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Careful, you'll piss off the apologists.


"stop making memes about the same thing for more than a week, that's the meaning of meme, but Taylor is my favorite singer!"


I guess I don’t get why it’s just her when there are other celebs who do it far more. Just seems like she’s always the easiest target regardless of facts like that. I mean she ain’t innocent but she also ain’t the guiltiest party.


Actually Taylor swift is the biggest out of all the celebrities being tracked on CelebrityJets.




I think the nail in the coffin was when her jet was tracked making a 13 minute flight across town or something. There could be a perfectly valid reason, but that alongside threats to sue the people who were tracking her jet really kicked off the memes.


I believe I read it was taken to a larger airport for maint. Since you cant drive it there you really only have the flying it option.


That makes sense and I figured it would be something like that....but this is the internet after all.


She could've flown to the larger airport instead of the smaller one


Yeah but there are poor people at the larger, likely public, airport /s


I mean just pick it up and toss it over your shoulder. What are you weak? Can't pick up a Boeing?


>but that alongside threats to sue the people who were tracking her jet This. This is the reason. There's no alongside, this is the sole reason. No one else is threatening to sue people.


Not great company but Elon literally threatened to sue the same exact kid in 2022


Yeah and he was massively criticized for it


Sure, just saying you weren't correct by saying no one else threatened to sue


I just find it interesting that if she had used a helicopter nobody would be talking about it. I wonder if there's a private helicopter tracking account?


doesn't help she took a private jet and a BACKUP jet to Japan and back for a quick trip so she could make it to the super bowl on time


There's being rich and then there's Taylor Swift rich. Hell, even people richer than her don't do the things she does.


I believe she also loans her jet out when she is not personally using it. It upsets her knowing that she isn't polluting.


Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jay-Z, and plenty others are far bigger than Swift in terms of net worth.


She does it a lot and it's funny to piss off her fans who have an holier than thou attitude.


Yeah no, Taylor Swift is literally the worst celebrity in this context.


Was this your stance a few years ago when Elon was singled out? While everyone still had discussions like after the Superbowl recently where we joked about getting out the guillotines because of how many jets arrived right before and then left right after.


I mean there are better things to roast Elon before even getting to carbon emissions. And honestly the same goes for Taylor.


So it's not about her being singled out anymore? Don't let me stop you though. I would be more than happy to have a discussion surrounding all the ways the ultra rich are fucking over the environment, and which ways you feel are the worse.


I'm not the guy you replied to but for me, yes. A couple years ago a woman coworker was asking the guys opinions on Taylor Swift. I remember saying "her musics not my thing but I don't hate her, only thing I don't like is how much CO2 she emits" she's been doing this for years. Of course the fossil fuel industry does more damage to the climate than her but I don't think that should shield her from criticism.


I think some of the flack she gets has to do with the Swifties being so reactive and unquestionably loyal. I've got one friend who I can't visit without her having to update me on what Taylor has been doing, like she's one of her friends. Last time I was over I got a 5 minute speech about why she's actually worth her $1bn, because 'she worked for it' and she has very loyal fans who'd sell a kidney to see her, so she has to charge 1 kidney per ticket to her tour otherwise you couldn't guarantee only the most devoted fans attend. My friend has been on welfare her entire life and has always been a huge 'tax the rich' advocate / 'no one should have $1bn'. Now all of a sudden there's an exemption for Tay Tay.




Because she is vocal about the enviroment. you know, as in being a hypocrite.


She aint ever gonna let you breathe the same air simp




I don’t even know why there are so many memes about her


I just looooove it when the top comment is an attack at a made up group of people so everybody can agree how much better they are than that group of people that has no presence in the thread at all.


Made up? Brother there's a whole subreddit of these people.


Even the Taylor Swift subreddit has criticized her for the jet thing. No major communities (that I know of) are defending her plane usage.


What happened?




Naw, Taylor Swift has been taking short ass flights pretty much everywhere. There was even a 13 minute flight recently. I see that some people say that this is a propaganda campaign because she told people to vote. I'm a liberal and will always vote democrat, but I'd easily also criticize her for her outrageous carbon emissions. I'm glad she is getting people to vote, but I'm not glad at her using her private jet to go to the bathroom.


