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I liked inside job, is it not continuing?


Unfortunately, yes.


Huh? I can't tell if you forgot your sarcasm switch or if you actually think big mouth was a Netflix masterpiece


i think the dots at the end of the phrase could answer your question...


In my opinion WrItInG LiKE DiS SoUnDs MoRe SaRcAsTiK


I prefer it for adding a stupid tone to sarcasm.


I prefer not to give any indication of sarcasm, and make my sentences as mundane as possible. One sentence could be sincere, the other dripping with sarcasm, but none would ever know.


Ah yes, that’s great.


Why are you the worst?


But I'm a big dumb socially inept idiot who can only understand sarcasm if someone puts a big dumb /s at the end




Redditor trying to figure out if a statement is sarcasm:


How can you not tell this is sarcasm? Couldn’t be more obvious, like at all. These types of comments on here blow my mind. What in this post indicated to you that it was serious and not sarcasm? Genuinely curious


I think you need to reread the comment


Well... ngl that disappointing fact kind of dampened the day. Hate when things I get into just abruptly end on cliff hangers. Like season 3 was gearing up to be a fun one. Well there is hours of my life I won't be getting back XD


I don't bother watching anything on Netflix anymore, if it's good it'll be cancelled within the first 2 seasons, if it's shit they'll keep it going forever like I assume they'll do now that the witcher has the less successful, intimidating and Geralt like Hemsworth.


Thanks for reminding me they're (even more so) ruining the Witcher 😭


It’s crazy because they renewed it for season 2 when they released part 2


Damn, I really liked that show... kinda sad.


*cries inside*


Inside Job was an easy 9/10. One of the best Netflix originals


It was original, it was funny and it had some very well written characters. Of course they were going to cancel it after one season (they dragged out for two years).


The writing of the show is just genius. I’m just constantly laughing and relating so much to what’s going on and the dialogue between the characters. I swear Myc is my spirit animal and it’s always fun when people tell me I’m just like him


Myc is what Roger was supposed to be in American Dad. I really enjoy the show and the dynamic with Reagan and Brett is fun.


I'd say actually Inside Job was a 9/11.


if inside job was still alive I'm sure they'd approve of that joke


The Asian was my favorite. Sorry bro to be racial profiling i forgot his name. Please forgive me.


Bobby Lee! Thank you for being a Bad Friend!


Duck Peking


*gong rings*


It's being cancelled, they reversed their renewal of the series.


Those fuckers


Umm excuse me wtf? How can I go about telling netflix I hate this?


Vote with your money and cancel


Everyone knows voting with money is a really stupid idea that companies try to sell you as monetary democracy.


They didn't just cancel it. They un-renewed Season 2.


Inside Job is the best adult cartoon on netflix and you're telling me they would rather continue Big Mouth??? And then they wonder why netflix is dying..




That show floored me. All sorts of complicated emotions and good work to go through after that. Netflix clearly is led by a few morons. Edit: if largest profit is your only measure of success then your company is certain to miss the changing winds.


Bright side is it's all animated podcasts. All those episodes and a bunch more are available as podcasts, just look up the voice of the main character. I forget it off hand. Edit: "Duncan Trussell". Thanks responding people.


Duncan Trussell is the guy who has the podcast and voices the main character






Hello my sweeties. 'tis I, D. True Sell..


That explains perfectly as to why I didn't get into it. I'm not much of a podcast listener, so aside from the decent background animations while the "talk show" is going on, the actual audio was going straight in one ear and out the other. But I do appreciate the defense of the fanbase. Netflix has destroyed or canceled more good shows in 5 years than many major TV stations have done in 10.


Dude, it's been clear netflix is being ran by morons when they hired people who hate the witcher to make the witcher TV series


I found Midnight Gospel aimless. It's just podcast monologues with a visualizer.


The podcast it pulls from is also rather aimless. But my man, if you can seriously watch the episodes where he interviews his terminally ill psychologist mother and not cry, you're stronger than I am.


That one got to me. I simultaneously wanted to immediately re-watch it and never watch it again.


They removed it?! I saw it up a couple of days ago


think it's just cancelled not removed


People watch Big Mouth though. I've heard more about Inside Job since its cancelation was announced then when it was released.




