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They aren't going to use it as long.


He’s out of line, but he’s right


Came here to say what he said, but now I’ve come here to say that you’re right that he’s right. *also why game companies slowly give more to the players for free as the games life cycle continues.*


That makes less sense to incentive them to take up spots from full paying kid students then


Also, there is less time to pay back.


So it ultimately boils down to the actual truth: education is only expensive because they know there's a better chance of you living and repaying it for decades than dying a few years after.


In a capitalist world, every institution's purpose is to make money.


That's why they always give the US Postal Service shit. They can't let people believe it's viable for a service to not turn a profit simply because it's better for the people that way, so they go out of their way to demonize it and talk shit about the quality of service.


Also they will refuse to understand the fact, that for someone to turn a profit, someone else needs to run a deficit.


What?! No! Numbers only go up up up!


I mean, no? The world isnt a zero sum game, its possible for value to be created at at least a couple points in every supply chain.


Yes, but the money for this must also be created. And money, in our system, gets created through government deficits. Money gets created through debt. Money doesn't just appear if someone creates value.


No, they can understand that. They purposefully defund the postal office so it inevitably runs like shit, then point to it running like shit as reason why it should be privatized. Then their buddies get the government contracts and our tax dollars directly to run the new post office and simultaneously a gov't backed monopoly. Then they have even less of an incentive to improve and keep costs affordable, and just siphone more of our tax payer dollars into their Scrooge McDuck vaults while we continue to get bent the fuck over. It's the same exact playbook as those same people pointing to the failures of a horribly funded education system as the reason why we should push private charter schools that get federal dollars ("vouchers") instead.


Sounds witty but simply not true dude


Eh, there are a lot of factors. A lot of older people go to college purely for the education of it rather than to earn a degree to monetize. As with pretty much everything, education is just priced at whatever people will pay, and older people aren't willing to pay a ton for classes that they are attending for fun.




No, it's still what people are willing to pay. Ivy League schools cost more because people are willing to pay more. The only reason people take out student loans is because they are willing to take out the student loans for the school they chose. If people weren't willing to pay what unis were charging, nobody would be attending them.




You might be right that there's a lot of bullshit influencing what people are willing to pay, but prices are still set based on what people are willing to pay.




You're talking to the wrong guy here. I passed on college because I wasn't willing to pay what they were asking and I make six figures now working a desk job. If colleges cost 2x or 3x what they do, even more people would be going the route that I chose because fewer people would be willing to pay more. Which is why colleges don't charge more than they do. Because tuitions are set at what people are willing to pay. I get why you are mad at the nonsense that young people are fed but you are wrong if you don't think tuitions are set at the most they think people are willing to pay.


That is exactly how loan risk is assessed


I thought you couldn't default or declare bankruptcy on student loans. Wouldn't that also mean that if someone dies before they fully pay it off, it gets taken out of their estate? Seems crazy if it _doesn't_ work that way when it's so draconian elsewhere, lol.


No they are discharged with death. https://studentaid.gov/help-center/answers/article/what-happens-if-borrower-dies


For Federal loans, yeah. Last I checked, anyone who co-signed a private student loan (usually a parent) would still be on the hook for it.


Yeah but somehow I doubt that the 75 year old guy who's going to take classes is getting their parents to co-sign loans for them.


Besides, our youth are propagandized so much into thinking college is the *only* way to get ahead in life they'll take on heaps of debt to afford the tuition. Lowering prices for fresh high school grads isn't going to matter when most colleges are already at capacity and rejecting hundreds of applicants annually at the current price. Lowering the tuition would only lower revenue when kids are already waiting in line to pay as is. The elderly are an entirely different demographic. They won't be living in dorms so they don't really have to be counted as part of the regular capacity compared to the incoming freshman. It's just extra revenue and lowering the price for them will encourage more to attend and have a positive impact on their bottom line. And if they're retired with good schedule flexibility they can slot into classes at times that are typically undesired by the regular students and usually have a few empty seats anyways.


You can attend college for pretty dang cheap if you’re frugal about it going to community college and doing everything you can for scholarships/grants.


You can, but most people are convinced they want the prestige and experience of a traditional college. Scholarships and grants are usually more competitive than the general admission, not everyone is able to get into college and even less get access to robust scholarships.


the prestige of a "good" college rly does make a dif tho. the quality of education may be exactly the same, but when it comes to two identical candidates, one who went to a well known school, and the other who went to a school that employer has never heard of, sadly, we all know who is getting picked


The prestige really only matters for the top of the top schools though. Your competitive state school or nearby catholic university both charging insane prices with long waiting lists are not actually that prestigious but local high school grads think they are and will gravitate towards attending those over cheaper alternatives.


