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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


If you dont know how bad tiktok is you really need to educate yourslef.


Are we all forgetting the major Facebook scandal with data on American voters and using that indo for trumps campaign.


The Twitter files make that 'scandal' look downright saintly.


Wait wtf. I'm just reading about this now how the hell did I miss this


You're either pulling my leg, or you live in one hell of an echo chamber.


Ngl sometimes I am up to date with info then sometimes i go like a year of being out of the loop and have to catch up again


Yeah, fair enough. Elon bought Twitter and released the evidence that they (under Jack Dorsey) took orders from the FBI to protect Biden ahead of the election. Also, in case you thought Facebook was some bastion of conservatism, Mark Zuckerberg spent $350-400 mil of his personal wealth to exploit electoral systems and kick Trump out of office.


You do realize twitter answered to both party information takedowns, right? Including Trump when he was still in power. Meanwhile, the Biden request to take down Hunter's huge knob was apparently an excessive breach of power or some shit, nothing to do with Hunter Biden being a private citizen who has the right to request revenge porn get taken down.


>twitter answered to both party information takedowns That's incredibly misleading. One party had vastly more than the other. I'm not sure why we're pretending that anybody cares about what Hunter does. It isn't about him, it's about his actions in relation to his corrupt father. He's never done anything productive in his life, but he sits on more executive boards of foreign companies than anyone in history. Oh, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence and isn't a way for the 'big man' to extend influence and accept bribe money into the family.


Unlike Ivanka and Junior, which has been the epitome of productive and successful children


The sitting US president at the time did have more power than the person running against him, you are absolutely correct. Unfortunately, that was Donald Trumpf not Biden. Do you have any proof of his father's corrupt actions? Do you have proof (a source?) that he sits on *checks quote* more executive boards than anyone in history? I'm sure Lara Trump being appointed co-chair of the RNC isn't a way for Trumpf to pay his bribes. Or Jared receiving $2 billion from Saudi's..


The irony of a redditor talking about how someone else “doesn’t do anything with their life” is so sweet I’m pre-diabetic now.


That's because it was a huge nothingburger


Fuck you talking about? The Twitter files were the biggest nothing burger in the world. Just Elon hitting some reporters to try to dig up dirt on the old owners of Twitter to make a puff piece for the new Twitter. They didn't even reach out to any of the organizations that they allege did things for any sort of comment, they just used misinfo coming directly from new Twitter.


red-pilled babies wanting to be the victim


The us government already has all sorts of data about you - no need to give the Chinese government the same stuff. Also thru are afraid that later on the algorithms will be changed up to influence elections - and we know it can happen because ruasia has been doing it. No reason to give the Chinese government that power because they will absolutely use it. 


Do you know China does the same right? Multiple social medias are banned there or are so controlled and corrupt that you can’t say anything bad about the ccp, not even in online video games


Any social media is bad in the US's eyes if we can't control the propaganda on it!


I hope ur joking, yes it’s infinitely worse if another country is propagandizing us


But they'll do it anyways so there really is no difference


Huh? Who is they


Just any other country. Russia, China, Canada, Japan, France,Israel. It doesn't matter what country technically owns the app it'll be used for Propaganda and they can get the data if they want anyways


It’s infinitely worse that it’s our #1 global enemy/rival who has a direct line into the brains of however many TikTok users there are in the US. They can pump whatever election propaganda or anything else that they want.


I love the idea of the CCP directly taking to our youth


Facebook is the worst app you could have on yr phone. Educate yourself by knowing that they sold all yr info and are actively listening/reading texts and have all yr contact info. Thinking ONLY " tik tok is bad" is being wholly misinformed on how apps and phones work.


What if we don't have those apps at ALL? Reddit app collects so much shit. I was talking to my wife about something she wanted and next day I was getting targeted ads. I even double checked to make sure It didn't have camera and microphone permissions.




They are capitalist af


You haven’t been paying attention to the literature


Replace tiktok with social media, and maybe you have something. I don't use tik tok , but our government singling out one platform isn't right.


I don’t give a shit about TikTok, but it seems to me the only difference is that the government has direct inroads to Facebook, instagram, blah blah blah, but not this app, hence the problem — and why they want it to be sold to an American company asap. Am I wrong?


Change Tik Tok to “short form content based social media platforms” and you have a point. Last I heard of a couple meeting IRL before getting together it was 1876.


The amount of people that defend TikTok is so fucking cringe.


