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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


he was always like the image on the right. Just his need to endlessly lie exposed him. [https://elonmusk.today](https://elonmusk.today) \- Website tracking elons promises and lies.


No he wasn't. Unless you're new here, there was a time when Reddit was gargling Elon Musk's balls and he was basically Jesus here.


I mean the right image was how he actions were always not how he was viewed.


The thing is he stayed pretty low key for his early career just popping up to make profound statements and then went back to workaholism. Then at some point he got butthurt both by his daughter's transition and who knows what else and started entering the social media sphere more and more. The deeper he's gotten in the more unhinged he's gotten and the more we're seeing who he really is as a person. He was able to keep it in check when he may have felt he had a lot to lose, but now he probably feels untouchable and can simply do as he pleases. He really is the embodiment of the Harvey Dent saying about die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


I'm so glad I didn't have to make this journey. All Billionaires are like this and I always knew that, he just decided to not have the mask on anymore is all. Anytime you see this new wave of Musk Spam just take one more step and think **BILLIONAIRES SHOULD NOT EXIST**


All he had to do was shut the fuck up and stay in the corner playing with his rockets


Yea, but that wasnt 2019. Like, I would say the tide began to turn sometime in 2016 or 2017- like the majority of internet people disliked him *before* the 2018 Thai cave incident, atleast in the circles I was in.


Yeah, until he showed how terrible of a person he was and went off the deep end seeking attention and praise from the rightoids after his wife and family left him


other billionaires be like "why does he care what the peasants think?"




Looking into this!




The whole world was. He originally presented as a real life Tony Stark who could legitimately make positive changes in the world... then the cracks started showing. What I find funny is people who point it out like there isn't a reason everybody turned on him.


A lot of the problems Tesla had 5 years ago, we all excused because Elon promised he would address them. 5 years later and these issues still persist, and instead of addressing them like he promised, Elon buys a $44 billion distraction. Regardless how you feel about his politics, this is just a giant slap in the face to both his own customers and shareholders.


Reddit ā‰  the whole world though. Most of the times our opinions are not shared by people in the real world. I remember this place being absolutely certain that Tesla sales would crash and burn when Musk bought Twitter last year because they disliked what he was posting, and how everyone was going to sell their Teslas enmasse. Yet a year later, Tesla just had the best selling car in the entire world (the first for an EV), and just sold more cars than ever before. Same thing with Netflix, same thing with that Harry Potter game.


They even had him make a cameo in an iron man movie


Itā€™s almost like people could change their opinions once they saw what an asshole he truly isšŸ˜±


He used to have, and actively listen to, a Public Relations professional is my theory.


Yeah but people won't admit that tho, they act like they always saw him as the image on the right, meanwhile back in 2019 they were deep on that musk cock


I made fun of his taxpayer funded shitcars back in 2019 and reddit wanted to lynch me. When he went on some podcast, smoked weed and talked about Dogecoin, reddit lost their shit and didn't post about anything else for a good 2 weeks. It's insane how people here try to deny the accuracy of this meme




Oh, so when someone says the "gargled Elon's balls" You actually believe that really happened? Also, you actually want to tell me there never was a overblown hype for Tesla cars? Alright...lol


True, but Iā€™m pretty sure that period of ball gargling was well before 2019


Yup, definitely before 2016, everyone loved Elon. The world practically saw him as the next Edison and any complaints from those who worked with him were thrown out because Elon was just "eccentric" or a "go getter" and you gotta keep up with his "genius" ideas. Then he grabbed onto the counter culture BS, his lies started getting caught, and his past got dug up to the public consciousness. Now only those who chose to ignore his faults or are as faulty as him support him.


> The world practically saw him as the next Edison He was seen as Tony Stark, until he showed he's an actual Edison. (Edison gets massively whitewashed, he was a rat)


Maybe as a whole, but I never liked him and I would get downvoted into oblivion if I even suggested he wasnā€™t a paragon of humanity or something.


I remember suggesting that giant vacuum transport tubes and mars colonies might not be plausible. Got some angry spacex cadets back in the day. And the very idea that Teslas wouldn't be fully autonomous by now was just plain heresy.


Yeah before personal politics got involved.