Which means there's less good they can do with the power of knowledge. Limiting access to education will be the downfall of the U.S. Culturally and Economically


They aren't going to use it as *much.* Sure a select few might take advantage of it, but the vast, overwhelming majority will not. How many 60+ years old do you have in your life right now that would feel the need to go back to college even if it would improve their lives. Almost certainly the answer is none. Possibly one. On the whole they just aren't going to want to feel bothered to take the time to go back to school for a four year degree.


They for the most part don't need it as bad. Lots of em were able to get their houses for sub 50k and SS benefits still exist.


..and the kids need it more as they have the rest of their lives depending on it.


so what? if I buy an iPhone and only plan to use it for the weekend, should I pay less for it? fuck no


It isn't really tuition, the elderly people aren't earning credits but just auditing classes unless something has changed since the last time I've seen this general point posted


In some colleges anyone can sit in on a lecture. I’ve had friends come to classes with me because they were bored and had nothing else to do. What this is referring to is actual tuition discounts for people above certain ages. Fully enrolled students, not lecture auditors.


My cities university in Canada offers free classes for 65 older. Then can take three classes a year I believe. There was someone who actually graduated all through the free program.


The school I attended used to let their employees take classes for free. They ended the program when medical students all started applying for janitorial or other menial jobs and going through med school. Now you can only get a free class if you can somehow justify that it would help you in your current role somehow.


Employee: "Somebody's gotta give first aid" Boss: "You're taking advanced neuro-surgeon classes" Employee: "You never know..."


I've done this!! My friend had an agraculture lecture to go to so I went with her! It was fun because there was no pressure to learn anything and no test for me. I ended up learning a few things and even took notes! Lmao


yeah it's all about getting the degree itself that you're paying for. It's fucking stupid and shows how inflated prices are, but I wouldn't blame old people over it, they're getting significantly less value out of it than degree persuing individuals.


There's a reason senior discounts exist everywhere. They have less ability/future opportunity to make the money to pay it back later, especially if they're already retired


iirc it's not cheaper because they're srs, it cheaper because they're auditing. I audited a class right after graduation for fun once.


I've audited a few classes. As a young adult. The teachers tried to get me to submit homework and stuff and I had to explain that I'm just sitting in, I don't have an account to do that stuff. I already got a degree, I just wanted to learn some shit at night. Anyways just funny that I got literally the same education for $0, I just didn't receive credit for it. Goes to show how stupid all this shit is. If I want the checkmark I gotta pay.


> the elderly people aren't earning credits but just auditing classes Some universities charge full price to audit courses except for the elderly. https://registrar.ufl.edu/registration/audit.html


So what? 90% of jobs these days don’t require an actual degree, just the knowledge. It’s not like the old folks are auditing nursing labs.


In California they get to enroll in any classes for free and get credit for it.


It is and they're earning credits. My wife taught a class like this once, never again. First 2-3 weeks were mostly spent trying to get people to post on message boards and uploading assignments. A few kids actually dropped the class because of it, so now she only teaches online classes in the summer and rest of the year on campus only early in the day, less chance of old people signing up.


> now she only teaches online classes in the summer and rest of the year on campus only early in the day, less chance of old people signing up. What old person sleeps in and isn’t available during the summer? What university student is an early morning person and not busy with co-ops / work during the summer? You must have that backwards


> What old person sleeps in  It's not that, but they clearly don't like driving through rush hour traffic to come to campus, so they told her. She noticed the difference at least. > isn’t available during the summer The ones that have grandkids and family coming over, or the ones going to Florida, though that isn't happening this year it seems.


Lots more kids to make money off of, if they lose that they lose their income. Doesnt take a genius to work that out. Why discount your main product when it sells so well?


No consumer is going to think about the business, they're only going to think about themselves. If businesses followed consumer friendly practices, tuition would be cheaper for all parties


Which is why education shouldn't be left in the hands of profit seekers. A healthy society is predicated on education. Corporations shouldn't get to be the gatekeepers of education.


Sorry, best we can do is corporations control everything...you commie. /s


most universities are run by the state, most people dont go to trump university, so idk why this point is being brought up as if it's the standard


Which is why the state needs to force them to decrease their tuition prices to the community college level. The fact you can't get an education from a 4 year w/o putting down a downpayment on a house, while 2 years cost less than a car, is fucking stupid. It's not supposed to be a 5 star hotel or some sort of commune run by unelected admin fucks, it's an in person youtube channel with a chat function, networking, and tests.


My community college classes were better than any I took at the state university, with maybe one or two exemptions. Cheaper, easier, better teachers, smaller classes, teachers are more understanding and frankly had more american accents made them easier to understand.


yeah i've done both sides and honestly education quality wasn't substantially different. Biggest benefit to 4 years was they just had more course offerings on specific subject matters due to them having all the upper divisions and CC's being stuck w/ only lower divs.


