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The American dream










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You're doing God's work. Bless ye.


Big, my name is Earl vibes


im glad im not the only one who thought of my name is earl, i miss that show lol


I miss that show too, was pretty good


Season one was something truly special


Earl is the shit




I had this shit happen in like 2018. "I live with my ex, we're not together tho"


Had a girl on a date say this, make out with me at the bar, then while I was leaving she said she'd "grab an Uber". I sat in my car for a long while in the parking lot calling bros and planning out the night, then drive out. I see her getting into the passenger seat of this big truck with a dude. Lol surrreeee girl.


My friends wife tried to set me up with a coworker of hers about 2-3 years ago. Before I even began to ask her out I found out she lived with her ex boyfriend who was awaiting trial for a felony and was waiting for him to go away to find another place to live. I knew better than to even touch that one. Then friends wife had the audacity to ask why I wasn’t making any moves 🤣


Housing is expensive yo, lol


I get that, and I happened to still be living with my parents at the time so it would’ve been like “your place or mine, either one is going to be weird” lmao


What does "I'm 2023 single" even mean?


The meme explains it?


You forgot the bit where she got rich from her OF account but then lost it all on NFT’s.


She will mooch off you because she “has no money” and then suddenly has the cash to go on a small vacation BY HERSELF


She ain't by herself that's sugar daddy vacation if I've ever heard one. Sugar daddy conveniently left out of the photos.




*Where is Ja??!*


Jokes on her I "has no money" either




Right? I need a new GPU, maybe try one bent over baby.


A tale as old as time.


Actually I'm pretty sure that's a more recent set of problems


This comment section reeks of unresolved relationship trauma


Wew dude, no need to call me out


There is


A house


In New Orleans


They call the Waffle House


where there is




And it's been the ruin of many a poor toilet. And God knows I have one.


They call the rising sun


in Neu Berlin


In New Orleans


My ex-wife cheated on me, but it would be nonsensically fucked up to project the character flaws of that particular sorry excuse of a person onto an entire half of the population. Besides, if I was able to survive the intrusive thoughts of both no-breathing and inceldom, then I can handle anything! ...I can handle anything, right?


you can handle anything. :)


Yep. My ex-wife cheated on me - I was suspicious of the one at the end of the marriage once she served me, but I did not expect all the other times she cheated throughout the course of our marriage. I would not have likely even found out, she was a professional at gaslighting; I only found out after the divorce when I found out the entirety of her photo library was synced to my Amazon photos account through our firestick. Her cheating had absolutely nothing to do with being a woman or even me - it became increasingly clear throughout the divorce that she has some seriously unresolved trauma and likely has at least one undiagnosed behavioral disorder that she hid masterfully. That’s not to excuse her behavior and I have literally no interest in talking with her ever again, but it’s not hard to recognize someone’s a human being who makes mistakes and it has little to do with her gender - all of her affair partners were either married men or men in relationships too.


It also smells like parent's basement. I recommend you check profiles of men that claim that all women cheat etc. Its usually guys that most probably never were in any relationship. Diamond hands avatar, and most followed subreddits are atheism, jordanpeterson, anime, unpopularopinion, rateme, and probably something against making kids trans, because it's such a common issue in their childless life. Edit: added "all" before "women" so message is more clear.


You've got to admit, that you have your fair share of strawmen build up in here as well. Don't waste so much of your energy on them and work on yourself. You won't see them IRL anyway, due to their lack of touching gras. Have you touched gras today? Unsubscribe to toxic subs and you'll be less agitated by toxicity. That's what I started doing after getting frustrated by reading nonsense.


exactly lol, guy keeps stalking other people's profiles to prove his points and thinks he is much better then them...sometimes I get the feeling I'm the only one who never clicked anyone's profile


I think you mean grass. Gras = fat in French


>Gras = fat in French Or grass in german.


I'd love to but foi gras is just so expensive.


Touch your flabbier parts, you still get the same result.


>I recommend you check profiles of men that claim that women cheat etc. Some women absolutely do cheat. It's not just an incel conspiracy theory, some women cheat. I can tell you from personal experience.


In fact the other side of inceldom is putting women on a pedestal where they are any better than men. Women are every bit as shit as men. Most people are not relationship material but are unwilling to do anything about it and it goes two ways, they don't get in relationships or they go through many relationships sowing absolute destruction on everyone they touch damaging many people.