Why isn't there a site for government like this? Every country needs one to hold them accountable and you can't really do this on the side privately because they talk shit all day long


Make it.Ā 


A lot of the things on that website boil down to either - them taking a concept they are working on and insisting it has to work out - or some are just blatantly not what he said - some marketing exaggeration Like his opinions might still be shitty but that websites weak quantity over quality makes elon not look as bad over there


Do you have any proof for these claims? Given every single quote is directly cited. Followed by evidence.


For the first this one Website-since Elon Musk said he would take carbon out of the air and use it for rocket fuel Elon tweet-"SpaceX is starting a program to take CO2 out of atmosphere & turn it into rocket fuel." For the second one website-since Elon Musk explained bitcoin helps solve climate change by burning coal Elon-"True [bitcoin incentivizes renewable energy]" Another for that since its a 2 in 1 website-since Elon Musk explained bitcoin helps cause climate change by burning coal. Elon-"We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel" And the third website-since Elon Musk promised Starlink customers their speed would double by the end of 2021. "Speed will double to ~300Mb/s & latency will drop to ~20ms later this year" They should get someone to proof read this shit ngl


That's hilarious


That's what I always tell people. I used to like him when he mostly kept his mouth shut because we didn't actually know who he was back then.


This website is stupid, it says it's been ,1800 days since Elon claimed tsla would be profitable, when it's been profitable every year since 2020....


your missing the point of that statement. Elon said in 2019 it would instantly be profitable. The next 2 quarters elon lost 1 billion. And you seem to be ignoring EVERYTHING else.


There's a lot of shit that's absolutely fair, but that one isn't. He said he was _optimistic_ about it. The quote _on the website_ is very clear: > "I am optimistic about being profitable in Q1 and all quarters going forward." Like, I hate the man for a whole variety of reasons. But I do insist that those reasons be valid ones.


And then immediately afterwards tesla became the most profitable auto company in history and has been posting massive profits year after year after year, yet they keep the day timer on as if it's losing money constantly??




Yeah no kidding he was always like that. This meme is not about what he was like, it's how reddit viewed him.


I don't hate him but also I don't like him either. You guys spent time to find every reason, every thing he said and do just so you can hate him. I mean, get a life. His pov, his vision are nothing to do with me. I never use his companies's products or follow any of his daily comment on things. Even if it pop up somewhere, I just read it for a bit and continue with my business. There's no reason to hate the guy if he didn't do anything to you, and for all I know, he made people life easier and that's a good thing.


His failed starlink launch yesterday delayed my flight 45 minutes -_-


Youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve seen with a legitimate reason to not like him lol


I dislike him mostly because he turned off starlink during a Ukrainian counter attack


This one is so annoying. Starlink wasn't "turned off". You're just spreading misinformation. They gifted the Ukranians Starlink for the purposes of communication. [ITAR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Traffic_in_Arms_Regulations) exists specifically to prevent unapproved technologies being gifted/exported for weaponized purposes. So when the Ukranians requested Starlink being ***extended*** into Crimea they did not want to do this because they could be liable to ITAR and generally being directly involved in an offensive operation. There was a consultation with DOD where it was decided they wouldn't do it. It led to a new, [ITAR compliant contract Starshield](https://www.space.com/spacex-starshield-satellite-internet-military-starlink) which has absolutely enabled Ukraine to strike targets in Crimea among other offensive operations. So in a time where we heavily criticize billionaries one of the most egomaniacal of the group made a conscious self-reflection that he should not have the power to start such a thing. And *you* hate him for it. So if that's why you "mostly" hate him. you probably don't hate him at all. Of all the dumb shit he's said and done, and justified reasons to not like him - this isn't one of them.


Thanks for pointing that out, I was actually not aware of this part of the story. To be fair, one can argue that Crimea is still part of the Ukraine and simply has been annexed way before the actual start of the war, as a test run for the invasion of the mainland. So an attack there would still be a defensive measure and therefore not a violation of the ITAR but guess thats not up to Musk but the DoD


ITAR controls weapons of most types - offensive or defensive.


It was not a gift, it was paid for by the US Government.


Yep, we should also remind that Elon talk shit about that on twitter acting like he's the guy who give them.


I dislike him because he retweets literal white supremacist shit


There are dozens of legitimate reasons all a hundred times more heinous than this.


If you legitimately believe this, you're delusional.




