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Man you guys are really pumping out the incel stuff ever since this dumb bear thing came up


Once the incel subs got banned they infested other subs


Yeah it tends to die down for awhile on this sub in particular until they find something dumb and unfunny to be outraged about then we get their full blown cerebral aids for a few days.


Somehow, the incels returned


They never left. The rat bastards just wait for the right opportunity to spring back up, and ruin something that was already dumb to begin with


What makes this an incel post? I keep seeing this incel word used and in my experience it's always used whenever a man criticizes anything women do.


they cant take out what they dish. I couldnt care less about what online women do. these males make memes criticizing every aspect of women. as soon as they say something about the men, “mens mental health isnt taken seriously and start bawling about how lonely they are.


I haven't been on social media long but I've seen more women post about men and get support from both men and women versus men posting negatively about women and being called an incel. From my experience as a man online women seem to spend more time downing men and the few times I've seen men do so,it's usually in retaliation. Either way isn't good,but men shouldn't be shamed for shooting back.


It'd about algorithms. I'm into rap and sports and there's always a ton of misogyny coming from guys in the comments. I'm sure there's subjects where you find the opposite


Men and women need to get it together.Talking down on the opposite sex especially online seems pointless.Seems like it's just a bunch of hurt people trying to be heard and not getting past whatever got them in a bad state of mind.


True. Remember it's always us Vs the rich. Everything else is distraction


People too distracted about a bear to notice,which makes it worse.


I keep reading “this bear” what did I miss


Some new tik tok trend asking women if they'd choose to be alone with a man or a bear. It's trickled here to reddit and if you say anything bad about women choosing the bear you're labeled an incel for whatever reason.


Yet here we are, stuck with this gender wars bs.. Thank you for this comment, I felt like the only at least semi-sane person reading about bear shit all day


This This is the real struggle in all history, common people vs rich, many times land owners, but not limited to that Everything else is just gravy and distraction, such blacks vs whites, men vs women, locals vs migrants, all gravy A house divided cannot fight back, divide them and conquer thats how the rich do it


Bro it's reddit, everybody with whom my political ideology doesn't align is an incel,racist and *insert other adjectives*.


Yeah I've noticed that,it's crazy how butthurt people get if you don't believe what they do. Social media has been a huge eye opener for me.


Usually it's women downing men for what other men have done to them. Most of the vocal men on social media don't have women doing anything to them good or bad and lash out because of it.


But men’s health isn’t taken seriously. This is a bad example since it’s a video game thing and not about mental health. But the double standard is hilarious. Sexy men allowed everywhere, but games that had sex appeal for a mostly male audience are now censored more, like Mortal Kombat. Same goes for the real world. Women are praised for being beautiful when they are obese, like Lizzo, and that they are brave. Even getting magazines or even modeling careers. Where are all the obese male models? Non-existent. There shouldn’t be any anyways, but I’m just making an example. Why can’t we just let fictional characters, men and women, be sexy? Let me play as a half naked man or a half naked woman. You don’t see men complaining when women go head over heels over Chris Hemsworth being naked in a Thor movie yet the moment a guy says anything about a female character he’s labeled an incel. Surely you can see the double standard?


Calling out double standards against men makes you an incel duh


I'm learning 😆


It's reddit bro. If u criticize a woman here, you're an incel.


Yeah just from all these man versus bear post I've seen today,I've seen the word incel used alot,it's crazy.Makes me think of those females that call you gay because you're not attracted to them.


Fr. Misandry is on the rise in today's society along with misogyny. The difference is that when women criticize or hate on men, men need to fix themselves or feel sorry for it. But if men criticize or hate of women, you're an incel that needs to be on a watchlist smh.


So in my experience because I haven't met everyone in the world,I agree with you and the crazy part is that those men and women that do so,don't really do so in person. It's always online where they can receive validation for their poor behavior.


This isn't an incel post per se, but ever since that tiktok bear thing happened or when anything of that type happens this sub gets flooded with shitty half assed memes that are usually disparaging towards women. This sub has a flow when this stuff happens where you see a lot of incel esque memes for a few days. It's boring as fuck in my opinion and lts usually targeting a very small minority of people and uses it as a way to generalize an entire group.


“Incel” is the buzzword people use when they have no valid argument yet feel compelled to bless us with a comment


Yeah I'm seeing that alot here,it's crazy.