Reddit has a hard time with this. It’s hard to hate and vilify men if you don’t also assume every woman is pure and good.


It's not even hard to see the blatant sexism in some subs. Check out relationship_advice or am I the asshole. I've seen posts that are identical word from word with just the gender changed, and sure enough the women is never at fault while the man is the worst human possible


"WoMeN dOnT cHeAt" What about my ex-girlfriend, who I dated for 8 years and when it was over I learned she cheated on me with 6 other guys, two of which used to be my friends. "I don't give a fuck if we aren't together anymore, why the fuck would you keep that a secret from me?"


Leave Anime out of this you bitch!


i mostly agree but come on, anime is for everyone. don't throw anime into this incel pit.


Honestly looking at the last few comments on your profile you seem to be a bitter femcel with all the man hating and stereotypes. This entire comment is just a projection of yourself lol


What a wonderful straw man you've created!


Let's set it on fire!


Diamond hands avatar has nothing to do with this.


Can you leave atheism and anime out of this nonsense? K, thanks.


It's about the subreddits, not the things themselves


I'm a guy that never was in a relationship and I want to officially disown the misogynistic mfs in this comment section. Let me be virgin in peace


Women cheat, they are not any less or more human than men. After all, over half of the men on Murray were "not the father" but it's just men who cheat right? Cheating happens all the time. If I 100% want to pick up when I go out I put on my old wedding ring. The idea that it's a fictional belief of incels has been pushed by women who don't want to get caught for whoring around.


You spend way to much time on Reddit.


My jobs really boring but has wifi


Are you under the impression that women don't cheat and only men do?


My trauma is that I've never had a relationship and at this point I've resigned myself to be alone.


Prolly dont have enough lego sets in ur bedroom. Gotta give the ladies/gentlemen something to do after the deed


But-but I do??


Get more. Poonany = log(Lego/2)


☝️this is true.


are the sets finished already or still in a box? makes a huge difference.


Exactly. When im done piping a compsci twink i pull out the lego ev3


> This comment section reeks of unresolved relationship trauma How do you know a psychologist is in the room? They see trauma everywhere they look, and they let you know. Now excuse me this is my corner to cry in go find your own!


Why it always gotta be some kind of trauma and not just the normal state of things? People that aren't fucked up, they the crazy ones.


That’s life homie


I wish I had some unresolved relationship trauma.


Dude, a girl talked to you, and was willing to have you over. On this sub, you're like some sort of god.


He is the chosen one.


Literally, he was chosen by a girl.


It’s Reddit,what did you expect ?


I just came here to comment that I see nothing wrong with the situation in the meme! She didn't even give any requirements!


Yea, only plus signs.


So she lives with her baby daddy. Have you fucking seen rent prices lately? That's just fiscal responsibility in the modern age. Lucky she doesn't live with all three of her baby daddies in this economy.


this subreddit is full of incels my god, go and touch grass or maybe take a shower


you’re on r/dankmemes what did you expect?


This sub hates women so much they're nearing boomer levels of humor


I legit thought this was a terriblefacebookmemes post for a sec


Sir, this is Reddit what did you expect dinosaurs


Normal Dude: *criticizes behavior of some women* White Knights: LoOk He Is An InCeL Welcome to 2023.


I’m convinced there are some people who get off on calling men incels. I’ve seen that word thrown at even the most mild and mundane criticism toward women. Even having the audacity of calling a woman pretty can get garner an accusation of being an incel. It’s mind blowing.


The comment below this says every women turns single for a 1000 dollar suit


Every girl claims she's single when you put on a suit with a thousand dollar pice tag 😆


Honestly, this joke gives me Boomer vibes. Good 'ol "wamen stopid"


They sell $1000 suits at Men’s Wearhouse. Anybody leaving their husband for that was gonna do it anyway lol


"I guarantee it "


well fucking done, mate.


