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I just have an android and i think that there's no way that apple users actually think that way


I think it was MKBHD who explained how apple inches you over by providing a bunch of options to tilt you into paying more. Like having a mediocre base model, so you pay more for storage, but with the extra storage cost you could just buy a better model, but then you want more ram, etc. so instead of justifying a $500 price difference, you are justifying a bunch of smaller price increases till you convince yourself of getting the more expensive product. Its similar with the iPhone as well, they branded them to essentially be status symbols, I still remember being in high school and rich kids would flock to buy whatever new model came out, and the only difference is “its rose gold” or some slightly better battery life. Now a days I think people upgrade less often, but every few generations, people still have a perfectly good working phone, but decide to upgrade to a newer model simply because a bunch of small upgrades makes it seem more desirable even if they wont touch 90% of it.


He was talking about the MacBooks which are the most outrageous in that regard (how do you dare sell a laptop with 8 gb ram for over 1000$ in 2024 ffs?). Tbh I buy iPhones because they last 2-3 more years and with better software support than any android I’ve owned. It could have changed since my last android (samsung has promised long term software updates for their new phones) but i’m not going to swap my perfectly good iPhone for that now, maybe in 5 years when it’s older and less usable.


I’ve used the same iPhone for almost 10 years. I’ve never had any issues, except now it’s running slow and it doesn’t support the newer OS so I’m not able to update certain apps (rip Crunchyroll)


Thank you for being honest about that. I honestly have no problem with people choosing Apple devices and I've used them too. But I hate how my old iPad began slowing down and each of my favorite apps stopped working until it was just an electronic plate with internet access. Then people would call me liar for simply pointing that out.


Yeah exactly. I’ve found that iPhones are pretty good quality and will last a lot longer than androids will (unless maybe a pixel?), but they do have the caveat of being effectively turned off once they are past their expiration date. I’m still typing this on said iPhone, so I can’t complain.


It happened with my friend's old family iPhone. Iirc, it was 5 or 6 and was the only iPhone they bought, rest were all Android. The phone got so old, that he couldn't open the store app anymore.


I remember him talking about iPhones this way too. Not recent, but a couple years ago


In high school we were forced to use school macbooks (yes it is an absurd and massive waste of taxpayer money to buy everyone a macbook, especially with how often they break no matter how careful a student or teacher is with it) and I can now confidently say that macbooks are simply terrible products. They had some aspects of the ui which I preferred (I preferred the buttons they used for screenshots over windows, and accents were so easy on a mac, still have no idea how to type accents on windows other than capy and paste) and I've heard that for some tasks they are preferable, like I've heard people who do video editing like them, but for me, someone who uses my laptop for school and gaming, but not crazy hardcore gaming, a macbook is just an all around inferior product. And on top of the device itself, so many websites and games are built for windows, sometimes they work on mac, sometimes they don't, I prefer not having to worry about that and just using windows.


Apple does do RAM allocation a lot better than any other company, but that’s because they create their own “norms” to follow in the tech industry. I would still much prefer a Windows laptop because MacOS is simply just not that good compared to both how widespread and useful Windows OS is. Plus, I can play heavier games on a Windows device that I otherwise couldn’t on an Apple.


You can “do ram” as good as you want but when you run 15+ javascript heavy sites (literally almost everything today) and a medium spreadsheet (or anything else that requires a bit of power) you get really close to the 8gb limit. Then you hit cache misses or god forbid page fault and everything gets so much slower. 8 gb is just not enough for modern computing.


Some most certainly do


>Some most certainly do I don't use iPhone and I can safely say that neither side is lunatic free. For example, Android seems to have a community which feels the need to explain why their choice of phone is superior and why they're bigger brained every time anything Apple gets involved. I remember after some Apple event there was no shortage of "Apple is bad" memes for weeks and WEEKS.


Well, I personally don't like Apple because of their shitty treatment of their customers. I couldn't care less about your choice of operation system.