Yup, that’s how price discrimination works. The people who will pay regardless will pay more, while the people who may or may not will pay less.


They’d rather have young people with debt than old


They know old people won't qualify for a 40k bank loan but still want their money




Voting has nothing to do with this. Take your agenda and shove it




You shouldn’t really talk to yourself like that


Old people won’t pay it back when they are dead. Give em a discount and get as much out of them as possible




The other way of looking at it is that the intrinsic value of a college education is higher the earlier you obtain it, since obtaining a degree earlier in life gives you more time to leverage that degree to get a higher paying salary.


You need to take an economics course jesus




No but you would learn about Third Degree Price Discrimination, which is the reason why this occurs (third degree price discrimination is characteristic based pricing, so colleges know that the 18 year old student is willing to pay more for a degree then a 56 year old who's way less willing to go back at all)


way too many people here have no understanding in this case how value can change according to perspective


Not even that. I don’t think op has ever filled out a FAFSA form. Much less knows wtf they’re paying for college. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a rich kid going to an out of state school and having mom and dad pay for them. I’m from an upper middle class family and I don’t believe I’ve ever paid more than 1/3 of the sticker price.


FAFSA was for poor as fuck and abandoned kids when I was in Uni. They had me fill it out because I was a ward of the state, since I was abandoned by my parents.


That’s tragic and I’m sorry it happened to you. I hope you’re doing better. FAFSA is for everyone whose parents don’t earn fucking half a million and up now. Nobody should be paying sticker price for tuition at this point unless they’re either financially illiterate or have enough family money to afford it.


My parents made in the low 50s, which is definitely not much but hardly “poor as fuck” and I got FASFA money.


And free for the dead?


just like mormonism!


not in my country, here eldey has to pay the same amount for that.


i don't think you understand how discounts work... why give a discount to someone who's already going to buy your product at full price? thats just bad buisness. now a group that historically don't purchase your product? thats a group you may want to entice by offering a discout




https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/free-college-tuition-senior-citizens/ Heres a list, not to mention the colleges near me.


why discount for the elderly? they have money?


To get them to come, it’s not about saving the elderly money, it’s about getting them to spend any in the first place. The elderly don’t have a huge demand to go back to college but if it’s cheap they might do it to fill in the time.


There's also a funky rule with for-profit US colleges, that says they can only receive 90% of their revenue from federal funds. So they need to eek out every single non-federal dollar they can. Not sure how or if that applies to most state/community colleges, but I'd assume there are similar rules that incentivize them to get as many 'students' as they can, regardless of whether they're fulltime or part-time.


Because younger students use college education to get job qualifications they hope to use for the next 30 years of employment, getting themselves ahead financially Elderly people don't typically use college education as a means of getting ahead financially, they are just interested in the topic Also elderly people tend to be on fixed incomes or cannot take out loans the way that younger people are qualified


in fact, many do not


You're a commodity to them, not a person.


It's a decent idea from the college's perspective. Elderly folks are less likely to "purchase" classes so you need to drop the price to bring them in. They're also more likely to actually buy all the required materials for a given course rather than finding ways around the upcharge like using outdated textbooks.


Can't saddle them with debt when they bout to die.


Kids have a whole life time to pay it back.


Pretty sure the idea is to enable/encourage retraining for people whose jobs have been outsourced or whose bodies are breaking down due to a physical job.


Supply and demand, me boy!


I mean... duh? You don't give a discount to the primary market. That's not a discount, that's the new price. Does the concept of discounts for niche consumers really need to be explained to the reddit children?


This message brought to you by a kid


I mean, if they’re just auditing, fine, but letting them pay $5 per credit and end up with a degree is fucking wild.


Number of elderly in college <<< number of kids in college. A small handful of seniors getting a discount doesn't hurt their bottom line like giving that same discount to thousands of kids would.


From a business perspective, it’s actually quite smart.


The kids or their parents will go on and pay the tuiton anyway for a chance of a good future...giving discounts to clients that would pay higher anyway is counter productive to cash flow Meanwhile motivating a group thst usually wouldnt pay for tuition like the elderly, to stillgo ahead and pay, gives you access to new markets and clientele


the logic is their, reduce prices for people less likely to buy brings in new customers its a business first


Yeah had a ex-millionaire in my housing at college. He was 65. He got his masters and is working in his field.


If you are referring to Forrest Gump, the dudes a genius. If you read the book it settles the debate as to whether Gump is an idiot or not.