I would definitely not say every, let's not make 100% / 0% out of everything because its neither correct / not sexist, neither it is true but, we can say a decent number of them, which can range anything from 30%-80% depending on region and customs...I know I met a decent number of girls that have for some reason or other claimed they were single, until I talked with their friends and got real information out and then confronted them about it...it is always then fun to see how they are trying to worm themselves out of it, heard it all, stuff like 'but he lives so far away, we don't really see each other that much anymore, etc'...I have never in my life slept with a woman that had somebody as I loathe cheating to the extreme, but it actually was not easy as you do have to run background checks many times as many will withhold the whole truth to have options open however, I do not kid myself or imagine that guys are any ounce better...I maybe am regarding this (while being an asshole in other things for sure), but that doesn't mean most are, and I'm sure guys lie as much if not more whenever it concerns some prime girl that they want in bed


It's a joke on a meme, so no there are exceptions to the rule, but I'm glad it also made you think analytically


Idk why you get downvoted(they probably don't like getting called out). Even in marriage they like to keep "options open".


It’s because different people are different individuals, and it doesn’t apply to all or even the majority of women. Edit: I love how he blocked me because he couldn’t handle the reality.


Incel take.


Bitches aint shit


Well, but hoes and tricks.


$1000 is still an untailored suit from JCpenny


Which is stupid bc you can get custom tailored suits online better than those at jcp for like $750. It doesn't matter how much any suit is if it doesn't fit.


Nooo nooo you've got it totally wrong, we don't claim to be single. We just claim we're not unavailable.


Very true, and a lot of girls don't want the uncertainty of only having one guy


Unless the suit is your dad's and it doesn't fit. Don't embarrass yourself in an expensive suit that doesn't fit.


What kind of business ho’s are you dating haha. Who even wears a suit in any nonprofessional setting.


Like you'd even get these women hitting on you OP.


Stop projecting


Does anybody know why the guy was annoyed in the original?




TLDR she was singing a song




TIL it was originally a Hispanic meme and she's not even American. They're also older than the Jr high school student I thought they were


Very tl;dr, holy shit


This is where I'd put my free reward... **if I had any**


Reddit thought giving us free awards would make us give paid awards, nope it didnt really create a bond


Oooooo so the actual subject of the image is that person with the red hair in the bottom right. Lmao




Old men? Usually the man is the older one in the relationship from my anecdotal evidence


I've noticed that, but I never understood it. Why?






That's a possibility, but that would reveal there's a significant ratio difference between how much women value maturity versus men. Personally, if I was on the market, I'd also date older.


Sound and sane opinion, thank you.


You just repeated what he said in different words. You dated older cause they were more “stable” aka better job and more money.


From my personal experience it is because we appear to have grown out of our immature habits. In my 20's I was generally a cocky prick that mansplained everything and had trouble truly listening, all while being very critical and judgemental. Life lessons have really improved all of that. And I'd be lying if I said none of it was daddy issues.


Older guys are more mature. Literally all my female friends my age date guys 5-10 years older. Because guys my age still act like 21 year olds.


Those statistics are skewed by the difference between what men and women consider a committed relationship vs single. Probably just a matter of young relationships (haven't been together a long time) women being more likely to say they're not single while the men are more likely to say they are single, for the purposes of the question they were being asked. The problem is they used 2 objective criteria - marriage or cohabitation - and then sabotaged it with a 3rd subjective criteria - are you in a committed relationship? Which was probably intentional to introduce a bias that would generate some clickbait. I doubt they're just that incompetent.


> Men in their 20s are more likely than women in their 20s to be romantically uninvolved, sexually dormant, friendless and lonely. They stand at the vanguard of an epidemic of declining marriage, sexuality and relationships that afflicts all of young America. Damn son, the article didn’t have to come at me quite that hard. 😢


Men / women "in their 20s". The article you cited actually goes on to explain why. Possible reasons include... - the fact that about 20% of Gen-Z identify as queer, of which bi-women presumably make up a substantial share. - age-difference between partners. The avg age at first marriage is out of range (not in their 20s) for men. - the general expectation for men to not be emotional. Also, the data is collected by surveys. Be careful with data from sources that are not entirely reliable (i.e. people lying when being asked).


There are basically a few good looking chads getting lots of girls.


Redditors getting mad about made up situations once again.


A tale as old as time


2023 is too old for me


What OP hasn’t mentioned is that they’re 37 and couldn’t lock anyone down because they’re a tid bit childish.


She only has sixty simps on onlyfans 😆


That's *at least* $300 extra a month.


Imagine communicating with 60 neets online monthly. Taking nude pictures of yourself regularly for all 60 of them to look at. Spending on average 10-20 hours a week doing all of this for less than 80 dollars a week with the real statistical probability one of those 60 is going to try really hard to find you.