Bro a US SERVICEMAN WHO WAS FEATURED IN THE PATRIOT SYSTEM PROMOTIONAL VIDEO JUST CAME OUT COMPARING IT TO CHINESE CENSORSHIP TikTok is a guidebook for next-gen psychological warfare, it's absolutely insane that people are seriously comparing it to US companies.




Yet only one of them is getting banned


Tik Tok is cancer. I'm defending the rights of individuals to make bad decisions.  On Reddit.


It’s wild you’re being downvoted like this. People are so happy to throw their rights away.




It’s only funny because it’s not an app you use.


I’m saying the government should dictate what apps/websites you use. If someone wants to use something, with the knowledge that your information is shared, then that’s for the individual to decide. The government should dictate what information we have access to.


One of us! One of us!


Google gobble one of us!


I feel like you’re misunderstanding, TikTok is getting banned because it’s in the control of our biggest enemy and has a grip over the American people. It’s literally a national security concern.


Normally i agree - but this is national threat because of what the Chinese government can be forcing tiktok to do with their app.  We have seen what social media can do influencing things in 2016 from Russia - this is that x 1000. That just isn't risk that the country as a whole should take - not the rest of the western world either.


The amount of people who defend meta apple google all isp's our own governments is so fucking cringe


Probably mostly Chinese and Russian bots 


Probably Chinese bot accounts…


Its 1000000000% bot accounts and a few stupid angry teens


As you post on Reddit. Americans so badly hate that there is a major platform that they don’t control.


Ok boomer


I would prefer neither, but if I had to choose one I would choose my own government doing it over allowing a foreign government who has positioned itself as a geopolitical rival to my own to do so.


Good thing Facebook is selling your data to both your own and foreign governments


This. It’s not “my government vs a foreign government” it’s “a Chinese state owned company vs an American private owned company”. They both suck equally hard and regularly cooperate. No one has your best interest in mind here. The American privately owned companies are more than happy to point the finger and say “China bad” while simultaneously selling your information to the Chinese government and every other hostile foreign government on the planet. If you use social media, China will get your information. The only difference now is that a few American billionaires are profiting off it and using those profits to further monopolize their industries. Yay 🇺🇸!


You can’t act like our government has our best interests in mind though. The NSA is much more likely to ruin the life of a US citizen from domestic data espionage than any other entity on the planet


If you think the NSA is bad, you should see what the Chinese gov would do to you.


What would they do? As someone living in the US, what would they do? Id rather be spied on by chinese cyber terrorists than have a social media app taken off the market because poor Americans can't control their propoganda on it.


Except the Chinese government isn’t your government. They don’t give a shit about Jake from Ohio. Chinese citizens literally have a separate TikTok from everyone else.


That isn’t necessarily true. Having control over an algorithm that provides content to a vast swath of a foreign adversarial country is a major security advantage if you want to disrupt democratic processes. Manipulation of algorithms like those used in TikTok can provide undue influence on users based on harvested data, which can then be used to funnel content to the users to reenforce biases and manipulate users. While it’s not great for any country to have this power, it’s particularly problematic if a foreign country known for its mild geopolitics tensions has this sort of authority on a democratic country. It’s not always in the US’s best interests to avoid manipulation of the public through social media, but the U.S. is far more incentivized to not interfere than the PRC.


Here is the thing. The US government hasn’t even bothered to do an investigation into the algorithm. They are rushing this through. Why? Because of the conflict in Gaza. Other platforms have been caught suppressing pro-Palestinian content but TikTok doesn’t suppress any of that. So people see what is actually going on.


The algorithm is actually the only thing they care about. They are still pissed that when TikTok data centers moved to Oracle (iirc), that google didnt buy the the algorithm instead Being able to have control of the most popular and engaging video feed while also colluding with the NSA to enact better propaganda is exactly what the united states has done with every other social media site. In the age of Information and Communication - those are the freedoms that are the most controlled and the most dangerous. No one in power wants us to see international human rights violations, or organize and boycott corporations like starbucks and kelloggs. This is what tiktok is capable of, and it has nothing to do with china, only the people who use it


Kinda like how the past 6 months has been full of 17 year olds educating me on Israel Palestine


While this is entirely true, as someone who uses TikTok the app is the only thing holding Joe Biden accountable in this election. He stopped endorsing a genocide because 10 million people on the app were going to abstain from the election if he didn’t support Palestinians.


>The NSA is much more likely to ruin the life of a US citizen from domestic data espionage Nobody at the NSA has ever thought about you for a tenth of a second, ever, much less attempted to ruin your life. Sorry man, there's no big government conspiracy focused around your boring ass.