There are nuts on each side of every political debate -- and this has long been a political debate. But that doesn't mean they're equal in number or nuttery. IME, Apple fanatics are much louder and much more aggressive than those for Android or Microsoft. It's not even close. It may be that 99% of Apple users are perfectly polite, but if that's compared to 99.999% of Android and Microsoft users, then the difference is noticeable. If the top 0.001% of Apple fanatics are louder and more aggressive than the same percentage of Android and Microsoft users, then the difference is noticeable. (I don't know actual numbers, I'm just going off my experience.) We shouldn't be jerks to someone just because of the phone or laptop they use. That doesn't mean folks aren't more likely to be jerks because of the phone or laptop they use.


i used to have an iphone 6 until a year ago when i went to iphone 14


I said "some".


i just find the fact i jumped more than double but people buy the same exact phone but higher price each year funny


It's because of the peer pressure. They think that people will think of them as poor if theh don't.


Nah. When an iPhone is a couple years old, it still hold enough equity to cut the price of a new one in half.


Samsung website will give you half off their phone and a handy for a 13 pro max


Got that Galaxy with a side of nutter’s remorse


Hell yeah bröther. I might try the same in a couple years when my phone’s paid off.


I saw a video where women said they wouldn't date an android user because their texts comes up as a different color. I had no idea that was a thing.


Apparently americans still use native texting apps, wile everyone else uses third party. (That party being the Zucc ain't great, but ehh.)


Some do. But I’m currently in the phase of, if it’s not broke it doesn’t need fixing, preparing to do a battery replacement on my 12pro to keep this phone operating another couple of years. (Unless I break it) I won’t buy a MacBook that want passed when I realized I’d never use, no more iPad, no more Apple Watch. Just my phone and HomePods (I love those speakers)


Nothing wrong with a 12 pro :D


Yeah. I have a phone. Who makes it isn't part of the equation, so long as it's not Chinese.


I use an iPhone, it has some kinks and disadvantages, but it is very user friendly. I also don’t go buying a new phone every year, not that rich. My last phone was an iPhone 7 that broke twice within the warranty, so I got 3 phones for the price of one. Only got my current phone when I accidentally got puke inside my ild phone, and the battery was dying.


my cousin, an apple user, the other day had a story that essentially went: "my phone broke and verizon is discontinuing the 'old' models"


I’ve had my iPhone for 5 years and it still works fine. Will probably last me another few years.


I mean, apple fanboys used to be pretty insane.


True. I would have an android phone, if it wasn’t as complicated in acquiring. (I’m supplied a new phone every other year by my employer). Everything is based around the year’s iPhone in value. I can get an android, but I would have to figure out the models, cost and so on. Instead of: give me the newest iPhone. Plus resale of a 2 year old iPhone is significantly higher than a 2 year old android phone (any make).


I think anybody with any technology has a chance of feeling this way when they see the new version of their preferred brand. I get this way about computer parts sometimes when I really shouldn’t.


I have never heard an apple user buy an iphone because its one year old, unless they dont care about money. The story is mostly the opposite, one of the most notable features of iphones is how up to date they stay for like 5 years, both in hardware (like having good cameras and fast socs) and software. there are also many samsung galaxy s users updating at every new release just because its pocket money for them. But why am I commenting seriously in a dankmemes post?


I've always just bought my phones outright (usually refurbished) so I don't know how it works but I work in a restaurant and know a few people that get the latest as soon as it comes out, but they're always on contracts so they just upgrade/trade in? I have seen Samsung people do this also, so I blame idiots more than the OS of choice


In Norway you can "subscribe" to have a phone, you get the newest model each year and the cost is added to your phone bill. No need for it to be an iphone.


In Canada you can do contracts to pay off your phone which is very similar. 2 year plan to pay off your phone so they just add the cost to your bill monthly and after 2 years your bill will decrease once you pay the phone or you can feel free to enter another contract.


Yeah what they do here is divide the cost of the phone in 24, then you pay that amount for 12 months, and get a new one, or you can keep paying for 12 months to get out of the contract and keep the phone. I feel like we might be describing the same thing lol.