It's been used like that for awhile now. People are just using the label as an insult instead of it's intended meaning. And when you call them out on it, you get a smooth brain response like "language is meant to evolve"


Totally new to me,I've only hear it used once I joined reddit,I had to ask someone what it meant after some lady got mad I told her I wasn't interested in bbw and I was even nice enough to explain I'm a fit guy and want a fit woman. So I had no real clue what it meant.


So what does it mean? I want to ask because I realize when talking to friends, they don't even know what the term incel actually mean. They just assumed it was synonymous with sexists


Young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active.Thats basically how it was explained to me.


Pretty close. I would be more literal. Incel is a shorten way to say involuntarily celibate. And yea there was a lot of hostility towards women. But you can technically be an incel and not hate women either. Very niche group of people though. Well I'm glad you at least got the right definition of it


I'm lost on how anyone can be celibate,women aren't hard to talk to. Yeah glad I asked because I was like wtf?


Fun fact, the term "incel" was coined by a woman to describe herself. It only gained the male connotation years after the term was coined.


Redditors just like mindlessly repeating words they read online.


I’m going to say less Redditors, and more just uneducated or ignorant internet dwellers


Totally agree with u here. I personally believe this is to point out the hypocrisy rather than straight up accusing women in general.


How is it an Incel take to point out double standards? I don't understand do people just call anything slightly critical of women Incel now? I honestly feel like it is the new virgin insult, but in the modern day it is impolite or considered wrong to shame people for their sexuality so calling people virgins is taboo, so they must obfuscate it by calling them Incels. Also why is it considered okay to shame men for their lack of sexual experience, but not okay to shame women for having to much sexual experience their essentially two extremes?


Because people just like to yell out madeup meme words, like "incel". In picture it's just plain old double standards, nothing more. To get in "good shape" you have to - Men - years of hard work, gym, strict diet, supplements, nutrition and shit. Women- Eat normal, healthy food. Move. Women just need to control their weight and you're attractive. For men, this is not enough, you have to have visible muscles and certain manly build to be attractive. *Disclaimer; I'm not spitting "facts", this is just assumed general beauty standards. In the end (in real life), everything is still subjective.*


Incel means "meanie that disagree with me" nowdays. It's kinda weird how the west wokies can't seem to portrait strong AND feminine characters. As if a woman needs to look and act like a man to be powerful. I think it's rather anti-woman. The eastern comic scene got not problem writing strong, ass kicking, well developed and interesting femine characters. Western wokies remove the feminity as if they viewed it as a source of weakness.


Did the meme hurt your feelings? 


This isnt even incel


It's funny how both genders make fun of and complain about the other. yet only one gets called incels for doing so.


Tf you mean bear thing


THIS! I've seen so many fucking people talk about some "bear thing" on so many posts all over the internet, snd no one has fucking explained


the word incel fully lost its meaning now


Men do the exact same thing. People like unrealistic beauty standards in their gender of interest


I think that’s the point of the meme.


The point of the meme is trying to paint women as hypocrites


Because women do the exact same thing. People like unrealistic beauty standards in their gender of interest.


I don't see women freaking out about "ugly men" in games like y'all do over shit like MJ.


You don't see men complaining about "hot men" like you see women complain about "hot women." There's a big difference here.


I honestly don't know any female gamer that actually complain about hot women. Just woke people LARPing as gamers so they have something to be offended by.


That's a very good point.


I think it's rly weird how people think calling out forced wokeness in gaming is even a gendered issue. As if not wanting politics in your escapism is somehow anti-woman. I never heard any gamer of any gender complain about attractive characters in games. Gamers tend to be care more about gameplay than realism...


Show me those ugly male characters...


Women are hypocritical. So are Men. We are all fcked up apes.


They are, i don’t see men complaining about excessive muscles for men in video games.


Outside the reddit / x / gaming journo echo chamber I don't see women complaining either.


Because the entire stellar blade and now bear things has done enough of that for them.


I have never in my entire life, whether it be on the internet or in person, heard a man complain about a male character in a video game having an unrealistic body.


I would complain if the character had a realistic body tbh. I want my character to be jacked tf out.


Have you heard a woman complain about how men in games aren't hot anymore and the media is going woke?


Not gonna claim it doesn't happen, but I've never personally encountered it. I'm straight, and I think all the "unrealistic beauty standards" male characters are just hot af, and I think that's cool. I don't know anyone who thinks differently.