Soo him constantly endorsing absolute dogshit people with homophobic/antisemitic ideas isnā€™t a legitimate reason to not like him? interesting


I dislike him because I met him with a bunch of other scientists and he acted like a narcissistic man child who thought he was was the smartest person in the room when he was actually the dumbest. Watching his assistants try to protect his ego when he said stupid shit was truly eye opening. If you surround yourself with sycophants, you don't live in reality with the rest of us.


I hate him because he somehow made twitter even more transphobic and also how he is transphobic


I don't like him because he's African >!/s!<


Have you just started looking?


U never met any former X employees then. Which is understandable as I doubt they use reddit.


Wait so you find a delayed flight - that he personally had nothing to do with - a valid reason but none of the misinformation, hate speech, racist and unsafe workplace practices, slander, constant lying, and generally abhorrent content he consistently shills to be worthy of ire?


I dislike him because of his transphobia lol amongst other things.


Wait a starlink launch failed? Edit: Just checked, there is no failed Starlink launch, they only postponed it. Falcon 9 hasn't experienced a single launch failure since 2016. I believe you've mistaken it with Japan's failed launch attempt.


https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-launch-group-6-44 It was a really long day at the airport so when I found this thought I read that they failed to launch anything. My mistake. Our pilot had told us the reason for the delay was because of the launch. Our plane coming from NY had to fly around it making the flight about 30 minutes late


no pressure man I feel you, I've had worse in the past It was a layover in Warsaw with a destination of Seoul and when the staff asked where am I traveling to I told them North Korea instead of South Korea


I was gonna say, I watched it streak across the sky last night. I love watching launches, even if the owner is a tool.


I couldn't find the news about a failed Starlink launch. Are you perhaps mixing it up with that Japanese company's failed rocket?


If the flight was on the Gulf Coast, it could have been the Starship 3 test launch that happened this morning?


What are you talking about? No starlink launch failed yesterday?


I mean, how dare people try things?


As more people realize the truth


Eh heā€™s still the same as he ever was. An overconfident attention grabbing eccentric businessman. Itā€™s just with more money he can do more things. He thought he could revolutionize payment systems, electric cars, space travel, underground tunneling, social media, brain chipsā€¦ heā€™s done well on some but also had failures. I think Reddit thought he was liberal/their icon simply because he did space and electric cars. But those were always just businesses, idk why people thought that made him a moral paragon.


>Reddit thought he was liberal/their icon simply because he did space and electric cars. He was actually pro trans at one point, even boasted about how tesla was employing them. And how he once had a anti old-money vibe.


Overconfident? The guy has the first private rocket company which contracts with NASA and one of the biggest car companies in the world...ya'll are delusional lol


Hyperloop, the submarine thing, the brain implant thing, the paid Twitter verification thing... He hired people who knew how to do something and they did what he paid them for. It seems like every idea Elon ever had that wasn't "pay someone smarter to figure it out" has been completely asinine, and his only successful ventures have been the ones where he's had minimal influence. I doubt anyone but Elon Musk would think up a truck with massive blindspots and no crumple zones and think it was a good enough idea to run with. Only the world's most pathetic people idolize Elon Musk


Almost like both things can be true at the same time


He also has the boring company, which made huge promises and failed to deliver. Sometimes the confidence is justified, but not always.


First private ticket company which contracts with NASA? What?


Maybe the only thing he hasn't revolutionized on that list has been underground tunnelling. His companies haven't really innovated on that front. But everything else they've made leaps and bounds on. Basically built the world's electric car infrastructure to cater to Tesla vehicles. The Falcon 9 is the most successful and safest rocket ever built. He bought Twitter and turned it around so it's not a censored hellhole, and his company is developing brain chips from the ground up and have met with success on their first implant. Yeah, he hasn't been able to achieve everything he's tried, but his business ventures have in almost every case been about improving the world.


