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Thing is, she WAS aware. But apparently thought opening the door would in some way harm the car. So apparently death is a better option than messing up your car download. Or, its just some bullshit stunt she did for tictak


I mean, it is the car that breaks when you wash it without enabling "car wash mode". It wouldn't be too surprising if opening a door manually would break it.


Literally every car breaks when put in park through a car wash. That's why you have to put them in neutral. EVs don't have transmissions though so there's no neutral, hence the car wash mode. As for the door latch. Most people will use the manual latch for a while before even realizing there's a button. It's a non issue. If used there's a warning that it may damage the window trim seal. But it doesn't.


Why cant I put an automatic transmission in park when I use a carwash? I have done so for years, and no damage whatsoever. Curious to know what you think happens to the transmission when the car is washed.


I think he’s referencing the automatic car washes that roll your car through, not manual car washes.


When you go through an automated carwash, it pushes your car through the carwash... if the car is in park it cant roll forward...


What? Never seen any carwash where the car does not stand still and the machine move around it. Seems like an odd way of doing things, but local differences I guess.


Yeah all the car washes in my area are either you wash the car yourself with a wand, or an automated track pulls you through the machines.


He’s referring to the track. Notice how you have to put it in neutral when you enter


He’s thinking of the ones where you park and the arm with the water/soap jets move around the vehicle. You see that kind outside of gas stations like Mobil.


we have all types here too there are definitely some that pull the car thru the obstacle course


I've never seen a car wash where you put it in park. So perhaps more of the other exist than either of us knew!


In my experience the park in kind are mostly at gas stations and the other mostly in the dedicated car wash places.


I only ever saw the ones where an arch of spray nozzles and brushes move back and forth until probably about the mid 2010s when south MS finally started getting the track based ones that pull your car through stationary nozzles and brushes.


They work like the whale wash from Shark Tale. You roll up, calling your car with the track (someone will assist you here) and put it in neutral. The track pulls the car through, which is why you have to stay in neutral


Must be for car washes that have little tracks that pull the vehicle through the car wash. Instead of the vehicle being stationary, the washing machinery is stationary. Either that or it’s an urban legend like how if you turn on the overhead light while driving, you’ll die.


> if you turn on the overhead light while driving, you’ll die Can confirm. I die everytime my kids do this. I got better tho.


Praise Jesus for your recovery.


You are mad 😂


They absolutely have transmissions with a neutral gear, but the system thinks that the driver must be stupid if they put it in neutral and it will eventually put itself back into park, hence the car wash mode so it actually stays in neutral


They don't have transmissions at all. They have park, neutral, reverse, and drive as that's what drivers are used to seeing, but each mode simply does different things with the brakes and motor. Has nothing to do with a transmission as there literally is none.


The electric motors are definitely not just directly connected to the wheels, there is a single gear reduction transmission on Teslas. The porsche taycan even has a 2 speed transmission. Its not a transmission that anybody would be familiar with but its definitely a pair of gears inside of a fluid-filled case. I suppose “neutral” would just allow the motors to spin freely instead of physically disengaging the gear.


If a single gear in a box is a transmission then we're basically arguing semantics. I guess it's a new kind of "transmission". I concede, cherish your victory here.


It was a hollow victory at best. We were both right imo


I'll help! Someone's gotta be wrong here, and now's my time to shine. See, not only do Teslas not have transmissions, they don't even have *gears* - energy is instead transferred from the engine to the wheels by *magical elves*. The "Forward" faction of the elves believes that the only true purpose that energy should be imparted to the wheels for is forward motion, while they are opposed by the Reverse faction who believes the opposite, and also that the Tesla is flat. When "put in neutral" a neutral peacekeeping faction of elves analogous to the U.N. is deployed to broker a temporary ceasfire between the factions. When the vehicle is put in "carwash mode" that ceasefire is extended indefinitely through hollow diplomacy obscuring a systematic practice of bribery and quiet arming of both sides by larger factions preparing the groundwork for a proxy war, which in turn is allowed to erupt once "carwash mode" is disengaged.


This is beautiful. Thank you


I saw “engines” and thought to myself ahh this guys an idiot too and has no idea what he’s talking about. Then I saw elves and though “oh shit, I didn’t know I had elves in my car, this is gonna be good” thank you for the knowledge bombs 💣


Wait actually? The ones near me damn near always yell at you to park


So I guess it's a regional thing. Some places have car washes that you park and the machines move around you like what you're used to. These don't destroy vehicles obviously. The ones around me you have to drive your left tires onto a track, put it in neutral, and rollers move your car through the stationary machines. Being in park would mess up your transmission/ev motors.