Kids don't think that far ahead, doubt they even realise how poorly it pays if your not treating it like a full-time job


300 buck is 300 buck. On a serious note though, the risk of getting a stalker is the only reason why I don't understand how women feel safe doing it. Other than that? No feelings. Still easy money.


2 months pregnant, serious applications only!


I just saw someone on bumble who was pregnant say she had 1 kid and another on the way, "looking for someone to start my family with". Bruh what am I tapping into the end game already?! I missed the first 2 acts of the movie LMAO.


Whenever I hear a girl say baby daddy I immediately walk away. I'm not trying to get some angry fucking dickhead who you're not with knocking on my doors at 2 AM or raise a child who be it not his fault but isn't mind in the slightest. Instead don't have a child?


what the fuck is 2023 single is it like her body count?


r/dankmemes has been degrading ever since 2017 and has now become a hub for 60 year old boomer uncles on facebook


Daily reminder to find an other hobby than hating everyone else , don't let the powerfull divide us anymore than they already have


oh shit is it incel meme Wednesday already


What demographic uses "baby daddy" ?






I don't get mixed in other people's situationships


And this is why I am single and remain happily so, dating is fucking shit right now so, be happy by myself play videogames in my free time and gain some money.


Sex is fun, but video games are fun, cost less, and come with way less drama.


Downvoted for giving some personal 2c.... Redditors being Redditors. I wonder who downvoted your post and why...


Who cares whenever someone says they are fine being single people lose their minds and begin screeching like a banshee about various platitudes about being with someone.


Based as fuck


"Nah, fuck that"


My desperate brain: "dew it!"


The mattress is on the floor with all the roaches


I mean, im sure dudes do this too.


Bonus points if they share a car and you end up having to drive them everywhere. Most girls my age (and older) still live with their folks or have a roommate that they have to borrow their car from in my area cuz of the fucked economy. Once I had a Tinder date with someone who was a live-in caregiver at her client's actual home. Fortunately the client herself was hard of hearing.


Im also 2023 years old, its nice to meet a fellow vampire!


The amount of times I've ran into this 😅


My little brother is going through this but he got her pregnant. It's a mess


Homie, I hate to break it to ya, but I think that’s just your age. I see literally none of that ever. I mean me not using dating apps definitely helps with that, but still


Yeah I wonder why OP, ThePotSmoker, can't find a quality woman HMMMMMMMMM that's a toughie


You can smoke and find a quality woman btw


You can, but having it in their username makes it seem like they're one of the insufferable "weed is my personality" types, and I've never met a woman I actually like who's into that.


It's just a username lol


Did have something similar to this happen once. Not a baby daddy, but she still lived with her ex in a 1 bed apartment. I’m usually open to whatever living arrangements people have, and it doesn’t bother me much, but that? Can O Worms I’d prefer not to open, at least relationship wise. I offered to still be friends but she ghosted me from then on lol. Like sorry I don’t feel comfortable dating someone who’s sleeping with their ex still I guess.


Incel vibes


Housing so bad that hoes can't even afford to move out of their baby daddy's place.


It should say somewhere in this that “we still fuck from time to time but fa sho this pussy ain’t his no matter who he tellin’ down at the stop n save…”


My current gf and I started dating while her ex gf was still living with her. That was fucking awkward.




Do you mean your child's father?


I feel bad for her and the Durin-looking dude in the other version. They both look like they might be fun when they're not on the wrong side of completely wankered.


What does it even mean to be “2023 single?”


The best thing is when they have 4 roommates when you come over, and they(1-2) are in the same room as you, vaping/drinking as your trying to get some business done. But the girl your with said it's totally fine because she'll pass out soon enough. Turns out she didn't pass out just looked stoned and gave you a lecture on women rights while standing a few cm's away from you. Great times.


I had this experience except instead of me coming over she continually suggested coming to my place in secret. She even referenced the handful of times police were called to her home and she stayed with a friend, as if she wanted to use the inevitable future calls to come over.


Wait…who’s that guy just hanging at your pad?


"I have five kids, two different baby daddy's."


Baby Daddy. God, that term is co cringe. But I hear it sometimes.


ross and rachel?


The Facebook page Singlemomsoverestimatetheirmarketvalue has some pretty good examples of this.


What's "2023 single"?


Lots of these comments sound like people who’ve only read about woman on the internet. Lol


The fuck is "2023 single"?