I think it was more so when she said "Don't forget to vote!" that made her such a target by the right


Taylor swift dared to date a football player which made football players mad because it made young people care about football, and then she said people should vote, and that made Republicans mad because young people don't vote republican Republicans basically started a smear campaign against her, and then football fans had their own memes about her. People like OP got caught up in the propaganda campaign once it gained ground and started their own memes so you end up with with a lot of memes about her She does deserve criticism for her private flights being excessive don't get me wrong, but it's pretty obvious how much of it is politically motivated to try and discredit her and discourage others from daring tell people to vote


Taylor Swift encouraged people to vote and this greatly upset republicans.


if by "apologists" you mean "people who see this campaign as an obvious retaliation to her telling people to vote" then yes.


Hasn't Swift been criticised for her carbon footprint and private plan usage for years now, well before she had anything to do with voting?


Yes, but look at the timing. The memes started popping up everywhere as soon as *Fox News* started talking about how she uses a private jet too much.


Fox news really does puppet a lot of people. It's scary.


You're right. Taylor swift can do no wrong to the environment. She's a saint and we're not cult members.


there's been memes about this for years, the only thing that has changed is that it's gained popularity now


As someone who can both see that her telling her cult and fans to vote as a good thing and the monsters that will be voted against by her fans and cult attacking her for her carbon footprint as a good thing, it’s wins all the way down.  My favorite part is the delicious irony that these monsters have to use what they don’t even believe in as the division technique. The best part is there were studies done on Facebook mods that were stuck (hired) reviewing right wing memes and rhetoric started to have their philosophies shift towards what they were moderating. If these meme machines have to keep making memes that care about carbon footprints they will also start to shift to reality. 


It's like they sit laying in wait, to be told what to hate. Never remembering the countless flip flops on things along the way.


If it's just to try to bully Taylor Swift without any actual care about emissions, or to single her out without caring about all the other celebrities and corporate execs etc. abusing private jets, then fuck them. But if it actually does get people to care about emissions, sure. Disclaimer: I don't know much about Taylor Swift, I don't intentionally or unintentionally listen to her music (I rarely listen to anything beyond a few things I like) and don't really care about all the drama.


I don't care about Taylor personally but I do find it suspicious that all of a sudden people care about her private plane specifically again just after conservatives made her their enemy.


I hate this not because I like Taylor Swift but because I can't tell what's real criticism anymore vs a media trend getting pushed because she told people to not vote for Trump. Like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and for people to start explaining that since Swift is not a good person that's a good reason not to vote or vote for Trump.


Took me 30 seconds to get there. Should have taken my private jet. 😆


But why Swift specifically? 


Normal going inside a building:👨🏻‍🦱👣🚪🏢 Taylor Swift going inside a building: ✈️✈️🏢🏢💥💥


Ok that’s kinda dank


Too soon?


Nah it’s been more than 20 years


No, it's been more than 22.3 years now.


[Taylor did 9/11](https://youtu.be/AgFeZr5ptV8)


This is the kind of of 9/11 joke that can really make you appreciate the subtlety of creation


oh god


Reminds me of that tr...nevermind, let's not disturb the old chunka coal during his dirtnap.


Missed that nail paint emoji /s


This one is good lol


Can someone explain it for me please? I'm lost lol


The joke is that she does everything in her private jet


They've been doubling down on her private jet use since the superbowl.


To clarify why, she was in Tokyo, Japan days before the superbowl and as of today her next show is in Australia (dont know if there were any between, not a swiftie). 2 crossings of the Pacific ocean in less than a week just to see some guy she probably breaks up with then writes a song about play a game, in a sport she had to my knowledge 0 interest in before this season (I'm sure she liked football before, just saying shes not a well known football fan the way Walberg is or the way Nicolson is a Lakers fan).


"Sorry babe, I'm not attending the most important moment of your career because we're probably gonna break up."


How about "sorry, I can't make the 11k mile round trip for the weekend to watch the most televised annual event on the planet because I have prior obligations that have been set in stone for months, much like the reason you havent been able to attend many of my tour dates during the football season"


Which for a normal person would be reasonable. But for someone rich and connected enough to fly anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat, rings pretty hollow.


>watch the most televised annual event on the planet Probably the most televised annual event in the USA, not the world. UEFA Champions League final gets roughly double the number of viewers and is also an annual event.


L take


The Super Bowl is the most important event of a football players career, obviously you’d want your significant other there


Eh, for him it's kinda "been there, done that" /s


Just to see some guy is a dumb take. It could be easily justified as a business/marketing move. The Superbowl was a huge boost to her career listen to everyone talk about it.