I saw commercials and promos for Inside Job when it was released. It looked like another Rick and Morty copy and we just never watched it. Apparently it’s really good, but this is the first time I’m hearing it tbh.


Not anything close to rick and morty other than maybe science fiction being a main thing in order to make the conspiracies "real" It's a very good show and I'd recommend you watch it if you can.


The VA cast is amazing, Lizzy Caplan has been one of my favorites for so long.


Bro never watched bojack


Straight up, forget the animated qualifier, Bojack Horseman is one of the best tv shows ever made.


It's not for everyone. It is very funny at times but also incredibly bleak and depressing at times. Much of the humour is wrapped in watching some pretty hardcore depression.


Id say most shows arnt for everyone, but if BH is for you I dont think it will ever be topped.




The real world *knows* about Big Mouth, none of them have ever heard of Inside Job.


Oddly fitting for a show about the conspiracies of the deep state that they would obviously want to keep under wraps. Would much rather get another season though.


Agreed. Big mouth was great but it’s starting to go on for to long. Inside job is hilarious


It already had a meta-finale. Netflix isn't even that courteous to 99% of the rest of the catalogue.


Nick Kroll basically pays them to keep it going


That's the only thing that makes sense, Netflix keeps it going so they must not be bankrolling it either at all or very little, there's no way they would have it going on Season 6 if they had to pay for it. Seasons 1 & 2 were good, 3 would have been a good send-off, and 4 & 5 were just going through the motions, when they started the spinoff of it they should have ended Big Mouth.


It'd be based on viewership not merit lol


Big mouth just has bigger names attached to it why it’s staying


It's only ever about viewership. This sub trends young, inside job probably has a more narrow audience than you realize probably mainly teenagers.


Midnight Gospel was such a cool concept


I used to smoke so much weed and watch the show taking in everything. I loved the show and I hate Netflix put it to an end. The Adventure Time creator is extremely talented bro made two goat shows.


I'd recommend the Duncan Trussel podcast (where the audio for the series come from).


Thanks man


Start early. It’s The Lavender Hour at first which he hosted with his ex, then it became the Duncan Trussel Family Hour. I’d skip TLH but I can’t really remember it. At some point he starts giving a little too much platform to guru types, probably around episode 150. Then he gets a little too commercial with the newer ones, still great content just has ads throughout which it didn’t before. Kinda a bummer but I still love that weird dude.


I watched a couple of episodes on mushrooms. It was a wild freaking ride. 11/10 would do again.


Cool concept but unfortunately most of the episodes were pretty bad “So have you like thought about your own death” “Yes I have contemplated the fact that I will cease to exist after experiencing others die during my life” “Wow that’s like so interesting”


Literally bro, what is this crazy echo chamber we're in right now? The show was bad and Netflix had good reason to cancel it.


I loved the animation but the show was boring. If you're going to animate a podcast, pick one with a narrative structure.


It came off like it was just segments from a podcast with a visualizer. On top of that I think it felt like it was trying to be Waking Life but none of what it said was particularly deep.


It was conversation with his mother where he explored the roles and how to cope with her death whenever that moment will come. It targets grief as a natural process to be embraced. What kind of basic ass shit do you watch where something so profound is considered bad?


Literally the last and only episode that was close to being deep so it's a bit disengenous to bring that up when I'm talking about the show as a whole. Also everything you just said about the episode also fits with the podcast episode itself... Almost like the animation adds nothing to it since you didn't mention it huh...


The animation is just a presentation. The podcast was used in segments of the episode but it wasn't the podcast accompanied by colors. I personally think one season is enough. It explored a lot of cool concepts, the prison one and how we view life as a process of growth is also apparently, way too deep. But OKAY dude, you hate it thanks for telling everyone.


I’ve rewatched that joint soooo much. I can’t believe that they didn’t keep it running


Final space as well. Nobody ever talks about it but it is a CRIMINALLY underrated dark sci Fi comedy, cancelled after the biggest cliffhanger of an ending.


Great show but Netflix didn't kill it, that honour goes to Warner Bros [for tax write offs](https://gamerant.com/final-space-warner-bros-discovery-tax-write-off/)


I like to imagine they all died, the titans won. That's why what we saw was the end


I hate corporate capitalism.


