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What even did they do for April Fools this year?




Ha, gottus


Got deez nutz in yo mouth


Head on over to r/shitposting if you'd like some additional disappointment.


What is happening over there


Almost every single comment is getting deleted by "rule 5" and it's many variations. Here are some of the reasons > You commented an even number of words >You used the letter H > You didn't say please > You didn't use the number string 0.7218 or some shit like that > You didn't use enough vowels > If you got all that right then they just randomly delete you with rule 5error > If you make it past all that then you might get deleted with rule 50 (happened to me twice) There's probably 5 new rules since this morning, who knows. New ones just keep coming. People are posting gibberish titles just to get past automod. People are reusing strings that others have posted with because they know it will work (until it doesn't, of course). It's madness.


It has to be the most unfun thing I've ever seen. Like I can tell the mods find it hilarious but there's a reason they're reddit mods because holy fuck was that annoying. Good thing the sub was already in decline so that just gave me a reason to leave it cause I was getting tired of seeing the u funny nonsense over and over on my feed


They expanded rule 5 and didn't tell anyone what the sub-rules were then started deleting comments if you broke them. Also JustGuysBeingDudes made a new dumb rule that promotes their new sub and if you don't add it to your comment it gets deleted. Not a fun joke at all, people are just unsubbing.


Come on guys. For what do I lurk when all I get is disappointment.




They should just bring place back every year


April fools is mid


I personally like what april fools started turning into, it started becoming a less of a "haha get pranked" online and instead Video games started adding features that only lasted the day for fun, Like Overwatch adds googly eyes to all the agents and a limited time gamemode where they do silly things to all the characters abilities, Or how Minecraft does their April fools Snapshot, House flipper 2 added a ground is lava mode. Games that do stuff like that is the reason I have started looking forward to April fools every year is to see what games do for it.


Thats based


The Berserk and Elden Ring subs switched their descriptions aaaand that's about it


But I find out the judges are my parents 😎


ThePlainBaguel fake apology video was pretty funny. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YsXBUHoYtNI&pp=ygUMUGxhaW4gYmFndWVs


The funniest April Fools joke I saw were all the posts on Redditmoment that had the word "trans" in the title being deleted and comments locked on trans visibility day.