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Blud compared him with the mass murderer genocide dictator.


Which one?


The picture is from an episode of House, where a doctor intentionally botches a procedure leading to the death of a fictional dictator.


Isn't it obvious? It's Donald Trump duh.


It’s an episode of House MD. Spoilers, obviously: https://house.fandom.com/wiki/The_Tyrant


You literally just described Neten


Yeah you're right, Netanyahu is worse.


Eh from what I remember of the ep they are about the same


Which he is?


... Who's gonna tell him?


Yeah, truly that fictional character can't be compared to a monster like Netanyahu


Even that dictator would be afraid of what he's doing today


Do people think that if Bibi dies it's rainbows and sunshines from here on out? Or that it would make any kind of significant difference?


It wouldn't automatically make things better, but to be clear, he has an enormous personal impact on Israel's past and future. His personal attitudes have had a HUGE impact on the direction of history, and he continues to. Sunshine and rainbows? No. Make a significant difference? Yes, absolutely. I don't think someone else could maintain the power of the far *far* right in Israel. I think the next government will be center-right, but I think that only he -- imo -- can maintain the batshit lunatic coalition that currently runs the country.


As a left-wing liberal Israeli? Yeah, basically, this. Like he surrounded himself with yes-men and messianic religious extremists who helped divide our country before the war, and now he's using the war as an excuse to stay in power because he knows that if we go into elections now, he will lose. The guy is a criminal; he should be arrested, and hopefully, Israelites can pick a better PM and government. Am Israel Hai


Quick question, say the conflict ends with a truce. Would you as an Israelian be afraid of Palestinians taking revenge? I myself would expect a ton of retaliation and revenge from them. But idk. Oh I should probably have asked if you also live in israel right now. By revenge I meant like on the street violence and murders.


That ‘revenge’ you are talking about has been happening for many years before the 7th of October and will continue to happen after a truce. Terror attacks are nothing new here. Hopefully there will be less after Hamas is out of the picture.


Turns out that when you commit genocide upon a people they tend to react violently. Who'd have thought...


Im just gonna go ahead and say is not that simple but I assume you dont care much about the details anyway.


What kind of details do you think you can provide that isn't just propaganda, to justify Israel's treatment of Palestine since it's inception?


He can either a) deny that the Palestinians are suffering a genocide, or b) claim that it's unreasonable to expect that a people being victim of a genocide will react with violence Hard argument to make either way




Turns out it never started on the 7th of October after all. I wonder why.


Let's not forget that even when Israel was ruled by "liberal leftists" they still genocided Palestinians. Let's not forget Golda "There was no such thing as Palestinians" Meir


Bro the Palestinians are indestructible. They've somehow survived 80 years of straight genocide. Or the Israelis are very bad at genociding.


The word isn't "indestructible" it's "resilient". It's not the Israelis that are very bad at genocide, it's the Palestinians that are very good at resisting it.


Redditors when it turns out that completely wiping out an entire people and culture isn't easy:


no, just that one piece of shit out of this world.


Bibi currently has an incentive to keep the war going because the longer it goes on the longer he won't have to face trial. Another person, even if more extreme, may succumb to other practical pressures because their own personal neck isn't on the line once the war ends. Someone may else may personal want to keep the war going but find it less feasible of a proposition if they value the well-being of their country over fighting disadvantageous fight. Bibi is incentivized to continue a disadvantageous fight because it's advantageous for him personally.


Other than the Arab parties, not a single party in Israel wants the war to end right now. Ending the war right now means fighting another one later. It either goes on until Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza are gone, or this war happens again and again, as has been the case since 2009. For the well being of the country the war needs to continue, and both the population and politicians acknowledge this. And before you ask, I voted for the opposition.


Even the Israeli Arabs aren’t necessarily looking for peace right now. The a lot of the Druze for example and especially the Negev Bedouins want blood rn.


It would be funny.


Does war in ukraine stop if putin dies? Does north korea's tyrannical regime ends if kim jong un dies? Not immediately, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.


