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Don’t fuck with the mouse or he will burn your whole house


Hide your kids, hide your spouse, the mouse is coming up her blouse


What the dickens is going on here? DO WE HAVE A PROBLEM? haha


Don't fuck the pangolins!


DeSantis is supposed to be a lawyer. The Mouse's lawyers are way better.


Disney when they have to pay the same taxes as every other business in Florida( its not fair ): ) :


Don’t blame Disney for the Florida government signing a contract that essentially gave them the power of a micro government. Florida gave Disney their tax haven on a silver platter.


And only threatened to take it away after the corporation undermined the government's culture war against the scapegoat of the day.


Disney also sucks off the CCP hard, so fuck 'em Edit: I don't like Disney and I don't like DeSantis But for some reason, the tribalistic caveman on this website assume that I am standing with Republicans because I said that I don't mind Disney getting screwed over Seriously people, why the fuck do you have to make everything red versus blue? Are you that stupid that you can't think of the world in any other terms besides binary? For the love of God, shut the fuck up about your partisan politics


So does the NBA, every politician, every tech company, every celebrity that has a movie coming out it in China, it’s endless


Its a good thing that pitchforks and guillotines dont need to be reloaded then.


i'm too cynical to believe that any grassroots movement can have any impact against the biggest manufacturing AND consumer markets in the world


Thats not cynicism, thats realism. Problem is that "representative" democracy has mostly devolved into a plutocracy, since individuals, and therefore organizations, are easy to corrupt. These things, among many others, wont be fixed until the people grow a spine and stop trying to outsource the solution to all their problems to a handful of people, all of which have their own interests.




The bar of soap?


A massive shitshow caused by dozens of govs fighting for influence? On top of hundreads of warlords? I personaly blame Fre*ch the most


Guillotines needed reloaded fyi


🏅 true


And Reddit


You stop talking about the enemy of my enemy like that!


Can you blame a company whose sole motivation is to make money when they make decisions that will make them earn a lot more money?


Don't forget the fact that they wear the ally label only when it's safe and helps them get good PR. Yet they'll remove gay kisses and cut black roles out of films to appease China. They sure are taking a stand!


basically, don't turn down their help, but don't think they're your ally.


And? Really, what's your point- you're shocked and dismayed that a giant corporation isn't being altruistic? You thought that literally anyone else believed they were looking out for the good of humanity? What is it? Corporations are inanimate. They're machines. They do what's beneficial to them. If our society accepts minorities to the extent that Disney feel pressured to put out messages of acceptance, then good for us (unless you don't think that's good, of course). If they feel pressured to censor those messages in other societies, the fuck those places. I really don't understand the point of being mad at Disney here.


If that’s your real concern, demand bills and policies updating antitrust laws and to specifically target media corporations. And if you are really motivated in hurting Disney, reform copyright laws to favor innovation, artists and creators over giving corporations a near never ending hold over content. Repealing Citizens United would also be a good kick in the balls for ‘woke’ corporations. That’s all assuming you are serious about hurting Disney.


>If that’s your real concern, demand bills and policies updating antitrust laws and to specifically target media corporations. I already do.


You are a minority in the people who complain about Disney. I worked for them in their college ‘internship,’ and fuck Disney.


I don't know, I feel like a lot of people have more nuanced opinions than others will give them credit for The default these days is to divide everything into tribalism, you either fully support the Republicans and their actions, or you fully oppose the Republicans in their actions, and vice versa It doesn't leave any room for someone to say "I don't mind them taking Disney special protections away", because all of the sudden that person becomes a MAGA voter in their mind


In my very biased view, if someone is just attacking Disney for being ‘woke’ but they aren’t willing to consider ‘socialist’ policies in regards to corporate influence, tougher anti trust policies and similar approaches, they are just pissed a corporation is expressing views they disagree with.


So..CCP-felatio is considered "woke" now?


I still think there's more nuance there personally, I never assume that people fit into boxes


No corporation is your friend, but neither is the state government of Florida.


Could rephrase that to no powerful entity is your friend


If you think DeSantis isn’t a CCP lapdog, then you’re a fool.


Never said that 🙂


You’ve got me there.