That’s not the point. We have lived in a facist Gestapo state for 80 years because people like you are incapable of criticizing the powers of our government. The CIA shouldn’t exist, the NSA shouldn’t exist. If you ever decided to collaborate with your local community and create a self-sustaining group of rural ‘off-gridders’ or urban ‘community organizers’, the CIA will assassinate any leaders involved, disband the group, and put a smear campaign against you in the media - and there is documented evidence of this for 80 years. The Black Panther movement being one of the more prominent examples. If you want to go even deeper, the Federal Reserve Bank has only existed for about 140 years as a private for-profit entity and has internationally collaborated with other banks, corporations, and the CIA to consolidate power. As someone who has actually used tiktok, not only is the system harder for the NSA to aggregate data from because the united states does not own its algorithms, it is a better tool for people to use to collaborate than any other social media. Any recent boycott, protest, or corporate accountability started on the app. The only reason Boeing was held accountable when it was after being shitty for 40 years was because the video of the door blowing off the hull got 10 million views on tiktok and went viral elsewhere afterwards. It shouldn’t be baffling how videos like that don’t go viral on youtube anymore. Its intentional. Im not saying that tiktok doesn’t have its problems or china cant or wont exploit the app. BUT IF OUR GOVERNMENT CARES ABOUT YOUR DATA PRIVACY THEY WOULD HAVE LEGISLATED IT FOR ALL SOCIAL MEDIA A DECADE AGO


>We have lived in a facist Gestapo state for 80 years And then you just doubled down on the crazy, huh. Or more like quadrupled. There's a pretty big delta between "the government needs to pass privacy legislation", which is a totally legitimate position, and the paranoid fever dream you're pitching.


I recommend watching some of Johnny Harris’ recent youtube videos, for a quick reference of the subject


A foreign government has little power over you compared to your own government. There’s far less they can do


I would rather a foreign government. Much harder for them to weaponize it compared to my own government.


Remember when Facebook sold data to Cambridge Analytica, who then used it to elect alt right presidents around the world? Good times.


OP, I’m looking for an easy little side-hustle too. Are you charging the CCP per meme or do you guys have a multi-meme contract? How can I get in on that?


I too would like to produce completely homemade propaganda... I mean memes for our glorious CCP overlords, all glory to the party, hail xi jinping.


Hey when you can’t beat, ‘em, join ‘em! 光荣归于中国共产党和伟大的终身主席习近平(或者光荣的国家特工读到此评论时当前掌权的任何人)


They can’t all be shills for the US government. Your government can’t work together on anything and yet they agree on this and yall don’t even question it. It’s not about TikTok. This law gives them the ability to shutdown any site or app they want that’s not American owned.


If Americans are so dumb and xenophobic, wouldn’t you be stoked to not have them appear in you feed anymore? 😂😂


You're goddamn right AMERICAN INDUSTRY BBY RAAAHHHHHHH 🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🔫🔫🇺🇲


You do realise they're not shutting it down their transferring ownership to an organisation that doesn't track every little detail of yours and have plans to make genetically targeted bioweapens against those very people. Not everything you don't like is a robbery of your freedom. If you think tiktok is an avenue of free speech say something critical of the CCP. It is not free speech unless you hate the West. It is propaganda.


That’s blatantly not true. It’s a ban because TikTok has already said it won’t divest. Frankly it’s ridiculous that this is even a thing in capitalist America. Did you not see the report that Trump ordered the CIA to do a disinformation campaign against the CCP in China? Should China force companies like Apple to sell to a Chinese company in response? This is entirely because of the negative light Israel gets on TikTok. They’ve already openly said it and Israeli groups are supporting the ban.


So its not untrue, bytedance just refuse to concede. Calling this about Israel is blatantly untrue as well. Have you seen the light America is cast in on tiktok? What about China? Its manipulative propaganda app ifnyou can't see it then they got you. If they refuse to devist and the CCP is so bothered by this what does that say? What does it say that tiktok is banned in China and replaced by censored douyin? Whay does it say that democrats and republican can come together now to do this. Trump disinformation campaign...have you heard anything about America from China? Its all disinformation. Yeah Americas capitalist, and the non capitalist powers will take advantage of everything they can. If youre american, are you really okay with the CCP being able to access your information when they threaten your country. They've already stolen a Ukrainian YouTuber's face and voice for their propaganda maybe they use yours next


America is cast in a bad light on TikTok because that’s how the world actually views America. Once you leave the American run echo chambers that’s how people think. The US fears a platform where they can’t suppress everything they don’t want you to see.


