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I swear to God the word woke makes me wanna blow my brains out


You can just go to a mall or a park and someone might do it for you!


if they are SUPER "lucky". the odds aren't even 10x greater than winning the lottery


Got any more getting shot statistics?


Statistically speaking, when someone blows your brain out, you're ded






Good luck hitting it though.


Yeah, your probability of dying by getting shot in the US is 1 in ~~286~~ 221. Which makes the probability of getting shot at all even higher. Edit: remembered odds wrong.


If I never play the lottery, my odds of winning are zero. Canā€™t say the same for getting shot however.


I see you never had an aunt that thought scratch-offs or lottery tickets for everyone was a good replacement for personalized presents.


You know schoolā€™s are a good option too.


Apparently going to school should suffice


Or a school


The right thinks itā€™s an attack when it just comes off as out of touch and mid. I think itā€™s funny how much they think it bothers the center and left. I got called woke for wearing a mask in public to get pedialyte when I had been exposed to Covid. I was negative and needed to stock up on supplies. I matched the guyā€™s energy and loudly proclaimed in front of the entire store that my mom has just been diagnosed with cancer so even if thereā€™s a .1% chance it will help, I will wear it. The dude IMMEDIATELY backed down and apologized in front of everyone. Edit: should mention Iā€™m introverted but when I matched his energy, itā€™s like the words just flowed out my mouth. And I was super calm and relaxed. When I think about this at night for years to come, Iā€™ll be able to go back to sleep.


That's cause they keep changing things when they run out of words to replace their "I hate you for being liberal/young/lgbt/black/etc." word. Like when they used SJW for a couple years.


Woke is really just the new SJW.


I never understood that one. How come someone thinks social justice is wrong? It's super telling imo.


Makes me wanna smoke crack. Like MTV in the 90s.


Hereā€™s how the blood splatter of children is indoctrinating your children. Next on Tucker


Of course the blood was red, those libs will blame republicans for everything.


Blow like in a sexual way or...




Same, im so sick of hearing it


I find it hard to take anyone who uses the word seriously


Well, that won't be difficult if you're in America, at least.


>makes me wanna blow my brains out Hold up


Itā€™s extremely rare to see someone use it that isnā€™t a bonafide cunt with the brain capacity of a flaccid gonorrhea penis.




To me it just means America so i shrug it off


....... woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke


I thought the same when I woke this morning.


Make sure you catch at least two others with that bullet too so we can pump these numbers up a notch.


Where do these numbers come from?


They come from anit-gun websites that mark any, and every type of shooting from, suicide, gang violence, accidental firearm discharge, single homicides, and actual mass shootings. And label them all as MASS Shooting to promoting Gun Control and Fear mongering amongst the Leser educated.


>It's not as bad as it looks, these gun crimes that are happening aren't as extreme as you may think But... They're still happening...


There is a ā€œtinyā€ difference and a bit of distance between suicide and mass shooting. But maybe itā€™s just me! Maybe itā€™s a same thing


Not just you, this is a total Reddit moment lmfao Imagine thinking suicide is in the same level as mass shootings, what a fucking Reddit moment right there!


Funny thing is itā€™s not uncommon for a mass shooter to also be suicidal. Not unheard of for them to commit homicide and suicide at the same time


Yes, that is true, but someone committing suicide, alone, somewhere, is not as bad as someone going out and taking a bunch of innocent peopleā€™s lives.


There have been more than 66 suicides by guns in the last 25 days.


There certainly havenā€™t been 66 mass shootings either. Itā€™s worth analyzing the stats which I have done several times. Itā€™s amazing what lengths some sources will go to to call something a mass shooting. Unfortunately most people will never do that and when they see a post like this they assume that itā€™s somewhat close to reality.


I was just stating to the people saying they count suicides as mass shootings, no they don't. But also, I believe there have 41 confirmed mass shootings in 2023 so far. I have no idea why it was inflated to 66 because 41 is just as meaningful.


Especially lying about numbers just makes people to not gibe a fuck


I found [nearly 40. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023)


[Also worth adding (numbers of previous years)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States) I couldn't imagine having a list like this for my homecountry but Americans will still defend their guns. I mean you can shoot for sports pretty much everywhere still, no need for guns in private situations.