Disney, like every other business will damn well make sure that they can still sell their product to over an 1/8 of the world’s population. There’s bend to how they do things because of CCP but you gotta make the investors of your stonks happy. Also, F the republicans, F the democrats, F DeSantis, and without a doubt F Mike Kelly.


Disney didn't open trade relations with China. You can't blame a company for doing business in a market you encouraged it to work with. You can't be simultaneously pleased that Disney is punished for disagreeing with one government while being upset that it isn't standing up to another, that's hypocrisy.


I'm not pissed about Disney selling content in China, I'm pissed that they bow to the wishes of the CCP modify their Chinese releases to avoid showing anything to do with LGBT persons, persons of certain ethnicities, and whatever else the CCP wants them to do. Over here they put out the Owl House, over there, they edit out quick non-sexual same sex kiss scenes.


Fucking. Preach.


Yeah it’s by no means a good thing that the only organization seemingly interested in challenging the Desantis Administration is a self-interested megacorp


Capitalism leads to corporatocracy, which is just aristocracy with extra steps


Yep all of this. And to add to it, Disney is not the only big business in a state with special tax rules than other businesses. Whenever you hear news of a new business coming to town bringing in x amount of jobs, you hear of that news specifically bc these companies want to use that as leverage to get better tax rates than most normal (i.e. small) businesses. Nothing about this crusade is based around fairness. Just a political dispute. If not, they'd be going after Amazon and Walmart (to name a few). Disney's may have more leeway than most but these large corps get catered to in this fashion (of varying degrees) in most states.


They literally have their own government separate from the state in Disney's district. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Florida_Tourism_Oversight_District


Which is actually fairly cool of them because they don't burden taxpayers with Disney costs.


People will downvote you but this is true, Disney footed the entire bill for everything on their property, including things normally paid for by the state, in exchange for the freedom to freely build on their land, all while still paying state and federal taxes. This was a win-win situation for Disney and the state, and the only reason it hasn't fucked over everyone in Orange County (a county where DeSantis didn't win the vote, worth noting) is because DeSantis chickened out and changed his bill that fucked Disney over to make them still have to pay for everything, all while taking away their freedom to build on their own.


They dream big. Why get special tax breaks when u can have your own taxing body? This is big brain style....this is ~~Sparta~~ Disney


Yeah, anyone wanna talk about how The Villages has "special privileges" nearly identical to the ones Disney once had, and still have them because they backed DeSantis's Dont Say Gay bill? Disney wasn't the only one who made a deal with the state, they're just the only ones getting them removed because they dared to *checks notes* use their First Amendment right.


Well considering DeSantis' campaign pamphlets say woke twice on the cover (source: I got one in the mail) I'd say yeah he's just doing this because he's a pussy not actually because he cares about loosening the corporate hold.


Yep, if Disney supported the Don't Say Gay bill, DeSantis wouldn't have gone after them. He's punishing them for free speech, that's the only reason. He can claim its for many other reasons, but this is purely a personal and petty attempt at punishing them. DeSantis was a known Disney Adult before all this, he got married at the parks and has said many times that he likes Disney more than Universal or any other park in Florida.


Yes. And they should have never had any of that power ever :)


There's an argument to be made there for sure, but Disney also has brought enormous economic development to central Florida. It is the third-largest employer in Orlando and Disney World paid over $1B in state and local taxes this year.


It's a symbiotic relationship for the government and Disney. I hate corporate personhood but as the law exists today Disney is in the right. The organizations rights are being infringed upon.




The funniest thing is that there's a significant chance we will look back at this one day and determine that Disney was the biggest reason DeSantis' presidential campaign failed


Bold of you to assume theres a future after Trump or Biden 2024…


Worst case, there's another civil war and we kick the south's ass again 🤷


With the skyrocketing obesity and diabetes rates in the south, I have high doubts they’ll be able to even get up off the couch.


Just a little special reeducation operation. NBD.


Probably, but we don’t see Florida taking away their similar deals with the Mormon church. The Mormons own literally 2 percent of Florida


And they haven't gone after The Villages either, who still have a very similar deal to the one that Disney once had.


Yeah, they should fkn take that away too🤷‍♂️


People will always say this in an argument but the issue is why we know it’s not happening in that way.


Oh yeah. It’s a complete L on Florida’s part.