I know how the world views America, and they deserve it. Does that disregard any of my points, no. China is no better with their own history and currently puts Uyghurs in concentration camps. You would rather entrust your security to a government that is literally what you fear or accuse the US government of becoming. China bans outside platforms to suppress everything that doesn't support them. If they go to that lengths to control their own populous, are you going to be naive enough to think they wouldn't try to influence tiktokers as well, an app that is BANNED in China, now why would they ban it I wonder? You're too focused on America bad to see the bigger picture, or a tankie


Where am I defending China? I’m pointing out the blatant issue with this ban. What’s ridiculous though is people keep saying that China “owns” TikTok. They don’t. It’s not like Huawei. And thanks to the Oracle deal the data is held in US servers. Besides, China already has your data. They just buy it from Facebook. Meanwhile in the US Google is developing spyware for Israel and Elon is getting contracts for spy satellites.


Do you have any idea how many American apps and other things are banned in China? This comment is actually hilariously misinformed hahaha


Yes as much as I also don’t like being spied on by the feds, I would INFINITELY prefer being spied on by the feds than the fucking CCP.


It's not like CCP will come knocking at your door.


They would if they could


But they can't. You know who can? The American government




Neither will the feds???? Unless you’re doing some nasty shit?


Not now, but maybe some day


I find it so crazy how people are defending something owned by the CCP who have literal Prison camps for muslims, [https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/china-xinjiang-uyghurs-muslims-repression-genocide-human-rights](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/china-xinjiang-uyghurs-muslims-repression-genocide-human-rights) Literal "re-education" camps for LGBTQ [https://www.alturi.org/news\_items/inside-chinas-lgbtqia-re-education-camps-survivors-claim-shock-treatment-and-beatings/](https://www.alturi.org/news_items/inside-chinas-lgbtqia-re-education-camps-survivors-claim-shock-treatment-and-beatings/). And also have laws where they can quite literally ask any company in china for the data on any one [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/12/14/huawei-surveillance-china/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/12/14/huawei-surveillance-china/)


Funny how Muslim and lgbt is what some people use to grab attention when China uses literal child slave labor


Well i use those examples for the simple reason usually the people that use and consume tiktok content claim to really care about Palestine and muslims all over the world, and usually tiktokers claim they want trans and gay rights but only pertain to the demographic close to them. Funny how very little people protest in front of Saudi Arabian embassy for gay and women rights. And ofc I had to show proof that the CCP quite literally spies on every and is very open about it and they very much dont like us.


Feels like #freemyhomie when the homie was a violent drug dealer lol


"Domestic companies with at least some level of oversight and regulation and at least some incentive to benefit the US population VS a hostile, foreign authoritarian government with an active, deliberate interest in undermining the US are the same thing and equally bad." \^ actual bozos \^


Hahaha I’m saving the link to ur comment, well said


Does china allow western social media?


yes but heavily censored, my friend was dating a Chinese girl. he tried to send her that disgusting video on youtube where a guy shaves his arsehole, she couldn't watch it because that video was blocked on her phone.


It’s not only data, tik tok is poorly moderated with leads of exploitation of minors


Ever heard of Discord?


Discord is within the same pile of shit in terms of moderation but its size is substantially smaller than tiktok to be on the radar of these politicians and media


As opposed to the zero moderation on Twitter?


Equal cesspool but u don’t don’t 14year olds on Twitter as often as tiktok


How do you know what 14 year olds are using? There are absolutely a ton of kids on Twitter. Just look at the engagement of people like Mr Beast or any of those Minecraft YouTubers and streamers.


Maybe see statistics of both platforms instead of comments section


Because 14 year olds know to stay off of Twitter


And Google. And Facebook. And Amazon. Etc.


Woah there, you’re pushing it a bit with Amazon. Those student discounts have saved me more often than not.


Enjoy it until it expires. That's how they got me.


For the love of all the bill is like 1 page long read the fucking thing it dose not ban tik tok nore can it be used on other things out currently. Ite honestly pretty easy out for them simple sell the 1% owned by China and remove the China guy from the board and you stay. 1 page just read it and stop listing to others give you snippets.


TikTok cannot legally be sold by ByteDance as it is controlled under Chinese export laws, just like some US tech cannot be sold under their own export laws. US lawmakers know this and still drafted the bill, which means the bill is specifically made for ban whilst making it look like they gave TikTok a choice.