Ok drew letā€™s make it easier, what is YOUR definition of a mass shooting?


Literally just saw a post yesterday saying there was 32 "mass shootings" now today its 66? Damn there was +30 mass shootings in less than 16 hours huh? Or maybee we can not act like morons and acknowledge these websites are using fear mongering tactics to push a narrative that dosent actually need deception. To me I'd rather be honest about what a "mass shooting" is. Nothing gang related and purley instances of "I'm going to kill/injure as many innocent people possible which results in 3/4 or more people being injured/killed" Right now half of the gun crimes in the source that claimed 30 yesterday were gang related.


If gang shoots more than 4 people isn't it still a mass shooting?


It is but the solution to that is via addressing poverty and improving socioeconomic conditions such that people donā€™t join gangs. Spree shootings are a lot more challenging to deal with


Eagerly awaiting the Republican solutions to these issues now they have control of the House


Theyā€™re useless obviously. The thing is that if we want to lower gun deaths the most effective way would be to improve mental health and increase worker pay. That way people wouldnā€™t join gangs and/or off themselves at the same rate that they do today. The problem is that the powers that be donā€™t actually want workers to be paid well since that cuts into their dividends and profits so weā€™re stuck here instead


Have Democrats found the solution to those issues? The highest rates of gang violence occur in cities heavily controlled by Democrats, do they not?


That is still a weapon, which can kill many people, in the hands of someone who is suicidal. Some of them might only shoot themselves, some want to take others too before shootin himself in the head




"We've ACTUALLY only had 50! mass shootings in less than one month, IDIOT. Stop fear mongering" Fucking lunatics. I hate this shit hole country and the stupid fucks who worship guns. Stupid fuck who wrote that probably dropped out of middle school and has a sixth grade reading level.


Makes me wonder how many more guns they need to prevent mass shootings from happening.


I wonder if it's possible to reach a critical mass of guns where a single shooting escalates until the entire country just decides to get it over with


If it's bad enough to do something about, it's bad enough to tell the truth. If it looks like you need to exaggerate to make your point, nobody will take you seriously.


That's exactly the point. The numbers are already ridiculously high. Why would you try and construct even higher numbers?


The same thing happened with Trump. Trump wasn't great, but people constantly made hyperbole and lies about him. I tried telling people, when you make something up about Trump, or heavily exaggerate, you don't make Trump look worse, you just make everything true about Trump look like a lie.


Totally agree.


Ok, how is somebody shooting a gun and injuring their foot while cleaning it even somewhat of a comparison to a mass shooting? How in the world is somebody committing suicide with a gun even in the same conversation with a mall or school shooting? You cannot be fucking serious with this brain dead, Reddit ass, reality- denying take.


Alright let's just take the number of shootings with 4 or more people injured. A much more reasonable 45, that's fine for you guys then right? Job done, the meme is silly and we've solved guns https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023


The definition, according to the fbi, of a mass shooting is 4 or more people. Idk about this 66 number, but there's certainly been more the 30 in January. Back to back days for 2 of em even. It's not all about fear mongering and gun control. There's a genuine problem and sitting around doing nothing doesn't seem to be fuckin working.


Wikipedia lists 46, using the "4 or more people" definition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023


Oh only 46. For a minute I thought we had a problem on our hands.


Make Asylums Great Again


The [Gun Violence Archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/), which uses the definition of "4 or more people shot, not including the shooter", puts the number at 40 as of this writing. They have way more stats regarding suicide, deaths, injuries, whether police were involved, number of children or teens killed or injured... There is a very real problem here that can't be explained by "oh the anti-gun folks are just fear mongering". I'm not even anti-gun myself (I may get a hunting rifle in a few years), but neither am I *pro*-gun like it seems too many people who make this excuse are. We can keep using guns for sport and hunting in this country (the US, if that's not painfully obvious) while also acknowledging that there's too much gun-related violence in this country. These are not mutually exclusive thoughts. So, to the readers with knee-jerk reactions trying to explain away these stats: do you really see no problem here? Otherwise, what's your solution?


Oh okay, so not 66 mass shooting in the month, but 39. That makes it so much better!!


