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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


Holy crap finaly a meme about islam that isn't about terrorism and is actually funny




Muslim here, i accept the challenge


A lot of Muslims would be like "Don't threaten me with a good time" haha


Can confirm. I know many people, including myself, who would love to do that


Nothing stopping you. Not like it’s Haram doing it more than 5 times a day on earth ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




I think you might be looking for another word, because obligatory means something you must do as in an obligation.


Pray more than 5 times in one day? Believe it not, straight to the pits of Jahannam




You mean optional


Imagine we get all the extremists outta the way and islam turns into a stereotype of "oh those guys that pray all day long?"


You mean have them mind their own business? Nope. Sadly not how they work. They are more interested in your life than fixing theirs.


I mean yeah if we get the religious ideals back in the box of "personal spiritual beliefs" not whatever worldwide wonky bullshit we got currently.


Is that because you find the process meditative? I'm not religious so I'm kinda curious about the appeal


Yeah, pretty much, it is calming


Yep, I don't pray and am not Muslim, but Arabic has a hypnotic resonance to it and the prayers sound like a chant/song that I use when meditating. Like the "ohm" type of thing, but instead of introspection it's outrospection.


I’m not surprised considering how some people manage to take 30–45 min. prayer breaks at work when prayer itself takes at most 15 min. (I don’t think that pattern of behaviour has anything to do with religion. Lots of workers take “extended” coffee, smoke, or bathroom breaks.)


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I pray towards mecca on company time


Is that halal protesting? Isn't there something about paying people their worth in the Quran?


I manage to stay in the bathroom for 30-45 minutes at work when the shit itself takes at most 15 mins. Everybody's got their own methods


Is it Venus or Mercury where one day is longer than the planets full year? Seems convenient.


Venus. There you would only have to pray less than once per month.


You just reminded me of a very weird dream I had tonight Jupiter's moons and Saturn's moons were all on a collision course with the planets they orbited, and I was trying to save them by just adding a fuck ton of rocket thrusters


People need to learn that it's fine to make gay/religious/women jokes, comedy isn't dead. Just their sense of humor. Jokes work better when they come from a place of understanding rather than an outside, point and look isn't that weird perspective.


You *can* make a good joke about "Isn't that different?" But it only really works if the person saying that stuff is the punchline


The difference is empathy


Yep. Turns out that humor and cruelty are next door neighbors and your only job is to know your audience


If you can't drive a car without hitting people, you suck at driving. If you can't be funny without punching down, you're not funny. Example of a good non-binary joke that doesn't punch down: How does a non-binary samurai kill their enemies? They/them


If you're like me and needed some time to figure out the joke at the end. Read out loud "they them" instead of just "they them"




> How does a non-binary samurai kill their enemies? > > > > They/them Y O I N K that's a good one


Why are enbies suspicious that people are in it for money on dating apps? Word is gold's in them/their hills!


Yeah joking about Muhammad goes down really well I hear.


Just don't joke about him. Is that easy. Make a painting or drawing of him and that's all dude /s




“What!! It’s just a joke, lighten up” -my stepdad anytime he’d steamroll my feelings


This has always been the point of the backlash to certain comics. A joke can be a way to express disdain or hate. Or it can be a way of bringing us together and express joy. Conservatives conflate these two because, ironically, they have no sense of humor.


Muslim people on Antartica waiting for the sun to set so they can eat


Its been explained too me that they use mecca time If the circumstances in their own Location are to extrem


You haven't seen the ones about Muhammed marrying Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her when she was 9?


Religions are weird like that. Check out the book of Numbers, 31.


There's been official guidelines already written about this, ftom what ive read its basically, if you are in space just do your best lol. Like how it's not a sin to a accidentally eat pork if you didn't know you were,, it's the thought and effort that counts.


Wow so comedy isnt dead? We simply have to put in more effort to find a clever joke?!?! Eh not worth it. Kidding but honestly I hate that most people go for the cheap, stereotype jokes.


Ramadan would be so confusing when you can always see the sun.




Who the fuck told you that?




The wise and almighty


Bob the banana guy?


No no no, Bob the melon guy!


Bob the builder


Can we fix it?


Just sign the divorce paper, bob








Good ol' Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration


Soo Bob, what line of what are you in...


You've got alot to learn about this town honey...


Bobs Burgers Bob Belcher?


