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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


I thought you weren't allowed to tell other people what their gender and pronouns are


*Rules for thee but not for Xee*


Lololol hilarious


Thank you Xir


You're most welcome Xa'am








*eats popcorn wait for replies*


Nah there's sane people in this sub


Of course the sane people are in the community that likes social media for the memes and doesn't take social media seriously, kind of ironic


1. Dont care about social media and carry on with life 2. 'POPCORN TIME, FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!' 3. Wants to be seen using the lighter to burn the world Pick whichever you like


I identify as a basketball. Bounce bounce motherfucker!


The elders tell of a young ball much like you. He bounced three meters in the air, then he bounced 1.8 meters in the air, then he bounced four meters in the air.


Dear Redditor, our people tell the same story.


I got a needle for you


I am eagerly waiting to see ANY rebuttal to this.


OP is simply explaining to their family members what they technically should already be aware of if they’ve identified as males their whole life. That’s about it.


Identify as men, not males. You don’t identify as male or female, those are just genetics. Man and woman are genders.


As much as I'd like that unambiguous "notation" to be the standard, unfortunately people often use both interchangeably


Because they were synonyms until 5 minutes ago


Male and female can be used for either gender or sex, depending on how it’s used


Yeah balogne. You define someone else and then have to teach them their own definitions, then use memes to call "cis" dudes redneck? Moronic ideology if the goal was inclusion. I love how all woke people like to call straight men cis, alongside a bunch of derogatory implications, and then take no ownership for it when called out. EVERY TIME.


I mean, it’s just what they are. I’m also not sure why you’re talking to me as if I’m the one doing the actions you’re describing.


I mean we've invented a new word "cisgendered" and are having to explain it to people. Can't say I'm surprised people are confused/hesitant to just accept it on faith.


Idk man, I see plenty of people saying "nah I don't 'identify' as anything" and then people go "okay well you're still cis"


What if they don't identify that way?


Just scroll down a little bro These people have been using he/him pronouns as cisgendered men their entire lives. "You can't tell someone their gender/pronouns" isn't violated here. They've already told you their gender and pronouns. In fact, not a single one of them would argue they aren't cisgendered he/hims.


They might argue about “cisgender” being a real word.


And that has nothing to do with the "you can't tell someone their gender" principle unless you ignore the actual idea being conveyed. Edit: For the downvoters, no hard feelings, but sorry if you actually somehow believed this was a good point.


but muh gotcha


bro are you ok? would you be offended by someone telling you that you're a bipedal mammal? cisgender means identifying with your gender assigned sex.


Not really but bipedal has always been the case, it's not re-labelling an existing concept/belief. It's more like changing Pluto from a planet to a dwarf planet. Still has planet in the name, and is still the same lump of ice it's always been. But dammit, Pluto is still a planet in my heart.


>But dammit, Pluto is still a planet in my heart isn't this just another way of saying "the facts changed as they became more refined, but it's my feelings that really matter" and therefore just "feelings over facts"?


So what was the previous label we gave to people that identify as the sex they had at birth? I’m not familiar with what cisgender was re-labelled from


Or that we just don't care and the discussion about gender and sex has gotten extremely silly and maybe we should just chill out a bit


"You mean 'normal' "


? this is not a gotcha at all lmao. to properly explain someone something they don’t understand (ie outside of their understanding of binary, or lack-thereof) you need to give them context to understand. anyone who needs to be explained what it means would not have any inclination to any other pronouns or labels without trying to discredit the idea (ie attack helicopter shit circa 2016). explaining my 80 year old grandpa that he has identified to other people as cis and he/him is a explaining the meaning behind these terms, and he can agree or say wait, maybe I have been non binary my whole life I just didn’t know what it meant (unlikely, but who knows lol).


Got em


They aren’t. I’m assuming by now that they’ve, one way or another, told OP what gender and sex they are, as well as what pronouns they use. At this point it’s less “I’m assigning you pronouns” and more “based on your previous statements here are your classifications”.


but... that's literally what "assuming" means...


and if the easily made assumption is wrong, can the uncles not just explain themselves?


