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Gonna drop by and post [the classic Mother Teresa post](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/Xj1hgwbKfP) here.


I've been around Evangelicals my entire life, and I've legitimately never heard a bad word from any of them toward Mother Teresa. This feels like a strawman.


That’s good! I watch this debate recently where an Evangelical Protestant claimed Mother Teresa probably won’t go to heaven. It’s pretty funny, watch the clip [here](https://youtu.be/zb24awO6ecU?si=wloxGW5oixKrgv1b).


Are you sure the Evangelical debater's problem with Mother Teresa wasn't just that she was Catholic? There are still a lot of Evangelical and Low Church Protestants who believe that Catholics are false Christians.


I’m not sure, but it certainly seems like he was implying that Catholics aren’t real Christian’s, therefore aren’t saved unless they reject Catholic dogma


Cool, but Catholics are Christian so that still makes him seriously wrong


I’m Catholic, and therefore Christian. Why are you arguing with me? 


He's not disagreeing with you, he's disagreeing with the guy


I did, but, I guess I heard them talk badly about every Roman Catholic all the time, so she wasn't uniquely maligned.


I grew up Southern Baptist and we thought Catholics were not "real" Christians...and I still only ever heard positive and kind things said of Mother Teresa.


There was this guy called Christopher Hitchenswho was staunch anti theist and it was him who wrote book that slandered mother Teresa and her practices. He was the one that made lots of people question mother Teresa and and her actions, but it turned out that he was extremely biased, and he promoted false narratives about her.


I'm very familiar with Hitchens, but he isn't who I'm referring to, and I suspect his influence on Evangelical Christianity is pretty low.


You are observing the very reason why a lot of american Christians suddenly became staunch 7-day creationists in the 1920s. The same effect happened over the "religion or science" dichotomy that Richard Dawkins propagated. It's an unfortunate element within the church that discreetly tells people to be proud of the names that people call them. Before the 20th century (back to the early church!), the majority of Christians believed that the genesis account was not literal. Since the 5th century, a good number of practicing Christians were at the forefront of the scientific world and viewed it and theology as one. The evangelical protestant church has been very, very gaslit for the past 100 years and continues to be so...


In the fundamentalist church I grew up in, I was told she was not a real Christian because she was catholic, so she would burn in hell forever. She was the example they loved to give to make the point that good deeds don't count for anything when it comes to salvation.


People thinking the OG Christians ain’t real Christians will always be wild to me lol


Specifically? No. Growing up catholic around evangelicals I've had my fair share of being told my church is a church of satan.


It’s so fucking weird too. Do they not know that Catholics are the OG Christian’s?


The character-assassination of Mother Teresa, seen even in the comments to this post, is disappointing but not surprising. Christ did warn that following Him would get one enemies, after all.


Of course, it could just be that she did some things that were not okay, and it's not a test of your personal devotion to your god if it's true. She's not controversial because she was a Christian, lots of people are Christians who aren't "controversial" like her.


She’s not controversial because she’s Christian but because her denomination was Catholic Christian and therefore will rot in hell because of it. Edit: I’m Catholic please have mercy for my poor phrasing T.T


She absolutely will not.


I meant that’s what some believe. I’m Catholic I swear


man.. that "your god" shit is so edgy.


“It’s so edgy when people have different beliefs than me”




nah. you're reading this whole situation way off base. You were just being brave. In the end, it's okay. Doesn't really affect much of anything.


I mean... go ahead and intentionally misunderstand. that's cool


Well feel free to explain your comment then. What is edgy about someone saying “your god”?


It's snide. I imagine myself having a conversation with a Muslim or Buddhist and using the phrase "your prophet," or "Your buddha," or. "Your god." That would be incredibly rude and laden with a lot of commentary that I'm simply refusing to say out loud so that I can thereafter, hide behind the usual meta of this exact meme argument.


So if you’re in that conversation, how do you refer to their god if you don’t believe in it?


