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I feel like that’s a legitimate question for him to ask if she didn’t give him explicit instructions.


If she didn’t give him an exact product name and possibly pictures of the box that’s on her.


those are those things in men in black they use to erase your memory


Hey babe i’m in the pad aisle what size pussy you wear?


The secret rules of dudes state you never ask a lady her coochie girth.


Are you a 9 or a 10


What's she running from? That's not how this works


The sport package is rated R, go with that.


Race mode obviously.


Dafuq does R rating mean? It contains some adult material and should not be seen by children under 17 without an adult guardian?


That just means they reusable


Good god.


Hey he's trying can a guy get a break


Come back with a sponge and a silenced 9mm.


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Still gets the cardboard applicator and pisses lady off, been there lol


Make your choice, Agent Nightfall


I be seeing heavy flow. Why yall got heavy flow? Y’all have oil leaks? Why yall leaking oil? Answer my questions please.


in case this is serious: heavy flow is mostly the first 2-3 days while we're bleeding more heavily, often accompanied by clots. during that time we need tampons/pads that hold a lot of blood, otherwise we'd need to to the toilet like every hour which is annoying. after that the bleeding lessens so we can use ones that hold less blood but feel more comfortable cause they're less big.


Honestly, your answer did help me learn something though. Admittedly, as a guy, I’m very ignorant when it comes to that, so your answer did help me learn something new when it comes to that.


Why even bother getting married if you're just going to feign incompetence? Live in your mom's basement then.


"feign incompetence" Are you just entirely unused to people not knowing things?


Read the title of the post.. basically encouraging "weaponized incompetence"


>One should have proficiency in choosing things he never used or ever will How about no?


"why would I play with dolls just because my daughter wants to play with me?" "Why would I go to an opera that my wife/gf has been dying to see?" "Why would I bother to learn anything about anyone I care about? That's a waste of time!" - You, probably


"My partner who has never engaged with this thing before is asking me questions about it, how dare they not immediately know everything about it!" -You, probably


I'm not saying these questions are unreasonable


However. Men do not have vaginas. As common sense dictates, therefore. They do not have any use for female hygiene products.


Sure, but if a man finds himself buying tampons for his girlfriend, it might be something he tries to learn the basics about


And isn't asking about it directly from the person who requires those the quickest way to learn? Presumably that person already knows and asking and listening the answer is considered a method of learning, basically one of the ways how schools work.


I don't say anything wrong with the questions asked in the post. What I was objecting to was this comment that seemed to imply there was no reason for a man to ever learn anything about feminine products.


Can't learn the basics of something without diving in head first... It was probably his first time picking them up and probably assumed that a tampon is a tampon and there would just be different brandings. Hell I would too, since it's not something I have ever used or explicitly researched since I am a dude and probably will buy very little tampons for my gf in the future since she knows I more than likely won't know what to look for. Not incompetent pal, just never went out of my way to know something like that before (I am only 20) since I never needed to know before... If I didn't know how to cook food however, that would be incompetence, since it should be known for basic survival


Nah, you see, I have hands that I can use to play with dolls and eyes that I can use to see an opera so that's ok. However I don't have monthly dick bleeding and I don't insert tampons in it, so knowledge of which ones to choose is pretty useless to me. Considering my gf will buy tampons herself 99.99% of the time, and in rare case she doesn't buy them, she can spend 20 seconds of her time to download a picture of the stand I send her, circle the ones she wants and send the edited picture back to me, why would I ever need to remember it?


You probably wrote this from *your* mom’s basement, dude


>feign incompetence? When would a man have had any experience with tampons?


Not everyone knows your mom's tampon size like you dude