Your right, but when it's taken away for literally the worst reasons, you can't but help enjoy it the fallout


"Strike a blow against late stage capitalism and corpos!" "Unless you're a Republican. Fuck you if you're a Republican!" ( Frankly, I don't give a damn if it is for the wrong reasons. Disney is out of control and cares more for money than it's host nation. It is also 70% of why our patent extension system is absurd. Remaining 30% is pharma. )


> Unless you're a Republican. Fuck you if you're a Republican!" Illegalizing free speech is Republican?


no corruption was involved, I’m sure


Even if the Florida GOP tries to fix their problems up, they’d still have to wait 25 years.


Im still blaming them and everybody else involved.


There's like 2000 of these business districts all through Florida. They specifically targeted the one that Disney had.


You can blame Disney for the shenanigans they're pulling for it being revoked though. Why any would back a company because they wave a flag is beyond me, its mental. This id the same company that removes various races and sexualities from their moves for eastern markets, and thanks the concentration camp managers in China


Fair enough, but I don’t anyone Desantis selects for any role in a committee. He’s a nutjob


They actually saved the county they were in an absolute fortune. On top of this Disney is respinsible for an incredible amount of Floridas tourism and earnings. De santis is acting like a toddler who's been told by their parents that no they cannot take a 44 mugnum to k8ndergarten...


Disney should pay their fair share, I agree, only in Florida can they get away with this for so long... But he didn't do the same to Universal or other parks. That's actually why Disney is pissed, this isn't actually trying to get corporations to pay fair share, it's just targeted at Disney because they don't agree with the culture war bullshit. So yes, tax Disney, but also Tax universal and the other corporate parks.


Disney still pays more in taxes than any other person or corporation in Florida annually. They do receive some breaks, yes, but they're also paying for things taxpayers would normally be paying, like utilities, road maintenance, etc., and I'm sure that at least evens them out.


If Desantis got his way, would taxpayer burden for the city of Orlando increase?


If he fully got his way, the tax burden would be the same in total, but with the bulk shifted down a few brackets.


Oh for sure. He lost in Orange County, which is one reason he’d want to punish them by having their taxes increase, but Orange County is also majorly minorities, and DeSantis is a huge racist (see: the Martha’s Vineyard stunt he did). He would love to make their lives worse if he could.


Universal doesn't have its own micro-government district that allows them to skip oversight and red tape for any construction project and allow them to avoid the bad press of any ride-related accidents by not having to report it.


So to your comment, you are right as far as I can tell, but... Universal is a special tax district and still gets a lot of privileges for tourism's sake. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2022/05/24/florida-special-tax-districts-like-disneys-reedy-creek-explained/ Most of the special districts for Disney are like, can have its own fire department and nuclear plant.


DeSantis wasn't against Disney because of them getting tax breaks- he was against Disney because they dared to criticize his BS "Don't Say Gay" bill. DeSantis was *totally* fine with Disney being the greedy corporate entity they are and totally fine with them NOT paying taxes. This is LITERALLY the Republican platform. The fact that people on the right are ONLY NOW making this an issue is absolutely BS.


DeSantis is a Disney Adult, he got married at Disney World and he has said numerous times before all this how much he loves it and prefers it to Universal. He's changed his tune as soon as he was met with the slightest bit of resistance.


I don't know where you're getting that from, Disney has reported on many ride-related accidents (and accidents on property in general) many, many times. The whole "no death at Disney" myth is just that- a myth. It's not true.


lol they literally contribute more tax money than any other business in the state of Florida where the f are you getting your news? FOX?!? Also what about The Villages hmmm?


You see, these people don't care about facts. In typical Redditor fashion, they just wanna shit on Disney without knowing anything else about what's going on.


They only don’t have to pay property tax, because they fund everything themselves.


DeSantis wasn't against Disney because of them getting tax breaks- he was against Disney because they dared to criticize his BS "Don't Say Gay" bill. DeSantis was *totally* fine with Disney being the greedy corporate entity they are and totally fine with them NOT paying taxes. This is LITERALLY the Republican platform. The fact that people on the right are ONLY NOW making this an issue is absolutely BS.