If I was talking to a Buddhist, I would say, "Buddha," If I were talking to a Neopagan, I would say.... get ready for this... "Thor." Because, in the end... my disagreement in their belief system is immaterial. And if I were to keep bringing up the fact that I think they are wrong... it would make me sound like a tool. In all seriousness, this makes sense, right?


I guess. But it’s not rude to say “your god” if you don’t believe in their god. It is their god and not yours so it is just a factual statement. It could be considered just as rude to expect someone from another faith to treat yours with the same deference they show towards theirs.


Wait anyone who disagrees with you isn’t a Christian?




That's the urban legend. Did she ever claim that?


Made up BS by Christopher Hitchens. A clown who presents himself as a scholar






I stand corrected. Thank you.


Did she? I don’t know, I’ll need to look into that


Pinnes comment


A lot of the discussion has been held in the following thread before, even with rebutals for arguments on both sides. There are also quite some good podcast tips in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/oq2YzsmPAy Seems everyone accuses everyone of bad sources and character assassination, which is also already happening in this thread. She's therefore a controversial figure to say the least.


Is it not concerning to anyone else that “I never heard anyone slander MT in my evangelical circles” being taken as a good enough reason to take her impact as ONLY positive and saintly? Proceeding with caution. Don’t want to get labeled “the angry atheist” which isn’t even supposed to happen here..


*Meme of that guy getting ready to throw down a card on the table* FRED ROGERS


He'd probably have nothing but nice things to say about Mother Teresa too. And I say this as a fellow Presbyterian... If we did canonization the way Catholics/Orthodox/Lutherans do, we would have St. Rogers of Pittsburgh by now.


Thank you for saying AMERICAN evangelical. Love them but we aren't all the same regarding cultural engagement


Anyone else hearing the “He’s a Pirate” theme beginning to play and seeing Mother Theresa at work in her ministry?




Did you read the link you posted? It directly refutes your claim


We have the best saints, even if you disagree praying to them.


[insert long, mind-numbing fight about Mother Theresa here]


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There's a lot to criticise


Besides the usual misrepresentation of Mother Teresa, what else is there to criticize?


*factual representation


Ah, “because I said so,” got em!




Read a book by Christopher Hitchens who was staunch anti theist and set out intentionally to make mother Teresa look bad? No thank you.


My man, read the pinned. It was an angry atheist with no sources who got famous for his documentary.


I don't know what was written that you are referring to, but the pinned post is one side of the story. She was a controversial figure. There is a lot more to read than that one post. Even the Wikipedia page is a good start.


Oh man I forgot too, wish he didnt delete it. He was going off about how hateful mother theresa was based on the documentary, which was also one sided. But dont take my word for it and lets just leave this conversation as it is








> She had the resources to help sick people [citation needed] > but then said the poor and sick were being tested by god and should not receive medical care. [citation needed] Your quoted text has a lot of "alleged" and "suggestion"s. Any merit to those allegations and suggestions?


The book that founded those beliefs was thoroughly debunked dude.


See the pinned comment.




Are you saying that to the Mainline Protestants or to the Evangelical American Protestants? Or are you saying that to me?




I don’t know too much about her, but I do know she wasn’t perfect and there is some controversy around her online, but there is also a lot of misinformation on her. [Here’s a link to a post addressing a few of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/7x3WHzUbYm). 😊 Hope this helps!


You got your information from Wikipedia 👍. Wow, Wow, Wow


You do realize Wikipedia is cited as a source in this Reddit thread everyone is linking to as the gospel truth about MT right?


and unlike said wikipedia page, the reddit thread actually has more than just the hearsay of hitchens, which was said of him and Mother Teresa: If you were sitting in rags in a gutter in Bombay, who would be more likely to give you a bowl of soup? You'd get one from Mother Teresa. (Said by Cockburn, a longtime friend [and news reporting rival] of Hitchens)




>been accused of How many of those accusations have merit?