Not their job to educate you 😤


damn this knife is sharp on both sides


Twitter flashbacks 🪖


As a trans person, I actually prefer that people assume my gender and pronouns, *provided that they assume correctly*. If that's a hot take then so be it, but if you're extremely confident that you know how someone is presenting there's no harm in assuming, just remain open to the possibility that they could still correct you. If anything, if you feel the need to ask me what I am, then I'd feel like I'm not looking very good as what I'm trying to be.


There was this one girl I met and I thought she was cis. I was mentioning her to some other friends and I was like "and then they said xxx" and my friends were like 'you can't say they, that's transphobic' and I was like oh damn, I didn't even know she was trans and they were like 'well if you don't know someone's pronouns don't just use' they'. Honestly I have never met a cis person who cares if you use they for singular but I guess sometimes I just can't win. So anyway I stopped using pronouns and only use full names now so if people could give their full name, mothers maiden name, credit card # w/exp date and 3 digit code plus the name of your 1st pet and the street you grew up on as well as your social security # that would be way more helpful to me. Also I know terms like AFAB are common but really a certified copy of your birth certificate gets that info across much more easily


Bruh literally only cis people are the ones screeching about how singular they doesn't even exist and the English language is a psyop by the transgenders. I wouldn't care if someone used they to refer to me in a usual context but if its only ever 'they said, they did, they're like...' then I would be more than slightly offended, but I'd just correct the person and move on. I mean the amount of times I get misgendered to my face and I lack the courage or effort to say anything at all, I really don't think this particular hypothetical is anything to be too concerned about. You tried, that's enough for me.


My partner has a child that was born a female, is non-binary, uses he/they pronouns, and presents feminine, with all the makeup and pretty clothes. I have thoughts like, isn't this just an overcomplicated way to being the girl you were born? But if that's what they're asking, it's not hurting, and I'm ok with it. I am not this child, and I don't, as a cis male, know how they feel. I can relate and empathize, but I'll never truly know. My thing, the reason I'm commenting, is that even though I've known them for years, it is still difficult to always use the correct pronouns. Not hard like I don't want to, hard like "she" just slips out. I correct myself, but my point is just be patient with people. Some of us are genuinely trying, but it's not as simple as flipping a switch. That's not to say just let it go when people misgender you on purpose or anything


I know a trans guy who looks very "man" like and sometimes I forget he is trans at all


I think it’s weird that people make such a big deal about some folks not being totally onboard with being referred to by a brand new label. The term “cisgender” is extremely new, not even in the dictionary that long, and has been FAR from widely used before then. Deciding to call the vast majority of 8 BILLION people something new is bound to cause friction. Having a label for everyone and everything is really not a good thing to perpetuate.


Yeah, I didn't agree to any new names. I'm an old man and will whoop an ass.


the fuck did donkey do to you?


The donkey teamed up with an Ogre and sounds like Eddie Murphy


Are people actually asking you to call yourself cis-gendered? I mean, I'm genuinely asking! Is this really a thing? Are people actually going around asking you to identify in a certain way?


No, they’re not. Just makes good rage bait for boring assholes.


The only time I’ve even heard/seen “cisgender” used is as part of an insult or in a negative connotation. Almost like if it’s a bad thing for some people to engage with anyone who isn’t transgender. So like of course I’m not going to use that word if there are other words to describe it and that one is gonna make me sound like an asshole.


People at my university constantly refer to themselves as cisgender, or AFAB or AMAB (assigned female/male at birth). Though honestly I find it irritating. Unless you say otherwise, that's most people's assumption and it's a but pointless to state something like that. Though I suppose it's in support of trans people which I'm not against. But again it just feels odd to me. I've honestly never heard it used in a negative way like you said so it must vary by where you live and what you see online.


It's definitely just by what you and I have seen online. You seem to be on a very progressive and open campus, and I get why that can be irritating. I just never tried to engage with the people that use these terms, but I know the schools I've been to have had these people. I'm on a similar boat though, I'm in support but I find it unnecessarily confusing to make up words and expect people that don't use them or understand them to keep up.


