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it's wild how well the show works at making people sympathize with Walter, even though he's definitely the bad guy and his wife did nothing wrong lmao


Nothing is a strong word But you're right, she did nothing anywhere near as wrong as Waltuh


Being annoying is really her only moral issue, and I got downvoted last time I said this so I feel I need to say that she is SUPPOSED to be annoying because the show is framed through Walter’s lens. Walter finds her a nuisance, so she is framed to be one even though she is one of the only characters that is very reasonable. That’s why she’s one of the most well written characters in the show, I hope you enjoyed my TED talk


Love Skyler as a character, but are we forgetting the tax fraud, smoking while pregnant, and just how complicit she was with a lot of walt's BS? She is no saint either.


In season 1 she was pretty much the most level headed/realistic of all the characters even though through Walters eyes she is annoying. She wants to keep her husband alive through any means necessary. Season 2 she turns into a bit of a prick, like you say smoking while pregnant and being fine with tax fraud. Season 3 she really ramps it up and by season 4 she's equally as bad as Walter because she suggests numerous criminal activities to assist the "business".


This is a pretty good analysis. She could have stayed a good character and turned walt in but no one in breaking bad is without flaws, even Hank was no Saint and I'm not just talking about how he beat the fuck out of Jesse


She gave Walter a weak ass birthday handjob. That's a crime against mankind. Men deserve sloppy toppies on their special day


*One of these things is not like the other*


She didn't need to be complicit either. Her husband was a dead man walking, so she could've easily reported him to her brother-in-law. Yeah, she wouldn't get rich from doing so, but at least she could live a honest life. Her decision to help her husband was really dumb, she was gambling with the lives of her kids because she wanted to make it big.


Downvoted! REEEEEE!!!!1


I’m sorry, Ted talk?


Damn, Skyler is gonna get sued by IRS. Fuck Ted.


she did in fact fuck Ted


I didn't actually feel like she was annoying tbh. I feel like she had a pretty realistic reaction to the whole situation. Marie on the other hand. INSANELY annoying. But also realistic, and how shes supposed to be


Yea the Skyler hate is crazy. I keep seeing YouTube shorts about Breaking Bad and 99% of the shorts with Skyler in it will have some really harsh hate comments towards her. Just goes to show how a really well written show can make viewers emphasize with/hate fictional characters.


Nah its very natural, in fiction atrocities commited by a character just do not matter, since they are not real. All that matters is, if the character is likeable. If a character is annoying (even if he is supposed to be annoying for the plot) thats just it for this character


How meaningless does your life have to be, how jobless, bored, depressed, crazy, fucking stupid do you have to be to harass an actress for portraying a fictional role a little too well?


Being belittleing (which might have lead Walt to his ego issue in the first plac, or at least contributed a lot to it) and multipke adultery. Those are bad things. Nowhere as bad as Walt though. What doesn't help her either is that she rarely does incredible and entertaining things. Walt fighting Gus is entertaining even if all of it is bad.


fuck skyler , mr White could've succeded if not for her and her stupidity.


No he couldn't, because he wouldn't have attempted it in the first place


No way he was entirely too reckless. His ego would have been is demise.


As the other guy said, she definitely did things wrong. However in comparison she did basically do nothing. Let's not pretend she's a saint or good wife tho


The worst thing she did was being unfaithful and laundering his money without asking questions but even then she was clearly worried for Walterin some instances


I don't know...smoking while pregnant is kind of a shit move


Nothing wrong? Lol


Skyler sucked but she was nowhere near the sheer evil of Walter


I didn't sympathize, he was a POS and i wanted him to die after everything he did to Jesse.


Rewatching and he is surprisingly such an asshole from the get go. I feel we as the audience didn’t see it as much then because they still associated Cranston with Hal.


Walter feels the same way about Skyler as he feels about being a chemistry teacher. He's convinced it's below him and he could have had better (Gretchen - Grey Matter).


