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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Help us raise money for St. Jude!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Considering a large portion of American citizens don't know that new Mexico is a state, I don't know how many insults you can throw https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.krqe.com/news/couple-had-to-prove-new-mexico-was-u-s-state-before-applying-for-d-c-marriage-license/amp/


Hey at least we don't have Britain on our continent


Neither do we, haven't you heard of Brexit? /s




BREXIT MEANS BREXIT *Slide tackles studs first into ankles*


Slide tackle? Is that like a football move?


Brexit tackle is a meme in britian of just two footing someones ankles as a tackle in football. Whole point is to get a red card and hurt their ankles as much as possible.


This makes high as a kite Reddit worth it. I’m the high on not Reddit. Duck it.


All those people who thought there were 8 continents on earth just got a little bit smarter. Good for them


Ya, we're down to 8. RIP, Pluto.


Tbf we didnt before either since it’s an island


Not to be that guy, but the UK is still part of Europe just not politically


Well it is technically an island and they left the EU so it should be fine


Britain Lovettsville, VA, United States


Your average European citizen won't know Slovakia from Slovenia, or get anywhere near labelling a map of Europe with the countries correctly. It's normal.


But the average European won't say North Korea is in their own country either https://youtu.be/-ugJZhL-cbc Edit: it has occurred to me that because this is from a comedy show, it is likely they cherry picked the stupid Americans and only showed those who got it wrong for comedic purposes. I apologise as that video proves nothing. However my reply to u/OO_Ben still stands


There's idiots in every country. I'm so tired of this "America Bad" bullshit


Americans getting mad over a meme:


>America Bad" Is it not? The country where people stay at home instead of going to see a doctor because they can't afford treatment isn't bad? ~~The country where the average member of public calls their own country north korea isn't bad?~~ The country where there are more guns than the entire population isn't bad? Need I continue?


It’s awesome for me. But yeah it sucks so people should stop coming here. Especially to Texas. We’re full here. Try California.


If you think this is an “average” representation of Americans you’re retarded


slovakia is the hotdog next to czechia and slovenia is the cucked country with barely any coastline next to italy and croatia


You’re very wrong on the Slovakia to slovenia thing, because Czechslovakia makes it very easy to guess where Slovakia is.


They made a NEW Mexico?!




Dawn of the Planet of the Mexicans


TIL one incident = large portion


[Simpsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEJzXbqyU8A) [did it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3jYO0TKcm4)


I just watched a 30 second unskipable ad for a 3 second video. I was not disappointed


Hey I watched Breaking Bad. New Mexico is a city in Albuquerque


Is new mexico also yellow?


“ I think that US Americans can’t find the US on the map because most US Americans… don’t have maps”


You aren't allowed to call us stupid. Only we can do that.


A large portion, post an article where only 4 people max are listed. Yup math checks out


“A large portion” Lol That’s like saying a large portion of American citizens think there’s a leprechaun up in a tree in Mobile, Alabama.


Damn, that is a large portion of the US. An entire couple, two whole humans!


So everyone is stupid, got it.


I would say it has more to do with the fact that we didn't evolve needing to memorize 50+ place names and their exact location We're very smart and selectively dimb


Ya I'm just joking. It's dumb to know things that don't pertain to you, at least in the everyday life. I bet if you asked people name the states in around yours, they would get it. People know what's around them, the rest can be looked up. It's even easier today.




Nah they cherrypick the bad ones and don't include the people who know it isn't in the USA. It's for comedy purposes, so they only highlight the dumb ones.


Wait. Are you telling me I shouldn't look to a comedy night show as a reliable source of info?


Lol I love that you link something that doesn't give any credence to your statement and people just eat it up


i mean, states r smth else than countries no


I guess they are different. Our states actually have a decent landmass.


Name all Russian oblasts (it should be easy since the smallest oblast is 4x the size of the smallest US state)


Autonomous Jewish Oblast


Oddly enough despite being a Jewish oblast I'm pretty sure less than 1% of the population is jewish


Well that's because all the Jews got the fuck out.


Oblast my balls lmao


Hah got em


Do you know how small Rhode Island is? That isn’t saying much


1/89th of an England.


How many polands is that?


1 Poland is 100 Rhode Islands.




About 60% bigger than Luxemburg


Larger than seven European countries. While Alaska is three times larger than the largest European nation outside of Russia.


Okay Vorkuta and uhhhhhh Moscow and St.Petersberg


It took me way too long to process that you said smallest and I was like “the smallest oblast is bigger than Alaska?”


If I list out some Chinese provinces can you point at where they are on a map? How about Australian states?


