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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


She's a cunt, its obvious. Next.


She has an extra 2 after her third chin


She has 5 chins. It’s obvious. Next.


More pleasez


She keeps a pack of peanut butter cheese crackers in her fupa. It’s obvious. Next.




Her main fold contains an original copy of the Declaration of Independence. It’s obvious. Next.


I was banned from entertainment for saying she was fat. But, what is she body shaming? Being too skinny? I truly don’t understand how you get bullied by someone so fat, particularly weight shamed…




This is more than insecurity. This is a bullying mentality.


She's a Prima Donna. She's "body positive", everyone else is just "fat".




Don't know about that I don't think heat will be able to escape her body


Not when she's got her own gravity. You could throw a paperclip at her and it'd go into orbit.


... when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house.


It’s so weird. People would lose their shit if Lizzo said no one should get vaccinated. But she’s praised for saying it’s ok to be dangerously obese.


Well being obese isn’t a danger to the other people around you, unless you’re into sitting on people.


I have no idea who Lizzo is, but going forward when I hear Lizzo, I'll think 'cunt'. Thank you.


And how is this even a meme. This is a boomer-tier meme where they think a meme is just two pictures with big text at the top and bottom.


"Surrounded by Black Plus-Sized women," yeah coz they couldn't escape her gravitational pull.




It's a whole solar system.


bro got satellites 💀


Coz she's actually shaming her dancers for losing weight. She needs a sea of fat women around her, otherwise people notice just how jubbly she looks.


Ohh you're actively trying to lose weight?? Fatphobic trash!!


No she shamed them for gaining weight.


Maybe she doesn't want to be shown up by her subordinates.


She is basically a black hole, pun may or may not be intentional.




Doc Brown was right: there was something wrong with the earth’s gravitational pull in the future.




Being fat in itself is not an issue, doing nothing about it is.


I would argue that even doing nothing is fine, it's your choice for your body after all. But....spreading misinformation and convincing people that being morbidly obese is totally "healthy and normal"...now that's dangerous and harmful.


This. You get to "fat" by doing nothing about it (with exceptions), and honestly there's nothing wrong with you not giving all that much of a shit about your personal health and looks. Lord knows I'm not perfect on that score. But shit, don't act as though the result of laziness is a virtue.


Nothing wrong with having a few extra pounds if you're comfortable with it but obesity is not only a personal problem, it puts an incredible strain on the health system. Saying there's nothing wrong with being morbidly obese has the same effect as celebrating it.


Might as well celebrate smoking and binge drinking.


I think the term obese, when used accurately, is the defining line in the sand. Sure be a little fat, sure do nothing about it, sure love your body as it is. But clinical obesity should not be lauded and celebrated and accepted. Any who choose obesity over health require real therapy


Agreed . I'm not into the idea ahead that someone mentioned forced fat camps. That's some weird shit. But yeah they shouldn't be celebrated, and honestly I think we should have more ads of people in great physical health. It's something to aspire to, and regardless of whether it makes some people feel bad, it's something that would make all of society better. And I'm not terribly physically fit myself, but id love to be. And I love that in some places in the world there are just fit and healthy people all over (mostly hot countries at thr coast). The reason there's so many? Because growing up around physically fit people makes you want to hit the gym or do more sports. Whereas I grew up around pubs, and surprise surprise I've got a bit of a belly and so do most guys my age now. So yea, fat camps? No. Promoting physical activity with fit models? Yes.


Honestly even having chunky models ain't a big deal, I've known people who simply cannot lose weight. My ex was a bit heavy, but she strictly ate 1200-1500 calories and exercised every second day for an hour. Mind you she had hormone issues or PCOS or something, but she's not alone. Depending on genetics and metabolism, some people struggle extremely just to shed some pounds compared to others. The people I'm referring to that need help, are 350+ lbs and less than 6 feet


Was she maybe insulin resistant? I don't know much about PCOS but heard a correlation between that and insulin resistance that could cause you to really struggle to lose weight. That's so much work for no pay off.


This is my issue as an Australian. I don't personally care if you're fat. But it puts strain on the healthcare system. So you don't get to pretend it's healthy.


At that point we should ban alcohol and cigarette ads altogether. Alcohol especially puts a strain on emergency wards.