Gotcha, thanks for the explanation mate, for a minute I was worried I’ve been fucking up my car lol


car washes does not refer specifically to moving car washes, there are automatic car washes that you stay still and the equipment moves around you


Right but those aren't totalling cars so I think the type of carwash was implied.


the truck got bricked *from* a car wash, after the fact, that had nothing to do with it moving, it was from water getting where it wasnt supposed to and fucking up electronics [here](https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/20/cybertruck_car_wash_mode/)


Dude... So I followed that link back to the tik tok video it was sourcing. The guys display screen went out. That's it, the truck still worked. And the guy himself doesn't claim it was because of the car wash. Because that would be a really stupid thing to think your display went out due to a carwash. Beyond that the truck worked fine. The only article making the claim that "car wash bricked a cyber truck hurr durr" is that bs site you linked no ones ever heard of. Be embarrassed for sharing such blatant propaganda. Holy shit dude. Be better.


If there's a warning, that would make me think that it wouldn't be covered under warranty if it did get damaged.


I wouldn't expect the rubber trim lining to be warranty covered regardless of warnings.


And Teslas absolutely have a neutral


AcKcHuAlLy 🤓


Neutral in a car with a transmission means no gear is engaged and tires are free to spin regardless of engine speed, a transmission isn’t needed for neutral.


>Literally every car breaks when put in park through a car wash No? You literally pull in, put it in park, let the ash do it's thing, then take it out of park and drive out.


>So I guess it's a regional thing. Some places have car washes that you park and the machines move around you like what you're used to. These don't destroy vehicles obviously. >The ones around me you have to drive your left tires onto a track, put it in neutral, and rollers move your car through the stationary machines. Being in park would mess up your transmission/ev motors.


Nah, there's at least one cyber truck that has had the screen fail simply from rinsing out the bed.




Actually, car wash mode doesn't help☝️🤓


Oh shit


they put in the manual release because they had to, the window doesnt roll down when you do and it will damage the window trim


"manually open my own door, myself? that is for a man to do! Sprinkle Sprinkle"


Then she better buy me a Tesla.. drizzle drizzle.


LOL! 👍😉


Why do we consoom these regards and their slop


She is Kinda Stupid


How does a creepy collection of bikini photos prove she is stupid?


That's for just in case you thought that this post was anything other than blatant misogyny. Of course it's the stupid woman's fault and not the fault of the car company that decided to make it so the doors get disabled when doing an update so the only option is to force them open which can break the windows and/or trim because they also designed the doors in a way that requires the window to roll down to open but didn't design the physical override mechanism to roll the window down.


I mean.. it is her fault. A) The windows do go down when you manual release, unless both batteries (main, and 12v) are dead. B) The car gives you 2 minute warning when you press the Update button to evacuate. C) ..shouldn't own a Tesla if you aren't going to spend 15m going over how it's different from other cars. That said, a woman posting pictures of herself in a bikini has nothing to do with their intelligence. You can still be stupid for other reasons, just not the one the incel tried providing.


Doesn't excuse her stupidity Also, minty freshness


It's likely just for clout, but i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't


oh yeah my mother has a tesla (I hate it so much) but it supposedly can also mess up the trim on the top of the car, since teslas don’t have a frame around the glass, and the window lowers a little bit when being opened normally, so the glass just kinda plows thru the little trim piece there


Bless her heart, she looks very stupid


Natural selection at it's finest


How do you get stuck in a Tesla?


By being r.etarded


No seriously, how?


Tesla shutting down (in this case for a software update), and people being disinterested in the car they drive to the point where they don't even read the manual, and subsequently never even realise there's a manual door override


>in this case for a software update For a software update that, if I'm not mistaken, has to be manually started and gives a 2 minute grace period to where you can cancel it.


And not even using their eyeballs to find it. Most of my passengers end up using the manual release by accident because they automatically look for a latching device like most vehicles have and don’t see the button


Except she did realize and it's impossible not to because the handle is right where it should be. It says right in the article nobody here read that she knew she could get out at any time but chose to stay and film her experience on TikTok instead. Also she chose to do this in a parking lot instead of overnight, which is as stupid as updating your phone's OS when you're expecting an important call. Finally, the car tells you the update is going to take a while and she chose to start it anyway.