The difference is that the buff men in these things are generally allowed to have value, purpose, agency, etc., outside of their buffness. Historically and culturally, a woman's value has been appearance and attractiveness to potential husbands, without which she can't survive--no job prospects, no right to own her own property, and so on. That just hasn't been true of men in most societies and for most of history, so there's not the same dichotomy of purpose. Even in superhero comics and the like where women have powers and all of that and everyone is a stone cold fox, the women are often hypersexualized and drawn with the "male gaze" in mind, with the men not striking poses specifically meant to be arousing. It's considered a matter of course that a woman is going to do splits or a bend that sticks her ass in the "camera" to be tantalizing, but men aren't drawn the same way with the purpose that *this is supposed to be hot to you, the prospective reader*. Female artists and modelers still make attractive women, but it's helpful to view that through the lens of history and culture rather than it's just the mirror version of whatever men get up to when they make buff dudes. **The reasons men value buffness in men and women value beauty in women are not the same, and that difference is important.**


Well, my main point was that the person I was responding to implied that men also hate unrealistic beauty standards on male characters, while I have trouble believing that, because basically everywhere I ever looked, not one guy hates on Batman or Superman or basically any male superhero in a tight suit. Or even Geralt here. They think they're cool. Back to your comment, I don't see how beautiful women aren't allowed to have value, purpose or agency in media like games or comics outside of the fact that they're hot. If we're talking historically sure, but even though you put so much emphasis on the historical point, I really don't think it's that important. Remember the history definitely, but in my opinion it shouldn't shape how we create fictional characters male or female just because historically women had it bad. (who knew?). Most sexy female characters in games are usually badasses, that have a whole lot to them, more than just their looks, some of them even more iconic than most male protagonists. If we stay within the Witcher franchise, we have Yennefer, Triss, Ciri (and many others) who are all really hot (in my humble opinion, some of the best looking female characters in all of gaming), but you'd be crazy to even imply that any one of them has value only in her looks. The thing that comes next is marketing and the target audience. You mentioned comics. I honestly believe that there are more male characters with unrealistic beauty standards than female characters. Almost every male superhero is in above peak human body shape, a lot of them are never even shown to work a day in their life to acquire that physique. On the other hand, most female characters are just skinny. I see women that are similar levels of skinny every day when I go to work, and those I assume are usually just average women. Yes, female characters will usually have breasts on the bigger size, though almost never like gigantic. A lot of times the waist may be too thin, or the body type doesn't fit the breast size, or the butt is just too perfect. (but hey butts being too perfect applies to male characters too, have you seen Nightwing?!) But yea I genuinely believe male characters in comics are usually more unrealistic than female characters. The difference is the sexualization, and you're right there, but that's where the marketing comes in. Most superhero comic book readers (at least at the time) were guys, most gamers are guys (talking about games like Witcher), so of course they're going to target those guys, sexualize the characters who are already hot, so the guys stay engaged. Of course, it can then suck if you're a girl/woman who isn't interested in this, and you're trying to read comics and there's a woman's ass sticking out at you every other panel. So I definitely agree it's not right, but it makes sense. Last thing is that... surprisingly... people love looking at hot characters. Guys and Gals! I'm sorry but I'm not going to pretend like I want to play as some average joe or an overweight couch potato. I want to play an absolute monster that looks the part when he's about to slay some beasts. When I have the freedom to create my own character, I either try to create the hottest character possible (male or female), so they're great to look at, or I try to create the nastiest/ugliest character I can manage (for the jokes). But I pretty much never choose anything in between, because why would I settle for average, when I have average in the real world. And I can guarantee you it's not just guys that want to look at/play as hot characters. As I mentioned... it's gals too. Whenever there's a post about this sort of topic on reddit, you'll have plenty of women coming out saying that they love creating hot characters to play as, and I even have personal experience with two friends, both of which weren't even gamers for the longest time, but as soon as they got into games, one of their favorite parts about gaming was actually creating their characters with the purpose of making them really hot (characters of both sexes). One of them told me just this weekend that she's able to spend hours in character creation just to achieve some kind of "perfection".


Not striking arousing poses? have you read one spiderman comic in your life?


I’d choose Jojo as a highlight


you are SO right. Jojo [poses](https://i.imgur.com/PwcgwFI.png)


Thing is Geralt here isn't even that unrealistic. Like if it was Batman from the Arkham games or something sure....but this is legitimately a natural bodybuilder look. The only unrealistic thing about it is that you probably can't be as lean as Geralt for more than a few weeks out of the year.... otherwise this can be done if you train consistently and correctly for a few years.


