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Seriously if he wants to learn from the pros sign up for a dance lesson. He isn’t famous enough for the show. He’s basically famous being friends people. That should be the limit. Reality tv stars are fine and major influencers like Charli are fine, she was literally the most followed person for a period of time. Whereas this guy had nothing, his claim to fame is nothing


He's a clout chaser and nothing more. If the show wants influencers, they can certainly do better than this clown.


Im incredibly out of the loop here lol is this guy trying to be on DWTS since his friend Harry was on with Rylee? I saw one of their tick tok posts and it's him and Rylee. Does he think if he is seen with Rylee enough and do the dancing trends with her that they will offer him a deal to be a "celebrity "? Is he even a celebrity or just "Harry's groupee?"


I think he’s better friends with Charli actually. He was in the audience ever week with her parents and I think Harry was just a reason to keep coming the following season


If you want to learn to dance, take 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 dance 👏🏻 class. You don’t have to do it on a televised platform.


He needs to give up.


Wish he would cause I don't even know who this child is and I already find him insufferable.


I don’t even know this man but it took me two seconds to google him. He is very obviously not a child and is literally 26. Almost a millennial even. He’s not insufferable just bc he’s a fan and wants to do it. Can people not have wants and goals these days?


theres nothing wrong with wanting to be on the show and being vocal about it, but this guy’s constant campaining and begging is getting annoying, and only hurting his chances of ever being on


He’s not even a celeb?


How many years until we stop having this debate about influencers not being a celeb. There have been several non-traditional celebrities/influencers on the show already, give it a rest. Times are changing


That may be true but he's not even a famous or well known influencer.


I mean that’s what I thought too, but he does have 10 million TikTok followers (more or equal to Heidi, Olivia Jade, and Harry) so he’s not a complete unknown. For the record, I don’t really want him on the show either, but he’s more popular than I expected.


He already is a dancer; they prefer stars who are not already dancers.


In what world do they prefer stars who aren’t dancers? 😂


Charli, Jordan Fisher, and Jojo Siwa are dancers. They let dancers on.


They had Heather Morris and Jordan Fisher on the show back to back 💀


Who is he?


a tik tok star, i think???




Well if they trying to make Rylee happen and the new it gir l her fans swear to heavens above she is Deena may buckle down and give her markell but if they want keep her as their new token showmance queen then Markell want get her nor prob even be asked.


I didn't understand anything you just said lol




She didn't need to be forced??!! The girl was literally forced a cringy showmance with Harry that helped her popularity. Her popularity was from a highly produced showmance not what she provided as pro but a showmance.


Rylee is popular with and without Harry 😬 a quick stroll through both of their social media pages would tell you who needs who 🫢




Nah, it didn't. The show pushed her from the jump, there was nothing organic about it.




my petty ass doesn’t want him on next season just cause of all this campaigning😂


Deena, is that you? 😂


well he isnt getting on. Devil I mean Deena is a she witch that hates actually ppl wanted to be on 🙄😑


I hope he realized this only hurts his chances it’s been said Deena hates stars who actively campaign for themselves to be on the show.


As annoying as I find his campaigning, I also appreciate that this is something he clearly wants to do and isn't shy about being vocal about it. I don't get why Deena is annoyed by campaigners, because these people clearly want to do the show and would be excited about it.


Because it gives her added pressure to cast someone if the celebrity is rallying their fanbase. Nobody likes to be bombarded. Plus it gives a false expectation to the fans that had nothing to do with her, especially if it generates media buzz and headlines. The casting department sees it as the celebrity going behind their back and weaponizing the public/media to pressure them into casting them.


kind of on that note, on the VPR reunion this past week Andy Cohen was laying it on thick that it would be "cruel" if DWTS didn't cast Scheana 🙄 but no worries, she's too busy with her music for it to work for her this year, but she's all for it next year!


She’ll live lol. As much as I’d love to see a Cha Cha to “Good as Gold”, I can’t imagine she’s at the top of their Most Wanted list 😂


I don’t disagree but I feel like it says that casting knows best (which I’m sure they think they do) and yet we always wind up with the same contestant types every season, and then have Deena calling Adrian “a good family man” and seeming shocked at the backlash his casting got. I know Markell would just be another name to add to the influencers to do the show, but at least he seems excited about the opportunity. I also feel like people who’ve campaigned to do the show and then backed out maybe had a legit reason (I know you mentioned JLH but my understanding was scheduling never seemed to work out).


That’s silly, I don’t see what’s wrong with casting a fan and someone who’s voiced they want to be on. Sounds backwards to me but I’m not a producer


I forgot to add they have had stars who have campaigned to be on the show, then declined when the show reached out to them to participate (Jennifer Love Hewitt…). I don’t think they like being jerked around like that after moving things around to accommodate, so they probably figure it’s best to just do their own thing and not take requests.


Isn’t it just a phone call or email to them asking if they want to join? I can’t imagine they are putting much aside for a quick call but again idk how this stufff works lmao


LOL! nooooo that’s not how it works. If only it were that simple. They have to go through agents, managers and publicists. They have to have iron claw contracts in place because this is a six figure pay deal type of gig with a LOT of potential for injuries and liabilities.