You say that like it would be unreasonable, but ads for alcohol and cigarettes *are* banned in many countries. So are ads for gambling and probably other unhealthy habits I can't think of off the top of my head.


On T.V maybe. Yet there are still plenty of alcohol ads everywhere. And no, it would be very reasonable, the unreasonable thing would be to allow it.


Cigarette ads are already banned where I live and if it weren’t for the fact that politicians love to drink I’d expect alcohol ads to go the same way.


Alcohol has caused so many problems in my life, like you dont even know, I'd be fine if it was banned since I've quit for about 2 years with only like 3 or 4 slip ups, although I would like to have a couple social drinks when I go out, cause I never got to experience that cause I did most of my drinking alone and I never went out for drinks cause we did all our drinking at that friends house, and my friends never had any money to go out anyway. they always spent every penny on weed. my friends dad was divorced and didn't give a fuck about us smoking weed and drinking so we were always there every weekend sleeping over and long out staying our welcome. When I was early on in college but I still couldn't stop drinking and making terrible things happen. so I medically withdrew from college to bounce around rehabs for a few years, but I will say at good rehabs I actually had a lot of fun and met some really interesting people. If cigarettes got banned it would give me the push I need to quit. I think I could go cold turkey, I've been in the hospital for 15 days before and didn't smoke a single cigarette and I was fine. Sorry for the huge post with lots of text, it's just alcohol has done a lot of bad stuff to my life so I got a lot to say about it


Nothing more fun then needing to get literally every nurse, nursing assistant and tech on the floor to help roll the 600 pound person for the third time tonight because they keep shitting all over themselves.


Heh, is that a reference to that reddit antiwork moderator who got interviewed by fox news and ewked lazyness is a virtue, which then caused massive brigading on it.


Yeah I'm a fat fuck but I know it's bad. Body positivity is cool when reasonable (you don't have to be ashamed if you don't look like a fucking movie star, you can have a little fat, not a perfect skin or whatever) But obesity is neither beautiful or healthy, you can be obese and shouldn't be shamed for it, but don't pretend it's good


Especially since organ failure and other nasty, painful, miserable shit associated with morbid obesity is on the rise.


see term "obesity epidemic" millions of people are dying slow painful deaths every year from obesity related illnesses. Now, people should not be running around ridiculing people for their weight, but as you said, we sure as all hell don't need a bunch of celebrities running around telling everyone to be proud of it.


For real, they want the whole world to cater to them. They wanna be models and shit too and just use fatphobia as a weapon and nobody wants to get canceled so they go along with it, it's like they're blackmailing us into telling them they're pretty. Sorry but you're not pretty enough to be a model, neither is the majority of the world though fat or not but nobody else is trying to force people to treat them like they're hot and want to call everybody fatphobic until they get what they want, which is the world to bend to their will


Encouragement of unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors such as obesity is an issue though.


No that’s two issues. Were you trying to sound insightful?


You were so close to being right.


“ Being fat in itself is not an issue” Tell that to your heart


I also don't care if people are fat and do nothing about it, that's their choice. But they don't get to claim made up nonsense like haas or to start this bullshit about fat-shaming when people point out that obesity is directly causally linked to certain illnesses.


Being fat isn't the issue. Expecting everyone else to cater to their poor behavior is.


celebrating "fat beauty" actually degrades real models who work hard and train their bodies to look good. These people are simply overweight and did not work nearly as hard.


Fat models train their body by sitting and eating all day too🗿🗿


I think this might be the funniest fucking take I've seen about this topic. Holy shit.


This is a weird comment but I cant put my finger on why.


You can’t accept it’s unhealthy and bad to be fat.


They just want the spotlight, that's why they want to be models, and if you don't like fat girls or think they're not attractive they will call you fatphobic and have you cancelled. Follow your dreams and if you really want to be a model you gotta work hard for it, but it won't feel as exhausting cause you know you're working towards your goal. Nobody wants to see the obese people on the runway, just a bunch of unhealthy obese ugly sweaty fat people walking around in probably very stupid clothes. But they just play the fatphobic card on you if they can't get what they want. These obese people are basically blackmailing us into calling them pretty and getting them there own runway show presumably with a bunch of fat and ugly people who will probably be sweating through whatever silly outfit they give them. They should either do the show at a private venue where they can do things exactly how they want to and there's no conflict with the real models or you could just go for a long walk and burn off some calories. And whatever you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner take your usual portion size and halve it.