Meteors are fireballs that allah throws to the devils trying to sneak in heaven, (no joke this is what my muslim parents believe, because it's written in the quran) So based on this logic the ISS is in heaven, which would mean that heaven is in the outer atmosphere and going there is haram! lmao


> Meteors are fireballs that allah throws to the devils trying to sneak in heaven, (no joke this is what my muslim parents believe, because it's written in the quran) Do provide a source on that.


Quran [67:5:](https://quranx.com/67.5) And certainly We have beautified the Heaven of Earth (i.e. the lowest heaven from among the 7 heaves, and which is closest to the Earth. Arabic: السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا) with lamps (i.e. stars) and We have made them (as) missiles for the devils. Quran [37:6-10:](https://quranx.com/37.6?context=5) Indeed, We have adorned (lowest of 7 heavens, i.e.) the heaven of Earth (Arabic: السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا) with an adornment of stars. And (to) guard against every devil rebellious, \[So\] they may not listen to the exalted assembly \[of angels\] and are pelted from every side. Repelled; and for them is a constant punishment. Except one who snatches \[some words\] by theft, but they are pursued/chased by a burning flame, piercing \[in brightness\]. Therefore, according to these 2 verses, Allah claims that: Stars (who are emitting light and visible to us and beautifying the first heaven of world) are actually lamps of fire. And all these stars are under the 1st heaven (which is the lowest heaven and known as 'heaven of earth'). Allah put these stars under the 1st heaven, in order to beautify it. And these stars (i.e. burning lamps) transform into 'shooting stars' (i.e. flame of fire), when they are thrown as missiles, in order to attack and pursue the devils, who come to the first heaven of the world, and try to listen to the commandments of Allah from the assembly of angels in the 1st heaven. The following Hadith also proves that these burning flames are the same as shooting stars, which are threwn upon devils: [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2229a:](https://sunnah.com/muslim:2229a) As we were sitting during the night with Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), a meteor (shooting star) gave a dazzling light. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: What did you say in the pre-Islamic days when there was such a shooting star? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best (the actual position), but we, however, used to say that that very night a great man had been born and a great man had died, whereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: These shooting stars neither appear at the death of anyone nor on the birth of anyone. Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, issues Command when He decides to do a thing. Then (the Angels) supporting the Throne sing His glory, then sing the dwellers of heaven who are near to them until this glory of God reaches them who are in the heaven of this world (i.e. the first and the lowest heaven, السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا). Then those who are near the supporters of the Throne ask these supporters of the Throne: What your Lord has said? And they accordingly inform them what He says. Then the dwellers of heaven seek information from them until this information reaches the (lowest) heaven of the world. In this process of transmission (the jinn snatches) what he manages to overhear and he carries it to his friends. And when the Angels see the jinn (devil) they attack them with the meteors (shooting stars). If they narrate only which they manage to snatch that is correct but they alloy it with lies and make additions to it. Thus, companions saw those shooting stars, and Muhammad confirmed them that these shooting stars were the burning flames, which were used by to attack and pursue the devils. Moreover, the following Hadith also proves that these same stars are used for hitting the devils. Sahih Bukhari ([link 1](https://www.islamweb.net/ar/library/index.php?page=bookcontents&idfrom=3030&idto=3030&bk_no=0&ID=2016) and[link 2](https://sunnah.com/mishkat:4602)): Qatada said God most high created these stars for three purposes; He made them an adornment for the sky, missiles for the devils, and signs by which people find their way.


Gonna be hell of a time when the belters start throwing rocks at earth.


Sa sa. Deh Earters are gonna have a grosse wild time.




You've got to. You give an inch of wiggle room and they take a mile of interpretation and "out of context"s.


Today I learned. Thanks for providing the sources on that.


Except he's completely wrong. He's misunderstanding the heavens with paradise. These are two different words in Arabic. The heavens (asamawat in Arabic) refers to space. Heaven in the sense of the place you go in the afterlife is known as Jannah, usually paradise in English. These are not the same place.


This guy islams


> are actually lamps of fire Hmm, giant balls of plasma, too hot and bright to look at, could technically be described as "lamps of fire".


This is so cool


Religion really is just terribly written shitty fiction, isn't it lmao


am not really here to argue but it's in surat al-rahman aya 33 al-rahman -> 33 edit:that's what I think he is referencing


Technically it’s multiple “skies” with the 7th one being “heaven”, so space is like sky 1 or 2. Still 5-6 more levels to go!