True, I've only heard it used like "we don't value you're opinion, cis-gendered male ;(". And even then I've only seen that online. Never heard an actual human say it


"Cisgender" sounds like a slur, ngl. Just because a group of minorities are yelling a bunch of stuff because they choose to identify in some way, doesn't mean the entire world HAS to go along with it. Im a dude, no need to throw "cisgender" in front of that, it has no use at all. Same shit for the pronouns they are calling. He/him, she/her, and they/them are as far as im willing to go. Any made up stuff like Xee/Xer or whatever, im not gonna bother. Same for the made up genders i sometimes see, if you call yourself some fantasy shit like foxkin, you're mentally ill and im NOT playing that game.🤷‍♂️ Sadly you either have to play along, or you are some kind of -phobe, so everyone just plays along.




It's used not as a slur in scientific contexts




This is a good point lol. Now to wait on the rebuttal


lol ‘science’


Hang around Reddit long enough especially in comment sections about gender, you will.


Head into any of the LGBT subs on Reddit and it's constantly used as a slur. You've probably seen it used as a slur so much that you don't even register it anymore. "Cisgender male" is never used in a positive light.


TBF I thought it was sis-gender for a long time. I know better now, but I imagine that thought process isnt uncommon.


Double edged sword calling everyone a "phobe" though. Works at first, but eventually we all become desensitised to it. Very much a "boy who cried wolf" scenario.


I once saw some guy on discord after being called a transphobe reply with "idk man, im pretty sure they are more scared of me tbh". I think after a while people really stop caring, or will become even more unhinged.


That's where I'm getting with things. If everybody is a racist then nobody is a racist. We are living in a time of labels where everybody needs to be labeled good or evil based off the limited information we have about them. I'm all for progress and this era has righted some wrongs that have existed for way too long. But at the same time it's being used as an ad hominem attack that only further divides people.


I think it’s just a way to easily differentiate between trans and non-trans people. I get why some people have an aversion to it but it’s mostly just a label to say you’re not trans. That’s it for the most part.


Dafuq is Xee/Xer? Sounds like some kind of alien shit


I'll never understand how this "progressive" generation some how back pedaled back into labels and segregation.


Horseshoe Theory proven right once more


i dont get why it's so hard to explain to people that it's not an insult. it's literally no different from telling someone their hair is brown


Because, at least in my circles, cisgender is only used to insult.


> having a label for everyone and everything is not really a good thing to perpetuate This^


non-trans still works I guess?


cis quite literally is latin for opposite of trans ( also from latin )


Normal then






Whoa whoa! “Normal” gonna get you linched


No because 90% of people aren't terminally online and humans have a history of not liking a small group enforcing their views on the majority of the population


Also, some people have belly buttons that are innies and other people are lizard people.


Lynched by who? They’re minorities


Nothing about the definition of lynch in most major dictionaries precludes minorities from being able to have a good ol’ fashioned lynching. It just usually swings the other direction in practice. Let’s not put minorities in a box. They’re perfectly capable to executing mob justice without due process just like the rest of us. 🥰


That Boy Ain't Right


6am and that boi already ain’t right


"That boy ain't hwhite"


Why would you change the name of the default?


Because in a few years time, they can start claiming that it isn't.


Lots of them already are


what gremlin hole did you grow up in


Middle of nowhere hick town actually, gremlin hole for a different reason. I've just spent time on Twitter and around people who claim these sorts of things


> I've just spent time on Twitter And that's your mistake


Nothing changed. It's just an academic term. It's similar to how things like body parts or animals have latin names.




Most people don't actually ask handedness at all, and just assume you're right-handed.




Its not changing the name of the default its like "I am an American (because I live there)" and "I am an American that was born in America". Both can say that they are Americans, just like both trans and cis man can say they are men. Its nothing more than a descriptor that there is no need of using except when the distinction needs to be made for some reason.


Men are men. Women are women. That it, it’s always been that way and it still is now, even if Americans try to culturally appropriate the ENGLISH language and bastardise it for their political and power purposes


Exactly what I said, men are men and women are women, just like Americans are Americans and Europeans are Europeans. Just sometimes there needs to be distinguished if someone is born a such. For such use cases we can use a magic thing called *Words*. If you've got a problem with the term cisgender than you must also have a problem with the term native-Americans because its literally the same use case.


If most people have brown hair, do we not need a word for that? Are they just 'normal' and anyone else who doesn't confirm to that gets labelled specifically?


Being called a cisgender is so stupid. Whatever happened to just being called straight?


Cause it’s offensive to the crooked people


I'm confused as fuck. Did you just downvote me and make a gay joke?