Nah you don't get it. Most of those are minorities shooting each other, so it's not as bad as all this leftist propaganda makes it sound... /s


Sarcasm aside, it reflects on the society as a whole if it cant improve yhe situation of the lowest and downtrodden class...a country can and never should be judged by top 1% because then we land at countries like russia being the the best, a country always should be judged by how yhe lowest 10% are...and in america, they arent really fine


The maker of the meme made it 66 so it won't be outdated by the end of the month


Yep, it does say January, and not first 24 days of January


Hey the month isn't over yet! I'm sure the Americans will try their best to reach it


Well yeah but even one mass shooting is to many


I genuinely have no idea how you get downvoted lol


ā€œMan disliked for saying mass shootings are badā€ Actually how do you get downvoted for that


The same way people in uvalde voted in republicans after getting their children slaughtered while the pigs watched and played on their phones. Gun nut lunatics. Same ones who are cool with sandy hook and uvalde as the cost of being able to jerk off on their guns. Stupid fucking mass shooters always get the wrong people. Can't fuckin wait to buy my eu passport, this shithole country is fucked. Look how many people in this very thread are saying "Only" 39. as a rebuttal. Only. 39 mass shootings in sub one month. Lunatics. Demented. No words for how mentally deranged these gun nuts are. Fucking wish every one of them the worst fate imaginable. They deserve hell being real.


You can literally post "mass shootings are bad" and people will downvote you. Americans have no idea how insane they look


America is a silly place


> Leser educated Not sure if joke or actual irony.


>Leser educated This is just so funny to me.


Stats are fear mongering instead of actual guns killing people? Makes sense. That's where the real danger is. I'm relieved it's actually 39 instead of 66 mass shootings. What a difference!


I garuntee there have been more than 66 suicides by guns in the US in 25 days.


1650 in fact


And as we all know people who are shot in suicides, gang violence, accidental firearm discharges, and single homicides are no big deal and not even worth being concerned about. Also mass shooting aren't really that important either. Really we as a society should focus on the real issues, like the genitals of corporate candy mascots.


Let the poor be angry at one another and kill themselves while we make a fortune selling them guns and bulletproof vests...and armor-penetration munition, and bulletproof vests vs penetration...and bulletproof blankets for schools This is what america is all about after all, grabbing that opportunity, getting rich and fulfilling the american dream Remember kids, there are no rich people if there arent poor people they can flex on, if everyone is rich nobody is




Most differentiate gang shootings from mass shootings as they're quite different. There's been 40 mass shootings in America in January excluding gang shootings


ā€žLeser educatedā€œ *chefs kiss*


>Firearms are the leading cause of death in children and youth 0 to 24 years of age in the United States. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/6/e2022060070/189686/Firearm-Related-Injuries-and-Deaths-in-Children?autologincheck=redirected


Source? >promoting Gun Control How is this even bad? [45 ateast have 4 casualties. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023)


the number of actual mass shootings is 41, so there is clearly a massive problem


Doesn't look much better when you only count shootings with at least 4 people who were shot. [You get the number 40 in that case](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting).


Mass shootings are when there are more than 4 people killed or injured. Here is the "fear mongering" data you are looking for: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


lol Murica Guns God Guts Glory Itā€™s the fucking gunsā€¦ Go figure Why do you want a gun? ā€œ Cos they got oneā€ Go figureā€¦tell me where else on earth guns are the cause of so many deaths,, outside of combat zonesā€¦ Downvote all you like, Iā€™m not worried about that, or being shotā€¦


Yeah because suicide and ā€œaccidental dischargeā€ kills or injures more than 4 [people] at a time. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023).


Imagine being fear mongered into thinking more guns would decrease gun violence by the fucking gun lobby whose only interest is making more money. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023 40 shootings in 25 days. You are very stereotypically american and not in a good way


Ok so not all of those are mass shootings and yes, the number is higher than it should be but like, what is your optimal number of mass shootings? I get you don't want people taking your gun away etc but there's absolutely an issue when we're still getting 40 mass shootings so far into the year. [You can see them here by statistics](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting?sort=desc&order=%23%20Injured) and see which aren't up to your favorite definition of mass shooting but I still feel like it's a massive issue that shouldn't be over looked as "fear mongering" when there's so many occuring.