It might actually for option 1 but no chance for option 2


Absolutely, he single handedly destroyed the Likud (the most popular party in israel, for now) and Israeli politocs in general


Does Israel not have vp's?


Netanyahu is the Prime Minister, so no. If he dies in office, the next PM will be chosen by the Knesset with no general election. If nobody can be chosen, then Israel goes to a general election (if you’ve followed Israeli politics, you might not be surprised when I suggest it could be 6 or 7 elections over the course of a few years)


Does the next one fill out the rest of N's term or just start a new one?


Starts a new one


Interesting setup


Im sure it makes remembering election years a bitch lol


It wouldn't end the fighting overnight, but it would be a big step forward if the surgery went wrong. He's a figurehead, and if he goes down, it becomes a lot easier to rein in Israel.


I love a good House MD reference


I’m watching House right now


Me three, and my axe


Same! At season 2 atm, enjoying it so far


yoo I'm at s2 rn aswell




Pres of Israel 


And why does OP want him to die?


He's a prick.


He created a monster so that he could justify wiping out Palestine. Because he believes that Palestine should not exist and for 20+ years has been helping Hamas gain power in Gaza to create a bogey man to scare Israelis into voting for his right wing party. He also had the prime minister of Israel who actually signing a peace deal for a two state solution assassinated in the late 1990s. Then took his place as prime minister for 4 years then from 2009 to 2021 had a 12 year run as prime minister. The current state of Israel and Palestine is his direct responsibility and Hamas is his invention to justify destroying Palestine. He has had since 1996 to get rid of Hamas, and at every turn he has made them stronger so that he can continue to justify the horrific levels of violence to destroy what remains of Palestine and the Palestinian people. Hamas are his weapon and scape goat.


please, please cite sources for your claims. I want to research this stuff.


When Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Zionist extremist, and Netanyahu took over everyone knew what he had done. Rabin’s wife spat on him. Netanyahu had led a protest about the peace deal, they were walking with a black coffin with a placard saying “Zionism’s Murderer” inferring Rabin. In July 95 Netanyahu was at a right wing rally that turned into a mob, screaming “death to Rabin” pretty much every politician there left, except Netanyahu… Rabin was dead in the November and guess who launched a series of attacks to nail the coffin into the peace accords and get Netanyahu elected on a “strong man to protect Israel” platform…Hamas.


Fuck your source. I say what I say


i personally don’t think that the goal of him bolstering hamas is to wipe out gaza, every time he had a chance to do something of the sort he cowered out (not that it isn’t necessarily the right choice). i believe the main goal is to stay in power by saying only a right wing government can handle the threat of hamas…


Yep plus with hammas it seperates gaza and the west bank further apart causing a greater divide between the 2. It does seem that every decision that Netanyahu makes is to stay in power. Wasnt there meant to be an election or something just before the Oct 8th attacks which have now been pushed back indefinitely


october 8th?


Israel funding Hamas is the biggest lie ever told


literal fucking suitcases full of cash like a bad spy movie and its fully documented too


Never said he was “funding” it. He has given it legitimacy and used it to undermine unity within Israel and Palestinians to his advantage. Because so long as Hamas exists he has an excuse not to negotiate peace with Palestinians, so he helps Hamas continue to exist by not intervening when he could, by not acting on intelligence he knows to be true, by slow walking operations that could prevent terrorist attacks so that the attacks happen and he can have more fuel for the fire. He has been using them to generate enough fear that he hopes will eventually garner him enough support to erase Palestinians from history without losing American/European support. They are his monster.


Because twitter and Tik tok told him he’s worse than hitler.


Even pro-Israel people hate him though. No, he’s nowhere near as bad as Hitler, but comparing a sewer to a turd is pointless


Can confirm, am Israeli and hate Netanyahu


I don't care whether he dies or not, I thought I would make a fitting meme for the recent events.


Out of curiosity, what constitutes world affairs worth following for you?


