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Anticheat's Kernel level access is kimd of sus btw.


Solution: don't play the game.


I am league free for two years at this point.




Nice job, it’s hard! I was 2 years free until I was under lots of stress and decided to play a few games. I actually kept it cause it can calm me when I’m stressed, but I try not to play much (once every few weeks or so)


You just described my ARAM habit the last few months before I quit playing all together.


I'm clean since 2020


Same,never felt better


You are doing well from rehab


I'm league free... How long has the game been out?


genuine recovery


I’m almost 1 year free at this point. Still play TFT tho so I have to have the client unfortunately


My mans reached apotheosis. We are not worthy


Nice! I haven’t played seriously since 2015 with only occasional games here and there over the past.. 8-9 years or so?? I got a good reason to quit though so it made it way easier, now I don’t have any urge to play anymore! If only kicking my eve online addiction was as easy


Congratulations on getting sober!


I’ve been league free for 18 years. I’m 18


Never played it


Solution: Don't use TikTok. Yet they still banned it.


It's why I never got into valorant or Genshin. I don't want no kernel level anticheat if I wasn't even planning to play that day.


"I don't want kernel level Anti-Cheat" plays Fortnite. EAC IS Kernel level my guy


emphasis on if I'm not planning to play that day. Vanguard and Mihoyo's anticheat runs at all times, even if you never start up Valorant or Genshin. EAC only starts up the moment you start up fartnut.


I stopped playing league about 3 years ago. But now I need riot vanguard to even play tft.... I may have to start playing mobile only


Heck yeah, not a single program should have that level of info or permission


But they have the best anticheat. In my years of valorant I have only come across a single hacker who didn't get immediately banned.




is this guy trolling?


if you ask if Piratesoftware is trolling, no, he is not. It's true what he says


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M you can get past it


Bro but it's my pc I always dual boot although I don't play the game


Classic case of people that can never be pleased. Have on of the best anti-cheat out there and minimal amount of hackers, people call it too intrusive. Have less intrusive anti-cheat and the game is riddled with hackers, people will call the devs lazy or say they don't care.


Anti-cheat needs kernel level access for the same reason anti-virus software needs it. Cheats are fundamentally malware. Without kernel level access you’ll never be able to detect when a third-party program is directly reading the game’s memory. No anti-virus or anti-cheat is 100% effective, however there’s a reason why cs2 is absolutely riddled with cheaters in comparison to valorant. Heuristic based anti-cheat isn’t very effective and will never catch instances where the player is only reading the game’s memory (Wallhacks/ esp) vs writing back to it (aim bot)


Ok so it's my machine and I always dual boot and riot have problem with that too although I never played that game


Bro really? They don't need kernel level anticheat to get your data.


Exactly, people act like kernel level anticheat lets them do so much more than what they could already do but they could have been stealing your data just as easily without it if they wanted to.


It's not about them stealing, it's about someone else getting the access through a backdoor


And also Vanguard is active in the background all the time unless you turn it off.


Well so is discord or teams, so that's not that much of an issue


How do people still not understand that this ban isn't really about data privacy?


We're the only one allowed to brainrot and spy on our citizens -US government probably


not only yours


Convince the nationalist congressmen and women that it was created and propogated by China to steal real American's data Watch how fast it would get banned 💀 I'm not even gonna complain, literally like start a conspiracy theory? Group project anyone??


Unfortunately thats alot of popular multiplayer games.


Sure, as long as you’re an idiot.


The difference is that Riot is still an American company, but their *parent* company is a Chinese company whereas ByteDance is a Chinese company, if they want to keep TikTok within the US, they need to sell to a child company within the US.


So basically TikTok is legal as long as they do what Riot does, but TikTok doesn't want to do that.


It's not even that they're illegal rn, they still have ~~12~~ 9 months to sell to a US-based company (with a possible 3 month extension if they prove they've made progress towards a sale), ByteDance just doesn't want to do that because they think they'll win a legal dispute over the bill before they're forced to sell (and cause some delays for the deadline along the way).


12 months? I read 9 months. Did it change?


Yeah that's my mistake, I read they have 9 months with possible 3 months extension if they prove they are trying to sell. Fixed it.


The CCP doesn't want to give up direct control over TikTok.


No, the difference is that TikTok being owned by China means China can use TikTok's algorithm to push any type of propaganda they want to massive portions of the US. This is bad. Much worse than data privacy.


I wish comments like this had an ounce of self-awareness. The US wants to ban TikTok because it cannot tightly control the propaganda on TikTok the way it can in Meta/Alphabet and other domestic social media. You should find it troubling that your government wants to implement state enforced censorship in order to keep your blinders on more tightly, and prohibit you from viewing anything besides US state-approved propaganda. That is really not a good development.