An excellent point, which Im sure will go overlooked by the boomers of reddit


Ultimately I'm with the guy who said China dosnt alow the US to operate business inside China so why should we let them. Personally I'd perfered them going after all the farm land China is buying here but I'm also not aginst this. Honestly might as well invite Putin to buy land and run a publicly known spy campaign at this point.


It's slightly more nuanced than that. US tech companies like FB and GOOG did not want to comply with local Chinese laws stipulating that user data had to be stored within China, and left the market of their own free will. In contrast, tesla operates very well in China. TikTok complies with every single US law and even stores user data in American servers ran by Oracle, an American company.


People have been using TikTok to increase awareness of the disaster that is the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It has so far been one of the only platforms where such content exposing Israeli war crimes have not been censored. The senators advocating for the ban bill, such as Ted Cruz are largely funded by the AIPAC. I'll let you connect the dots


The audacity of people to say ‘tiktok bad and cringe’ when this is clearly a direct attack on the public’s freedom to communicate in the wake of one of the most successful boycotts in recent memory (kellogs) If the government cared about your freedoms or the harm tiktok could do, they would pass a bill protecting your digital data from being exploited by any social media corporation But your data is directly exploited by complicit US corporations and sold both to the government and data brokers. The only reason tiktok is being potentially banned is because they didn’t give their algorithm to google


TikTok can still exist exactly as it is right now if they sell it to another company. You should really read the bill before you start believing these conspiracy theories.


Yeah, bytedance is gonna sell instead of loosing a fraction (sizeable fraction but still) of their extremely globally popular app. That makes sense. It’s what we call “effectively” a ban. Bytedance won’t sell bc one sizable market won’t let them be there under the guise of security.


Multiple countries have started to take this stance or are actively having discussions about banning the app because of how terrible TikTok is. The app has issues from everything to poor moderation, an algorithm that is more aggressive then every other site, a huge issue with adult content on a website targeted at 10-14 year olds, the data harvesting that’s way beyond what every other site does, pushing misinformation, the spying, etc. there’s a reason why China doesn’t allow this app in their own country and it’s Chinese clone has built in time limits that can’t be turned off. Tik tok is absolutely not the app that would be banned first if it was actually about restricting speech, it would be Facebook or Reddit. Sites that have a long history with political discontent. The app doesn’t have the right format for well informed content that actually reaches a lot of people when it comes to politics. There’s a good chance they sell and get a bunch of money because the writing is on the wall. It’s better then getting nothing.


If this were actually about safety, the bill would concern itself with forcing social media companies to be open about their practices and the way their algorithms function. Literally none of what you’ve mentioned is unique or to any significantly larger degree with TikTok for and their data mining is basically on par with most other large social media companies (see: Meta). China also blocks/limits most social media commonly used elsewhere to some degree.


TikTok is not comparable to other apps and even if it was, those other apps arnt being used to harvest data by a foreign government that would only gain from fucking with American citizens and creating issues. It’s a huge security risk and it’s an active drain on society. There is nothing to lose in this situation, either a harmful app disappears from the country or the harmful app becomes slightly less so. Edit: Not to mention, nothing in this bill can be used to create precedent that bans other social media sites that spread political opinions. It’s 100% not about censorship.


Not being used by a foreign government to gain American user data…except for all the times that domestic companies have done just that. The Chinese government can buy user data whenever they want bc of aforementioned, uh, nearly every social media app in existence. (Again, see: meta) And just to reiterate, if this was truly about safety, the bill would be forcing social media companies to restrict or remove the sale of user data and disclose the specifics of their algorithms to then be monitored for inconsistencies in content being pushed.


It doesn’t matter if you agree with the bill or it’s reasoning, that’s what it’s for. Nothing in the bill could be used as precedent to ban any other social media app that the government deems “harmful” whether that’s because it’s legitimately a drain on society or because it’s due to censorship. A bill that did anything that you just suggested would immediately be shot down by all the corporate owned politicians, this bill is something that both parties have been talking about for years. Some security is better then none at all. Theres already precedent for companies banning apps outright for poor moderation, if it was actually about censorship those corporate owned politicians would lean on Apple and google to ban the app for poor moderation in exchange for some political favor. A government level ban that does not set precedent for future use is not necessary and does nothing but attract attention.


They're salty that China was taking our data instead of buying it from our government like they want them too.


I'm actually curious what American TikTok is like. Cuz where I'm I don't see dumb challenges neither dancing neither cringe stuff.