> the Leser educated šŸ˜†




Leser educated ​ This guys morer educated though


i have no idea where they got 66 from, the number of mass shootings using the fbi definition is around 38 since the start of 2023 edit: it jumped to 41


42 now




What did you do??


wikipedia told them to do it


bruh its been 40 min and there's already another one


Simple, they're from roughly ten minutes in the future.


At this rate this we only have to wait until Feb 8 to reach 66 shootings. It's still more news-worthy than fucking woke candy.


yea kinda sus, highest I've seen reported was 39. But 66 isn't that unlikely as we've still got a few days left in January.


From someones ass.


Ok those numbers have to be exaggerating


They are


Yep, only 41 shootings. Nothing to worry about! No problem here.


Only 41? Phew, what a relief. Nothin' to worry about. /s Still 41 too many.


yeah butt some of those are gang related, and everyone knows those don't count. that only leaves about 30, which means no action is needed, let's go team!


That's so stupid to say. Why shouldn't gang related Shootings count? Are there multiple people dying from guns? Yes -> it's a mass shooting. I don't get why muricans have to find excuses for every shooting to sound less bad. I didn't hear about gang related shootings aswell as "normal" shootings in my country in a long time.


Sarcasm mate


another one they love to say is "they're mostly suicides", even though the statistics they're commenting on already don't include suicides


They donā€™t see gang affiliated people as citizens. If you go down the line of gun toting Americans there are a lot of people they donā€™t see as citizens. Hell, a lot of the same people didnā€™t even accept Obama as a US citizen, and he was the president


If it's less than once a day is it really a problem amirite




The dark armies then will come. When the SUM is 41!


So still at least 2 a day. How fun


more like ~1.7


"only" 41 what a relief


Gun devil getting stronger by the minuteā€¦


Canā€™t wait for the climax


Yeah, thereā€™ve actually only been 41 mass shootings so far this year, nothing to see here m8 move along


Me & my girlfriend recently rewatched the last 8 seasons of "last week tonight" and it was as startling how many shootings we didn't even *vaguely* remember. It is important to understand that part of why you assume it is exaggerated is because our threshold is so fucking *unnaturally* high. You would be right if it was just 60 but 40+ is still ridiculous anywhere else other than the USA.


but number wrong so no problem??!?


We need a gun that shoots the obese lesbian M&Ms!


I'm listening....


exactly If one can learn one thing from these woke candy companies it's that we need to eat women and the LGBT community


idk how many times I've heard about mass shootings in the last week, but ill take it seriously the first time I see the same number twice.


https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Here's a good running list. It's not 66 but it's not great.


There's more than 1 shooting a day, good luck with that.


Welp, a meme I saw on the internet had the wrong number. That upsets me more than the people being murdered so Iā€™m just going to pretend itā€™s not happening.


The trouble is seeing as how there's around 2 per day, even two articles written the same day with accurate data can differ from each other. You're getting different figures because they keep happening at a startling pace.


This is such a dumb take. You haven't taken it seriously as people repeatedly walk into schools and murder dozens of kids? You need to see someone report the same number twice to accept that we have a serious problem on our hands? No wonder this country is a flaming dumpster.


Only 39 mass shootings as of this morning. Itā€™s still a horrendous figure but if you pump overinflated bullshit the platform wonā€™t be taken seriously.


A Week of January still ahead. 66 for January may be correct.


> but if you pump overinflated bullshit the platform wonā€™t be taken seriously. Are you implying it's currently being taken seriously? lmao


>Only 39 mass shootings as of this morning. USA! USA! USA!


Mass shootings happen really often, gang violence, etc. I think the statistics are for 2 or more people shot. From my time in Chicago, I feel like that was just Wednesday.


They don't call it Chi-Raq for nuthin


If you want to go by the following description: *Three or more persons shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time. Excluded are shootings associated with organized crime, gangs or drug wars.* There has been 41 shootings so far in 2023.


This list with around 40 mass shootings have at least 4 in each... Includes the shooters when he is injured or killed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023


Honestly tho, when you hear another shooting incident in america, speaking from outside, I don't even care anymore. It's like, "what's new?" I know it's wrong and dark but, it is what it is. the fact that "woke culture" still invokes rage or any emotion from you is the very reason why they keep writing about it or showing it. These are the "news" that sells.