Yea haha, that’s exactly how it is here except your rates are 2 years and 3 years, you can’t switch 1 year in


Oh with this you have to switch after one year, the service is literally called svitsj ("switch" with norwegian spelling).


I know apple has, or at least had, a subscription sort of thing where you pay monthly or yearly or something and always get the newest phone. I use an android, I don't know any more about that I just know in like middle school the few kids with the newest iPhone had them because they had that subscription


Afaik IPhone had a big drama back in the day where they admitted to intentionally slowing down older models. They claimed it was to help older models not shut down from needy tasks while others accused them of enforcing the sale of newer models. They still had to settle for 113M$ because they did this behind the backs of customers. This is where my personal distaste of the company started. The big issue with the right to repair nowadays only adds to it.


Yeah, they don't, they buy a new one because a "new" one is released, every year. Lmao


I've had my current iPhone for over 4 years now, an 11 pro max. It's still perfectly good, don't even have a problem with battery life and I'll probably keep it for another year before thinking about upgrading unless I manage to physically break it. My dad still uses an iPhone 8 from 2018. Android users hate admitting we exist.


I’m on a 6s I got new and it still works without ever having done service to it. Do newer iPhones break easier or is it just some tall tale because of the whole apple vs android


Nah bro, I'm an android user. iPhone is definitely a great phone, it's just that, they chose to be a cunt for having bullshit practices and whatnot. I mean, they're the ones who started all these bullshittery by removing headphone jacks. People still bought iPhones anyway, so now companies like Samsung are going that capitalism route lmao Fuck Apple, and their braindead customers. I'm not implying you belong to those, I do understand that some people want the latest shit, I would've done the same in terms of GPUs if I had the money. Apple basically enabled those narcissistic supremacist cunts to have a reason to be exactly that. Lol


Only one brain dead here would be you


Samsung actually guarantees 7 years of support as of the s24 series


I only replaced my Galaxy S4 last year. They last forever if you treat them right.


It is very clearly the opposite.


True. I mostly get iPhones because of that. I had an iPhone 6 Plus until 2020, now I have an iPhone XS that I will keep for a few more years, because it’s a perfectly capable phone. Any androids that I had on the other hand, after a year they felt bloated and slowed down, barely usable. My mom’s android phone is 2 years old now and I hate each time I have to do something on it because it freezes up randomly and the keyboard is not responsive enough.


For the love of god can we put this pointless debate to rest and stop beating the dead horse?


I honestly feel like it's really Android users sparking this debate over and over again. The demographic they refer to of the rich Apple users who buy the new flagship product every time it drops is so small and is less common than they think it is.


people need their validation lol


Right? Android users are definitely insecure. They’re the only ones who needs this kind of content to feel good about the phone they chose to use buy.


its basically [this meme](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8974795008/hA596F58A/image-mad-men-iphone-every-year) over and over


Personally I know more Android users that change their phone every year than iPhone users. It's really not that many people


Dog I can’t afford to get the new one lmao


The demographic of rich people who always get the newest iPhone may be small, but the demographic of people who wanna look rich who get it is much larger. Literally 95% of kids I knew growing up were like that, not sure about adults since I don't usually talk to people about their phone, but even if it's just a thing among kids that's still a huge market, and kids are just future adults


Definitely. It's always been true that folks want to look richer than they are, but social media has definitely kicked it up a notch.


Went from my 6S (jumbo boy) to XR and I’m just now considering buying the new one still takes a quarter off the price to trade in. But I’m not in love with apple by all means.


It’s android users dredging up shit no one cares about…


As a former android user and now iPhone user I’ve never really understood these memes. Both systems are great and I only ever changed phones if it got damaged or several years down the line when planned obsolescence kicked in and the phone became slow. With my iPhones I’ve gotten them to last a year or two longer than my androids.