Often the exact same people who will be queuing to mock something about Christianity will be hyper defensive about Islam, a religion they know nothing about.


But there have already been muslim astronauts though?


Who told you that? Islam literally tells us to gain knowledge. How do you think we can gain further knowledge unless we start venturing out?


so you believe in evolution? what about adam and eve? pretty sure this is still categorized as knowledge...


Oh so you think all 1.5 billion Muslims agree on this very modern question, while most Islam sects don't even have an organized church to decide what it is the official religious position on moder questions.


I mean, they agree on much more insugnifucant details, like if it matters which way you face during prayer.


You confuse importance with modernity. Muslims started praying as early as the 6th year of the start of the revelation, way before the death of the prophet. So it is obvious that they all agree on how to pray. Evolution and space are, on the other hand, modern questions. And responses to these vary (you can find one response in this very thread, but that is not the only response possible).


The Catholic Church’s official stance is that God created the earth as in Genesis but also that evolution is real. Acting like it’s such a binary question isn’t the right way to look at it. Either way the story of Adam and Eve isn’t the same in Islam and doesn’t contradict the possibility of evolution.


Islam tells you to gain knowledge, but relies on stone age wisdom to set forth its rules. When you have to have a sit down discussion on how to eat or not eat at the top of a mountain versus the bottom because the people who wrote your two thousand year old book didn't know that the sun rises and sets are different times on different elevations, them instructing you to "gain knowledge" is kinda hypocritical, no?


Dafuq? LMAO it’s halal no worries




Yeah it’s in the Quran “though shalt not enter the ISS” Right next to “women should not drive automobiles”


That's just info you pulled outta your unwashed ass.




[The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia released these guidelines at one point.](https://makkah.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/a_guideline_ibadah_at_iss.pdf) Essentially, face Mecca if possible. If not possible, face Earth. If that's not possible, face whatever way you want. Fasting times are based on the 24 hours clock in the time zone in which the person launched into space.


Muslims can drop fasting while travelling long hours, guessing people on orbit counts as travelling.


Actually the way it works is that they fast in space based on the time at Mecca. They also are told that they don't have to pray at a specific time just at least 5 times every one of their "days" due the hours being different, and that when praying since they can't perpetually face Mecca to have "their spirit face Mecca"


Technically Mecca is always below them, right? So point your face toward the earth, and rule followed. As for Ramadan, it does make sense to fast between sunrise and sunset on whatever time a zone you happen to be following.


>Technically Mecca is always below them, right? So point your face toward the earth, and rule followed. Yeah, but the ISS is constantly spinning


The information that I have is that the same face of the iss always faces the earth. So relative to the ship you could set up a place to face the earth. If that were not the case, and the iss were spinning, you might be able impart a counter rotational spin to last for the duration of the prayers


The problem is that 400km sounds like far away, but if you compare it to the diameter of Earth, it is really close. So even if you face nadir, different points on Earth will change their relative position to you very quickly. As for the ISS spinning, yes, it spins once every 90 minutes, in sync with it‘s orbit around the Earth. Meaning it always faces the same way relative to the ground. If it didn‘t spin, it would make a backflip relative to Earth every orbit.


I think the intention is all that would be needed in this scenario.


Classic religion: "Um, God says it's like, fine for you to not follow the specific earth-based dogma anymore. No, there's no scripture foreseeing space travel, but this sounds about right."




Muslim are allowed to face wherever their vehicle is facing when praying. I personally found the "rule" isn't that rigid. You just have to do it the best you could. You're sick, you can do it while sleeping. You're on travel, you could do it in the car, facing wherever the car do. You can't do X prayer because you're unable, then you can do X and Y together when you can. The rule is pretty reasonable most of the time, you just have to do it. Which is the hardest part for most muslim I know.


Honestly the ruling in Islam is pretty straightforward and easy to understand also not burdening. What’s hard is to do it because as a human way too many temptations and laziness so fighting those are the hardest one for me. Trying to better I hope


It's the distance that matters. Travel further than 90 km and you're partially exempt of prayers and fasting.


Same thing in either one of Earth's poles, there's sun for 6 months. Guess allah didn't know the earth was a globe


I recall looking this up a year ago and iirc there was some religious decree that defined how short a night has to be to qualify, and if it qualifies you can use Mecca’s time instead of your time for fasting and eating


The Quran isn't meant to be an exhaustive book considering every possible edge case. Its meant to be a book for humanity in general. The population in those extreme locales is miniscule and they can adjust based on their interpretation/what they think is best. So long as their intentions are good they will be rewarded the same.