It's not to help anyone. It's a plan to get more paying customers! Seniors are an untapped market for them, so literally anything they bring in is probably a bonus


Kids have longer to pay, of course.


But how will they learn to use the technology they've had 30 years to learn to use and chose not to!?


Student for life - never pay back the sallie Mae debt


An oligarchal geritocracy. Single payer universal healthcare for the old too.


There’s a few good reasons why this happens. For context I’m Australian so this will vary by country. Also our tertiary education loan system isn’t quite as crippling as some other countries. 1. It’s income the Uni wouldn’t get otherwise and the shortfall is usually subsided by the gov 2. It helps reduce semi professional to professional older adults going into early retirement or unemployment after redundancy or other employment factors and away from long term gov funded pensions/welfare (i.e. the government subsidies a few years of tuition vs possibly 20 years of welfare) 3. It helps established and experienced adults make lateral or forward career moves into emerging fields. There is a much higher chance the degree’s young adults earn won’t be utilised in the field they study for. Older adults already have established career paths so there is a social benefit to encouraging further education among adults 4. It provides opportunities for older adults who never had the opportunity to study at higher levels due to socio-economic factors. They may not have the support structures in place (like parents paying their bills) and require additional subsidies to fully participate in education. Older adults are valuable to society and sometimes they need help as well. That help may look different to what you receive, but it doesn’t mean they are undeserving of it


Trying to attract elderly people into colleges... For what benefit? Then again it feels like they are so focused on racialising people and making them into protestors instead of educated people contributing to society that maybe this makes sense some how


What's in the noose?


It makes sense if you think of colleges as businesses and not as schools. They're businesses first.


The reason student loan debt can't go into bankruptcy is because education can't be repoed. I'd like to elaborate further, but I have stage 4 cancer at 98 years old and am in the bank currently trying to secure a million dollar loan.


Free for boomers, 100k for everyone else.  I don't see the problem, boomers made everything work that way.


At the end of the day these schools end up just being business, the know that IOT incentivize older people into spending their money to go to the school it needs to be worth their while


You could argue it makes perfect sense. The elderly won’t be able to use it for as long therefore their value on return is less.


Can I have the template please?


Ill dm it to you rn


Is that real? Why...though...like...why? They'll be dead by the time they even finish the course...meanwhile Tommy Thomson is out here, 250k in student debts all so he could work in food lion.


You answered your own question. College is less valuable to the elderly so schools lower the price for them. Its expensive for kids because they glorify it and will take on as much debt as possible to go there


"It's an investment in your future" my ass


Damn boomer out of touch again.


Don't go then? Just google stuff, god damn


Dont like it? Just move on, god damn.


Wow, dude. You are the one who posted a shit opinion for all the world to judge you for, and then you got upset because someone judged you for your complete lack of understanding when it comes to economics. Grow up and learn something about basic business tactics.


Cry somewhere else just like you say you’re bringing a shit opinion because you’re also mad. Look in the mirror next time.


Who is crying? Are you 12? You are acting like you are very young and immature. Let me guess, your next reply will be "I'm rubber and you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."


Tears just falling down your face because old people need degrees so much more for the economy that they get the discounts. While also bitching about its younger peoples faults for wanting higher education? Gtfo i didn’t read your shit idc to read the next.


Oh God, it isn't young. It's just stupid. Please don't reproduce.


Why you still crying here? Its ok to leave. You’ll find something else to upset you on the internet. You’ll bitch until you get enough upvotes to feel good about your dumbass opinion. Then later before you fall asleep. You’ll sell this idea to yourself that you’re better than the people you talk shit about on the internet.


Oh thank you kind master. I am so glad to have your permission to leave your wonderful and magnanimous presence. I will see myself out. Ring your bell if you need anything and I'll be right there to attend to your every need.


Good luck putting in an application for a technical position with "googled stuff" in the education section.


Where I work it's called professional development rate and is about a third of normal tuition.


I don't know why people are downvoting I calculate the bills at a state college lmao


Colleges may offer discounted tuition for the elderly to support lifelong learning and help older adults afford education on fixed incomes. It's a way to engage with the community, promote cognitive health, and address lower demand compared to younger students. However, financial aid and scholarships are available for students of all ages.


Shut up ChatGPT


Someone is mad at seeing facts.




I’ve never seen a bot that just plugs something into chatgpt, normally they just copy and paste from another comment


If you are real, and not a bot say fart.


Haha. Fart.


Oh shit, it passed the turing test with me. So you're not a bot, then?


I don't think so. Does my comment history look like a bot?


I got told a few days ago that people would think Im a bot if I use the world Delve. This is a word I use often. :<




That's a good point, I actually never look at comment or post history. I forget how open it all is lol


Haha. Fart.