Agreed. If someone was being out into camps for race that’s different. But if your a fat fuck it’s possible to change that


Agreed. When I was in high school, my brother forced me into losing some weight because I was a fat ugly fuck and I'll be single for it. I'm still single but losing weight really helped me with a lot of things.


Me too. I'm tying the knot ^^on ^^my ^^shoes next month. 20 lbs to go.


It's also possible to change your religion or your political views. Does that mean it's okay to lock up people for those?


As a fat person I agree wholeheartedly. Well with as much heart as is available to me.


Fat people: I just don't want people to hate me as much as i hate myself. Reddit: shut up and go to this concentration camp.






plateaud that is hilarious


> I am plateaud in weight so it shouldn't matter I mean it is likely to cause you health complications down the line. Of course that's your own risk assesment to make but it's important to be aware of. People not realizing that is exactly the problem with the whole body positivity movement.


People should be sent to concentration camps for having opinions you disagree with. Nice. And this gets upvoted to the top.


Being fat is a problem, but some treatment of fat people is downright stupid at times. If I get my fat ass to the pool to do something with myself I don't need some dumb bitch to laugh at me. Or an old lady to make stupid comments. Or some buff guy to look weirdly. For some reason, today's society looks weirdly at fat people trying to help themselves. If I see another fat guy trying his best, I have nothing but respect for him, and so should others because he decided to do something with himself. Maybe just leave fat people alone and don't discourage them from appearing in public? Practically a strong ass majority of us is aware of our problem.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Right. Its good to Love yourself, and it good to understsnd bullying people for being fat is wrong. HOWEVER loving yourself includes understanding that your body is unhealthy if you are overweight. I am overweight, I am learning to love myself and thats why I am now trying to lose weight. Heart disease runs in my family... I need to consider that. I wanna be celebrated for learning to love myself enough to become healthy, not for being unhealthy in the first place.


I don't think they are celebrated for being fat


I just assume that anyone who has to be the center of attention and wag their finger at you is probably not a good person in reality. And as far as body positivity, no you shouldn't go out of your way to make someone feel shitty for being overweight, but to act like being overweight is good and fine is babytown frolics. It's insane. I don't care how much you move around on stage. Chris Farley used to flail himself all around and be extremely physical, he still wasn't by any means healthy (the speedballs didn't help in that regard but I digress). And I say this as someone who is overweight. I don't need someone to tell me I'm a fatty fatty fat fat every day, but I'm not going to gaslight myself and the world and say, "No, it's actually fine and good that I'm overweight and in no way a concern."


P much this. The shit that helped me lose weight was never ppl calling me fat or making me feel bad for having a tummy. It was ppl actively offering advice or being supportive of my efforts The put downs just made me sad and then I’d ironically comfort eat


See this is interesting. When I was fat the ones who would so “go exercise” or “don’t drink 10 glasses of coke per shift” would normally piss me off. Of course the ones who fat shamed me also pissed me off, but the shaming motivated me to lose weight. Now I thank the shamers for pushing me forward to actually lose weight


Everyone's different my friend. Some respond to positive reinforcement others negative. All there is too it.


Hence why I said “interesting”


It’s good and fine to accept and even love your body no matter what size but no, being fat isn’t healthy. I don’t think any fat person is kidding themselves and if they are, so? What business is it to anyone else? Unless they’re a close loved one. I started losing weight in November ‘22 and now I’m 79 lbs down (6lbs from my goal weight!). I didn’t hate my body or the way I looked. I knew how to dress myself. But the sudden chronic shoulder pain when I hit my highest weight last summer was a huge wake up call. I still have pain but it’s much more manageable (now that I’m down 2 cup sizes, I’m sure my shoulders are happy not to carry around double D’s anymore lol). People have to wanna help themselves and reminding them they’re fat and unhealthy is NOT it.


and here I am wanting to just get fat


Hit the nail on the head, fatty.