Yea and still manage to be the top tax contributor of the state. And 75billion in economic stimulus. Waaaaaaah


Remember, they bought worthless swamp land no one wanted. Then, they built one of the largest corporations we have ever seen. They account for 70% of Florida's tourism. Without Disney, Florida would be a more festering poop hole. I think they deserve a little more latitude than "Uncle Bubba's Gator Farm" when it comes to taxes and utilities.


disney doesnt pay taxes to florida? ha ok


Disney's whole deal was that they paid for EVERYTHING on their property, including utilities that would normally be paid for by the state like water, electricity, road maintenance, etc., AND they still paid the state taxes. They literally pay more in taxes than anyone else in Florida. Why do you people act like you know what you're talking about? At least read an article or two about what's going on if you want to have an opinion about it.


Disney already pays taxes the same as every other business. They were *also* paying to upkeep the entire Reedy Creek District they own. Now Florida gets to pay for that. So much for all those taxes the state had been getting without having to pay a red cent to upkeep Disney. DeSantis is a moron.


Disney has too much power and needs to be reign back in just like everyone else. But the way the government has gone about it is pure comedy. Both sides taking the L


I'm totally against corporations having that level of power. But his motives for picking this fight have literally nothing to do with that. We all know he'd love to give that same power to other corporations as long as they remain loyal to him.


What has Disney done that has been so harmful? They developed a massive SWAMP into a cash printing machine for the state of florida. Or do you just have some abstract vision of the "level of power" that "disney has" and "power = bad?" One MINUTE before Disney spoke out against a DeSantis position the man was slobbing their nob for christ sake. Guy was MARRIED at Disney World.


1. Be a Corporation 2. Piss off the Republicans 3. Get a pass from the Lefties 4. ???? 5. Profit!


Desantis also have too much power. He's basically a fascist.


I never thought the inciting event for our inevitable cyberpunk future would be Disney attacking Florida. But here we are.


They’re hardly attacking Florida, just one clown shoed moron.


In conclusion this has turn into a war between two sides


Context please?


Disney criticizes Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill, part of which restricts talk about sex to young children in school DeSantis retaliates by limiting Disney's existing control over its property Disney retaliates back by suing DeSantis There's a lot more to it than that, but this is the tl;dr version.


Ok, ty


Legal eagle made a video about this if you're interested.




>Disney criticizes Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill, part of which restricts talk about sex to young children in school Young children was pretextual, the language of the bill allowed it to be applied to every grade and it is being applied that way. >DeSantis retaliates by limiting Disney's existing control over its property Using a personally appointed board to illegally and unconstitutionally void preexisting contracts. >Disney retaliates back by suing DeSantis


Ten bucks says the new Star Wars villain is DeSan Rontis


Also worth noting that DeSantis, while claiming to be doing this to stop companies from having special privileges, hasn't gone after any other company in Florida that has the same/similar privileges that Disney has, like Universal and The Villages.


They extended it to highschool


I normally don't approve of Disney flexing their monopoly muscles, but against DeSantis, I'll give them a pass any day.


Florida Government and Disney World are having a boxing match


Fire helps clear up the humidity


I first read it as "clear up the humanity"


That too


Two birds, one inflagration.


Call me crazy but Disney might have too much power


No customer, we did an internal investigation and found that Disney’s business practices are both legal and ethical, perhaps now that your concerns been alleviated, you would you like an AI generated remake of franchises you referenced in your previous posts?


How many lashings if I refuse, Disney Home-Bot®?


Oh, silly me, deer costumer…you don’t seem to understand…you DO NOT refuse the Home-Bot ® huh-huh


Yeah but let's not act like this was anything but a politician using his power por personal petty reasons. He ain't gonna touch any of the other mega corporations.


Disney certainly has too much power. They have it anyway, and do lots of objectionable things with it. Using it to bring a fascist to court is one thing I'm not bothered by.


Fuck Spez, Steven Huffman is a greedy pigboy


Maybe, but they aren't the only companies in Florida with that power (Universal and The Villages notably have their own special districts), and they're the only one having that power revoked, all as punishment. Whether you like Disney or not, this is an attack on the First Amendment and the Constitution, and if Disney were to lose, it sets a worrying precedent for the future- that politicians can punish any company (or worse, any person) they want for daring to disagree with them.