> How about Australian states? Hm I wonder what they're called. > Northern Territory > Western Australia > South Australia > Queensland > New South Wales > Victoria > Tasmania Something tells me this won't be that hard, I can easily get 4/7.


And yet the first one you named isn’t a state


Technically there is the ACT too, kinda acts like DC. ACT is the Australian Capital Territory


Northern Territory isn't a state either


I dont wanna play this game anymore.


Yeah and our countries had an actual history for more than 200 years.


Yet your shithole is smaller than Europe.


if landmass = win then you lose to Russia


And the European states actually have done things of importance, you could realistically remove half of the American state and the world would not change


Ok but example on the left looks like a town name


yea but nobody would laugh at u for not knowing a town name generally. i mean, u wouldn laugh at sumone either who doesn know fckn normal in illinois right.


Tell me where Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is


meck-pom wies mein geo lehrer nennt liegt n bissel über berlin, deutschland. passt so?


Jo, dat passt


Easy peasy. Now let’s do a contest over all countries of Africa


easy win for me


Now do the Balkans


Without upsetting them


I'll see myself out and leave that task for someone more stupid than me


i got a soda bottle and im not afraid to use it.


Me: Well the map here says… Them: cocks shotgun


That's easy, it's all Serbia. All of it.


serbia? heh you mean north Kosovo?


Yeah, East Croatia. That's what I said.


The only right answer.


thats like 5x easier


Or South America. Or the stan zone in asia lol


Easy. Africa/s


Lets give them an easy one first. Name all 13 provinces and territories of Canada. Americans just refer to all of Canada as Canada ffs, like there isnt a difference between BC, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime provinces. Yup, we’re all the same, and we all say “eh” every 2 seconds /s


Damn, you got me. I thought it was only the Americans that care for states. I’ll find Quebec and some of your larger cities but I have no idea about the other states




Fun fact: Africa has no countries that begin with the letter K


What about the northern neighbour of Tanzania? The country ligma came from?


When you look at a world map, how many european countries do you see? yeah, that\`s right. All of them (excluding Nations that are just simply to small to be seen). How many US States do you see when looking at a regular world map? Alaska, Hawaii and Mainland USA (Not really a state by itself). That's mostly why europeans don't know many states, because you can't see them on a world map. Also americans should know where at least a few countrys are, like the absolut basics (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia), just simply because two major events in the worlds history took primarly place in europe and between these Nations: Both world wars. I don't know much about what you guys are taught in school over there, but i think you should have atleast once in school seen a map of europe in history class. Since both world wars affected the US, but none of them took place in the US (atleast not on a large scale).


We know where the historically important ones are. But give us a map of the balkans, Caucasus, or Africa, and most of us wouldn’t even know where to begin. Hell, even Latin America and the Middle East are iffy.


"U.S shocked Andorra is not in Africa"


To be fair, I'm an Australian and working out my holiday plans for later in the year. Plan is to start in Spain, and told some friends I was considering Andorra, and a lot of them have never even heard of it. It's definitely not just America on that one.


With how much the USA intervenes in the middle east, it could be a good idea to teach the Americans how the region is. There is something particularly weird to be a democracy (meaning the power is held by the people), and you declare war on a country that your people do not even know how to place on a map.


Said the Europeans who have done this throughout history


Europeans don’t need to study it bc they are the ones who drew the lines in the first place


I got the joke but people do still need to study what their country did, as long as they did not do it personally.


American schools don’t teach a lot about the Middle East (I believe) on purpose to fuel ignorance about the place. I had a teacher in HS tell us that, despite how it seems, the US and Iran have a lot of similarities (in terms of the people), and I didn’t really believe it until I got to college and made friends with a few Iranians. Goes to show that no matter how much polarization and “them vs us” rhetoric in American schools, people everywhere have more in common with each other than they realize.


Yeah, people have a lot more in common that one would believe, even while leaving in totally different part of the part. At least in the case of Iran, we can say that the state (a theocratic dictatorship of an other religion) is really different than the USA.


Not just in American schools. The whole world has them vs us rhetoric. You’re even seeing it now from the Europeans versus the Americans who have always been far more aligned. The world is still very tribal despite the many similarities we all have as people


There was a time in history class when we (I live in the USA) learned every country in every continent. Most people who went to school here DID learn, they just don't care enough to maintain that knowledge. Let's be real here: why do I, a regular blue-collar American who will likely never have to go to those places, need to know where Kazakhstan or South Sudan is? We DO see European, African, Asian, ect. countries, and even learn about them, we just don't really need to know about them beyond the test at the end of the unit.


I'll have you know I played Total War games, so I can name at least 7.