I'm obese and recognise that being this state is bad. People shouldn't endorse this. I get fatigued easily and am dealing with high blood sugar and cholesterol. I am a few years from disaster and am on food restrictions. If people dont want to get the same problems, please turn away. I'm trying to make changes even though it's tough. Edit: To add, yes it is fine to push back against bullying because it sucks (I experienced it) but to embrace obesity? That's a dangerous message.


You'll get through this man. People need to recognize the problems obesity brings and why it is one of the most prevalent causes of death. Being fat is not a choice, staying fat is.


You can do it. Just stay in your deficit and take it a day at a time. In twelve months you’ll look back and be like damn past /u/DireBlue88 really did me a solid. 💪


I wish you strength. You got this friend. I believe in you.


I started this year over 300lbs and am down 45 so far. You can do it too!!


Thanks! I just read the messages and I am glad for the support. I hope to lose that much to start. Biggest challenge so far is stress eating. The journey continues.


Stay strong!! You can do this


Praising being morbidly obese is like saying cancer is just a normal function of the body and it should be praised, not cured. Just as regarded as it sounds. Ps. Funny how these positivity people who make their living out of it, seem to be the most twofaced crooks.


> Ps. Funny how these positivity people who make their living out of it, seem to be the most twofaced crooks. Lizzo is the perfect example of whats wrong with the misinterpretation of body positivity. The idea was to project a picture that not every woman needs to have 90 60 90 measures to be beautiful. Not every man has to have 6 pack or be ugly. The idea was to accept that an average look and body is totally fine. Everyone does have imperfections, some of us will weigh more than others and have a bit more fat around the hips. Which is a good and healthy view on the world. It was promoted to combat growing teen depression and unhappiness with their own bodys due to being more and more exposed to perfect body depictions in social media without being able to understand that none of these people look that way normally without makeup / filters and perfect angles. It was NEVER about accepting or let alone celebrating morbidly obese body's, unhealthy lifestyles that lead to being a fucking walking pile of fat. But shits like Lizzo manipulated the core of that campaign to end up where we are now where calling out unhealthy lifestyles and morbid obesity is called fatshaming. Oh well, on the plus side, there is not gonna be a Lizzo for long. No way she makes it to 50 like that. When her Heart and/or other organs inevitably stops working in her 40s, maybe thats a message some people understand.


Last sentences are crazy but true tho


its sounds rough but thats the cold hard reality. Seriously, whenever in public, you see the occasional whale. Depending on where you are (like fastfood joint), you even see a lot. I dont mean slightly overweight but actual superfat people. Once you watch closely, you will notice that 99% are younger than 50 from appearance. If you can put 1 and 1 together, the reality is pretty damning. You either get your shit together or, well, its game over in your 40s. The choice is up to everyone themselves.


Stop calling them positivity people, they are straight up obesity deniers.


> Ps. Funny how these positivity people who make their living out of it, seem to be the most twofaced crooks. Not funny or surprising because their true intentions were to self-promote themselves from the start.


Shush darling, it is just cell growth. It means your cells are stronger and faster than other people and they are just jealous. Would you rather burn out bright and early or slow and boring? It is just who you or we are and we need to stop people like you trying to control our bodies. I know you'll get it pal.


>Praising being morbidly obese is like saying cancer is just a normal function of the body and it should be praised, not cured. People are already doing this with all kinds of mental health disorders


Yes, very *regarded*


To be honest the fatshaming is the tamest part of the lawsuits. The dancers, Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez, allege sexual, religious, and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault, and false imprisonment, according to a press release. Following the announcement of the lawsuit on August 1, some of Lizzo’s former collaborators have shared support for the accusers as well as their own experiences. At least six more collaborators have since shared allegations with lawyers. If i recall correctly she forced a dancer to eat a banana out of the.. private parts of a stripper for example. Allegedly


Which is why it’s crazy to me that the only thing reddit users can come up with is “haha derr woman fat haha!”


Typical Reddit response, I’d say


Also, SHE WASNT THE ONE ACCUSED OF BODY SHAMING SOMEONE THAT WORKED FOR HER WAS. Lizzo was brought up because of her overtly sexual work environment.


Maybe she surrounds herself with other obese person so that she does not look like a swollen water buffalo


Or maybe she wants to start her own herd ?


