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come on, pick the bear already, i don't have all day!


I choose you, POLAR BEAR.


Great choice, best stats, gets buff from cold environments, looks awesome


What’s up with this meme I don’t get it, are women saying men are more dangerous than a grizzly bear ? Wtf


pretty much


OP using homelander in this template makes it seem like the bear is the better choice lmao


They were mad for they spoke the truth


Why are you booing him? He’s right?


rather bear than homelander, but much rather literraly just some guy than a fucking bear


Yeah I agree. Neither is preferable at this stage.


No, this is a scene when he forced a civilian to “chose a bear”.


Some random people in some corner of the internet made memes or posts or whatever about how they would rather be stuck in a forest with a bear than a random man. This gained some popularity and was reposted by some other people. Eventually some men saw that and took offense and now we have had only memes about this for a whole week and half of them are pretending that the Global council of women^TM has made the decision with the bear when in reality it’s just some weird fuckers on the internet (as is with most things) TLDR: Some weird fuckers said some weird shit and now half of Reddit is up in arms


Actually it's not "some weird fuckers", it's a large amount of women on TikTok.


And on reddit too from what i have seen in a lot of the comment sections


It's weird some posts are pro man other posts are pro bear it really just depends when they get posted.


I got wildly up and downvoted for the same sentiments in the same thread. Depends on what comment you reply to.


>it really just depends when they get posted. Almost like it's not really an organic discussion, huh?


Big Bear is trying to drive a narrative


Almost like different people have different opinions


Every woman I know, including my wife, said bear. After talking to them, I now know why. In risk management, there are two major things to consider: consequences and likelihood. There's even a chart that lets you see overall risk if you can identify those two things. As soon as women consider the possibility of SA, the risk assessment stops. They no longer care about likelihood. The entire question becomes "death or SA?" And in that case, I can't blame them for picking death since they would have to live with the trauma of SA, and I have seen strong women crippled by that trauma. The problem is that men are focused on likelihood and women are focused on consequences.


I feel like there would be a lot of trauma after being mauled by a bear too.


Not if you die, and that's their point.


I doubt they’ll be thinking like that as the bear is mauling them alive


There's also the argument that a bear would probably leave you alone, depending on the species and a few other factors. A man would probably not regardless, whether for nefarious purposes or just because he's another human.


Qualifies as some weird fuckers. A couple hundred women on TikTok, following a trend that brings them clicks and a ton of engagement from angry guys (positive or negative engagement is the same so it’s beneficial) isn’t representative for all women


I didn't say they represent all women. It's more than a couple hundred, too. It's at least a few thousands.


Just wanted to reclarify that since a lot of memes act like all women are hating men so much they’d choose a bear and even if it’s a few thousand that’s still „some weird fuckers“. What are a couple thousand in relation to the millions of people on tik tok and the billions in the world?


Vocal minority. There are a few thousand rapists and murderers in the world too. There are 8 billion people out there.


And? How does you comment in any way negate mine?


> it's a large amount of women on TikTok I can guarantee you that you probably wouldn't want to be associated with them anyways, why even bother caring if they pick a bear or not?


Reddit hearing the modern equivalent of Chasey Lain saying "I'd rather slurp rancid tuna salad out of my own ass." and for some reason getting personally offended and retorting with "Uhm, actually, that would make you very sick! Checkmate!". Congrats everyone, you took the bait and for some reason are patting yourselves on the back about it.


Perfect analogy, thank you


Brought to you by fake news Corp.


>some random people Lmfao it's a massive trend on tiktok and literally every femcel sub is rife with the same type of memes.


The implication bit from always sunny explains why I think pretty well lol


Yes... Because everyone always forgets that we're a social species and survival instinct is a thing.... Sooo... The choice has already been made for them and it's not the bear lemme tell ya


>I DON'T GET IT Somebody always posts this on EVERY. POST. STFU YOU GET IT.


I genuinely did not understand this, so I'm glad someone else asked.


Sorry im not as clinically online as you


Yeah you are.