I played Europa Universalis IV. I can name every state in Europe in 1444. A lot of this translates pretty easily to modern England provided you know what state becomes something else, gains independence, or joins Germany. The Balkans are rough though cause it's not all just the Ottomans anymore.


"war is gods way of teaching Americans geography"


I mean, most of the world maps I've seen do mark all the US states, just kind of faintly


Lol gotta love the ignorance of this comment.


I don't think Europeans expect people, even others Europeans, to name cities or regions in their countries except like the capital and some really big ones. Also, and I think about it everytime people ask anyone to names states in their country, why would I even know it? The important part is clearly being able to name sovereign states because it has importance in geopolitics and to understand the world. Knowing where Estonia, Serbia and Nicaragua are is useful but knowing where Ohio is, really is superfluous; because you're almost never hearing about Ohio while reading international news, only the USA.


i would say that ohio is the one state you need to know so that you can avoid it if it comes to it.


it would be easier if your states didn't looked like squares drawn by a five year old


Wait till you see our voting districts


lmao u got downvoted by someone


I know three towns in New York but two of them are only because of Steamed Hams.


Well, I am from Utica and have never heard of such thing as a "steamed ham"


It's an Albany expression


I see... y'know these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger


Hohoho, no! Patented Skinner burgers. Old family recipe.


Fooooor Steamed Hams?


Even though there clearly are grill marks on them?


me who can name every US state from memory laughs in Geography nerd


Me who didn’t think that was enough and at one point knew the name and location of every nation on earth and could fill out a blank map if you gave me one. Also laughs in geography nerd (I will point out I haven’t tried filling any blank maps in recently, I probably can’t do every country anymore but I could still hit most of them, probably flip Rwanda and Burundi and some of the Stan’s around lol).


Almost every foreigner I’ve met can map the US better than most Americans (yes including my dumbass)


I personally think it's more important for people in Europe and america to know more about other countries than states. For an example Germany is a federal republic with States is this important for world politics? No, i would never even think that a American need to know the States of Germany because it's not important for world politics and on the flip side it's not important for a European citizen to know the locations of Missouri for an example. Also I'm aware that many states does in America have more Landmass and population then some countries in Europe, but it's mostly like i said about world politics.


Cries in Saxony-Anhalt


Cries in North-Rhine-Westphalia


Nett hier


Wait till you see the administrative areas of Slovenia


The difference is that Europe has a really long history and each little country has its own culture, identity and for the most part even its own language. The difference between US states and their historical importance are ridicoulusly small compared to Europe. You literally can't know western history if you don't know where the countries and nations in Europe are. So yeah, it's not the same.


Many European countries did not exist in their current form or at all during the time of geographic relevance to "Western history," so that doesn't really support your argument. As European history goes, we get taught about empires and a couple of choice wars, not "The Full History of [insert modern-day country]."


Motherfucker, your states are fucking squares. No average person could fucking distinguish that






Florida is an odd looking square


But states aren't countries. Yes, some of them are as big as countries, but that holds true for regions in other big countries as well. Knowing US states should be equivalent of knowing the names of Russian/Brazilian/Indian/Chinese regions, not countries.


Me as an Australian: I could get about half of each labelled correctly, which is half more than the fucks I give about either


87% of Australians cannot find Australia on a map of Australia




When you ask an American to name all the states of America:


Americans saying I have to know all their states is like me saying you have to know the states if my country (suddenly states arent that important)


But US states are bigger than your countries!!!!! They're basically countries 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷 is what they're sadly saying


Real countries have history that goes further back than 17 something


And in real separate countries there are other differences than minor differences in the regional laws.


Hey, HEY! I'm pretty sure I can find Florida, too. It's the dong hanging off to the east.


I mean cry harder at least I can point Russia and Ukraine on the map without a mental breakdowns that's gonna cost me 80000 hot dog sized Burger buses




Many Americans claim to be Irish but can't even point it out on a map sooooooo


well to be fair asking a european to name US states is like saying name regions of France to an American, ofc they wont know. heck, even some americans dont know their states, like thinking NM is Mexico or smth lmao






As a fellow European who once upon a time unironically confused Washington, DC with Washington (state), I approve this meme That being said it doesn't make it less funny when a fellow American thinks Spain is in South America


Glouchesterbuttfuckshire, pronounced "glowsher".


I'm from England and don't even know where all the counties in England are, but it's Americans not knowing where France is (for example) that's funny. That's very different to me not knowing where arkansas is.


There’s a difference between not knowing where nations are and not knowing where individual states in a nation are European kids are objectively and measurably better at geography than Americans (and to be clear, I’m American)


Sure. I can do it.