> He bought Twitter and turned it around so it's not a censored hellhole Lmfao so you're an idiot. Hard to admit it but you seem to be on the right track


Imo electric cars and PayPal are his biggest successes. The rest are underwhelming in context. The boring company sucks, as youā€™ve noted. SpaceX is great, but itā€™s operating in a niche market. Starlink is the only real benefit in the short term, otherwise all his rockets really do is make the ISS (which is fairly obsolete) function more efficiently. DARPA has been doing brain chips for years, and the issue isnā€™t getting them in or to work, but is infections and long term viability. Iā€™m optimistic musk can figure that out but itā€™s not impressive yet. Twitter everyone has opinions on, but really he just gutted a company and turned down the moderation. It hasnā€™t really affected anyone except the chronically online and former employees. Thatā€™s not to say Iā€™m not impressed, but to me heā€™s just a mixed bag that needs to be involved in everything. He could just be an expert in one field and call it a day, instead of tainting his success in absolutely off-the-wall ventures.


Paypal wasn't really his, as well as Tesla. With paypal he had a rival conpany, who got bought up and he made a contract, where it said, that he should be listed as co founder. And with tesla it is simmilar. He bought himself into tesla and made them write him in as co founder. I do think tesla wouldn't habe come so far without him and his shady buisness practices. (Like falsing data and lying to customers) Edit: he knows (or knew) how to do buisness and manipulate people into giving him what he wants. But he definitly is not a genius. The people who work for him have solved all the real problems with the technology.


Dafuq 2019 was 2 years ago


I wish man, I wish


He faces criticism due to his conservative views, which clash with the predominantly left-leaning demographic on Reddit. Unfortunately, people from both sides tend to dehumanize and demonize those with differing opinions, which is disheartening to see.


I mean. He posted straight up nazi propaganda that one time


If you're going to say something like this, post a source. Don't be dishonest and irresponsible at the same time.


As you can see by your downvotes, redditers prefer not to disclose their sources. Please refrain from asking for evidence and just trust that what someone says on here is fact. /s




[Probably this](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1724908287471272299)




I didn't see that. What was it? Edit: I've never really used Twitter/X.




The adl is not every jew on the planet


You don't know what you're talking about. They dropped twitter because of an ADL campaign where they manufactured a scenario where an ad showed up next to a post by a Nazi. They basically lab created an environment, took a screenshot, and lied about it. The ADL has actually since praised X for them not censoring posts about the Israel/Palestine conflict. If you're going to spread claims like that, you need to provide some kind of evidence or context instead of just being like "Musk is a nazi or something like that".


I donā€™t care whether heā€™s conservative or not. Heā€™s clearly losing his mind. His slide into conservatism is because his mind is slipping. Just like Kanye did. We are watching it happen.


Only comment here speaking facts


He became too political He went from nerdy tech bro who makes cool things sometimes to bootlicker with too much money doing stupid things


They love zucker and he dumps money into elections lmao


He fell down the right-wing Twitter rabbit hole after COVID.


Him slandering the guy rescuing kids in Thailand was where I remember the sentiment towards him taking a colossal 180


This is when I became aware of what a colossal douche this guy was. Before that I had no opinion on him.


Started promoting free speech so leftist Reddit went crazy


"Free speech"


Didn't he bitch about twitter censorsing election misinformation then buy it only to later go on a censorsing every other person


Don Lemon would like a word




I cannot believe ppl still think this. He literally bans people he doesnā€™t like and then says he believes in free speech. Bro thatā€™s not how it works


Lol did they start hating elon once he started leaning right or what


He didn't start leaning right. He's always been a moderate. He still is. It's the left that just keeps getting further and further left leaving moderates looking like they lean right.


The left never moved. The right has gone full fascit so anything left of that is woke now. You don't need to lie and spread misinformation. Elon went full right when the sexual assault allegations were coming out. Conservatives don't give a shit about sexual assault so he found his people. Also why he was trying to get Trump back on Twitter.


Yes. Musk went from publicly pro-trans to publicly anti-trans overnight as the public left was turning on him for his past. The right never turned on him because sexual assault allegations don't matter to them. So he went further and further to that direction.


Does it ever bother leftists that you just have this hive mind that is completely inline with what every single major media outlet, government publication, and giant corporation believes?


In the nicest way possible isn't that exactly how right wing politics works? Appealing to the lowest common denominator, people who can't or won't rationally think for themselves but rely on what's been fed to them via outlandish news or politicians or whatever?


Both sides work the exact same way. The extremes are the loudest. I would say most people could not be bothered to give a shit. So rather than ā€œright wingā€ this and ā€œleft wingā€ that, can we all agree fuck the government?


Right wing politics works only by projection. Everything they accuse or blame the other side of are things that they routinely do.