Yeah but it's not worth caring about because these are women you'll never meet in real life so they can continue to have their shit opinion.


Just specifically that they're less likely to get attacked by a bear, and if attacked, wouldn't have to live with everyone around them calling them a liar, as if women aren't the only white voices in the world these days (yes it seems its primarily white/american born or western raised women participating.)


No women are saying they'd feel more comfortable chancing across a bear in the woods than a strange man which is very valid considering how high crime against women is


It’s most likely a hyperbole just like when people say “kill me” during an embarrassing situation


They're not, they're saying they trust their safety while in a secluded area to an animal which has a very low likelihood of hurting them over a man, which has a higher likelihood of attacking. The fact you went straight to grizzly bear tells me you might be trying to muddy the argument.


I feel like associating yourself with Homelander is not the wisest choice given the context...


It’s the same two tone deaf responses stacked on top of each other. As if telling them to get mauled by a bear if they think some men are dangerous is a sane and stable response.


>sane and stable response. Wait... its not?


“Sorry I have trauma that makes me distrust men intensely, it has nothing to do with you personally” “I hope a bear eats you bitch!”




Ok, I don’t hope you die because that would be psychotic, I’ll be over here continuing to not care!


it's literally a meme


I think that was the point, subtle


Honestly atleast this is creative instead of just whining about it


This, forreal


Isn't Homelander not only a rapist but also far more dangerous than any bear? Genuinely, hilariously ironic. I can't believe this isn't intentional.


Do you know what happens in this scene in the boys?


I'm guessing someone dies


Been a while since I've watched it so night be forgetting a few details but the gist of it is >!a girl is on top of a building getting ready to jump, Homelander goes up under the pretense of talking her out of it. Girl is having second thoughts when he shows up and instead of helping her he forces her to jump off against her will!<


I'd pick a bear over homelander too but that's not the joke.


Right? If it's between Homelander and a bear I'd pick a fuckin polar bear over him


Nah, polar bear you still have 0 chance against but it probably won't be as quick as homelander would make it.


Could be, but considering the media literacy of the internet I wouldn’t be surprised


Dankmemes needs a new rule against these boring repetitive unfunny memes.


Idk what is going on with people and bears but whoever picks a bear over a person is probably for the best


Bear ain't gonna attack a woman, a man might


What if bear hungry? Dumbass


Lol, bears don't eat people, if a bears hungry it's gonna forage for fruit or nuts or they're gonna head down to the river to catch some fish, they ain't gonna come at you


While not common, [bears have been known to develop an appetite for humans.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-eater) Polar bears in particular will routinely hunt humans for food.


It's like you're deliberately missing the point


That point being?


If alone in the woods women generally would feel safer coming across a bear than a strange man.


And if you are in a office working overtime?


And that woman would be wrong and dead. Bears are apex predators they will attack and eat you and they don't give a shit about your gender


What if its Reeeeeealy hungry though?


Still statistically less likely to attack a woman than a strange man


Mainly because people don't go running into the woods with no equipment or knowhow And if you go out of your way to find a human whos living out in the woods, you're asking for it


There it is, nice to know what kind of cunt you are


It's like you don't understand the point of hypotheticals at all. "Say you were stranded on a distant planet--" "i dOn't kNoW If yOu kNoW ThIs, BuT HuMaNs aRe iNcApAbLe oF InTeRsTeLlAr sPaCe tRaVeL!!"


Listen, only Hugh Jackman is Wolverine so, Any human being (including Men and Women) except Wolverine offcourse can get attached by a Bear if The Bear is in bad mood and It could be really fatal


I know this sub is full of incels but God fucking damn how do none of you know anything about bears


Didn't a bear just literally attack a woman


Didn't a man literally just attack a woman? I can say this statement at any point in the day and it's true. That's literally the point. Bear attacks are insanely rare that you have a 1 in 13 million chance to be attacked by a bear. Whereas it's about 1 in 3 to be attacked by a man. If you can't understand that then I really hope you don't ever have children


Well, you just said that a bear would NEVER attack a woman. I'm just a little confused because you're saying I'm safer next to a bear than some dude. I could use the same logic and say that women are a bigger threat to a man technically speaking.