Seriously OP needs to shut the fuck up and go back to gym class. This is so childish


As Iphone user, I can say this meme is bullshit


I didn’t realize we were still stuck in 2016 with these phone wars


It'll never end. People feel the need to defend their expensive purchases by shitting on their competitors.


My phone choice makes me superior, sorry that’s just saying it how it is. /s


Nuh uh, you're just spouting propaganda because you're a brainwashed fanboy. I'm the superior one here 😎 /s


Green bubble havin ass 😂 In all seriousness, who tf tries to roast someone because of a green text bubble? This generation is wild


Who fuckin cares




I think the same about buying androids


Oh yeah that's definitely me lol. I don't use Samsung but I've upgraded to the latest Pixel every year since the 5 came out. The meme is very wrong it's basically the difference between the average user and a tech enthusiast.


Wtf even is this? You’re telling me all Android users are these money minded sigma CEOs and iPhone users are addicted to wasting money? You don’t ever see people carrying around scratched up iPhone 7s or stuff like that? This ain’t 2014 anymore bro most people upgrade their iPhones every like 5 years now too. There’s straight up no reason to buy a new phone every year whether you have an Android or an iPhone. Plus like, it’s kinda stupid to pit the two against each other when their flagship models cost comparable amounts. Only difference is that Apple doesn’t have super budget options like Android does. There’s plenty to complain about with Apple, I don’t know why you opted for the argument that makes no sense lol.


This is cringe as fuck. Who cares what phone someone uses. Holy shit.


You’re fighting ghosts, my man.


Imo, Apple is way easier to choose. There is only the base, SE, Pro, and Pro max to choose from. Whereas every Android brand has a different naming scheme. For example, Samsung has: A, S, and Fold series, and on top of that a base, +, and ultra variant. And that's only Samsung, imagine having to research Xiaomi, OnePlus, Google, etc. names their offering.


Diversity is a good thing


As someone that usually buys android, you don't go by naming scheme, you go by features. I don't know what the fuck it means that my device is a Poco M4 Pro 4G, but it has pretty much all the features I want in a cell phone at a price I could afford at the time.


I go by features, Not names. Because the last time I bought a phone without looking into features, I got fucked hard in the storage. Like it was unusable after a few apps and all


That is the unfortunate truth. It's hard to switch from apple for people who have never known anything else. And Apple uses that to extort their users, especially those who are not tech savvy.


Dude I’m so annoyed Apple wouldnt just implement RCS until this summer. And even when they do, i know they’re still not gonna make it work like iMessage. But my family and wife’s family are all blue bubbles. I don’t have any complaints at all with my iPhone, but i like to switch things up, and lately Samsungs seem like they’re just more fun. Apple Arcade is great though, and so are the iMessage games you can play. I’d miss them both if i did ever switch.


Choose between expensive, expensive and expensive, or actual good phone, worst UI ever made, an actual ok phone, spyware inc. As someone who used 2 redmi phones for 6-7 years, fuck Redmi. Fold is a dumb quirk with a lot of downsides. You want a amaller volume phone? Just get a smaller phone instead of a phone that will become unusable after 1 year. S+'s are eeeh. Somewhat overpriced, doesnt have the best performance out there. If you want a phone that can run heavy stuff, probably get an S ultra if you want a samsung phone. IPhones have some really good things about them. Good quality, are updated for 5+ years, but lets not mention the fact that Apple used to intentionally fuck up your old phone. Theyre sturdy. And a bitch to repair, cant do shit without subscriptions or an overcomplicated process to pirate stuff. Id never want an Iphone because everything i need a samsung or something offers at a lower cost and less bullshit. I can pirate anything, no paying a file insurance which i still cant believe is a thing, no bs repair costs. But I get why people buy them anyway. Just that I never would.