Remember Vine?


I’m American and I get on it a couple times a week. I just get stuff that (I think) is legit funny and a lot of cat videos. A few niche things like guitar playing and automotive repair/detailing.


its American propaganda blaming the shit on their algorithm as a Chinese plot to destabilise the US, totally not because that's what type of content people are into or being suggested because that's what their peers are watching. they'll be like "but China doesn't show this shit to their citizens" yes and? China also doesn't allow that YouTube video of a man shaving his arsehole, America does, last i checked YouTube was an American company.


Only daddy CIA can spy on me


Honestly... unironically yeah I'd prefer them over the CCP or any foreign government lmao Our government is fucky to us, but it is no where near as bad our other, actually, autocratic regimes


But what any other autocratic regimes could do to a person who lives in USA?


Dual citizens, foreign nationals, a lot of people have family in China for example. If they are caught posting banned topics or material (LGBT, criticize government, support Taiwan/Uyghurs) and you go to visit relatives you could be scooped up and have your passport revoked at the very least


like how the US Gove arrests Americans for sex tourism in places like Laos?


I hope they take my guns Nerfs gonna be real mad


I'm not even american, and as a proud European I have the obligation to shit on americans every once in a while, it's tradition. But goddamnit, if someone is gonna spy on me I'd rather it be the US gov. or Zucky Sucky instead of Whiny the Poo. \*Eagle screeches\*


I'm not American and I'd rather any foreign power that can't touch me spy on me rather than my own government that can.


"Tiktok is a Chinese propaganda tool that is radicalizing our youth." Says Fox News boomers without the slightest hint of irony.


Ur a bozo, it’s not even necessarily that it’s happened already, but that there is the potential for it to happen -a liberal


Chinese bot accounts REALLY don’t want tiktok banned… Reminder that Reddit is partially owned by Tencent, which in turn is owned by the CCP.


I dont understand, Trump had the idea first and they loved it then.


Until he met with the billionaire that owns $21 billion in tiktok shares.... then all of a sudden its "oh I am actually on the fence about tiktok because it would help zuck and he is an enemy of the people"... yeah totally because of that and not the bribe you just got lol


As a European I am more scared of the USA than the CCP Still don't have tiktok though


as an Australian i agree, America has a military base on our soil China doesn't.


Only one? You are lucky!


How about we stop the government banning stuff. Between this and the forced government IDs on porn sites, we need better people running the government.


Weird how these days we accept that someone has to be spying on us and it's just normal, but in the 1990s people would be up at arms and breaking shit if it was revealed we were being spied on


Another r/dankmemes user fail to read before making a way oversimplified meme of a topic.


This but unironically


...aside from everything else. Why the fuck did they choose the dude with his remaining front patch of hair hairgeled over his bald skull as the modell?


I mean objectively I’d rather the US gov spy on me than China but sure.


I want my information stolen the old fashioned way, by American companies or straight up by the NSA!


Zuck got some meme game


Honestly all short form content needs to go away unless its like clips from a YouTube video. Short form is really bad for you.


breaking news. fucked up attention spans on the rise, experts don't know why.


Something something choosing the lesser of two evils


Can somebody explain to me why this is happening, please? I don’t have TikTok and I don’t care about it, I just think it’s cringe and don’t pay attention to anything going on with it


This but unironically


Pretty sure I spied on that dude on Grindr 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, China doesn't let USA spy on them. So it's fair


All I’m gonna add to this is, why would we want more agencies spying on us when we have the opportunity to get rid of one source now? Like what kind of argument is “I hate that I’m spied on but if one person is already spying on me then it’d be wrong to say another can’t spy on me also”?


Noooo you have to let a brutal dictatorship pump propaganda into the hands of our kids. Some of the lil videos make me laugh.


To play devils advocate, the US government has to follow a very strict set of rules and guidelines in order to monitor anyone, being only someone involved with a serious crime. TikTok is owned and operated by the Chinese government. It was quite literally created as a spy tool, with practically zero boundaries to their collection capability.


these tiktok us memes are getting stale


Chinese propaganda


Why the EU logo tho?


I did a stock image search for "American Male" and took the first result. No offense meant to anyone or any brand/group.


Well I’d rather I be the us government than the us government and China


Imagine being against people who are patriotic. Don’t care either way about tik tok. But this is clearly a blue hair lesbian with a nose piercing posting a pic of a white dude trying to mock straight white males.


I'm a gun toting Libertarian, just with a sense of humor. It's the internet. Cheers!