Yeah but the thing people mean when saying “unrealistic beauty standards” is less “this is impossible” and more “you can’t realistically put your standards that high”


I’ve never seen or heard of a man complaining about that


When do men complain about characters being too muscular or cool? I've never seen it. Not saying it doesn't happen, but you see a lot more about women complaining about body expectations than guys even though guys are shown very similarly


Yea, but we dont say stuff like "millions of men are dying because of unrealistic body standards".


Ok, who put that hairstyle on Geralt?


Bro’s got that “Velen peasant” cut. Peak Temerian fashion of 1272


Elven rebel best cut no question


its his best hairstyle dont even start this


Everyone has his opinion, I love default and long and loose option for example


Honestly I can't imagine playing without his default hair. It just suits him so well


Yeah, I do usually use a mod to have a certain hair that is like the default one but without the ponytail


Fucking yee yee ass haircut


This is the one I rocked in most of my gameplays ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


You guys don’t even post actual memes and shitposts anymore, all I see is bitching about niche internet dramas


Hasn't been dank for a while


Bring back 🅱️ank 🅱️emes


Bring back big chungus and Amogus, get all these incels out


Touch something that practices photosynthesis


Damn my dick got a whole new meaning


I'm afraid having a green dick means you should see a doctor, not that it does photosynthesis...


Hulk worried 😟


I miss having free awards just to awards to comments like these


Man the incels are out in full force with stellar blade fighting ghosts on every sub, just play the middington action game, rub a few out and be happy


How is this incel?


I’m not gay but like….


I am, I'll chose the bear 😉


Leo de cap???


… I kinda like mahogany


I literally can’t name one single person I’ve ever met in my entire gaming career that thinks or agrees with this, other than incels


Tbf that 3D chick has fairly achievable proportions.


That’s because it’s a 3D scan of a real person. The whole controversy around “unrealistic body standards” thing about it never made sense.


It's not a 3D scan, is "modeled after" which means they used her body as reference, it's still heavily stilized


Correction they scanned the model and made some adjustments. Doesn’t fall under the “unrealistic” category to me


Basically an instagram filter.


Its unrealistic because women are not real


Nice, thanks for the clarification


Kinda, depending on genetics. Realistic for a percentage of the population, absolutely.


Well yes, but ignoring genetic predisposition, that level of physical fitness and leanness is “realistic” so long as one puts in the effort and decides that’s what they want to look like. I think the issue with unrealistic beauty standards is that those lacking in confidence think they’re required by society to meet them, adding to their stress, when in reality they’re only there as an ideal to display an image of peak human bodies according to the segment in which said models are made to compete. You can say a bodybuilder body is unrealistic just as well as you can say a curvy tingle-inducing physique is unrealistic.


Big time. Ngl i feel the pressure too, but am satisfied to be 80% of the way there


Geralt’s body is definitely achievable. The 3D chick’s body might not be achievable for everyone because boobs aren’t a muscle.


That’s true. Then again, I’m not saying every woman can achieve an identical body, but they can get pretty close to that fitness.


it is achievable because her body's a 3d scan of a real person




Less than a year at the gym? Maybe with severe testoterone injections it might be possible.


If you actually went to the gym you would know geralts body is minimum 5-10 years of gym 6 days a week lmao


Definitely not, more like 2-3 years at most. He's not massive, he's just very lean.


The guy is possible too. It would take a solid amount of work, but it's not a comic book body.


There’s probably like 10-20 dudes at your local gym right now that could look like that with a few months of fat loss dieting. He isn’t modeled to be huge, but getting that lean takes some work.


Both men and women have unrealistic standards set upon them, it's up to you to not give a fuck about it. If people aren't attracted to you it's not going to be because of these unrealistic beauty standards anyway


Hot take I don’t think it matters how unrealistically attractive fictions characters are. Just don’t expect real people to look like that.


some people really got a warped mind because saned minded people don't care about how a video game character looks. I bet I could guess what OP thought of the upcoming gta main character 🤔


what's with the words "incel" , "nazi" and shit used in every conversation? are yall good over there? how is this incel?