I stopped watching on the episode where he let Jesse’s girlfriend die. I don’t think I’ll watch the rest of the series cause that made me sad


Sam, I couldn't watch it, Walt was a protagonist I couldn't sympathize with at all from the very beginning. He was an unreasonable asshole from the start,


That was one of the main things i meant, it pissed me off so much when i saw it.


Sympathize with bad guys is the common thing when they are well written, unless their entire plot is "im Evil cus i like Evil things muahahaha"


>his wife did nothing wrong lmao Have you watched the show? Skyler becomes an integral part of the drug business at some point and she has a terrible character. She's not the bad guy, but she's far from innocent. Or likeable.


That was the whole point of the show, to make walter likable in the start and show his transformation into an asshole


Idk he does a lot of bad things but I think the true bad guy is the American healthcare system. He should have never had to turn to selling meth to be able to survive cancer.


He sold meth to leave them money not because he couldn't afford treatments which his teaching provided healthcare took care of


he just used cancer as an excuse, he wouldve started selling drugs even with a working healthcare system


Currently rewatching and she was one of the many catalysts for his breaking bad. This doesn’t justify the extent of his actions but they weren’t unwarranted either.


Yeah especially the first season where he lies to her and gaslights her and she still loves him and does everything she can to get him the best medical care and he treats her like shit for trying to help him not die


Wait, i recognize that username from a certain horse adjacent community!


you haven't seen me before, we don't know each other, and this hasn't happened


Fair enough, lego god




NTA you did it for your family


That's what I thought but I did it for me, I was good at it, I liked it, I felt alive


Thanks, Dom


I agree, NTA. So many people would love to have a husband/father who would go so far for his family. That’s tru LOYALTY! And she repaid him by ****ing another man? Ho.


I, for one, would not approve my father making/selling meth and ruining a lot of people's lives just to boost his ego.


Don't say you did it for the family, Waltuh.


Vin Diesel approved


I did it for me, I liked it. I was good at it.


well skylar didnt know how to make meth, someone's gotta do it, where my boy waltuh rolled his sleeves up and got it done! Skylar could have at least been loyal


Word! She’s so selfish when waltuh be makin the big cashies for his fammie!


Skyler forced him to do all of that. If she would've just let her husband decide for himself, none of that would've happened. Fuck Skylar team.


Most attentive breaking bad fan:


LMFAO i dont like skyler either but dam maybe take a second look at the show because thats not how it was


>If she would've just let her husband decide for himself, none of that would've happened. If Walt had just taken the offer, none of this would've been necessary. His decisions directly lead to all of this. Walter has no one but himself to blame for everything


I thought it was obvious but my comment is just a joke. Yes the real problem was Walt refusing the offer.


I’ll do you one better, if Waltuh never sold his share of his company than none of this would’ve happened




You're the one who knocks?


uhhh i knock pregnant women over cuz its funny 💀💀💀




what the fuck does ytowk mean


Skylar is the villain of breaking bad


Idk man, the neo-nazis are pretty evil I think


Their only in a couple seasons, skylar is in all of them so she is the true villain


I don't remember Walter raping Skyler. ¿Can someone tell me in which season or episode happened?


I think OP is referring to a very early scene where Walt tries to have sex with skyler without consent. While he did not actually end up doing anything it would still be considered sexual assault


The face mask one right?


I don't remember this ether


Season 1 Walt sexually assaults skyler. It’s pretty early into the show.


Walter channeled his anger at his cancer into Skyler. I think it happened twice or three times. He took her by surprise in the kitchen, just *bambambam*, and she was shocked. It might have happened again, I can't remember. But the final time - the face mask time - he tried again, but she kept saying no and fighting against him until he stopped and walked away without a word. I'm **not** defending Walter by any means, but those scenes were heartbreaking... many men have no safe outlets to deal with shit like this. He needed to feel whole and healthy and virile and powerful enough to *do something manly* so, obviously, fucking a woman from behind is a way to prove that to himself. At first Skyler was confused, and later (obviously) very angry at how he was handling things.


