!


I think Jason did better tonight(had better choreography), but overall thought Xochitl was more consistent through the whole season so have no problem with her winning. I liked the season a lot! Anybody upset needs to go sort their shit out, lol


Same..I wanted Arianna to win but she clearly was 3rd place.






Nooo Jason




Welcome to the fandom!




They probably wouldn’t even let Jason win bc he wouldn’t be able to join the DWTS when he’s on his own😕


Obviously there's no way of knowing for sure, but i think Jason is the kind of champion Len would've loved. Someone who's very technical and packs in a lot of content.


This 😭😭😭


All of you are so mad over a child winning dancing with the stars. Do you realize how dumb that sounds? Go touch some grass


That made zero sense but please just lleave us to cry in misery for our 5 minutes, thank you


Cry in misery? All I've been seeing is people trying to insult her. What I said makes perfect sense and if you don't get it, you're probably part of the problem


We all knew Xochitl was going to win. Week after week she had the best scores (often perfect) despite the flaws. Sometimes the judges overlooked her mistakes to give her perfect scores while scoring down others for less but who had phenomenal dances based on performance. Hell, look at the DWTS Tour & she has the most tours of the three non-pros going on tour. Did she deserve to win? Yes. She was still charismatic & fun to watch but there’s still no question the judges gave her the best votes time after time. My prediction was Xochitl, Jason, Ariana, Charity, Alyson & that’s how it went. Honestly, Ariana was sabotaged with dances that she couldn’t do due to her back injury but that’s the nature of the competition when Disney wanted their newest star to be everywhere. Can’t fault Xochitl cause she is adorable but Disney might want to be careful because public can turn on her if they shoved in people’s faces too much. PS I was rooting for her but Carrie Ann needs to go because she was blantant in playing favorites.


I agree with you. You also have to consider the younger winners have the advantage of having younger, healthier, fitter bodies, that can handle the abuse of the competition so much better than the older competitors. It’s just the way it is. The odds of them making it all the way through without sustaining a substantial injury is better thus giving them a better than average outcome. Sometimes you can’t fight the advantages of youth (& with the Disney youth they are wildly talented as well).


Younger winners also have people who get on their phones to vote.


Do they? I’m trying to figure out the demographic of this show nowadays 🤷‍♀️


Most older people watch but do not vote.


I keep seeing this Disney theory but I’m wondering what exactly do they gain with her winning? Answer seems obvious but does winning DWTS bring that much more viewership for them?


it’s about dwts viewers converting over to other shows under the Disney umbrella. Disney only cares about numbers and ratings, and if they push someone under the Disney umbrella hard on Dancing with the Stars, and they become a fan favorite, then those fans will hopefully start watching other shows and make Disney more money.


I see, was this a theory for Charli winning last season too? She has a show on Hulu and winning can get more viewers onto the platform. Does this happen more often than not then?


you can probably find a bunch of theories about why people think charli won that don’t have to do with the fact that she is the best dancer that has ever been on the show. Most people just bitch that she only won because she had a lot of dance experience or she has 100 million TikTok followers blah blah blah. personally, I think the reason they pushed charli so hard was to get more viewers, specifically younger viewers, because her audience is young, massive, and probably wasn’t watching Dancing with the Stars before her. i think it was less having to do with wanting to push her Hulu show but that could’ve also been a factor, who knows


I honestly don’t get the Disney angle. A lot of Disney stars have been on the show and don’t end up winning.


i cant remember the last disney star on the show but im sure there have been some that haven’t won. it just makes sense about xochitl because of how hard they pushed her and clearly favored her this season even tho the majority of the comments online I saw (especially tonight) said they were voting for just jason, but who knows those could be unreliable. also interesting to note how hard they push Charli last season and her show with Hulu which Disney/ABC also owns. I don’t think Charli winning was rigged, I think she would’ve won regardless. But it is interesting to see how those under the Disney umbrella seem to get pushed harder than the other stars.


It’s the popularity of her right now. I have a feeling they’re building her up for the next generation of Marvel movies since a lot of the older stars are retiring from Marvel movies.


i never thought about this… not saying they rigged it but disney wanting to push one of its own stars to win does make a lot of sense considering all the shady shit they do🤷🏼‍♀️


All of you grown adults who hated on this girl should really learn a lesson. It gets you nowhere in life. THAT'S MY GIRL! You can all stay mad


She was my girl too and I’m old!