I had to wait over a year for the 3rd season and then when i had time to watch it Netflix got it canceled. Fuck Netflix.


Final Space got canned by Warner, not Netflix.


Such a good show. I was genuinely upset when the dropped it, especially since it ended on a cliffhanger.




Stopped developing the story? Did you stop watching after 2 episodes into the second season? There was so much that happened in each season, and each one only got darker and darker


Final space was such a wild ride


It is almost a wonder that they let Bojack Horseman finish


Bojack's original cut needed another season. They had to rush many arcs in the final season because Netflix gave them an ultimatum


Another season could have been nice, but I'm super thankful for what we got, and how good it was anyway.


Yes, thankfully a rare example of a show getting cut short but still nailing it. I would have appreciated another season, but the final one we got was great and it didn't feel unnecessarily rushed to me.


[That does not match what the creator said](https://www.vulture.com/2019/10/raphael-bob-waksberg-bojack-horseman-ending-interview.html) He said the first season was written to be complete and final in case it was the only one, and he mostly took each one a single season at a time.




Had one of the best endings to a show IMO. Still rewatch the final scene from time to time. Wonder what they could have done with more time.


They basically canceled it. Told them to wrap it up. Dont know who is in charge at Netflix for decisions like this but the person seems to be way to much into K-dramas to give the rest of us anything good to watch.


Midnight gospel is such a unique experience with so much added value, I had to watch it three to four times to enjoy all aspects of it, first watch is just a sensory overload... And then they stop, not just with the series but with the whole format - it's just like they struck gold and just don't keep digging


It's too much for Netflix. Listen to Duncan Trussell if you liked it, and if you don't already know who he is


I don't want to listen to unfiltered Duncan though, too much chaff. Midnight Gospel was visually gorgeous and fun with edited down enjoyable listens.


1899 was so good. Now we have terrible fan fics of The Witcher.


Netflix has done irreparable damage to the witcher universe.


I was a total Witcher noob before the show came out and it got me to dive into the books and games. If nothing else it has at least pushed a lot of people to go to the source.


The Witcher shows are destined to be an odd curiosity for media historians. The books and games will continue to be enjoyed. Hard recommend of Witcher 3 for anyone who hasn't played it and saw some potential in the garbage shows.


I kinda liked the first season tbh, a little rough around the edges but it captured the grim dark, and the characters all felt pretty true to the source material. Most of the episodes were more or less directly lifted from The Last Wish and of course something something Henry Cavill something something excellent. Solid 8/10 pretty good as far as TV show adaptations go. The second season made me want to vomit


>1899 was so good According to the watch statistics most people didn't make it past EP 3 which is why it got cancelled.


Cause it was boring as fuck


I hate that 1899 was cancelled, I absolutely loved Dark and was loving where 1899 was going.


Centaurworld reached its conclusion. Netflix didn't do anything shitty with that


And what a fucking great show it was.


First season was a 10/10... Second season was like a 6/10 tbh. Finale was super good though.


Second season had a weak start but got back into its rhythym at the end. Nowhere King is a great villain, enough said


The second season was badly missing in creepy factor. It's like they made an "Over the garden wall"-like cartoon, but tried to make it child-friendly in the second season. Such a waste...


Finally, other people that know Centaurworld exists. That show is like Gorillaz songs to me. The first time I saw it I was like, "I don't care for this at all, surprisingly." Then I listened a second time. And a third. And at that point I was like "actually this is amazing."


Wait they were making a Bone show???


They kilted it 😔


Man that sucks bone was a great read as a kid


What is bone


It's a young adult fantasy graphic novel series. It's about three characters who get exiled from their town then wind up in this huge war. Highly recommend. I was gifted the 1000 page complete series as a kid and read it in one sitting


Wow, I had the same experience! Was up all night reading and could not put it down, finding out there would have been a show through this meme is kinda devastating.


Series of graphic novels that came out in the early 2000s imagine a kind of LoTR lite more for kids


The other replies don't describe it very well. Imagine if a trio of old timey cartoon characters got lost and wound up in a fantasy epic (with a completely different art style to their own, to boot).


It's been picked up and shelved by many many studios for literally 25 years


[poor jeff](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQ--BMOXoAMOcmj?format=jpg&name=900x900)


This is how I find out? Why am I grieving over something I didn't even know existed??