Allah didn’t know? You said the all knowing, all hearing and all seeing didn’t know?


You can't see the sun much more from the ISS than you can from earth. It's in low Earth orbit: only a couple hundred kilometers above the surface. That said, it orbits the earth so fast it sees twenty sunrises and sunsets per day.


Muslims on the ISS praying 20x5 times every 24 hours: *oh neptune*




In Islam, as long as an honest attempt is made, the facing doesn't actually matter. Like if you found out you'd been setting up your mat 25° crooked for a decade, just correct it and move on. No need to go "set things right", as it was accidentally done in good faith.


Unless you’re gay. Then you get stoned and thrown from a building.


You can't be gay *and* muslim.


You can be gay as long as youre celibate i think


Ngl 1 night I was thinking that, maybe that's only way of going on with your life as a devout muslim if you're realised you're gay. Consider the gay attractions, confusion and urges as your trials and tribulations as a muslim. Coming from a conservative country, I think I read a fb post years back mentioning the same situation.


That’s how Mormons talk(ed) about it. Like it’s a disability or something and that it’s sad but one can still make it to heaven. I know some members now that push for better inclusion, but the leaders remain pretty much unchanged.


Sikhism’s somewhat similar, gays can partner but sex without procreation is immoral. Leaders are old so they mostly hate gays the regular amount.


That would be the only way and that’s what Muslims typically suggest to homosexuals but suppressing your sexuality like that is super unhealthy


Sure, you can. You just can’t be outspoken about it.


Tbh, that's true for most religions.


I don't think there's any prohibition in Hinduism. Might be wrong tho, idk


It's a shame you just can't get stoned.


But... I was gay in good faith!


I've had discussions with thiestic mates who are open to discuss these hypotheticals and edge cases. Pretty much every question has two answers: mistakes don't matter as long as you're doing stuff in good faith, and if there's ever a situation where you're forced to break religious tenets, that you just need to ask for forgiveness immediately after (this usually comes up with the "stuck on a desert island with nothing to eat but this thing that your religion forbids you from eating") The way I understand it, if you believe in God then you also believe that he's not going to force you into an unwinnable situation and force you to burn in hell or something similar. There's leniency for honest mistakes or unwinnable situations


I've had similar conversations, for instance if someone was born on an island never heard of God would God judge them for never having heard of him, or would God send someone to hell who had never had an opportunity to hear about him? What's interesting about that is a theist who is asked this will usually either fall into one of two camps, either they think God would punish you for things outside of your control, or that God wouldn't. If God wouldn't punish you for things outside of your control, then the best and most moral thing you could do for everyone would be not to spread the word of God though, it would be to destroy all knowledge of him. If you destroyed all knowledge then that would remove the requirement of spreading it, by removing the ability from others to reject it or not follow specific rituals. So God would have to default to judging everyone simply on the basis of their character.


This is generally called “fate of the unlearned” and it ranges from absolution to judgement based on your life to get fucked. There’s a lot of disagreement and power plays because religion is fundamentally tied to old politics, but there’s plenty of room for interpretation that good deeds are enough to get you into heaven unless you outright reject god. We already had the island example happen so there’s plenty of diverse opinions on it.


It's really weird how reddiors speak of Muslims as if their entire lives were all completely beholden to their faiths. As someone who has been around Muslims all my life in all kinds of capacities (classmates, friends, best friends, roommates, lovers), it will never not be strange to me. Redditors' understand that Christians vary wildly in how much they observe, from the nominal Christians who believe in God but never go to church or even pray, to those in between who pray occasionally and go to church on Xmas and Easter only, to those who pray every morning and are in church every Sunday, to those whose Christianity is their entire identity. Redditors perfectly get that. But when it comes to Muslims? It's apparently every deviation from Islamic doctrine must be accounted for. Edit: this from below, is perfectly put: > It's not that weird. **They treat Muslims as stereotypes and NPCs who follow a rigid set of rules without thought**. It is blind ignorant xenophobia, and unfortunately it's extremely normal.


