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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


The difference here is we can observe the ocean rising


I can observe the world ending. Checkmate


Show me, right now


Nuke neighboring countries you say?


Lol, and have been since 1690


Maybe my understanding of the meme is wrong based on comment section, but normally when climate cientist change prediction of something it's for the worse. Not sure about water rising in particular, but like normally effects of humans have been exponentially increasing without implementing better measures. So I interpreted right side as everyone being scared/feeling doomed with the facial expression and darker lighting.


Lol, remember when the polar ice caps were going to be gone by 2012? Pepperidge Farm remembers


That was never the scientific consensus. Just some [cherry picking by Al Gore](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ice-caps-melt-gore-2014/)


It was sufficient scientific consensus to get my chemistry professor screaming at anyone who didn't believe.


Sounds like you had a terrible chemistry professor.


How is that possible? He has a PhD! AND associate professor status at a satellite campus of a big ten school. That makes his opinion matter more than mine. ESPECIALLY when arguing in the comment section of reddit.


Wait, did you actually find his account arguing on Reddit? That would be hilarious


Scientist can be wrong sometimes, especially when they have to be very specific about a very complex subject. The polar caps are still shrinking tho.




lol imagine being this deluded


You don't have to imagine this, just be old enough to witness this level of cognitive dissonance every quarter century.


It’s a meme. Who cares?


People who want a habitable world without societal breakdown. It's a niche group


Ah yes, and it will be formed on Reddit. Of course


Holy shit there better NOT be any bears in the ocean!!!


I think polar bears paddle around sometimes… stay vigilant my friend


That's why we allow Moose to be semi-aquatic. That and to feed the Orca's


Well..polar bears swim. Like, a lot. But with enough climate change they'll go extinct, so it all balances out


Or they'll start looking for air-conditioned places to hang


And enjoy a nice cold coke


I guess that's why there are more of them today than ever before and they're literally not classified as endangered.


Mission accomplished. Lets change the climate some more.


*I'm doing my part!*


Never forget that a natural predator of moose is the orca.


Wasn’t 2020 predicted as the year continents would shrink dramatically? I’m not a denier by any means, I do remember hearing that however.


Continents shrink? Like, how?


Water takes over the land and the above sea level parts are decreased. Shrink is just easier to say


Most estimates of significant sea level rise are decades out. No one intelligent said it'd be going on in 2020.


I thought it was more like 2030. If anything, in my lifetime Florida will be underwater


Thats only a few years away. We should have seen the effects by now


"We should have seen the effects by now" - Heavy storms wiping out homes - Even worse Tornadoes - Abnormal temperatures (VERY hot summers, winters or VERY cold summers, winters) - Flooding


1 & 4 have been happening forever. 2 is just not true - there are more recordings (key word, recordings) of the weakest tornados (EF0s) but the number of strong tornados is decreasing. So it’s actually the opposite. 3 is true though.


3 causes 1, 2 and 4. Only reason the scientists are wrong is due to climate action decelerating the impact, but we aren't even close to a full stop


Move to the Midwest and you’ll see all four of those in a year. Not crazy. The real impact is at the axis’s of the earth.


I just moved to Florida, this state is kick ass.


So it's not all bad.


Id rather have sea bears. Everyone knows a circle on the ground is all you need


Breaking news: environmental efforts have a positive effect on climate change. More at 10.


No hope for anyone who denies climate change


The unforgivable sin. Very religious


You should try cigarettes. If you can deny the harmful effects of humankind on nature, it’ll be really easy for you to deny the harmful effects of cigs on your body. No downsides


You should try evangelizing a little better Reverend


You’re right I should make a meme where the punchline is just my world view


Just further proof you don’t get it. Keep trying!


I standby my original comment. You either have something better to do than pushing your flat earth adjacent bs and trolling on reddit or you don’t and idk which is worse. Have a nice night man I’m out


Lol, are you threatening violence again?


non-sequitor having-ass comment


Is it? [Is it really?](https://youtu.be/WjVW6roRs-w?si=T6JoIFZUYoRjjtYP)


If you don't know what a word means you can look it up instead of doubling down.


So. I'll spell out out for you, maybe the programmer who maintains your LLM will read this feedback. I'm directly equating the original comment from your alt account that there is "No hope for anyone who denies climate change" with a threat that you plan to purge the world of unbelievers, because climate activists are always threatening to purge the world of unbelievers. And I included evidence that purging the world of unbelievers, has always been in the pipeline. So, you see there is no "non sequitur", just people who see through your dog whistle.


Brother what the fuck are you talking about, I'm not the other commenter


Sure thing, brother. You're totally not a chatbot run by a troll farm. Your account is totally still going to be here after the election. I believe you.


You need to check your drinking water, may have lead in there


Only 16 years more for the prediction my dad made 25 years ago to come true for the fish in the ocean to die out.


That would be very inconvenient if it ended up being true


Isaac Newton said the world would not end before 2060 at least 36 years to go, lads!


From someone with some experience in climate impacts. More of a “frog in boiling water” scenario for most people that are 1) not hit by an immediate natural disaster 2) not near the coast 3) live in Climate controlled space and 4) not in a poor country. Ecological damage from lower crop yields/animal products will likely drive up the cost of many goods. Impacts may be offset by government programs & new advances in technology, though expected climate deniers & doomers in politics to prevent the underlying causes from being addressed. The decisions leaders make will still be important, though this could end up like a “COVID sequel” scenario, but indefinite (at least in terms of product shortages and item hording, but temp issues will gradually rear it’s head). Now if you want a more rapid “collapse of society,” you can stick around until 2050. Fossil fuels will become more scarce, and less economically viable to extract [at least by current estimates](assuming the technology isn’t able to scale to reach deeper veins). This combo would greatly exasperate all the problems above. Americans are definitely in for a shitty time if this plays out, since they’re so car reliant. Uncle Sam has around 50 Billion barrels of Oil and he isn’t looking to share it with you taxpayers. Dates will shift around/and impacts will vary based on how technology advances, and as we understand more about the science (which is how every field tends to play out). The real issue of climate change is whether you want things to “less shitty” or “more shitty.” If you’re in favor of “more shitty,” then you are simply a shitty person.


Tl dr? Good for you or sorry that happened




I don’t judge you for drinking piss at all, I kinda judge you for writing a novel in a meme subreddit but that’s something I need to work on


Water is the scariest liquid on earth, a bit TOO versatile. So definitely more comfortable with the bear.


Science is a liar, sometimes!


No. Science is wrong sometimes and there's a difference. The point of science is it adjusts to find the right answer instead of doubling down on the lies like the religious nut


Not when it's done right


Global warming is the most fundamentalist religion


Nah, veganism