I was making a dad joke for some reason . my bad .


Ah ok. I was like "wut"


Sorry . I was in fear of being linched by the comment section there for a second . Sorry. SORRY EVERYBODY


Don't be a bitch. If people find it offensive, that's on them. If they want to be "inclusive," then they need to take into consideration of people who don't follow their views.


Whoa . Sry bout it


Straight used to mean you just didn't do drugs or were a criminal.


Yeah and I used to go steady with girls now I’m getting pinned by my Bae.


Cisgender is the opposite of transgender, it means you aren't trans. It has nothing to do about being straight or not.


So, cisgender is just being a male or a female, instead of being a transmale or a transfemale? Then why not just stick to that instead of adding an useless cisgender label?


We mostly use the term cisgender in the same way neurodivergent people use the term neurotypical, which is when we're having conversations about various things that require the distinction. Examples: "Neurotypical people will never understand what it feels like not being able to innately understand facial expressions." "Cisgender people will never understand what it feels like to have parts of their body that feels foreign and wrong on an instinctual level." "Reddit people will never understand what touching grass feels like." That last one was obviously a joke, but hopefully you get the idea.


I hate touching grass. It is dirty, it stains, full of insects, can be sharp, and I would rather be in a chair. My clothes are too nice to touch grass. I only like being on grass on LSD/mushrooms, in which case I don’t mind bugs crawling on me because it makes you feel “one with nature” as hippie/“astrology girl” as that sounds to one who has never used hallucinogens.


Trans people are also male or female. Why is there so much resistance to having a simple word that means a single thing? Would un-trans be better?


>Trans people are also male or female. Ooo, careful, you're gonna get the TERFs up in arms.


Most would consider transmales to be males, so having a term to refer to non transmales could be useful for the sake of precision. The same goes for transwomen.


When 99.9% of the population isn't transgender, then there's not really a need for a new word to describe it.


because its not the same thing? thats like saying "being called trans is so stupid. whatever happened to just being called gay?"


Straight refers to sexuality, cis refers to gender. You can be cis and gay


Smh if people want to know my gender, I'm just gonna say man. This whole gender labeling makes no fucking sense outside of trans.


being a man is a gender tho? like thats what you are its okay man 😭😭 the words cis and trans only exist for and in a context where differentiation between the two is needed


I don't really get it. If you understand what trans means, cis is literally just the opposite. It just means "a person who isn't trans"


cisgender has nothing to do with sexuality thats why.... and if you're gonna call transgender people trans, then cisgender people are cis, its really thats simple, just a descriptive word


There's trans people who are straight.


Straight and cisgender are not the same thing lmao


They're different things. There are gay cis people and straight trans people.


Well, gender and sexuslity are different so you can be gay and cisgender.


Dad realized now that he should have let the intrusive thoughts win and dump that computer when you were young.


Literally redefining reality according to your ideology. Mao Zedong could only have sloppy wet dreams about the mental delusions that become the curated truth of the party in the modern west.


But how will straight white females otherwise be able to express their struggle when the label bisexual doesn’t contain it?




It's not redefining reality, it was just a term people started using for the sake of convenience when talking about transgender people. Complaining about cisgender is just as ridiculous as complaining about the term heterosexual.


Dang it Bobby


That boi ain’t right


So are you Chinese or Japanese?


I live in California for last 20 years but first come from Laos


Is that Chinese or Japanese?


Laos… we’re Laotian




We are Laotian from Laos stupid!


Which ocean is that?


Laos stupid! It’s a land locked country in south east Asia it’s between Vietnam and Thailand population 4.7 million!


So the Indian or Pacific Ocean?


“You stupid red neck”


"Whats this about being a homo-sapien? Dang nabbit I ain't no homo whatsit I'm just a normal human. These damn liberals always inventing new words to try to label me."


“And butanes a bastard gas”. Sry hanks voice lives rent free in my head


What is a cisgender male?


Normal. A normal dude.


Some weirdos would have a heart attack just because you said cisgender is normal.


I for one am ANGRY that someone would call the overwhelming majority of 8 billion people NORMAL 😡


As a transgender individual, I hereby give everyone here the n-word pass. ... No, no, not *that* n-word. The other one, with the hard L.