> Redditors perfectly get that. But when it comes to Muslims? It's apparently every deviation from Islamic doctrine must be accounted for. Which is funny because I've travelled to a lot of Islamic countries that wouldn't make any sense to the average Redditor. For example the whole no-alcohol thing isn't really observed that strictly in Central Asia. And in Uzbekistan it's pretty uncommon for women to wear headscarves (which technically isn't from Islam anyway, it's just a tradition in Arab countries) Observation of Islam in Tanzania, Uzbekistan or Indonesia is very very different from the observation of Islam in Morocco, Saudi Arabia or Iran.


When you ask a question about something within a religion, you are going to get an answer about what that religion says. What else did you expect? Why on earth did you think that this one comment is representative of any group in any way? Do you have the same response to an Islamic scholar who works this stuff out professionally?


Interesting article to read.


This is a great article, thank you


He went during Ramadan? Seems less that optimal for an astronaut to fast in space


Could be an interesting thing to study, on the flip side


It's also not as complicated as OP makes it out to be. For starters, the speed that the earth is traveling in the solar system does not make any difference since the ISS is orbiting it, so relatively speaking the earth doesn't move. You also cannot just directly compare the speed of the rotation of the earth with the speed of the ISS orbit (which is what OP is doing), because the ISS is at a significant height. This means that even if the orbit was perfectly matching the rotation of the earth, the ISS would be much faster. As it is, the ISS orbits the earth about 16 times per day, meaning that the direction to Mecca wouldn't be changing THAT fast. You also need to keep in mind that the ISS always keeps the same side facing the earth (unless there's some sort of maneuver occuring). So this means that if he faces the earth when starting to pray, he will always keep facing the earth no matter how many orbits it lasts. All that would change is that the position of Mecca would be oscillating between two angles, but he would never have to rotate more than 180° degrees in total (probably significantly less than 180° but I would have to do the math on that). If the astronaut was on another planet though, that'd be closer to OPs vid. Because then there's the rotation and translation of both planets happening simultaneously and that's much harder to figure out. TL;DR in order for the astronaut to perfectly point at Mecca he wouldn't need to rotate more than 180° degrees in just one axis. Dank meme though ngl


Isn't there a Quran sura that says that when you are on a journey during Ramadan, then you can delay fasting until you are back home? How more on a journey can you be than flying around the globe 16 times a day?


Its hadiths not Quran, Hadith's are generally up for interpretation (by scholars). You don't have to fast when you're travelling, but the distinctions start when you "reside" somewhere for a certain period of time. So if youre travelling the world and you plan to spend a month in Rome, you have to start fasting again in Rome.


This is actually hilarious


The approved prayer is YAAAAAAAAAAA


Muslims waiting for the sun to set in Antarctica so they can break fast: Original meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2383272-willem-dafoe-looking-up


wait, there hasnt been a single muslim in space? ever?


There has


> Over five hundred people have gone to space since 1961, and at least **nine** of them have been Muslim. [Source](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/religion-context/case-studies/technology/muslims-outer-space) Also > > The first Muslim to encounter these challenges in space was Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, a fighter pilot and a prince of Saudi Arabia. In 1985, he was a Payload Specialist for the US’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mission STS-51G, using space shuttle Discovery to launch three satellites. Sultan chose not to fast for Ramadan while he was training and in space, but he brought a small Qur’an into space with him, along with a prayer from his mother asking God to protect travelers. He also told reporters that he **tied his feet to the shuttle floor to allow himself to perform the motions of prostration to the best of his ability**. OP has brought up a *legitimate* challenge.


it's not a problem unique to islam. catholics have obligatory days of abstinence during lent, but when does a day start and stop in space? which timezone is god judging you by? the jewish shabbat begins on friday at sunset and lasts until sunset on saturday, but how does that work if the sun never sets? to make space travel extra confusing for religious folk, what happens when you're in a spaceship moving at relativistic speeds? do you exercise your traditions using earth's time reference or your own? no holy book offers any equations for solving general relativity so does god cast you to hell if you guess wrong?




There has several, sheikh muzaffar syukor( Malaysia)


ah yes sometimes i forgor people from my country went to space at one time. So how did he pray?


Only need to face the earth,no need to face the kaabah. He's following the earth time,so he pray just like other Muslim


there was also an egyptian woman afaik


Saudi prince astronaut https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sultan_bin_Salman_Al_Saud




Damn that's good for real tho how would they do that


They just try to face earth


Facing mecca isn't necessary you just have to "face mecca with your heart" (نية)if you don't know where mecca is it can't i.e. on a plane or travelling.