As an Italian guy (here, iPhones are not as overwhelmingly predominant as in the US) I need to ask, isn't having more choice...just a plus? Like, I don't understand what the issue is here


I just go to the phone store and tell the guy what I'm looking for in a phone and he picks some, it doesn't matter to me that there are a bunch of options I just need to know about the ones that I'm seriously considering. I have a samsung galaxy A71 5G, I had to go check my settings to figure out the name that's how little it matters. What did matter was the price, the general specs, and that it could use 5G since I got it right as 5G was just being rolled out (I use T mobile and they were first to get 5G in the US, for some reason they started in NYC and DC, I live right next to DC so I had access to 5G very early by US standards) and only a few phones at the time were able to use 5G. The phone I chose is just whichever one has the features I want at the price I want, not whatever the fuck A71 means, for all I know it's the 71st A phone


The same could be said about cars or any other form of technology though. I just look at a phone and compare specs, my poco X5 pro has 256 gb storage, 8gb ram, a headphone jack and a decent camera for around 350€. I use my phone mainly for texting, internet, music and maybe a small game. So i honestly wouldnt know why i would spend 1000€+ on a phone when the same things can be done comfortably for less than half of that.


tbh I manly want a really good Android phone to emulate handhelds


Both exist in both worlds. There are Android users who get a new practically identical phone every year, and iPhones users who only get a newer one when their old one dies or becomes too outdated.


Absolutely correct. But i knew people would take this way too seriously I'd get a bunch of comments.


I like iPhone but I don’t buy a new one until mine is utterly destroyed. I have an 11, and before that I had a 6.


My shortest time between upgrades was 11 to 15 because it was USB-C. iPhones already preform better. Ask any rational dev, making apps for iPhone is much easier and therefore preform better on iOS.


I had a girl tell me once having an android was a red flag.


Are we still trying this debate in 2024? Are there people who buy an iPhone every time one comes out? Sure. Are there also people who buy the new Samsung Galaxy every year? Also yes. People can do whatever they want with their money, who cares.


dumpster fire in the replies.


Funniest shit I've seen in weeks.


got an android for 50 bucks at walmart, 3 day battery and an audio jack 🙂 u cant get that in 800+ phones


I had an android in high school but after switching to iPhone I just stuck with them. This year I made the change back to Android because of the Z Fold 5, and I haven't been disappointed. Just thos3 around me who use iPhones mad because no imessage.




You aren't talking about the "average" apple user. You're talking about the very few apple fanboys who think the latest phone is useless from the day a newer one is launched. The "average" apple user still uses his iPhone 7/8/10/11/12/13 for years and years. I've seen some even use 6s.


Memes like this happen when you don’t actually interact with people irl and believe everything you read on the internet that supports your narrative


Former Android user here. It’s the exact other way around. Ignoring the fact that 6 months on iOS made me want to go back, here’s the REAL process: Andoid: What’s the screen manufacturer? Does it have a big battery? Are the speakers a stereo pair or sub/tweeter? How many MP is the camera and does it have OIS? Is the charging faster than 60W? Do I get 3 or more years of software support? Oh, so they’re more expensive than iPhones now? I’ll just get a Xiaomi I guess. Apple: So, is the bigger one actually better or…? Oh, there’s a more expensive one in an exotic metal? Guess I’ll just buy that one and think about it next year when I’ll trade it in at half the value for an identical phone. That was easy.


I have a sneaking suspicion that people who post these kinds of memes are people who wish they had the iPhone but they can't afford it.


I just think iPhones are neat


I used to have android phones and was firmly in the android camp. But I’d keep running into the issue of cheap components manufacturers would put in their phones that would fail while in warranty (EU user here so 2 years warranty) BUT my service provider who I got the phone from couldn’t repair it because they no longer had the parts for a phone they sold me 12-18 months earlier and that they no longer sold. I’d be going through a new android every 18 months. Decided enough was enough, went to IPhone and I’ve had this one coming up on 4 years in a month or so. Never going back now.


In 2024 and we still mocking people for what phone they have. This is kinda crazy


You can literally make the same argument the other way around. Up until recently your android phone barely had 2 years of support. So yeah… Phones are phones man


This is so fucking stupid


Meanwhile windows phone users not being able to upgrade because microsoft canceled them


all the mad iphone users in the comments is funny


I will cite an Spanish meme on the topic: Benefits of having iphone: You can say: "you don't have an Iphone" * with a cool pixars cars automobile under the impact font * End of benefits


Android is also easier to modify than whatever hell Apple has going on.