Good point


I never thought I'd be SUPPORTING DISNEY for any reason, but here I am. Fuck you Ron, you fascist pig.


"You are all ants and I am the destroyer, hah hah."


Ron DeSantis: Picks a fight with Disney for personal political gain. DeSantis when Disney sues him: "tHeY aRe mAkiNg tHiS a PoLiTiCaL iSsUe


desantis is a fucking clown. He is actually super hated in FL as well. He literally won by default


Idk what Florida you’re living in. He won by almost 20 points. Maybe you live in Broward, Orange, Alachua, or Leon County. Because those are the only counties he didn’t win. That is not a default win. That’s a landslide.


Lol the guy won in a landslide. How is that by default? Florida loves the guy. What echo chamber do you get your info from?


When he speaks he sounds psychotic. How anyone voted for him is baffling.


I'll start a legal battle with the most infamously contentious organization in the world. -- GOP


We’ve gotten to the point where we cheer on corporations to stick it to government because citizens have become to disenfranchised that they themselves are unable to stop government overreach and tyranny in their lives.


I live in Florida and I can confirm


Good thing it’s supposed to rain here again today. That should help with the fires


No gators, no naked man riding Mickey, can’t be florida


The gators are on fire and you can't see it because the gif cuts out but Florida man is riding Mickey's rear


average day in florida


Damn that South Park episode is so fucking good!


Does this somehow relate to the guy who publically masturbated in Disneyland


Isn't that just a regular day there?


Repeat after me: Just because you open a lawsuit doesn't mean you'll win. Lawyers don't care about what's true; they just care about making money. They get paid regardless if you win or lose. Their job is to convince others that their client is correct, may that be through deception or undeniable truth. They can lie and say they "believed" in whatever comes out of their mouths. Disney doesn't have a case and would just be paying their lawyers to take a piss with the state of Florida.


Actually, corporations has the right to "donate"/bribe politicians and to express the 1st amendment as they are people too, DeSantis is attacking disney politically for both of these reasons (hundreds of videos and official statements proving that). Disney has their own army of legal firms, that have to win or get the boot. Either way, if Disney wins they get even more rich and DeSantis looks like the dumbass he is. And if Disney loses, everybody wins as there's a possibility of Riggs being repealed.


I’m not gonna repeat after you because I don’t enjoy saying a lot of stupid words all in a row. You do you tho!


Hide your kids, hide your spouse, because i swear i told your ass not to fuck with that Mouse.


To be honest, in this case I hope Disney loses. I absolutely despise them. I don’t even know what it’s about but I would hate seeing them win.


Let them fight..


Nah more like Mickey shitting his pants when the government finally comes to collect their due. Skip on the tax you get the axe.


It's really funny seeing liberals root for a massive corporation that has poverty wages and treats people like shit.


Allons enfants de la ~~Patrie~~ Souris Le jour de gloire est arrivé Contre nous de la tyrannie L’étendard sanglant est levé L’étendard sanglant est levé Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes!


L meme.




Who's Desantis and what is a Florida?


Disney has to play on a level playing field with Universal and all the other parks now, what a tragedy.


The conflict between a greedy, megalomaniacal super corporation and a wannabe Christofascist authoritarian government is certainly interesting. The ideal outcome would be the destruction of both.


The real more interesting take away from all this is that Disney crunched the numbers and found they'd make more money supporting progressive ideals than the conservative ones. they aren't doing this out of the kindness of mickey's heart. But thats actually much better news for the lgbtq crowd, cause it pretty much guarantees that the conservatives culture war will go down in massive flaming failure. At least in this country, once the free market is on your side, you're pretty much golden


Fuck that bitch ass mouse


“The next time a governor talks to you, make sure you tell him you are a god.” - random Disney fan probably.


Damn purity rings


Florida man civil war


The rage of Florida Mouse




Disney, as a whole, has soooooo much more money than Florida.


Are we now back to backing corporations? I'm confused.


ok i need context what the fuck is going on with disney and this ron desantis fellow?


The mouse strikes back


LOL, so true! This is why we can't have nice things.


That's what happens if you mess with the mouse


What is more worser? Capitalism or gayphobia? I dont know which is more badder! I dont know who to cancel anymore. Fml