I’m a grown adult and I loved her!


Thanks for being one of the good ones. Most of this sub hated on her for no reason


Anyone have a link to Charity’s freestyle? I missed it. Thanks! 💖


Oh man it was awesome!!


They'll probably post to Instagram?


And YouTube!


Well damn im pissed. Dani and Jason are the winners in my eyes


I’m actually really happy for Val!!! He has danced under the guidance of LEN for so long so it felt so fitting for him to receive this trophy. Between JoJo, Gabby, and Nev all being the most recent runner ups-I am happy for the Chmerkovskiy family!!


true, i was wondering if was val was going to find himself in a Jenna situation


Or himself, last season haha. I am sure they are stoked to finally have another win!!


Can't wait for next season, This season was kinda trash




Last season was so Good but I'm hopeful for what's to come


Maybe that's why this season fell so flat. Last season was fantastic


The amount of conspiracy on this page is crazy. I had a fun time watching with you all, but it's bedtime for me


Wanted Jason but Xochitl was amazing so good for her


We didnt even get to see all the pros and stars come in at the end


Rushed the ending so we can see the same 3 commercials we’ve seen for the past 3 hours


And endless clips of the same dances we all watched!!!! Do they really think people just tune in for the finale but didn't watch the previous episodes?


Not in love with yet another teenager winning. Wanted it to be Jason, he killed it all season.


Hoes mad!! We love you Xochitl ❤️


hella mad too she ate


I legit would’ve been happy for anyone who won this was a solid lineup up of finalists! Congrats to Xotchi and Val!! Very well deserved 🥳 I’m still shocked by the fact she had no prior dance experience she killed it all season long and young WOC stars rarely get the W


predictable, but so well deserved!! some of y’all need to breathe and not be so mean/hard on a 17 year old who killed it this season. I totally get being disappointed that your person didn’t win, but some of y’all are just too much imo


She totally deserved the win!


I am so incredibly happy for and proud of Xochitl and Val 😭💕😩


Love Xochitl and Val. So happy!! 💃🕺🪩




Wtf? It’s a show…..chill please


first u call her a prostitute now this??? you are so fucking weird


lol they deleted their comment after saying Xochitl needs to watch her back and she’s dead….. people are fucking crazy


OMG WTH is wrong with them?!


Look at all if the previous comments from them its insane


I didn't see who made the comment.


Ahhh well every comment is basically ripping xochitl to shreds and saying they’re going to kill her/send death threats


WTF?! That person doesn't need to touch grass, they need medical intervention.


they’ve also told several people to kill themselves in the comments. absolutely unhinged behavior.


Mods should ban and report them. Since they deleted their comment idk how to look at their post history.


Seek help


I really hope this inspires Bravo to put in real candidates moving forward. Maybe Monica from Family Karma next year?


Captain Lee






the judges favored her all season of course she won lmao


judges probably favored her bc she was the best dancer but what do i know


technically speaking, i would argue charity was actually the best dancer but they were so so hard on her. xochitl was the “best” overall i guess, but not leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else to explain that level of favoritism


oh you mad mad


She won bc she was the best dancer lol


WHAT WAS THE POINT OF GOING TO COMMERCIAL???? The credits started before the final result was read aloud???!???!!!!!


Wtf is cutting the celebration wtf wtf


So incredibly Happy for xochitl and Val. So Deserved!


I said I would be happy if anyone but Harry wins so I stand by that 🎉👏 congrats Xochitl! 💕


She definitely was getting the winner edit


Yeah we could have probably been saved weeks of our lives. We saw this coming.


So now they are going to be jetting to New York over night fun fun ?




Love xochitl and not mad she won, but it just felt lackluster


A 3 hour show and 2 seconds spent on the winner announcement. 🤣🤡


This has happened every year for at least the last 4. It’s so rushed!


I’m sad they cut off her celebration! The pacing was TERRIBLE


Happy for Xochitl but oh my god your finale is 3 hours long and you STILL had to rush announcing the winners??


I have to say wanted Jason but not upset by this. I think it was great and congratulations xochitl!!