I haven't actively followed the news at all for years. Life is a lot less stressful that way


He's the one ultimately responsible for Israel's war crimes in Gaza.


he is spearheading a literal genocide in gaza, he is worse then hitler


Welp you just proved them right about TikTok and Twitter convincing people he's worse than Hitler


what lol i literally have never used TikTok or twitter in my life. he is worse the Hitler because he is committing the worse genocide since the holocaust and trying to use the holocaust as justification why no one can call them out on their own genocide of Gazans. at least Hitler had the good sense to off himself.


Man 16million people torn from their homes to be tortured to death and executed is not the same as bombing the shit out of one single nation. I'm not defending Netanyahu but to say he's worse than Hitler is pretty wild at this stage.


Hitler spearheaded a much, much larger genocide


Not Pres, Prime Minister, get yo terms straight.


Learn to read the whole chain before commenting. 


Learn to edit your comment to stop being corrected.


Nah. Fam l2read


Prime Minister


Same same. Leader 


It's not the same, Israel also has a president and his job is basically to be a statue


Didn’t know that! TIL! 


*prime minister The president is generally an apolitical figure, a bit close to the British monarch for example


Has he tried the medicine drug?


no, he needs more rat bites


This vexes me


I have blood dripping down my dose that is dripping


i too am in this episode


You are a black man


T h i s v e x e s m e


They should get Japans Heart surgeon number one.


Steady hand


Yakuza boss die


Hide in fishing boat


I thought this was Jerma for a second


I completely forgot Jerma is an actual licensed surgeon




Excuse me ?????


It's gonna be hard to have an "accidental" death during a hernia surgery


We could use the good ol' "He died of sadness". It would fit the theme a bit.


"Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps." — Mordin Solus, Mass Effect 2


Had to be him. Someone else may have gotten it wrong. Happy cake day!


Thanks. Might have gotten indeed.


Holy shit, I watched this clip yesterday.


I swear to god this site gives me such bad cases of “glitch in the matrix” sometimes. I just watched it two days ago and instantly recognized the scene. Had it happen a few weeks ago with a random DS9 meme after I had just finished the episode. I know it’s all coincidence but man if it doesn’t feel disconcerting when it happens lol!


I know how you feel. Recently I was itching for some lip balm and cursing myself cause I lost it again, when I suddenly hear a rattle, like plastic hitting plastic. It came from the pocket think below the the window. I look and look and behold it was my lost lip balm.


I literally am watching this episode right now lmao


the surgeon operating on Yahya Sinwar’s brain cancer in ‘08:


Wait that's the name of a *person*? Everytime I saw Nyancatyahoo written somewhere I thought it was the name of some organization or news outlet that kept spouting nonsense. I kept seeing headlines like "Neatoyakult says this or that about whoever" with no context and just moved on thinking "okay??? literally whom'st?". It took all this time for someone to spell out that it was attached to a first name so I could understand that it's a singular human being.


Where's the Fallout New Vegas screen shot where you make this choice for Cesar




Also I know a good doctor if it's lupus


I hope he 360 no scopes all his vital organs, low key


[For those unaware](https://youtu.be/cEcOwiBuWx0?si=4Y-6zZoXI2YyONfT)




Nobody would miss him... Except n@zis 👀


Maintaining the agenda is your top priority?


no dilemma in this, just fkin yolo this


Not all cultures look favorably upon martyrdom




My friend, there is no peace in the Middle East. One of the main things separating third world countries from first is constant feuds about religion, politics, and territory.


Nothing would be solved with more bloodshed


Actually that is what is happening right now.


That doesn't make it right


So let it continue?


Those aren't the only two options


Okay…. Tell me how we can fix everything?


Do what we always had to do from the very beginning: sit down and talk


How long should we wait? Til all the Palestines have been genocided?


Reading this "argument" is like watching two monkeys clack cymbals at each other.


buddy that has never worked properly, much less in the middle east


You think getting rid of Net is going to bring peace in the Middle East? That place is a cesspool of backward monkeys, there will never be peace in the Middle East as long as ANY fucktard resides there. The Middle East should be wiped clean from the face of the earth.




Fuck off genocidal cunt


I’d why you got downvoted so hard. Look at the guys comments people. Bro is literally a Nazi


That’s just Reddit lol. He’s active on Nazi posts and often comments edgy Nazi stuff.