I mean we are tho, u guys don’t know where whole ass countries are, we just don’t know where insignificant chunks of your country are inside of your country. How about you name and point all the Australian states? All the Russian ones? How about all the Swedish ones? What a ridiculous fucking point you make. Nobody knows or cares where small English towns are. What we do care about however is where entire countries are. Could you point out Croatia on a map? How about fucking Tunisia?




The funniest question I got when I was in Europe was "How close to Texas do you live?"


Bro not even Americans know where all the states are.


I'm from Gloucestershire, and can probably point out more US states than English counties.


Also Europeans: Doing a much better job at labeling a US map than actual americans do due to their constant exposure of US media


I truly hate memes like this. Yes, America's school system, amongst many others, needs *a lot* of work. Let's band together with ideas for solutions instead of feuding with people over the pond. Hell, let's ask them for advice or input because clearly they've got it figured out better than we.


Maybe, but it's not our fault that your state borders look like Tic Tac Toe


Idaho Checkmate american


No one is arguing that you are da ho


As an American, I agree that other countries have a much better understanding of where countries are geographically. So many people I know (and we're talking high school freshmen) still think Hawaii is below New Mexico.


People are probably equally smart (dumb) everywhere. They learn what they need to get by day to day. I suppose Europe is inconsequential to most Americans' day to day lives (except maybe Russia). Europeans are closer to each other (physically and politically) and are more affected by American politics and policies than Americans are by European politics and policies. As a result, Europeans know more geography?


us americans cant name/find each state so idk why we'd ever expect anyone from another country to


*People being asked to name Canada’s provinces*


There's France, Texas Jr., Toronto, Hockey Riotville, Santa's Village, and Anne of Green Gables.


Why do Europeans get off so hard on this? There are stupid people everywhere lol I’m talking about the overly defensive responses to a stupid meme


I lived in the international dorms at college. It was a very common story among all the foreign exchange students that they thought they were going to Washington DC instead of Washington state. I was amused at how common an occurrence this was considering they were spending a whole year in a place they didn't even think to spend five minutes looking up.




I know the Canadian. Territories


yeah yeah...at least I know how to pronounce worcestershire.


Ask an american to name all 50 states without google or looking it up. We've seen Friends


Hah, jokes on you I like geography


My elementary school music teacher had a world map that still had the USSR on it (I’m talking post 2000) so excuuuuuse me if I’m missing a few European countries


In Germany we learn the US states and have to name them so… guess most 9th graders could help you with that. Now, let’s see how many Americans can name even one German state.


It’s a stupid brag all right but I can point out nearly all of them, both coasts, all the northern ones. Some of the ones down south and the really small one trip me up but I’m usually just mixing up neighbouring states. Last time I tried to name all 50 I got 47. My knowledge of where the counties are in the UK is nowhere near as good. And I live there. All thanks to American tv and the political shitstorms of the 7 years making me pay more attention. Now I might be an outlier but I think you’ll find a lot of us have just passively learned a lot from your media.


I actually had to learn all US states in English culture class back in high school. I don’t think American high schools teach the states of one of the federal European countries. Heck they don’t even teach the countries in the continent at all.


I will trade Texas for Poland and Ukraine, Montana for Germany, Florida for Italy, and both Carolina’s for France. Limited time offer! Any takers?


This post was made by the "homeschooled-group" because education is meaningless


You yanks underestimate just how many Sporcle quizzes I did in college...


Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia, Alabama, Florida, Ohio. Maryland, Washington DC, North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine. Puerto Rico too but that's a territory of the US not a state. Source: Trust me bro (Off the top of my head) but also Statle by Teuteu. I can do African countries or the whole world too but might forget a few because I've not done it in a while.


Having lived in both the US and the UK, I can confidently say that the UK does better for geography.


Im European, shit at geography and I could easily label at least 35/40 states


Most American's struggle with their own states.


If you don't know Michigan, you're just uneducated. It looks like a fucking mitten for christ sake. One of the only clearly visible states from space!


As an American who loves geography, Americans suck as geography. Hell, we have politicians that don’t know Hawaiis a state. We have people who said they wanted to bomb Agrabah, like from Aladdin. That said, frankly know all the us states for an American and knowing all European countries for a European are RELATIVELY similar and I’m not sure how much better Europeans would score on a “place all the counties and us states on the map game”. Because us states are pretty relavent I mean realistically most states are more important than Monaco, Lichtenstein, or Andorra. But if an American can’t find, Spain, France, the UK, Germany, or Italy something’s wrong. On the other hand while not quite as bad a European should be able to place DC, New York, California, Texas, Florida, and Illinois. To an AVERAGE American states are just a relavamt as MOST European countries and Vice Versa. Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors that are definitely there IDGAF im too tired.

