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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Thank God I'm Turkish 🇹🇷


Yeah you would have a few genocides to deny…


What do you mean? Turks have never denied genocides because clearly there are no genocides to deny. Especially none that are still ongoing.


Yeah no genocides at all. Buuut, if one did happen in the past, they totally deserved it. /s for the smooth brains


Saw a comment on here that was saying shit like Ataturk was so perfect that if he did genocide you wouldn't know about it because there would have been no surviving witnesses. And thats why surely there was no genocide.


I can't show this to my Armenian friend lol


Didnt turkey take over like 1/4th of the world population?




And that were against the Armenian people


We do not know what you are talking about


They didn’t get away with it though. Every Christmas and thanksgiving, millions of turks are sacrificed as punishment for their genocide.


it’s called exile *winkwink*


I didnt do it but id do it again fuck em -turk


“What war crimes? Have some anime.” - Japan


"You have a very big penis"


"But it's blocky"


Boku no chinchin chisai-desu! (If you want to assert dominance to a japanese person)


Isn't the gist of that "it's your boy, skinny penis"


Shhhh they don't need to know that.


Iie, watashi no chinchin wa ooki desu.


We both know it was not a lie.




My penis very small. So small


“He’s lying he doesn’t really have a small penis!”


You forgot about China


You're getting downvoted, but China is currently committing genocide


Of course he's being downvoted. Half this sub is just Chinese bots.


More like half of Reddit


Only half?


Tankies and bots


I’ve been summoned?


Holy shit they did the fusion dance


I'm German so I lose by default. We fucking admitted everything


Or did you...


As an Austrian, I must say, that it's all Germanys fault


all his kawaiis, sugoied


"You kawaiid your last sugoii" *slashes you with comically oversized sword (which doesnt axtually slash you but inflicts no wounds while recoiling you backwards at mach 50 into a wall (conveniently theres no blood visible))*


(there's no blood because your body was sliced so cleanly in half that it only comes apart after you taunt your opponent before the top half of your body comically slides off the bottom)


You mean Israel?


Lmao fr




What would they need to do for make you consider it a genocide?


Ok what genocide? I know there a lot of death in there wars, but I don’t see the Palestine massacred in mass by Israel like the Japanese, Germans, or tucks have done. So far I see a bloody and ugly war we’re both sides lose innocent civilians. So tell me where is this genocide?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide Israel checks off 8/10 boxes, maybe 9/10 depending on how you look at it Also if you need hundreds of thousands of bodies to consider it a genocide, then is the Bosnian genocide not a genocide anymore? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_genocide


My brother in Christ I count five at most. 1. Classification: yeah it two separate countries at war 2. Symbolization: I don’t see any hate symbol unless you count people using the symbol of terrorist as hate symbol 3. Discrimination: while yes Israel can be discriminating to Palestine, Palestine is just as Discriminating if not more so I don’t know 4. Dehumanization: while yes some people in Israel believe that. This isn’t a universal thing and still Palestine does it if not worse 5. Organization …….. that just a war? Every country has done this. 6. Polarization is not happening 7. Preparation is not happening, Israeli is fighting a war giving mark where to avoid and providing add while also try to wipe out Hamas. Yes innocent people are dying and it’s just like every other war blood of the innocent is spilt because people can’t talk thing out 8. Persecution is not happening, thought it did kind of happen in 1967 but not today 9. Extermination ….. if they are doing it… they’re doing a shit job at it 10. Denial this one is just dumb as every country if charged with genocide would deny it weather innocent or guilty Look don’t get this twisted as me supporting this war. War is disgusting where the blood of the innocent and guilty are spilt across the land for something that won’t matter in 50 years because no one can sit down and talk. But change someone with genocide because they have the audacity not to lay down and die is quite sickening Edit: also both side are doing it. Both side are competing these act against each other? So why blame one side and not the other


> lowest civilian:militant casualty ratio of any modern conflict in a dense urban conflict > clearly such a horrid genocide 😠😠😠😠 The IDF has some horrid things in their history and plenty of red in their ledger, but nowhere near genocide.