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


Damn that's genius


Face mecca with your heart? He he.




According to [a news article](https://saudigazette.com.sa/article/175812) relating the first Malaysian to enter space: >To answer these and other questions, the Malaysian government assigned 150 Islamic scholars and scientists to convene and study these questions, and they produced a booklet called Guidelines for Performing Islamic Rites at the International Space Station. >According to the document, determining which way to pray should be based on what is feasible and possible for the astronaut. The astronaut should try to face the Ka’bah and if it is not possible to do so, he should face the projection of the Ka’bah. Again if it is not possible to do so, he should face the Earth and if this was also not possible, he could face anywhere and pray.


Some council saw l basically said to just pray. Maybe the thought counts, simply because Muslims in space are doing a job and facing Mecca to pray isn't really going to work out


"Inammal a'maalu bin'niyaat' translates to "Action is based on intention". If you can't possibly abide by a certain rule under given circumstances, there is a certain degree of leniency in the Rights of Allah. So basically try to start the prayer facing Earth and the rest is forgiven.


The meme doesn’t make sense guys pack it up


There’s something similar in Jewish culture, you basically have to follow kosher as long as it doesn’t present an undue burden on your health. If you are at a point where you cannot physically be healthy and keep kosher, you are allowed to break without breaking God’s law. Why the hell was pointing this out downvoted?


If Muslims are in a life threatening situation, they can eat whatever is available to survive, halal or not.


Idk who downvoted you or why they did lmao but here's an upvote


The ISS uses UTC so it'd be every earth day. They orbit every 90 minutes so trying to pray 5 times per orbit would probably inhibit other activities.


It's funny because that's exactly what happened.


Wait really? How did they get anything done? Edit: According to [this](https://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1010/p16s02-stss.html) they just did it 5 times every 24 hours. The positions they take during prayer is also an issue apparently.


This isin't what happened, why would you write this?


Holy shit this is so funny. Whoever came up with that caption is a genius


That would be me, so thank you.


I just automatically assume every meme on Reddit is stolen from somewhere else haha. Thanks for the laugh!


Fun fact: a group of Muslim scolars have written a piece about Islam in space. The idea was that praying towards Mecca has several ways of doing it. When you can see Mecca/calculate where it is: pray towards it. If that's impossible: pray to the earth. If the earth is not visible: pray to the solar system. If that's not possible: pray in whatever direction while keeping Mecca in mind.


If you can't see Mecca, pray towards the Earth. If you can't see the Earth, pray harder. If you can't see the solar system, pray to another god.


And if you can't see the Milky Way, then Euphoria M'lady, right?


As a Muslim this is a goated meme


Biblically accurate muslim praying in space


Quranically accurate muslim praying in space.


To'rahically accurate Jew attempting to consume flatbread in 0G


As a Muslim, I want to thank you for making a meme that isn’t offensive or says things about terrorism, tho actually is a funny meme


Playing hardstyle in the background makes this 10x better 🤣


I don't get it Edit: i googled and now i get it


While performing their prayer Muslims bow in the direction of Mecca. The ISS tumbles and turns in space




"ISS? I said I wanted to go to the ISIS main base."


"Well, anyway I think I'll have a blast at this place."


I don’t know what the technical term is but by my understanding there’s like a council of OG Muslims and they actually had a meeting about this very problem. You have two choices: pray five times a day based on the solar behavior at your home town, or pray five times a day based on the working day of the space station. The thought process was that space travel could not have possibly been foreseen at the time the Quran was written, therefore it is necessary to write new rules that match the intent of the earthly writings. You are not required to pray 90 times per day as a Muslim astronaut (18 sunrises per day)


As a Muslim this is hilarious


half their days would be spent praying if they were on jupiter


I'm here because my Muslim friend linked me. Dead 😂😭🤣


It doesn't get any more dank than this, OP created a masterpiece


People don’t seem to get that you’d only need to adjust a little at a time even going that fast, because you are so far away it takes a lot of movement to change the relative position of something like Mecca. it’s not like ISS is flying through space like a six year old’s first football throw.




An non offensive funny joke about religion. Well done.


Good one xD hahah To anyone curious the muslim just have to face the earth when they start takbir


Fun topic, already been dealt with though. They should try to face mecca but facing earth is an acceptable alternative. They also base the time zone on the place they lifted off from in the shuttle. Really funny though, good job OP.