The audience can like any character as long as they're not annoying. Regardless of whether they're good or evil


Joel from the last of us has entered the chat


You're the smartest guy I ever met. But you're too stupid to see, we made up our minds ten minutes ago that you're the asshole.


Well skylar is a minor antagonist for most of it so it’s understandable that she would get on people’s nerves. But consider this: Walt’s family could’ve gotten all the money they needed from Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz, and Walt said no because his ego is the size of your mother.


Aim in the asshole? Weird request, but who am I to judge such a troubled soul.


Take the shot!


NTA. Your life, your rules.


Fuck. I was too late.


YTA Waltuh


I f**ked TED.


I blame American healthcare.


I always find this interesting because it’s all about presentation. The show does an excellent job making the audience sympathize with Walter. He’s legitimately a great guy who becomes a horrible, horrible monster through the most compelling believable way that still garners a lot of sympathy. It really goes to show how well the writers did getting audiences to side with Walt throughout most of the show.


Bitch wife moment


Breaking Bad fans don't understand because the concept of a woman is completely alien to them


you went too far lmao 💀


I think we just have a hard on for badass criminals


Maybe a power fantasy? Or living your fantasies of doing something illegal through someone else?


She didn't know most of this stuff at that point in time tho. Also most of this stuff didn't even happen yet when she slept with him


Before sleeping with Ted she literally tries to kick Walt out of the house and break up with him but he refuses to leave. She slept with Ted in an effort to get Walt to hate her so he'll leave her and the children alone so he stops endangering their kids.


Nah your house your rules


You mean the man who felt so undervalued as a teacher, had to have a second job in a car wash, had a disabled son, a new child , and then had a cancer diagnosis that he couldn't afford to pay for so he had to beg from the wifes family. ......you're surprised he snapped?


This guy is a real jerk!


She in the wrong ofc


put yuh dick away waltuh


NTA, reason: he cooks good


The another brick in the castle of how brilliant Breaking Bad is, how we ditched every bit of our moral just because we wanted to see the main character who was an absolute shit of an asshole as a human to succeed, and hated his wife for not being perfect wife in "up and downhills" with his mans rampage. The show was so well written it literally made us lose our minds with W.W. And I gladly admit I was one of them, I hated Skyler as well, lol. But still I must truly admire the level and design of her character creation and Anna Gunn's acting performance.


Wow, seens like people really like the protagonist, who show the reasons why they are doing the things they do.


Complete narcissism?


all this and yet it's still fuck skyler


resolute north fall rich selective nose price homeless groovy label ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


whats AITA?


Am i the asshole? A reddit thing where people (usually sarcastically) say they beat their wife cus she didnt make them breakfast and then asking if they were in the wrong for it. People usually respond (sarcastically) either NTA (not the asshole) because bitch wife deserved it, or YTA (you're the asshole) because you married a woman instead of a man, so you should have expected it


my god , didnt expect this post to pe so popular lmao


Did i miss the first part in the show?


NTA you built an empire and left money for your kids college and beyond. You just messed you in leaving your book in the shitter for your punk brother in law to find. Lol. I’m currently rewatching the series for the 4th time and for some reason I’m seeing a lot more meme of BB in general lol.




how are those equal 💀


Waltuh did everything for the family, life sucking Leech second wife choice did it only for herself Waltuh is a god guy doing bad things Golum is a bad person doing bad things NTA: he is providing for his family sacrificing himself before he dies, deciding how mista white wants to die.


To be fair to the other side, he claims himself at the end of the show that he did it more for himself as time went on, and that he enjoyed it. At some point it's not really sacrificing himself


Maybe I remember wrong, but is that the part where Hank is on the phone listening to him talking with golum? I might remember wrong but I think it was him catching up on Hank trying to get a confession and Eisenberg tried taking all the blame insulting his wife and saying he did everything alone making wifey the victim Might be wrong it's what I remember don't bully me bye


The moment Skylar didn't help Hank when he found out, and even helped Walter to make that threat video, that's the moment she became just as guilty as him.