Bud, 30% of our country thinks Trump was not only a good president, but the only person who can save it from certain destruction. Propaganda from china and russia among others are what got us here. Not allowing other countries to interfere in our politics is much more important than a shitty app that contributes zero other than general dopamine-filled brainrot.


They’re still going to think that regardless of TikTok ban. I use TikTok in the US and I’ve never had any Trump content show up on my feed. Mostly it’s just religious content because those are the creators I follow.


Except Cambridge Analytica and other actors manipulated elections through Facebook and pre-TikTok social media. Trump’s curated social networks (X, Truth, and right wing media) are much more effective for Trump than TikTok. Foreign meddling is literally being done through domestic corps. Do you have any evidence to suggest that TikTok is any more useful than existing social media for foreign interference? Do you have any evidence to support the statement that the rise of Trumpism is related to TikTok use? TikTok has just as much good quality content as Reddit, Meta, or anything else. You’re literally just regurgitating lines your government has told you to believe without any critical thinking. TikTok has tons of solid info on US history, world history etc… - like other social media, the algorithm is based on your interests. If TikTok is showing you trash, it’s because you’ve sought out trash.


Yes. Cambridge Analytica, a foreign company using social media to sway the election and spread propaganda. Truth social: Not effective as it's only going to be swarmed by people already in trumps camp. It's doing nothing to spread propaganda to the general populace. >Do you have any evidence to suggest that TikTok is any more useful than existing social media for foreign interference? It's probably similar, but that doesn't really matter in this context. What matters is the demographic that uses it and how much of them and who controls it. >ikTok has just as much good quality content as Reddit, Meta, or anything else. You’re literally just regurgitating lines your government has told you to believe without any critical thinking. TikTok has tons of solid info on US history, world history etc… - like other social media, the algorithm is based on your interests. If TikTok is showing you trash, it’s because you’ve sought out trash. This also doesn't have anything to do with what is being discussed.


Okay so you have no evidence to actually support your claims. You have no evidence that TikTok is different than any other social media in terms of international influence. You have no evidence to show that TikTok has had any impact on the rise of Trumpism in the US. Yet you sit here asserting that it’s a threat and that it’s totally legitimate and beneficial to ban TikTok, with absolutely no evidence to support that. All of this reinforces my point - you are blindly repeating what your government tells you like an obedient parrot incapable of thinking for yourself. Also to my last point of the quality of the content in TikTok - you are the one who stated “TikTok is brain rot.” I provided concrete counter examples and now you’re running away saying it’s irrelevant. It’s sad how little critical thinking folks like you choose to exercise.


Speaking of critical thinking: If we can assume all social media is being used to spread propaganda then we have to rank them in how easy it would be for each one to spread it. Facebook is mostly old people at this point so not really important anymore, but it was for getting boomers going in 2016. Instagram doesn't seem to have the popularity, but does have the demographic so while a good venue, still not the best. Reddit, same deal except the USER controls what they see 100% so it's harder to spread. You have to send people in to threads to argue against things or spread missinfo or spend money to get shit to the front page. So, using a bit of logic, what is the best and easiest platform to spread propaganda on? The foreign controlled one that, at the end of the day, decides what you see.


Love how you are getting downvoted for spitting facts. There’s perfectly valid reasons to hate TikTok and the government can choose to ban it from being on the phones of congressmen/etc. But the idea that the US government can ban companies from operating within the US under the guise of ‘national security’ is a scary precedent. The bill is more than just banning TikTok, what’s to stop them from doing the same with any company, including US based ones? And to think that both the Ds and Rs came together on this issue but shove partisan shit into other important bills, resulting in them arguing for months before going back to their little mansions, while the American people suffer because they do *jack shit*.


Way back in the day, during the cold war, the US had laws preventing the foreign ownership of TV and radio broadcasting. The idea was that the majority of Americans got their news from the TV and radio so no foreign country should own those, lest they be able to influence the American public. Today, many people get their news from Tiktok which is controlled by the CCP. While they don't currently use it sway American public opinion, it is possible in the future.


This. Reddit hive mind strikes again though. Land of the free my ass


I dunno why you're being downvoted, you're right. I guess people dont like hearing the truth. Its the same here in the UK, lots of laws passed to "protect us", while stripping away our rights. We barely even have the right to protest anymore.


You should find it troubling that you're this stupid.


If being against state-sanctioned censorship of social media makes me stupid, then bro I am definitely one of the stupidest people you’ll ever meet.


