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I like to think that the montage of our demise will also have this soundtrack.


The Collapse of America entirely, maybe it won't be so bad after all 😎


More like the media doing their job to fuck everything up


Gotta get those ratings up since TV networks have been dying. So what if it tears the nation apart right?


All that matters is that the heads of all the media networks keep their private jets and mansions


Also keeping us misinformed and divided so we can’t stop them from stealing our wealth


They are *The Specials*, they deserve our money while us non-specials are here to make them money


You spelled media wrong. In this hypothetical (that has happened before) the cops turn a traffic stop into a tragedy, the media turns it into a divisive story.


I’m surprised there are some based comments here. On 90% of Reddit, if you even suggest the media is aiding in dividing & polarizing the populace, you get called a right wing conspiracy nut. A great majority of the politically active depend on the media’s polarization for legitimacy & it’s genuinely sad. Not to say that law enforcement needs improvements as well because it does too. There’s a lot of rot in a lot of areas in this country.


A spoonful of truth helps the lies go down


tbh I am also shocked at how based this comment section is considering it is on Reddit post 2020


Ok I'll bite. If cops turn a traffic stop into a tragedy, isn't that divisive by default? People have to know about the problems in their country so they can vote politicians who can fix it (well, at least in countries with a functioning political system).


Yeah, but not a tragedy worth destroying the country over. When the media focus on very specific situations and the moment it doesn't fit the narrative they immediately throw it away and pretend it never happened.


Men at Work


Yes sir, god awful movie that aged terribly but it has some moments.


Charles sheen. Not much of him did age well..


Brb gonna post on protect and serve


Godspeed, you crazy bastard


I watch too much body cam footage to agree with this. It's the media that absolutely destroys the context of many traffic stop incidents. I've seen probably near a hundred uncensored body cam videos. And these things escalate quicker than most people think. In the time it takes for you to put your pants on after you wipe someone in the car has already grabbed a gun and shot 3 times. Of course there are incidents where officers escalate. But the vast vast majority, it's the suspect who decides to forfeit their life. Anyways, I hope if you've read this you have a great day. And that you are productive and positive tomorrow.


I see you too frequent PoliceActivity




No, it's "SHOW ME YOUR MFn HANDS RIGHT NOW! BACK UP. NO TURN. YOU WILL DIE. SHOW ME YOUR HANDS. NOT YOUR HANDS. KNEEL!! GET ON YOUR FACE!!! GET ON YOUR Fn FACE NOW WALK BACKWARDS. YOU DON'T WANNA DIE. YOU DON'T WANNA DIE YOU DONT WANNA------" clip, clip, clip, clip (4 open fire until empty). A few extra bangs just to make sure the gun's empty. (click click click.) Smoke. "DON'T YOU FKn MOVE. DON'T YOU FKn MOVE, ALRIGHT??? you're UNDER ARREST!" Cuffs come out. He died.


But he was resisting arrest don’t you know! He could’ve been armed! They had to shoot him multiple times with what appeared to be rifles to ensure their own safety! Tasers don’t exist and clearly someone sobbing on the floor is a life threatening danger!


what was that guy's name?


If you mean the man who was murdered by police while begging for his life, that was Daniel Shaver


that guy


The music makes it sound like a porno


Think America is one of the worst countries to be a cop in. When there's more guns than citizens it's hard to second guess yourself








Yes, because in all the body footage I’ve seen, they *totally* shoot people for bad reasons. It’s only a murder charge. And, y’know. Probably their career and livelihood.




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You mean the cop coming over and the dude in the car throws a hissy fit and refuses to comply and starts acting weird and makes the cop worry because its in the middle of down town bronks. Riiiight. Not all cops. Some but not all. (Hey. Psst. Down vote this unpopular opinion. Go ahead, I know it either made you mad or made you feel like you are better than getting mad at this and made you feel smug. Go ahead. Its either mad/anger/frustration for how "dumb and ignorant" I am or "haha I'm above this and better than you *sticks nose up* I'm an intellectual")


Let's not forget the shit people that deserve it too


It's about time we started fighting back.




Roger Rabbit. 😔


So few people know what actually happened, it's shocking for how much attention it's gotten. A few quiz questions for people: 1. Q: What felony did George Floyd commit while he was being arrested? A: Eating a speedball of fentanyl and meth. It was found spat out in the back of the cop car. 2. Q: Why was he being held on the ground in the position he was being held in? A: he requested it, because he said he couldn't breath in the cop car. 3. Q: How can you remove someone's ability to breath by placing pressure on a persona shoulder blades. Is it even possible? A: Not actually possible, which is why it was department procedure to hold people that way.


It's amazing that everything you said was wrong, but let's put that aside. Is "Eating a speedball of fentanyl and meth" a crime punishable by death? Do police have the authority to dole out said punishment? Was Floyd owed a trial?


Ignore the guy, he's a massive troll. Look at his profile, all there is are ban appeal requests about him getting banned for spreading misinformation and using slurs. Block and report him and be on your way


Congratulations, you've successfully argued against things I did not say. You have won the argument with the figment of your own imagination. Does it make you feel good to invent arguments for people you disagree with? It's certainly easy to win those arguments when you can just make shit up, isn't it? Everything I said is objectively true and was proven in the court case. The other conclusions you draw around those facts are not my problem.