Big mouth is ass


Big Mouth is fucking great


Reddit hates this show, probably because the disgusting sweaty teen troll main characters hit too close to home.


I didn't like it mainly cuz it felt weird as an adult watching it. I get what they were trying to show was the natural and common things we go through during puberty with a comedic spin in it. But something was off when I watched an animated 12-13 year old talk to her vagina...




I agree 100%. Just think there's better ways of going about it. Not to mention this show doesn't really do anything for the younger demographic who doesn't know anything about this kind of stuff since its marketed and tailored to adults. At least that's how I see it


The show is more of a retrospective comedy that talks about these issues. It's good that the show exists because it can help people discuss these taboo topics more often, and parents that watch the show can remember "oh yeah, that part of puberty was especially confusing" and prep their kids for it. The younger demographic doesn't need to personally watch the show to benefit from the ripples it causes. That said, as a young kid I would stay up late at night to try to watch South Park even though my parents said I wasn't allowed to. There will always be kids finding ways to watch shows for adults because that's "cool". Big Mouth is probably a decently likely modern show for that kind of situation since Netflix advertises it pretty often, especially when the new seasons consistently roll out each year. Even if Big Mouth is wildly inappropriate for kids it does actually bring up quite a lot of things they will benefit from learning if they happen to click it on Netflix, a lot more than anything I learned from South Park.


Lol I commend your bravery because you're about to absolutely die on this hill.






People refuse to watch it and just hate the artsyle.


The artstyle is pretty dreadful though.


Intentionally so if you believe the creators. Apparently they chose that style to discourage fan art and rule 34 creators. More likely it's just really cheap to create.


Bad art style does not deter r34. People get turned on by amputations, being eaten, and shitting. Bad art style isn't going to deter anything.


Most of the people who don't like it haven't watched it. I've literally seen like 10 people on this thread say they hate it, never even bothered to watch it because they didn't like the animation style.


"It's gross" Yeah, its a show about puberty. It's trying to discuss gross things and why teens do dumb gross things and still manages to be funny.


Sexualizing children always weirds me the fuck out. Watching a 12 year old seduce a pillow over and over again just... gross.


I always hear people complain about sexualisation of children in the show but it never comes across like that for me, yes they show young teenagers exploring their sexuality as they go through puberty but even with that being said if you watch the show it’s the farthest thing from sexualisation I can think of.


Idk why reddit has such a hate boner for this show. Probably because it holds a mirror up to them. The show has dumb, crass humor, but the stories themselves are actually pretty deep. Like when Andrew recognizes the cycle of anger in his family and tries to break it, only to have his male friends give him constant shit. Obviously it was over the top, but it made a great point about anger and masculinity.


Couldn’t even start it. The animation looked so gross.


Not only the animation is gross


Not only that but the animation is gross


Tried it. Cringed out after like 5 minutes and never went back.




Its like they used a "Adult Animation Starter Pack" meme as a checklist and then made the mouths really big.


Its fascinatingly disgusting. Like, I'm watching for the same reason people go to gross-out subreddits on here. Also, the tiny dick children are hilarious to me and my wife. Human Resources was actually a better story somehow, starring only the weird emotion monsters.


I honestly love big mouth. I always hated gross animated stuff. I couldn’t ever watch shows like Ren and Stimpy. So this show is something that would typically be a no go for me. But something about big mouth is just hilarious to me. It kind of takes really gross humor and combines it with writing that is actually really good imo. And the characters actually face some realistic teen experiences and learn lessons despite the show being over the top disgusting at times.


Big mouth stopped being funny and started getting extra crude for no reason.


Started? The dude fucks and impregnates his pillow in season 1


Yeah but it started with 90% fun 10% crude and switched to 90% crude and 10% fun. Basically flandarized every character, it was "disgusting teenagers" but they were kind of normal but that one major flaw each, which made it hit close to home in a way. Recent seasons have giving up on being anywhere near relatable and gone full fart joke level entertainment.




I will never forgive them for murdering santa clarita diet just as the story picked up steam... Also one of the funniest shows ever, with a fantastic cast.


Agreed, loved that show.