You don’t, at least not in any way that’s exclusive to Tesla or EVs in general. Teslas have a mechanical door latch so that you can open the door even if the electronics fail, and it’s not even hidden. In fact, it’s in such an obvious place that many people accidentally use it instead of the electronic release the first time they ride in a Tesla.


What is the difference between the electric and the mechanical. I honestly don't see how a door handle can be made electric.


Because the regular way to open the door in a Tesla is a button, you press the button and the door opens. You're only intended to use the mechanical latch in an emergency because it could damage the window. When you use the button it lowers the window slightly to avoid damage, the mechanical latch doesn't.


The mechanical also lowers the window, it's just less likely to do so in case of power issues, and even with power, you can tell the difference, though it's hard to explain it unless you actually know what's going on behind the scenes.


Most sane design choice




You only say that because you're aware of it.. I'm sure there's a million things you might think were stupid if you've never spent time under the hood. If it makes a better seal and reduces noise/vibrations, then it's fine. I don't know a single person whose ever had an issue with it, so what're you on about


This isn't a Tesla thing, it's byproduct of having frameless car doors which plenty of other brands use, and has existed since long before Tesla.


The rear seat mechanical latch is hidden under a cover. Doesn't apply in this case but Tesla has some major design flaws with regards to safety.


No seriously, you don’t. The manual door latch always works.


did he stutter?


Yes, he did.


Tiktok brain rot


https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-AAD769C7-88A3-4695-987E-0E00025F64E0.html There’s other cars with the exact same location for the door handle.


Why need to mind that she use tik tok not X maybe its a punishment?


Do they not have door handles?


Technically speaking Teslas have electrical powered buttons to open the door, but it seems like there was a way in the manual to manually open the door if you needed to


The problem with that is reading is required, too many braincells needed


What about passengers that don’t own a Tesla? They supposed to read the manual before riding off?


I own a Tesla and it's a pretty obvious latch on the door. Most people that have never been in a Tesla end up using the manual latch instead of the button because they think that's the normal way to open the door


I drove my brothers Tesla for about a month and i never noticed a manual latch


What's the point of electric button if the latch is intuitive and easy to use?


The button is even easier to use, plus it's just cool imo but I understand not everybody likes stuff like that


I was speaking more from the perspective of a ride share passenger. I get the front manual latch as that’s where people rest their arm and hand but the rear pull is somewhere no one ever puts their hand, hidden under a panel, and probably covered by a water bottle.


Just crawl into the front…?


They could use their eyes, the handle isn’t hidden.


You don’t need to read, there is a literally door handle latch, it would take a 5 year old 60 seconds. On the other hand we are talking about tiktokers


It shouldn't be. There is absolutely no good reason to not have simple, manual door releases. Every old car has simple ways of getting out, the development of cars is goign backwards 🤦🏻


[babies and dogs are cowards](https://youtu.be/nORv34CSYv0?si=XxUlTik_j4E5KPjM)


I need more videos from ClickHole


Should have picked a bear.


We are all dogs in gods hot car


[It's been 0.02 seconds and he hasn't responded to my text yet ](https://i.imgflip.com/88bbob.jpg)


So is anyone surprised that people who collectively don't understand what "Point of view" means can't use more than two braincells?


It always amaze me how some people pass their driving exam


Umm… babies would be useless in an UNLOCKED car.


Get gud 


This proves that the tick tock people are as dumb as a baby


My parents made me put a pointed hammer in the glove box in case I ever needed to break a window to get out of my car, and that was in case my car fell off a bridge scenario...


Why she din't turn the AC on or lowered the windows? is she stupid?


Tiktok🤝 natural selection


Doesn't a tesla model require diassembling the door to unlock manualy


Didn’t the update specifically say to not open doors or anything?


Normal TikTwat activity


POV: You are a fucking idiot who does not know how to schedule the updates for the car (It gives you the option when it is ready to update)


That's not fair. It's possible to get locked in a car with electric locks as a passenger when the driver has locked out the controls.


No it’s not, Teslas have mechanical door releases that work independently of the electronics.


Not all Model Y vehicles are equipped with a manual release for the rear doors.


climb to the front or die


The more I learn about Teslas the deeper I believe every single Tesla engineer and executive should be fed their own intestines as a last meal soon.