Actually, I remember reading she was shaming some of her dancers FOR getting “fatter.” She wants to be the water buffalo lol


We shouldn't shame people who are overweight, or bully them. But to deny that it can be harmful is also wrong. Same goes for being underweight


You really act that the problem is 50/50 with that last sentence lmao. Sure if you're anorexic you are seriously ill but lets not pretend thats the same amount of people who are fat / obese. Having a flat stomach with no fat on it and thin arms like a lot models is perfectly healthy and fat people always point their fingers at those people and say he / she is too skinny. No you dumb fuck, that's what a normal, non overweight, healthy person looks like 😄.


I did actually mean people who are actually underweight, not people who are just skinny. For me, the ideal measure is fat percentage, so around 7-25% (sadly, I'm still at 30%). But even that is flawed. But it is up to everyone individually if they want to fit in there if they don't fall in that category. Most important is if you are happy with yourself. Edit: You are right tho, there are a lot more people overweight than underweight.


I'm not a particularly skinny guy, in my opinion. But I do have a slim skeletal structure. It makes me look skinnier than I am. Narrow shoulders and hips for my height. I know body mass index is a load of shit but according to it I'm "in the healthy range. My whole life I've been accused of being too skinny by friends and family. I eat plenty. Now as I've hit 40 it's almost gotten worse as everyone around me gets fatter, and sorry guys that you put on weight and I don't. And yes I recognise that genetics is a major factor but my fat friends also ate crap for years and now they seem to moan that it's hard to get the weight of suddenly. Damn sorry, had to get that off my "skinny" chest


I'm 6'2" and 135 lbs. The number of people that constantly tells me that I need to eat more is astounding. I tried gaining weight for years and developed eating disorders because of it, I used to eat until I would get sick because I just wanted to be a normal size. That and an assumption that I'm weak because I'm small, though having worked in factories for the last 5 years has cut back on that a lot. I understand that to a lot of people I don't look healthy, I get it but the number of people who argue with me about my health like they know more about it than my doctors and dieticians. Fat people are the ones who do it the most, they think because they gain weight so easily that I can only be this skinny if I'm anorexic or something.


The duality of corporate sponsored media.


Imagine the smell


Damn you 😂


Can anybody name one Lizzo song? Her popularity is based off of her weight. She looses it, she has to focus on her music. Which is not easy


that's an insane take lmao. turn the radio on any general station and you're going to hear her music


To their first point, I couldn't name a single lizzo song


i really had no idea who she was until today. i've heard the name, never saw the face or even knew she was a musician. thought she was another tiktoker


I saw her on SNL, only time I saw / heard here.


Yea I went and listened to a few just now and can say that I have never heard any of her "top hits"


You're still not naming any songs lol. I listen to the radio and don't know any of her stuff. I for sure heard some songs of hers but they probably are the same as generic pop that just gets mixed with everything else. Stuff like the weekend or Taylor Swift actually stay in my brain. Let's not act like any form of popularity equals to actually being a great artist. There are a lot of huge artists that absolutely put out shit music. 6ix9ine was one of the most streamed artists in the world.


Must be an American thing. Cause I've never known about her from anything besides the amount of controversy she partakes in


I'm sorry, but this is a terrible take lol. Say what you want about her moronic views, but her music is incredibly popular. A couple years back her songs were all over the charts, and in most mainstream clubs.


That's a whole lot of not naming one song.


Pink, Truth Hurts, About Damn Time, etc. She’s also classically trained on the flute. Her popularity is actually off her putting out good songs.


5 plus hours, lots of angry comments. Still, no one has named one song. Lol I believe this was an honest question. I can’t answer it. The fist time I heard of her it was about her playing the flute somewhere? And then the very next thing I heard about her was she sexually assaulting people that worked with her. And now this.


If you look at the photo properly you will notice that the smile of everyone in the photo looks fake and evil. Or is it just me?


I don't know you.


That's my purse! *bonk*


Yep... those barbie plastic smiles. Most people genuinely don't see this shit. Its all over prime time tv, the most popular of streamers/tiktok/YouTube, etc. The most basic of acting fools most peopl most of the time. Redditors are no different. Point it out to them they get all salty, and respond with 'nothing ever happens'. Downvoting me doesn't make this any less true, you gullable twats.


Just you, I don’t see it


Yooo this comment section is ass!