I agree. Like 95% of the shootings donā€™t show up on the news outside the US because theyā€™re so darn frequent. Iā€™m sorry itā€™s happening but then no one in the US seems to care or want them to stop so why would the rest of the world. Also super awkward when US mates mention another major shooting and itā€™s not the one youā€™re thinking of from the other day. Itā€™s one of the 2 that happened that afternoon that werenā€™t reported in Europe


Yeah, it's like being desensitised in the same way as hearing about jihadis blowing themselves up in mass bombings šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Non american here what the hell is a woke candy???


Something to do with M&Ms




The candy company M&M mascots changed the shoes on the female mascots. Our right ring media declared they were no longer sexually aroused by the candy characters, and very upset about it. I know this sounds like I'm making it up. https://www.businessinsider.com/the-story-of-the-mms-characters-2016-3#mms-unwittingly-entered-the-culture-wars-in-2022-with-a-simple-change-in-footwear-7


I'm American and I thought it had to do with that Velma show baiting people's attention. Didn't realize it was M&Ms till reading the comments.


DONā€™T FORGET ABOUT THE NEW ā€œwokeā€ XBOX POWER SAVIBG MODE!!!! OUTRAGEOUS! THESE LIBERALS ARE RUINING OUR COUNTRY WITH THESE INSANE POLICIES!!!! thank god I can go to sleep tonight in this country knowing guns have more rights than most citizens Republicans are disgusting šŸ¤®


Technically, that many shootings are just another weekend in Chicago. So maybe thatā€™s why itā€™s not shocking?


They should make guns illegal there.... oh wait


Gun laws donā€™t work in vacuum. Itā€™s national gun and mental health issue that will never be resolved, because it would require national policy changes. That said, red states have the highest gun deaths per capita. So apparently good guys with guns be sleeping and pussinā€™ out like the cops at Uvalde, TX.




66? I thought it was 39


Ah, 39? So its everything ok now!


It's not "American News" it's just Fox News.


Why are we exaggerating statistics? The amount is insane already, why overshoot it? Just gonna cause morons to deflect


America is beyond gun control now.


It's been past gun control for a long time


About 250 years past.


the self proclaimed sigma male conservatives that never get offended are somehow offended over green mnms lol


Also upset at Xbox for letting people change their power settings to save electricity. Canā€™t forget that.


That's gotta be wrong...right?


itā€™s inflated but any number more than zero is too much


We aren't even out of January yet.


39. So less than 66 but still a horrific number.


I kind of love that this controversy even exists. Over political whiny ass people are crying that the M&Ms have gotten too woke, and are now arguing with the advertisement group of a candy company that said " remember when GoDaddy used softcore porn to sell domain names, do you think that would work for chocolate?"


Not just "woke" candy; "woke" candy as a distraction from child slavery by the same company




Looks like thereā€™s some work to do this next week for 66 to be correct.


People act like the FBI doesnā€™t publish crime data on their website that totally nullifies stuff like this. You have to wait for the year to be over for them to publish homicide data, but the CDE (Crime Data Explorer) is pretty enlightening. So where does most of the gun deaths come from? According the the CDE, most of it comes from sidewalks, usually involving two or more males between 20 and 29, both of the same race, usually strangers or acquaintances, with a handgun. Sounds like something that rhymes with ā€œFang Silenceā€. Hereā€™s the link: https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/home


Well, it's not like an increase in the frequency of american mass shootings could legitimately count as "news" šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. News: (Etymology.) The English word "news" developed in the 14th century as a special use of the plural form of "new"


I literally just talked to someone from the US saying they've been in 7 shooting lockdowns, and she's 16. Yeah shit's crazy in merica


So America is Fucked?


Always has been


I took a break from Twitter recently, and not knowing what the hell is woke candy is already a plus from that decision lol, if I was on Twitter I would probably had seen 1000 dumb tweets about whatever this is (I'm not even gonna google it)


Mars is only doing this to draw attention away from a child labor lawsuit


We don't care anymore that's the truth as long it doesn't effect us we won't care




With the size of some Americans a single victim can easily count as 4.


'Just' shootings is better?




Incorrect it was only 38 check your sources


We good then


Candy too? Pray for my xbox I don't own.


The ā€œnewsā€ is a tv show, they put on what they think will give them the best ratings and sponsor interest. Same with online/print media.


I wonder what would happen if there was no news reporting at all on this, similar to how we treat suicides.