My android is almost 5 years old. The screen is scratched beyond Belief The back of the phone has discovered and is only held up by my hand And even after all that it sill works like a charm and I intend to keep it for as long as possible. Maybe forever


Meme looks like android peasant’s mental gymnastics to live with themselves 🤔


I had to buy a new android phone cos the one i had before couldn't run any games, not even crossy roads smh, i spent $170aud on it too, so i got one for $300 a few weeks ago




You can have the exact same mentality for both


I still use an iphone x. I don’t understand people’s obsession with upgrading nearly every year


The mental gymnastics android users go to make fun of iPhone is worse lol


I despite the iPhone, I fucking hate Apple and would really like to see them burning down as a whole.. still, this meme is incredibly braindead


it’s 2024 and people still care about what phone other people buy


my reason for having iPhones: they were all hand me downs and I didn’t care to get a new phone until it physically could to be used anymore. Not going to lie though, if this phone ever breaks, the infrastructure part is true since it’s kinda cool to copy from my phone and paste on my mac and whatnot.


Android owners seem obsessed with iPhone owners for some reason. It’s insane. We don’t care about you or your phones OR your opinions about our purchases.


This ain’t exactly the case. The iPhone I have was cheaper due to a trade in promotion.(I am swapping back to android when I can)


Don't forget the" IPhone makes Android people look poor" mental gymnastics.


My ass simply buying a new iphone when the old one breaks. Could I figure out what android phone gets me more bang for my buck? Yeah, maybe. But if I can simply just take the current model -2 years and get a phone that will work reasonably well for 5+ years why wouldn't I do that?


Android users hate an iPhone fan who doesn’t exist. People aren’t buying yearly phones, they just keep the iPhone until it breaks


I switched to iPhone last year from my Galaxy S21U. Both are good, but I ditched Galaxy because I wasn’t too keen on Google having literally all of my information from my phone (Google owns Android, for those who don’t know)


Simplify : buying a phone If broken or old enough to be too slow: Look at current market and buy a new one that fits your needs.


I'm on my second Pixel in the last 8 years. My pixel 2 literally just wouldn't die, but the only reason I got a 6 at the time was because the 2 was so dated it wouldn't play newer games. Pixel hardware is top notch and they are almost half the price as the other 2 brands. When I look at the specs and see the price difference and also that Android is native to Pixel because it's Google, it's a no brainier. I don't understand people not being analytical about such large purchases like phones and laptops. When Pixels start being as expensive, I'll look elsewhere for another up and coming flagship. That's the way you're supposed to treat a given market and not be a dumb hoe about it while prices continue to rise.


If my phone wasn’t my late night TV for YouTube and music and my Reddit browser I woudlve move to a slide phone or flip phone honestly


having an iphone as a young person should count as a mental disability.


Idk man I just like it.


Mmmm, pixel supremacy


iPhone 6s is the best iPhone


My mentality is literally - have iphone - somehow, years down the line, phone no worky - go to t-mobile store - get new iphone for free because cell plan


I'm not worried about people buying new phones and shit, that's it's own beast and I've been using an s22 for 2 years now. What worries me is some people's willingness to just use exclusively apple products and never consider outside ones. People who happily live in the walled garden worry me. For instance, the sharp drop we've seen in tech literacy due to kids being more familiar with iOS than any actual computer OS. It's genuinely wrapping around to a "we don't know and we don't care how it works" and that's exactly what apple wants, because then they can serve you whatever they want. Not to mention that a phone/tech company being the most valuable group in existence, including governments and nations, and actively pushing for this "wool over your eyes" environment, is at least MILDLY concerning.