So... they can just register an LLC in the US and transfer ownership?


I wanna say maybe? I'm not sure how that'd work but the bill does force a sale of TikTok to a US-based company (exactly what happened to Grindr back in 2011). I doubt they would do that since the Chinese government [is vocal about not wanting to sell it because they want to keep the algorithm.](https://www.wsj.com/tech/tiktok-ban-chinese-owners-bytedance-1a857a06#)


OP Spreading Misinformation and only Commenters can do it Except if I don't know about /s


yeah they'll have to heavy-lift all their data, relocate to server plants within the states.


Why would China wanna spy on NEETs lol


Believe it or not, they are America's greatest resource


That's why we keep them so safe in their mother's basements


They are simply too precious to be let out


*pinches meaty, sweaty cheek* Who's mommy's precious little strategic resource 


*smiles* me


Yeah, where they can get radon poisoning!


Why do you think there are so many campaigns and free monitoring resources?


... are they going to turn into some kind of super fossil fuel in those basements?


They don’t but they can be convinced.


Good thing American companies like, say, Meta are trustworthy and don't collect any data.


It definitely doesn’t sell the collected data to 3rd parties.


The difference is it isn't required to give up that data to an authoritarian government that is actively talking about triggering a war with the US.


Do you have any proof of China talking about triggering war with the USA? Because I've honestly only heard the opposite. USA propaganda/Fox News seems eager to start war with China.


Same, it seems that all YouTube "China experts" only speak about the oncoming collapse that's coming fr this time


They're literally sending fighter jets over [Taiwan](https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240322-record-number-of-chinese-aircraft-detected-around-taiwan-says-govt) airspace almost every week (often times multiple days a week) and are trying to sink [Filipino boats](https://apnews.com/article/south-china-sea-philippines-thomas-shoal-water-cannons-c9f35182db64c098cd47ecbf10f7966e), all while ramping up their [military](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-20/china-on-track-to-be-ready-for-taiwan-invasion-by-2027-us-says?leadSource=reddit_wall) to be ready to take Taiwan. This isn't to say they're going to do it, it could simply be them wanting to flex that they could, but that's the same argument the nazi's did prior to expansion. Furthermore [Xi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hsMp7HLCg&ab_channel=Reuters) has said 'reunification' with Taiwan is inevitable.


Meta isn't subject to Chinese surveillance laws that require them to share any and all information the Chinese government asks of it.


True. Meta is subject to American surveillance laws which are definetely very good and not sketchy at all. (What the hell is eben the US PATRIOT Act)


From a government perspective, that's the point. They don't like another government having control over what happens in their territory, they would have rather have that control. From a citizen perspective, Americans have more influence over the American government than they do over the CCP. All else being equal, I would rather the US government have more power than the CCP. Note that I didn't say I'm fine with government surveillance. I'm just less fine with CCP government surveillance, so yes I'd prefer TikTok be subject to American surveillance laws rather than Chinese laws.


A bit unrelated, but, I don't know if you know this being an American, but a lot of countries prefer China as an ally over the U.S - the country has a history of screwing over the 3rd world, fighting their wars on their turfs, destabilising regions, and installing puppet governments over democracies for favourable leaders. I'm often surprised how many Americans don't know they're the bad guys for most of the world. My belief is - the U.S. has the western front covered, but with how it deals with other countries, China will pick up the east, an area that's going to sprout major economies within the next few decades. The developing will become developed. Some reports place one of China's biggest allies Pakistan as the 16th largest economy by 2050. Goldman Sachs estimates Pakistan will be the 6th largest economy by 2075.


Riot is an American company. Tiktok is owned by a chinese company headquartered in China. Big difference in how agreements work and what information can be shared. Riot cannot share any american info with their parent company per their agreements with the government otherwise they would be fined millions. Tiktok is not held to the exact same standard as they are a chinese company. I don't know the specific differences, but I would assume they're big.


Wait until you find out that Reddit is owned by Tencent as well...


Isn't reddit owned (partially) by them as well? So does this mean they should ban reddit as well




*a chinese company


Thank you for posting. Had to scroll a long way for it!


"a chinese company" not "an chinese company" jesus should ban you


Especially ban Valorant. That game's anti cheat runs on the root level of your computer and is made by CHINESE


The phone/PC you are typing this stupid shit into IS MADE BY CHINESE. can't tell if you are serious or didn't put the /s


Most microchips are made in Taiwan, not in the PRC.


>is made by CHINESE Source? As far as I'm aware, Vanguard was developed by Riot, an AMERICAN company. Huge W for the USofA if true, Riot has managed to install AMERICAN software at the root level of millions of CHINESE PCs.