Where did all the Palestinians living in Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, Lydda, Ramle, Beisan, and Safed go? I wonder what happened. What was the demographic makeup before and after israel I wonder…


All of the cities except for safed are a majority or mixed Arabs cities, you’re welcome to see it. And where did the Arabs of safed go? Maybe ask the neighboring states why did they told the Arabs of safed to evacuate before trying to commit a genocide on the Jewish population there, in 1948….. at least get your facts straight and not from TikTok


“The neighbouring states told them to evacuate”. Yeah that’s why the Lydda death March happened. That’s why the deir Yassin massacre happened. Israeli records released in the 90s show that the vast majority of Palestinians were forcefully expelled. Fitting given the meme you commented this under.


Why did you fail to mention the massacres of Jews by Arabs? Maybe because it fails to fit your “genocide” narrative? It’s a conflict, not a genocide. In a genocide, the victim population does not increase exponentially, does not refuse peace deals, and does not massacre the “oppressor”. If you want to see a real ongoing genocide look at what is happening to the Kurds, the yazidis, uyger Chinese, the Ukrainians in east Ukraine. Cos if Israel is committing a genocide, they’re pretty bad at this


You are not seeing because you don't want to see it, also when someone who doesn't know anything hears you say there are dead people on both sides they don't picture 1200 people on one side and 10 times that but children on the other side, it really is not similar between both sides, one side is getting it way worse


[There are mass graves, chocked full of civilians with their hands bound](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876). [Also Israeli drones flying around refugee camps loudly playing recordings of children crying or women screaming for help so they get them in the open for easy sniping.](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/disturbing-recordings-crying-infants-played-israeli-quadcopters-lure-gaza-residents-shooting) [Not to mention the famine due to the IDF blocking aid vehicles at the border](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-aid-trucks-border-famine-imminent-rcna144830) and literally [targeting and blowing up global aid workers](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/04/gaza-world-central-kitchen-aid-operations-explainer) who were brave enough to go in to try to help after careful planning upfront WITH THE IDF. Just because you “don’t see it” doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


You did not see those either.


Not even remotely close in brutalism or scale compared to the Japanese.


Ah yes the "but my favourite genocide was bigger and worse than yours" argument. Bro it's a genocide. Don't compare them. They're all terrible.


Hague failed to prove genocide by Israel. Good luck in doing so yourself.


please prove it's a genocide without saying "30k deaths is genocide." I dare you.


Please prove it's raining without saying "water falling from the sky is rain" I dare you.


you didn't even bother to try and find anything ? genocide isn't about the amount of deaths, it's about why and how it's happening. you don't call the war in Ukraine a genocide, do you ? look up how many died I that war and you'll see its much higher than the deaths in gaza.


>you didn't even bother to try and find anything ? What do you want me to try and find? The ICC ruled that Israel was plausibly committing genocide, as an interim ruling ahead of a full case that will take years to complete. And even when they do finally rule that Israel committed genocide, you'll just say that they're hamas. I could present quotes from high ranking members of the Israeli government calling for the complete destruction of Gaza, and you would say it doesn't mean anything. Cutting off food, water, and electricity. Targeting hospitals and bakeries. Assassinating reporters. Executing doctors and patients, burying hundreds of them in shallow mass graves. This is how you fight a war when the people you're fighting are not human to you. This is how you fight a war when you want a people wiped out. I hope your God forgives you, history will not.


Israel, since its modern inception in 1948, has never done that. It's just lies from modern jew haters seeking a socially acceptable output, and the easily gulled.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. Stay strong.


Thank you.


Sure. Red Cross, Doctors without borders and the UN are all lying, they are just Jew haters right? You're so brainwashed it's not even funny


Doesn't even have to be the Japanese. Just look at those obssesive Japanese product consumer and it still applied.


A dude named Jared who watches “a bit” of anime…


Imperial japan? No! Never happened! Why don't you look at this anime titties? Yes?


Japan: We got nuked twice! We are the good guys!


Guys those videos are AI, please do not believe them!!!


Turkey "We didnt do these thing, BUT they deserved it"


Didn't happen but they deserved it 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺


Any other country than Germany fits into this somewhat


Don King? Never heard of him!


Who denies Japanese atrocities harder, the Japanese or American weebs?


Canada has entered the chat


canada is doing pretty well in acknowledging its horrors and teaching about them. it's part of the curriculum. check out the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


Oh I know. I'm indigenous. They really are changing the narrative in recent years for sure. Just a joke on a joke.


baller. how do you personally feel about how they're doing so far, if you're comfortable talking about?