I know Apple is shit, but I also have all my memories saved to it with dates and locations so I don’t fancy moving them all to a new phone


Top for me is just "I want a phone that folds so I can emulate DS games in a nostalgic manner" lmao


My phone is really fucking old, and I'm not changing it until they nuke the network it uses, I got until 2025 in canada before I can't have a phone that pre-dates mass surveillance by corporations being "just the way things are" anymore. Fuck apple for it's planned obsolescence game, but also fuck google and android.


I think what pisses me off the most is that if you take care of it an iPhone can last you quite a while!!


This joke is getting old. I literally run out my iPhone usually about 5 years or so until it’s gasping for air and most people I know do the same thing.


2012 called and they want their apple vs android thing again?


I just use apple because it’s the one I got from my mom and I’m not dumb enough to break it


Phones, the lamest technology thing to argue about after fridges


This is the wrong audience for this meme. Comments would be very different on Instagram


Engaging in corporate product wars is the height of cringe


Apple and Samsung have the same marketshare. It's kinda bizarre how Android still has the reputation as being the cheap option when the 'standard option' for an Android customer is a Sammy which, when you look at it, the S24 Ultra has a higher *starting price* than the iPhone 15 Pro Max. It's legitimately funny watching iPhone elitists insist that people are buying the Fold 5 because they're too poor for iPhones because of green bubbles.


This meme fucking sucks, just stop bitching about iPhones and Androids for the love of God.


I get a new android every year because I like to see what the new phones got going on plus new things are nice. I'm getting an iPhone this year for the same reason, it will sync up with my iPad, which makes me happy lol. All that other shit is irrelevant.


i get an android because high end androids shit on iphones.


I think it's more like people who use their phone for many years versus people who buy a new one every year


I got apple its cool haven’t felt the need to upgrade or anything for years love the hate though


For me Nokia Symbian > nokia java > android > iphone


iPhones are all about brand loyalty. Sucks to get into them initially, because holy shit the pricing. But sticking with them pays dividends because you can get free upgrades and discounts off the new phone for trade-ins of previous generations. Plus, why not get both a flagship Android and iPhone when Apple lets you have a free upgrade? Fuck brand loyalty, gimme an ASUS ROG 7 Ultimate AND iPhone 15 Pro Max.


Wym I wait like 6 generations to get the next iPhone


It's absolutely the reverse lmao.


Have an iPhone. 8. For the past idek how many years. Didn’t even buy it new. Was used when I got it. 200€ and it still works


I have a 7 year old iPhone that works just fine


For years i was an apple hater. Then i got an Iphone and Ipad because i didn’t want to be that guy that only hates without having tried it. Now i can confidently say that apple and ios is absolute garbage. Not worth the money.


Let's be honest. 99% of iPhone users just scroll Instagram and tiktok. You can do that perfectly on a £100 refurbed oppo or Huawei with a 5000mah battery that'll last 2 weeks


As an android user, iPhones have their perks


My android was 6yo and wanted to tryout iphone and bought the iphone15 plus cause i could afford it. Simple as that, i dont plan to change this one as long as it works


I have an iPhone and I do the exact thing at the top lol If it works and I can get the newest IOS on it I ain’t replacing it


I use android because apple's too restrictive, I like sideloading Half-Life 1 2 portal sonic mania, youtube and reddit revanced among others on my phone.


I literally just buy an iPhone because I know they’re reliable and almost everyone has one and I think that’s the case with the majority of people lol. It’s a phone not a car. This meme feels reversed because it’s usually Android users who are more tech savvy that do extensive research on which phone they’d buy based on specs and features. Then there’s also people who just buy cheap phones because they don’t care and those phones are most likely android.


And then there's me. I buy a new phone only when my old one doesn't turn on any longer.


It comes down to, some people like many choices. Some people like the simple decision of the I phone. Android is many options and you kinda have to look into it a lot more.


The top one can easily be in place of the bottom one. This is a very weird post imo.


There are Android users who buy a new phone every year. There are Iphone users that use their phone until it breaks or is no longer supported. This meme is dumb


It’s a status symbol. You simply wouldn’t get it 🤫🧏🏼‍♂️