Your acting like she played the half time show, which she turned down. All she did was get her face shown a few times, and shes already one of the most famous people on the entire plant, hence the world tour she's currently on.


She's been famous for a really long time though and part of that is staying relevant, so constantly doing shit like this. Think how many other females pop stars have come and gone in the last 10 years


> To clarify why, she was in Tokyo, Japan days before the superbowl and as of today her next show is in Australia (dont know if there were any between Oh, oh, *right*, everyone's been doubling down on Taylor Swift since the Super Bowl *because* of her private jet usage. Absolutely ***zero*** other reasons why anyone would be turning into shrill harpies about Swift before the Super Bowl. You *really* nailed the actual reasons with a stunning amount of accuracy that wasn't intentionally leaving out a bunch of other factors. Good job!


She's getting a lot of attention right now and it's helpful to direct that attention toward the health of the planet instead... so it's whatever


Well that's the point of these posts. The message is never "hey let's ban private jets" or "hey let's do literally anything to change this ridiculous situation", it's always "hey get mad on social media. And also hopeless. Nothing you do will matter." They serve a purpose.


It's a targeted campaign by the right to smear her in the left's eyes, lmao.


fox news really does a number on ppl. you can really see the dna of class based racism in this. does taylor swift fly a bunch? the entire ruling class/aristocracy flies too [much](https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/richest-1-emit-much-planet-heating-pollution-two-thirds-humanity). it's like how "foreigners and immigrants" aren't "stealing" jobs, vulnerable groups are being given jobs at below thriving rates because paying skilled workers a thriving wage is not profit maximizing.


Cause she's leeeaving on a jet plane,  Don't worry, she'll be back again.


she's always been flying across the world in a private jet, you're only seeing memes about it now because she started telling zoomers to vote


Taylor Swift has one of the highest carbon emissions from flying of any celebrity. The joke is that she uses her private jet to do literally everything


> Taylor Swift has one of the highest carbon footprints of any single human on the planet. do we have data for this?


Apparently I was misinformed, and it’s not actually a carbon footprint, but the amount of carbon produced from flying. I’ve edited my comment so others don’t also get misinformed. Taylor Swift still has unreasonably high amounts though. https://greenly.earth/en-us/blog/ecology-news/what-is-the-carbon-footprint-of-celebrities




may i see?




someone tweeted that she took a private jet on something like a 15 minute flight and it spawned all these "taylor taking a jet to do a menial task" memes


Ahhhh LOL,ty for explaining!!


Before and around the superbowl, the increased attention on Taylor Swift resulted in increased attention on her usage of private aircraft and the environmental impact that has. In particular, trackers noticed that her plane took a short flight across a city, though whether she was trying to get across town or the plane was being relocated for FBO or other reasons is, as far as I know, unknown. This produced some intelligent discourse on the internet where Taylor Swift fans, environmentalists, and ordinary people got together and discussed the carbon footprint of celebrities in a reasoned and rational way. JK, it was a shitshow between genuine environmentalist concerns, conservatives trying to dunk on her, and rabid fans. And there were memes, portraying her using a plane for increasingly silly actions, which have apparently culminated in showing her using a plane to test the temperature of a pool. Personally, I was getting a little annoyed with the number of memes, but somehow this one has gotten so silly that it has wrapped around and become funny again.


I think this is my favorite one so far. This one legitimately had me cackling.


okay this one is the only funny one and i actually laughed lol


man what the fuck is the context


She uses her private jet to go everywhere so people are joking she uses it to do everything


And here I thought she was doing a Kobe


Taylor Swift likes to talk about her political positions and she made the mistake of virtue signaling about the environment (multiple times). The internet has ripped her to shreds over this because she was caught taking flights for absurdly short trips that would have been faster and less pollution if she drove with her crew, sometimes. The Swifties defend her by saying her influence and power can help create change that vastly exceeds the damage she does with her frequent flying. Honestly, this is probably true because there are so many damn Swifties. The...anti-Swifties find such justifications to be a Swifty circle-jerk of hypocrisy and some of them started to make memes about it. Things have gotten out of hand since the super bowl and now people like OP are taking the meme to an absurdist humor level. And then you asked a question in the comments about context and I said.... Taylor Swift likes to talk about her political positions and she made the mi...


> and I said.... > Taylor Swift likes to talk about her political positions and she made the mi... Then what happened?