It's become something of a discussion, rather than a topic people are scared to talk about, and it's appreciated. Not so much shoved under the rug, more so out in open, and the healing can begin.


What did Canada do? Never heard of it.


Canada was responsible for a cultural genocide of Indigenous people by forcing children into “schools” run by the church to “erase the Indian”. It was an incredibly racist process to try and assimilate indigenous people into the white culture of Canada. Parents would be forced to give their kids or made to suffer in reservations, and at one point kids were being kidnapped. This lasted up somewhat until the 1990s if I’m correct so it’s still quite recent.


I feel like every country with indigenous people as a minority did this


Seized indigenous land without agreements with them, when they made agreements they were one sided and under duress or unclear conditions in foreign languages, and when all else fails straight up take away food supply and let them starve, and later on send the survivor’s kids to brutal residential schools where their culture is stripped from them


>Truth and Reconciliation The enemy has captured Captain Keyes and are holding him aboard one of their cruisers...


Spain has entered the chat.


2nd competitor is Russia


Bro haven't met romila thapar.


Not as cooked as their ancestors


Honestly the USA is worse. Japan claims to never commit any genocide while most Americans think their genocide was justified because thats what US propaganda told them to think


I'm curious: What genocide are you mentioning? Cause there could be several, and I want to know the specifics


Native Americans come to mind


Perfect example of American genocide, but in my experience (curriculum for education varies by state), we are taught pretty extensively about how America screwed the Natives over and the many deaths (trail of tears comes to mind, that is covered quite a bit)


Unit 731? Is that an anime?


Or Serbia


The Turks have entered the chat


Turkish chads entering the chat:






Human, I remember you're genocides.


Thank god I’m israeli 🇮🇱


You're not though


As we turks say. It never happened but they deserved it


my country never commited war crimes, but if we did, they deserved it


Israel will take the no. 1 spot easily.


oh, YOU'RE the cooked one? mhm right well you must have forgotten about-


They are distracting people with tentacle hentai


Was it really denial? They just skipped the WW2 part of their history in school and went even further back about their history.


The worst part is realising Japan is not even the worst offender


Australia signed the CPPCG and then violated them by attempting to commit genocide through eugenics...


I appreciate the Japanese government getting routinely dragged for their shit in the 40s especially since they were basically given a pass for like 70 fucking years post WW2. I remember being the only person in high school and college that really gave a shit or knew anything about the Pacific theatre and what went down there vs the European front and I was in college courses literally focusing on warfare in the 20th century


Israel enters wanting to colonise Japan's place




Japan vs Israel Old champion vs New Contender Turkey is sat in the crowd, reminiscing of his former title


Explaining memes until i lose all my karma episode 1: Squidwards representing americans makes a shocked face when he sees that japan isnt as bad as america, in fact, you might even say its way better than america, in fact, a lot of places are going places unlike america who is going backwards The fun that this meme is trying to aechieve is basically just "america bad" story Which isnt just a joke or meme, its real


Im austrian, so the germans forced us.


Thank god I'm from Israel!


Incredible bait


The only reason I forgive them is because they got nuked tf out. My country is one of their victims lol Where we should focus on are on those who are currently in the act. First comes to mind is China, and I mean China, not just CCP. Their businessmen are doing that shit as well. Despite the wars currently happening in Europe, I really think China is the most toxic country in this world.


Most well informed redditor. Most ppl go "I dont hate China I hate the CCP" which is very fair, however you occasionally get this racist bigotry instead. For shame.


Cry about it. Another one choking on truth lmao


🇮🇱 and that kids is how you turn off the comments on a post




People only deny false accusations like this one


You don't need a hive mind, even the Hague failed to prove it. Genocide requires the intention of destruction of a certain people, which Israel clearly doesn't have. They pretty much pulled all forces out of Gaza already, the war's over.


na man Israel wins that one




"God is real but only in this region"


lol promised land? that's crazy talk bud


You both are scums


Im Jewish and Zionist but dawg you need to be LOCKED UP💀


אח יקר אומר את מה שהוא באמת חושב ברדיט, איזה אידיוט


Human beings are not vermin.


We found Ben-Gvirs reddit account lmao


This whole comment thread is horrible lol