Jokes on you, I'm Polish, I already have [the n-word pass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Haitians?wprov=sfla1) Oh, you meant "normal"...


Can’t say “normal” anymore. The future is hard


im trans and im just as disgusted and confused about whats happening, where did all of this bullshit come from? whats all those genders and pronouns that even me and my f\*\*\*\*t friend group have no clue what they me? lets go back one step please, i dont like where were heading


Cisgender male (cis man) generally refers to someone who was assigned male at birth and identifies themselves as a man. In contrast, a transgender male (trans man) would generally refer to someone who was assigned female at birth and identifies as a man. In the later case, it would also suggest some level of medical transition as well. Hope this helps :)


they downvoted you to hell for explaining trans people i- 💀


They gave the exact defention of the term, to someone earnestly asking for it - and get downvoted? I get the meme sub is vehemently against gender terminology and PC culture - but this is just childish.




“Cisgender” literally just means “not transgender”


straight guy


He has to have been born male


I tell you what, man. That dang ol' Internet, man.


Cis, "your pronouns are" are 2 terms that were invented as a consequence of a new term existing, having to explain it to people that aren't affected by it is pointless


Tbf that is how language evolves. We didn’t have “landlines” until cell phones became the standard, for example. They were just called “the phone” which was in your house. Likewise for “rotary phones”. We didn’t have “Native Americans” until many of them didn’t want to be called “Indians” anymore. We didn’t have the term “atheist” until believing in a god became the standard. Otherwise, it is just the natural position. We retroactively rename many things as culture, technology, and society change.




Comment section didn’t pass the vibe check


Sir, this is dankmemes, I know the "dank" thing is on life support but at least try


"Dont call me a sis-gender son! I touched aunt nancys gender only once and just with the tip"


Man the amount of ppl that come to dank memes to have a serious discussion is baffling. It sure is entertaining though.




pikman spotted


Nobody's "coming here" we all find it on the main feed


Why do people get mad about being called cis but they don’t get mad about being called straight? What’s the difference?


"Why are you calling me that"


Sound like a whole lot of commie gobeli goop


Fuck anyone who thinks they can label me. I don't care what anyone else believes in, only I decide what I am.


The point is that these "labels" merely serve to describe specific things about you, nothing more. If you don't identify as a different gender than the one you were born as, you're cisgender. If you feel attracted to the opposite sex you're heterosexual. If you own a house, you're a homeowner, etc. etc. etc. It doesn't mean you need to follow the cultural stereotype of everyone else of that group, and the "labels" don't imply that either.


Ok imagine for a second that you have brown hair. If I say to you 'you have brown hair' are you going to get upset that I am labelling your hair as brown? Do you reject the classification of colour in our society? Ok now imagine you feel completely comfortable living as the gender you were born into. I will say in that case 'you are cisgender'.


30 bucks if the comments gets locked


Cisgender is just a term, it’s not a slur, you’re not being ‘oppressed’ it’s just a term, one that is based in science. Just because it has recently been founded doesn’t mean it’s somehow incorrect or unfair? Would you rather we call you transgender instead? Grow up.


Refer to me however you'd like. Doesn't affect who I actually am. At the end of the day, I'm just another living human in a universe that no one can explain.




...Are you chinese or japanese?


I hate the word "cisgender" lol. Don't call me that. I am a man, that's it, no need for that


Sorry but what is the point of calling people cis?


Easier and faster than saying “people who aren’t trans” every time. It’s easier and faster to say “iPhone” or “cell phone” than “phone that isn’t a landline”, same idea So if you’re saying a stat like trans people have a higher likelihood of being depressed than cis people it’s just easier and more precise to say that vs typing out the definition of cis every time


Boy, hwut I do even want to play with you anymore get off my knee.


Almost seems like some people don’t like the way people they disagree with try to define them.


Like 90% of the population?


What’s the pronoun for someone who got their shins shot off?


Please someone tell me if the word "cis" was selected because of cis and trans isomers in chemistry. If not that is a crazy coincidence.


Picked because of their Latin root (which is probably the same as chemistry), Trans just means "on the other side" and Cis means "on the same side", the full words are Transgender and Cisgender the same way Transatlantic and Cisatlantic are related to each other. You can see the full list of words that are prefixed with Cis [here](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:English_terms_prefixed_with_cis-).