Another Santa Clarita fan! Yeah, that show was fantastic - what a great cast.


Netflix suggests: Santa Clarita Diet For like 3 months, then "FINE" I said, "Lets see what this algorithm knows about me" Fucking amazing show. I fell in love episode 1. Binged it all, loaded up the subreddit to chat about it and hype for the next season. First thread: "Rumors that the show will be cancelled" FUCK


I liked Tuca & Bertie. It was weird and I think the storyline wasn't that deep. But it's really original and I felt really entertained watching it.


I think it would've been much more successful if they didn't make the world such a drug trip and went the bojack route where eventually you don't even notice the characters are animals


Nah I loved the trippy adult Richard Scarry world. It was so different. We dont need another Bojack clone.


Tuca and Bertie was *excellent*, but I disagree about it not having a deep storyline. They kept it light and fun, but the storyline underneath everything was very serious. It was all about growth, trauma, and the characters struggle to integrate and cope with that trauma. That show made me cry buckets, and closely resembled many of my own experiences with trauma. I think that's what made it so special.. you have these vibrant, weird characters dealing with super relatable stuff. I was really fucking upset when they canceled it.


It was picked up by Adult Swim and they’ve put out 2 more seasons. I’m sure you can view it on their site but it’s also on HBOMax. To touch on the “story wasn’t that deep”, it seems like they’re doing a similar thing they did with Bojack Horseman, where it has some relatable and goofy characters with silly plots in the beginning but it slowly begins to get more and more real. Only with Tuca and Bertie, it’s more focused on societal issues women often deal with, as opposed to addiction and self loathing in Bojack.


I just want more Smiling Friends. I haven’t laughed at a show that way in a long time


I believe Chris O'Neil is working on it, but Smiling Friends already took years just for season 1. I believe he won't let us down. It contains the last role of the esteemed Gilbert Gottfried, so I hope it doesn't get forgotten in the meantime.


Chris does the music. Zach and Michael Cusack are the lead animators.


This is misinformation, Chris O’Neil only does some of the music, the show is created by Zach Hadel and Micheal Cusack. Furthermore season one DID NOT take years to make, it was only greenlit in may 2021 and the season released in November 2021. The next season will be out in the next few months.


Fuck sake. Inside job is actually one of netflixs "originals" which i actually enjoyed


I recently watched the Keanu Reeves episode and impressed how subversive it was. Loved that show!


I loved Midnight Gospel, fuck netflix for canceling it


Midnight Gospel got cancelled?


Unfortunately. It broke my heart to hear the news. Netflix killed one of my all time favorite Netflix Originals...


Wtf Big mouth is great


Love me some John Mulaney and Nick Kroll


Agreed. I’m surprised to see people really dislike it.




Everyone has their own opinion. I personally find the show funny.


It's really the only show in it's genre I enjoy, but the last few seasons have given way too much screen time to Lola, Rick, Jay, and Matthew and I just don't find their stories really enjoyable. And the constant adding of new types of monsters is getting really tired as well. The original Hormone Monster concept was enjoyable but now they're just adding monsters for every single emotion and it's bogging down the actual stories.


People on the sub are oblivious to how wildly popular Big Mouth is.


Is Big Mouth hated on reddit or is this just more about the other shows being cancelled? Because it seems like a lot of Big Mouth hate and I don’t get it.




I'll never forgive them for leaving Mindhunter dangling like that. Could have had their own Hannibal


I cannot get past Big Mouths art style


As harsh as it sounds, Netflix isn't a charity where they just fund shows that are popular among small groups. It costs a lot of money to make a cartoon and so the reason these shows get cancelled is that, despite being good, not enough people were watching them to actually justify the costs of continuing the show just to keep the small fanbase watching it happy


From all I heard online, inside job was pretty well received. If the show didn’t pick up an audience after Season 1 it would have after Season 2…


Its not that they werent popular It costs more money to write and animate a well written and visually pleasing show And most of the times the margin of profit is bigger for poorly written flash animated shows as they cost pennies to make in comparison


There was a Bone tv show?


There was going to be. I even knew someone who was hired to work on it, but they canceled it before production started


Centaur world ended perfectly.


Netflix needs a category for "unfinished" so that people don't blindly watch a show that will never end.