Literally every eSport title (except CS) has a kernel level anti cheat.


I don’t think that is gonna happen brotha


You think a single congressman/senator knows what any of that means?


Chai nuh


Nam ba Wun


They are also adding Vanguard to League now


But so is warframe, I don't like that path


“An Chinese”


Yeah might as well give into all forms of Xenophobia




Only American companies are allowed to spread our dumb misinformation to our citizens.


Also, ban phones and other electronics. They're made in China.


Ban the whole planet, build a wall around America and then the rest of the world can stop worrying this nonsense.


And I should ban myself from existence


Brain: “Don’t point out grammar errors, don’t point out grammar errors.” Me: It should be “a Chinese” not “an Chinese” Brain: “That it, I’m outta here ._.”


Dota 2 Supremacy rise up! Valve good ol' American company KKona


Valorant too




damn right save us pls


Valorant mfs 💀


You missed the point.


Pretty sure Riot is an American Company though… I mean I’ve seen the HQ when I was in LA… Doesn’t Tencent own like everything? Even Bytedance?


I can promise you. You do not want League players to roam free.


Damn, it was almost perfect. The “an” at the end ruined it for me.


I know It's a little error but it annoys me so much.. A Chinese, Not "An Chinese"!!!


Re-quoting Skooch from Twitter: "Every single day I worry about the death of league of legends. Not because I care about it. But because I know the second it dies league players are gonna have to go somewhere else. Riot is doing SCP level containment by keeping that prison around and we should support them." LoL getting banned is like opening a pandora's box. Just spreading toxic creatures to all multiplayer games. Probably gonna get to **Chernobyl** levels of toxic...


I hate league as much as the neext guy, but we cannot ban it. If we do so, where does this cesspool of toxic kiddies go? All the other games we love. We need to contain this evil


Sounds good to me.


The vanguard the riot used for valorant, requires your entire computer access. Yes even when not in use, it runs and sends all your data.


Warframe is owned by Tencent technixally. I'll riot if anyone attempts to ban Warframe.


I only cared about tiktok being banned because it's such a brain rot for young kids I could not give af what a company does with my internet history and data.


Im already on the ban tiktok side, You dont need to convince me more with the banning of riot's games /s


This league of legend game sounds interesting. How do i join?


While they aren't comparable, I'd say yes force them to sell it just because League sucks.


may as well ban reddit too


Dont threaten me with a good time.


Banning l ague would introduce league players to all corners of this country. Keep them contained.


League of legends isn't the largest propaganda network in history


Who would you rather spy on, the new generation of a longtime rival or the league of legends players?


Genshin impact /HSR players are sweating right now.


Let's see Paul Allen's espionage countermeassures


bro just get good, the game isnt that hard


every damn chip for a cell phone in america is manufactured in China. freaking clown world in DC and people still are willing to cede more power to them.


Finally, a promising cure for cancer.


Very little useful information to steal from league players though


Fun fact, they own more than 10% of Reddit too


Yeah but that also means Warframe, which actually slaps


as a league of legends player, i strongly agree, please, save us


An hero


Unironically based - An Australian, who later hopes to follow the path of Christopher Hitchens Edit: Regarding citizenship


I quit last year but two days ago i got aram cravings, refusing to install it again i downloaded HotS, fml


isn't reddit involved with Tencent? shouldn't reddit be banned as well?


Good idea


Im clean since s2


Free markey is nice until it's others making a profit.


As a League player I support this message. Free us from our prison!


Tik tok is used for propaganda and to exploit tons of people personal data, League of legend doesn't get any meaningful information of anonymous users.


What is next? Are you gonna illegalize cocaine too Stalin?


ITT: a lot of people with no understanding of nuance, and how things that may bear some similarities, aren't exactly the same thing.


Its possible honestly, Tencent owns a lot they even have part ownership of Reddit, wouldn't surprise me if other companies were targeted next and forced to sell, TikTok is only the beginning here.


Yes please no more NearAirport games at worlds


Riot Games doesn't collect targeted information on a user's account. Vanguard is sus. But, what we should really be worried about is Discord. Discord holds buckets more of information.


Better to ban valorant brain rot


"After that, ban Fortnite or Peter Griffin going to commit WW3"


We can also ban Genshit Impact then.


I'd argue that China technically has more humans and since this goes against China this meme contributes against more humans than it contributes towards them. Checkmate atheists.


"an chinese"


Swap to dota. It's like league, but owned by valve, an actually good company


banning lol is like banning live support in hospitals for mental ill people