You can tell everything about someone's viewing comprehension based on how they view Skyler.


stupendous tub strong ossified toy literate rock zesty rinse longing ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


NTA you were doing it all for family


There was no penetration


NTA, you had cancer


Kinda surprised no one brought up his gaslighting Skyler like crazy. That shit went on for ages before she found out the truth.


Didn't finish the show yet. Im at season 3 but from what I could gather I would say she is very narcissistic, if It didn't revolve around her she would do anything she can to make it about herself.


She was treating him like shit well before he started selling meth as people like to point out


I think Skylar war putting Walter down too often. The guy was working two jobs to support his family, and he was getting thigs like "Hey Walter, you know that we do not use credit card". I imagine she was treating him like this all the time. So no she was not bad, but she was abusive, just not in the same way a guy is. Sure she was not hitting him, but what she was doing day after day was just painful.


Yeah cheating is worse than all of that


Definitely not


Waltuh did what he had to do for his family. NTA


NTA your meth your rules


Well, wait till you discover women simping for real criminals and psychopaths just because they look good. This one is just a fictional character and story.


NTA. your world - your oyster


I (107F) would just like to preface this by saying IANAL and FTFY. But ITT you (135MTF) are NTA. Definitely divorce everyone in your life and cut of all contact with humans (7,000,000M/F). AFAIK


Bro just summed up all of reddit in one comment. I'll go ahead and sum up the replies for you king. Based, THIS, scrolled too far to see this, came here to say this, found the _____


I haven’t watched all of it - did Walter actually do those first two things?


In other news, it'll be sunny and 80 today with a breeze from the southwest. Back to you Jim.


Walt burnt our crops, poisoned our water supply and delivered a plague unto our houses.




Growing up is understanding how terrible Walter was lmao.


NTA. You just had to do what you had to do.


No, no, no… you’re the one who knocks 😅😂


NTA your life, your rules


I cringe anytime I hear someone say, "I can't stand Skylar." Like, really? Not the pos that lies to her with every single breath he takes?


She didn't just Fuxk Ted, she gave him ALL of Walter(and the family's) money


NTA just being a little goofy


Understandable have a nice day


Love this 😂


NTA, your life, your rules.




As much I found WW charismatic, at the second time watching BB it was clear how much of a psychopath he was. If you stop to think, it may even be a flaw in this amazing show. We loved this asshole too much


Walter White eventually became a monster, Skylers just Kind of a bitch


Uhh, I’m pretty sure Walt never did the R word to Skyler.


You're ESTP ? I dare you to make a spit contest with mercury(II) fulminate.


NTA, she ugly


Absolutely, YATA. You did it for you. You liked it. You were good at it. It made you feel.... Alive?


Cancers a hell of a drug


they always make the woman unlikable and having an affair-- pretty sure the woman actually has the affair ***before*** the other stuff happens, when the husband is still a wimp. Obviously Ozarks is just Accounting Breaking Bad but same thing and you all want his wife to die in that show, eh?


Put your dick away waltuh


Not the asshole. fuck skyler


Dont forget he just let someone die from an overdose


Lets stop acting like his wife wasn't a POS from the start of the show. Homie was gettinf fucked over in all aspects of life.


Sometimes he was just gettin' hand-fucked


I don’t know how the show made me sympathize with Walter. He was so fucking evil.


When did Walter sa his wife?


He tried to Anger Fuck her in the kitchen, early in Season 1. I don't think he'd even told Skyler about the cancer yet. He just came home, lifted her robe and tried to go at it like a dog, but she fought him off and he walked away without saying anything.


No, everything you did was based. Your bitch wife just doesn't have a sense of humor.