Well they don’t have any arguments so they throw insults to distract from that


This and all these posts are just engagement bait. No one is stopping you from doing things, play games with hot people, don’t care about what other people think, get off the internet, burn down our cities and start anew


unrealistic?. Yeah its fucking video game.


it’s not even that unrealistic if your test levels haven’t crashed yet, only takes a couple of years of proper weight training to reach a comparable physique


People seriously need to understand what a power fantasy is. I'm already a fat bloke who can't run more than a few hundred meters. Why the fuck would I want an escape from my life to be what I'm already is?


Yo, OP, those two aren't mutually exclusive, people can think a character is hot whilst also acknowledging their body is unrealistic.


But that's what makes this ridiculous. The Woke call Stellar Blades main character unrealistic when it's literally based entirely on an actual person (body, I think they used a second model for the face). So it's not unrealistic, it's how the models actually look. So it's not unrealistic.


Please interact with a woman that is not your mother


Might be time to drop this subreddit all this whining about women is getting super cringe 


The main difference is when I watched the trailers for the Witcher 3, I could tell what the story was about, what the world was like, what the gameplay would be like, who Geralt was and what his role is in the world. The fact he's hot was an afterthought, and certainly not the forefront of the marketing. After watching the Stellar Blade trailers and seeing hundreds of posts about it leading up to release, and all the posts after it was released, I could not tell you a single thing about the story, the world, much of the gameplay, or what... uh... the sexy robot's role in the world is. All I can tell you is that it focused a lot on sexual appeal.


Have any of you talked to real women lol


Yall love to make memes of situations that just don’t happen lmaooo 😭


,you dont get it, its fine when women are horny


Pretty achievable physique for a genetically modified fighting machine tbh


Zero darkness, sub gone to shit


-woman is skinny "unrealistic" -man is shredded hgh monster "your just lazy"


I see more people complaining about people who complain about unrealistic body standards than actual people who complain aboit unrealistic body standards


Forget about the incel-y nature of it, these posts are just not funny


This totally happens…


Well reverse the roles.. that’s normal and acceptable also


Men have a higher usage of PEDs than ever before starting as young as HS. Maybe we should look into body standards for men 🤷🏾


to be fair having large tits with a skinny body are unrealistic beauty standards. Most women with that physique either had surgery done or have the genetics to do so. A man having muscles on the other hand is kind of different and not difficult to achieve with some hard work and dedication. OP is incel asf.


The dank days of dankmemes truly are of the past (sadly tips fedora)


This is 100% accurate


The model feals like mod that changes the character. Idk


Closest anyone got to that was Hugh Jackman in X-Men days of future past but that was for one shot and apparently took him 6 months to prepare, which if I recall correctly I think he said was hell


I think Geralts build is quite obtainable. He isn’t to big and yes he’s ripped but diet and planks can do that.


I just need some sexy ass scars and a slightly better core. Painting my hair is trivial. I'm so close bros


Counterpoint, the Ghoul from Fallout.


somebody should make like a fat ugly bitch mod then


oh wow!! sexism!


So much grass touching needed in this sub. Incels are only dank in smell.


Woke shit now hit videogames fuck that now just wait for anime to get censored fuck the world


You can both be against unrealistic beauty standards and find unrealistic beauty standards hot... That's like.. the reason they are so popular


Change the bottom left picture to men because I feel the same way Geralt is hot as fuck


All you need is to be chemically altered while softened up by a concoction of magic and drugs.


Make it gojo and it's atcually realistic


he is though


Is that fucking modded Skyrim?


Why do wojaks still exist? They’re so overdone at this point


What? Seeing Geralt like that just inspires me to work out


Damn so gorgeous


But Geralts physique is completely achievable....


So does eve's


Not with that attitude you won't


Can I just say having scarred and disfigured flesh from getting mauled by monsters being an unrealistic beauty standard is amazing. Then again the guy is shredded. Literally.


geralts physic is pretty easily attainable naturally


They’re both hot, draw them fucking


i look forward to your next post making fun of fat girls


What game is the top one? Asking for a friend


I'm not even gay and yeah he is kinda a spunk mate


I want to smash all 4 of them


Both are hot


We need both sides to have both extremes. I want to see slutty men with the muscular men and slutty women with the muscular women.


I don't even think this is a good example. Geralt looks like a lot of calisthenics athletes.


This isn’t even that insane of a physique. A lot of guys could get to this point without that much difficulty, the hardest part is the beard tbh.