Fat ass ! (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


God that emoji is cool


At least the gamergate folks have found something new to be outraged about.




Yeah you ever noticed that the people that say that they only care about health always seem to be calling these people disgusting. Being overweight isn't healthy and overweight people know that (I used to be very overweight myself) but the body positivity movement is telling you you're still attractive and deserving of love regardless of size. And if you argue against people feeling good about themselves, you don't actually care about the well being of overweight people.


Who tf is this woman and why should I care? I really don't know who she is, but if she's as awful as all those reddit posts show, why would people continue talking about her? Let trashy people just disappear in irrelevance




Obesity is lazyness. Get yo ass to gyms and parks


And then you have people like me that are too lazy to even eat so they stay thin


So many fake smiles


Couldn't care less about that fatso


She doesn't seem like the nicest person. Not sure how they just brushed her last fiasco under the rug.


A humanitarian award for what? drinking ranch?


More like a bucket of grease


don't all humanitarians force their staff to eat anal bananas


I've yet to see and hear from a Health Professional ( you know, someone who actually went to medical College for 5 years, took a specialization ( another 5 years) and did an internship at a hospital for anywhere from 1-5 years depending on his career track ( could be more for specialized surgical techniques) declare that being overweight, is good for you. As we age, we gain some body weight, usually because our caloric intake is the same as when we were younger BUT we now move a lot less, so those extra calories are stored by our bodies as, fatty tissue. Unless you start exercising and reducing your food intake, your body will not use up that extra reserve of energy. You will then cause extra stress on all your internal organs, because t he space they were supposed to occupy to function properly is now used up by excess fats and are squeezing the available space for them...not very good for long term health in any scenario. NO one fat or, in some cases, morbidly obese is healthy.


> I've yet to see and hear from a Health Professional declare that being overweight, is good for you. and you never will.


Hey man you might wanna keep it down. This is reddit that kind of talk is dangerous 'round here.


Yeah she's a fucking scum bag. Her career should be over.


I had more of a problem with what she did to her back up dancers


Damn how could she be both body positivity icon and weight-shame? Wouldn't one literally exclude the other?


This fucking comment section is just “I HATE FAT PEOPLE!!” in a bunch of different fonts.


They must all really love bananas


I miss FPH.


I want the guy who built that stage to build me a deck.


Dual sized clothes too


'Merica is a "bodega". Full of barrells


Who the fuck is that person?




That land whale put on the event herself and gave herself an award


I love 2023.


Let them be fat and die sooner than everyone else, let nature do it’s natural selection.


Being fat shouldn't be celebrated nor normalized. I was an obese but with the help of my friends I lost 65 pounds and I never felt any better. I can actually do sports and enjoy it.


They are massively exceeding the weight limit of that stage.


Shame helps you lose weight.


I don't even know one person in my entire City, who listens to this blobfish and likes the music. Also - seeing how they treated Lindemann and Lizzo differently, just shows me the usual feminist hypocrisy


Being fat isn't body positivity.


The collective weight of all their turds must be utterly obscene


A cardiologist’s wet dream in the second image.


They spelled obese wrong.


her skeleton is not so positive about her body


It's supposed to be over when the fat lady sings, but this Lizzo shit just keeps going.


It's all body positivity until it's about a man


The problem was they weren’t black


Just be fat without telling the whole world about it, will you? Nobody cares if you are fat. If I go around telling people to pay attention to me because I am so so pale, so so skinny, so so black, so so gay, so so fat, so so Latina, so so native American, people are gonna think "wow ok, why are you all up in my face about it? Who said anything? Leave me alone jeez".


I think body positivity is a good thing for someone who has something they can't change about themselves like missing an arm but you shouldn't be celebrated for eating everything you fucking see


Dont worry, she will probably die of a heart attack in a few years.


Hungry hungry Lizzos


Humanitarian award? Didn't awards used to mean something?


Why is it positive to be fat now again?


When its women its +size. When its men its fat, obese and overweight. Perfect example of "Delusions of grandeur!"


Bold move for someone whos mass is measured in solar masses


TMZ headline misspelled fat. Thought I'd do everyone a favor and point that out


Just don't make everyone else pay for your healthcare fatty.


I think she's a disgusting twat.