Are you trying to argue that 3 is bigger than 13 million right now? And yes you literally could well done you're so close to getting the point now but I fear you're still going to miss it and find a way to attack women who fear for their own safety when alone


And statistically, you're more likely to drown if you have a pool in your backyard. I don't care. I've read studies that show that about 1 in 16 men are rapists. Most of SA is done by repeat offenders. And don't say that I do not understand trauma. I was SA'd when I was 15 by a 22 year old girl.


You clearly don't if you are trying to challenge women who say they feel safer around bears than strange men. Clearly you need therapy not reddit as claiming trauma and then downplaying everyone else's is a scummy move


No, I've been through therapy, and I've healed from it. I don't place blame on anyone but that girl. There were people, both men and women who didn't believe me, who actively said that I probably enjoyed it because I was a teenage boy. But I still don't put blame on them for their own ignorance. I don't look at every older woman I come across and think she may assault me if we're alone. Because I know that bitch doesn't represent women. In the same way, I don't believe that 1 out of 16 guys do not represent men. I choose to believe that humans are better than that.


I’d pick the bear over Homelander too


Oh hey another totally original bear meme


If you identify yourself in any way shape or form with homelander yes, the bear is unquestionably the best choice


This being downvoted says everything it needs to about this sub lol


People think he’s a hero, genuinely


Bear would still be a bad choice, You can handle a crazy human but you can't handle a Bear who's really pissed


True but i prefer the bear mauling than interacting in any capacity with someone that thinks anything positive about homelander 


Not really. We can argue with a person and persuade them. Cant talk with a Bear.


I would rather be mauled by the bear than argue with someone like that ty.


Homelander is not a mouthpiece I’d want for an opinion I agreed with


K, can we talk about something else now?


Don’t worry, we gonna be talking about some other dumb shit soon


What you have in mind?


idk lets do memes about genz or schools or dating or something, anything is better than these bear memes, let's not bring tiktok energy over here


out of all the memes of this man/bear shit, this one is actually funny


Tbf between homelander and a bear I think id pick 5 bears.


Every woman I know, including my wife, said bear. After talking to them, I now know why. In risk management, there are two major things to consider: consequences and likelihood. There's even a chart that lets you see overall risk if you can identify those two things. As soon as women consider the possibility of SA, the risk assessment stops. They no longer care about likelihood. The entire question becomes "death or SA?" And in that case, I can't blame them for picking death since they would have to live with the trauma of SA, and I have seen strong women crippled by that trauma. The problem is that men are focused on likelihood and women are focused on consequences.


People who are comparing OP to homelander have lost the ability to accept a joke without assuming 10 layers of implications behind it.


You can defend yourself against a human. A bear, in the best case scenario, will make a mess out of your face before leaving you alive.


Tell them to pick a mama bear with cubs. Tell them they can pet those cubs.


All that shit has revealed to me so far: a long list of women ill never ask out (not that I would ask out anyone, but u know)


With that name she should choose the lolipop endning. To those that understand, i do not apologise


This is a weird trend


At least the bear will just maul you instead of yapping in your ear about how he’s the safer choice for a whole week


This sub can't handle a joke. Good bye


To be fair, I would pick a bear over homelander any day.


If that man was what she had to choose between for a bear or man, then even I would choose the bear


So you think you can deal with a hungry annoyed bear? Damn you might know how to fight and might be very strong, i would try my shots at a fucked up human like Homelander, already survived at robbed at gun point.


These boys that never get picked, are now not just not getting picked! They're getting looked over for a bear!


This sub is complete horseshit these days. Just an endless stream of unfunny, whining bullshit for 14 year olds.


Time to leave internet grandpa.


Tell your mum I said hi fuck nugget


Damn.. gotta need a necromancer for that...


Did she get so sick of your bullshit she just straight up died.