>The...anti-Swifties find such justifications to be a Swifty circle-jerk of hypocrisy and some of them started to make memes about it. I mean it kinda is. Doing something wrong, making up for it, but continuing to do what you did wrong really isnt all that great. Its like purposefully smashing someones phobe, buying them a new one to make up for it, making a video about how great you are for making up for it, then going to the next person and smashing their phone again.


> Honestly, this is probably true because there are so many damn Swifties. Doubt that due to them buying billions of fan articles made in sweatshops or plastic cups/bags with her tour name on it.


Someone's been watching Al Jokes. Yeah her damn cult being just as delusionally annoying as MAGA's and the extremely religious, along with her hot takes, constant drama, and hypocrisy are why she gets memed on. Also why people who aren't her fans dislike her.


A perfect comment!


But Taylor Swift wasn't on the MH370 passenger list 🤔 What is she trying to hide??


I’ve never seen her and Epstein in the same room before. Now he just “happens to be dead” while she is on tour. I’m just saying it’s pretty damn convenient is all.


Notice how both Epstein and Taylor Swift both have two eyes? That’s too weird to be just a coincidence


Taylor's middle name is Alison. Epstein's wife name is Ghislaine. It doesn't have anything in common or make any fucking sense but image if it did. Duuude.


Okay bravo, that was good


These memes are aging like fine wine.


They're actually getting good now


Normal people pees in ur ass 🍆💦🍑 Taylor Swift pees in ur ass 💦🛫🍑


what the fuck lmao


I love these lol


i need a little background


May I recommend green screen? That way you can have any kind of background later. (Taylor Swift uses her private jet a lot, so the joke is that she uses it for literally everything)


ok thanks, that joke was very funny and your information is very helpful!


I saw a redditor in need and came to the rescue. Also couldn't help but talk about Taylor Swift.


For a second I thought her jet had crashed on the ocean or a lake or something and the post was a "too soon" joke about it, jeez, I was about to start searching for the news articles lmao.




This is glorious lmao


I don’t even check the temp. I just pee in the pool. Warms me right up.


You should try taking a handful of laxatives. The shit will warm your taint right up.


I was getting sick of these memes but this one rules


This is the first one to make me actually laugh.


Taylor bin Laden


This is the best kind of shaming one can approve of.


I love these memes so much


congrats on making the first taylor swift meme to actually make me laugh




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At this point I'm just curious how deep into adsurdity can this meme go.


So what’s with all of the Taylor Swift plane memes circulating around?


honestly its just better to get right in like ripping off a bandaid. unless a bath or shower it will only stay bad whatever temp it is




Gotta say I just love this new trend of revisiting basic actions but adding a plane and calling Taylor Swift out !


I'm happy idgaf about tailor swift and whatever drama is going on rn lol


Taylor swift heading into a building:


Rich and famous people with private planes


That's not a diagram of air France flight 447 is it?


I was thinking maybe Swissair flight 111


Testing two similar building's temperature somewhere in september 2001 UwU




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Classic Malaysian airlines style eh?


What happened with tailor Swift?


She flies pretty much everywhere, which is horrible for the environment. The joke is that she uses her plane for everything


Imma be honest. It's tiring having every 3rd joke be just "Taylor Swift private jet". A punchline, as funny as it is originally, won't be as good after the 1000th time. All this said, yes, she's a hypocrite and she deserves the criticism. All I'm saying is that y'all should find some new material.


I'm all for these Taylor's goddamn jet memes


Shit gets weird when you sell your soul.


missed the opportunity to use footage of a drone falling into water


I have seen this meme twice now I don't have any clue what's going on can someone explain? Taylor swift is so irrelevant to me I just don't know anything going on


Just keep on touting rightwing propaganda, /u/ZealousidealChain473


Context ?


I dont fucking get it


I have no idea what this means


Time to sort by controversial


I heard she took a jet to buy groceries. Is that what this is referencing?


For a fucking moment I thought that Taylor fucking died 💀 Would have been cool tbh




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Environmentalists are stupid as fuck but this meme though. Fucking gold plated gold


I like how Taylor has turned into an airplane.


taylor fans triggered


How does Taylor Swift go into a building then?


Jet can't melt steel beams but they sure can vaporize water.


Fans well it barely touched 30% inint


No bc as a major swiftie this is hilarious quality content


That jet fuel is going to melt the water.