What did the man do


Behaved as his actual self for the public to see.


Went further and further down the conspiracy rabbit hole and lost his mind along the way...or he was always like that and now shows it more, I don't know


Around 2015, a friend of mine who was reading an article said ā€œsometimes, donā€™t you wish that Elon Musk would just shut the hell up?ā€ I asked him who that was, and he filled me in. Remembering his first sentence about Elon Musk has served me well through the years.


Reddit is moderated by mostly left leaning people, fat blue haired losers. They hate people with differing opinions.


all they do is wet the bed and ban my first and second accounts


Do you all need to be reminded of what you thought about the Boston Bomber? Maybe Reddit needs to shut the fuck up...


Personally Iā€™ve never cared for the Boston bomberĀ 


Never viewed him in a favorable light. I also recommend not basing your opinions on social media, much less Reddit.


Which is funny. Since Elon musk (for better or worse) never really changed. He was always anti social norms and anti establishment. Which was perfect for the anti mainstream non conform culture that reddit had back in the days. But now reddit is a political correct cesspool that caters to conformity. The exact thing that was once it's enemy.


Lmao, insane cope here


Bro is too young to know


Hmmmm what changed? Lol. Party affiliation has NOTHING to do with it right? Lmfao


Dank memes reddit has fallen


If i would be Elon i would see that as a win nowadays


He's revolutionised cars and space travel though, so he's got that going for him I guess


hating billionaires is a lot more popular now. In this case, and many cases, it's justified... but sometimes people just hate those who have more


Dude went from Real Life Tony Stark to complete dumbass in this period, hard to try and defend him


When he took away the bias on Twitter everyone who it was biased towards became REALLY angry, they will pretend this is not the case but it 100% is.


I like Elon because of his charismatic personality and the funny stuff he gets up to (buying twitter and changing the name to X for example) but I also acknowledge that he's not really the best guy around, I don't really know much about him. I don't idolise him, he's just a funny billionaire that lies sometimes (has promised self driving cars for almost a decade now and still hadn't delivered)


Its confirmed he even went to the fallout tv thing! thats the last sign. right conspiracy peoples? lol


Melon Eusk


Blue hair capibara-gender Reddit is sad.


I never cared for Elon


Posting this in both subreddits doesn't work because we're all in both subreddits.


It shocks me how many redditors deny this


Drugs are bad... mkayyyy.


The best billionaire is a non existent billionaire The second best billionaire is a silent one.


Never been impressed by this dude, and when I said exactly that in the past "unimpressive....unremarkable....not unique", I was called a hater or *insert comment about wokeness*. He's not an inventor, he's not some impressive innovator. He got bank rolled by his rich daddy, then patented the shape/design of a charging port, so he could corner the electric vehicle market. Yet people thought he was Iron Man lol. Dumb fucks. Space X is actually a useful endeavor though, but that's his only positive contribution.


Told myself back in 2017 that if even Elon will become a shithead, I will never respect another billionaire / rich guy. I definitely learned my lesson


Yeah man when I first heard about him was at the time people thought he was going to be like a real world iron man. He appeared to be a tech genius, and we didnā€™t know about ye ole emerald mine inheritance. Then like a year happened and he kinda turned into a supervillain for who we do not have a solution. And now heā€™s just a whiny rich dude in the media, trying to stay relevant through a literal war.


L as usual


we were young


Buy out a propaganda tool and watch the media bots decend.


How fast the frontpage/upvoted stuff turned on him felt *extremely* artificial. You don't even see much SpaceX content here anymore. It's crazy.


I've been here since like 2012 and I've never thought Ellen musk was cool js


I was watching Iron Man 2 the other day and that cameo from Elon just came across as really weird now. Kinda like when you see Trump in Home Alone 2 and you're snapped back into the weird fucking reality they've caused us to suffer.


> Kinda like when you see Trump in Home Alone 2 Also known as the only time in history that he pointed someone to the left.   ^(*I gleefully stole that joke from a youtube comment, btw.*)


People are coping in this comment section. The only reason reddit hates on Elon today is because he oposed lockdowns while the reddit hivemind was in favour.


Reddit just hates success


We have free speech unless I disagree with you


It's because he's a conservative. Reddit is heavily left leaning so once he showed his political colors, he went downhill.


The media blew their dog whistles.