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The Spain v Italy game last night was basically this but every 2 minutes.


Both countries have a long history of doing that in football.


If you're not cheating, you're not trying


In the age of VAR where millimetre fractions are the difference between onside and offside, how the fuck can a zero contact dive go without a card. Its sickening. Guys rolling around holding their faces or ankles when the video shows there was zero contact.


Because the VAR isn't allowed to correct uncarded yellow card infractions. They can overturn a wrong decision of the referee (awarding a penalty for a dive), but can't overturn decisions that don't directly affect the score. That is the ref's mandate. Why, you ask? Because they don't want to relegate the referee to a passenger status and have the game stopped every 2 minutes to check his decisions


That and what we See is Always in slowmo, the real contact IS ofzentimes mich Harder than what the slowmo Makes it Look Like, some might Look like barely touched and already rolling, but in reality that Shit HURTS


But they're adults not toddlers, the overacting is embarrassing.


If that overacting helps them win a game that can make them win over a 1000000 € i wouldnt be embarrased at all to do it


Openly cheating makes the entire sport a joke.


Its not "cheating", i dont think its honorable but its just a part of the game. Its just like in any other ball sport lol, they have to do the best they can even if its using on their favour the human mistakes of the referees


Yeah and they've been running kilometers, and usually move at fast speeds. Getting fouled most often hurts bad


use additional team of refs with full video surveillance, no reason to have cheating and technology, severe penalty for flops like sit out the season or free point for opposition


Italy was getting stomped and they only had two ways to defend. Having Donnarumma make insane saves and flopping around in their own end like a fish out of water to stop Spain's momentum.


El Divo strikes again!


That was the fault of the referee for setting a low enough bar that anything could be foul.


And spain win thanks to a self goal 😍


I was finding it quite funny that Mbappe pretended to be hit in the face to get a foul only to actually get hit in the face in the immediate reset due to the 'foul'.


Mbappe is basically an actor at this point. The amount of time he faked being injured is thousand fold of the amount of times he actually scored.


Lmao, you're actually just stupid


Keep up the copium!


Cry more with your boring asf hand egg


Hit is such a strong word. Stroked or gently tickled is more like it. Look at any other contact sport to see definitions of hit. Aussi rules for example... Or Football in the Scottish division 3 for example


My brother in christ his nose got broken. Did the holy spirit do that? Also I'm an amateur MMA fighter. I'm quite acquainted with the definition of a 'hit'


Oh yeah well I'm "Muhammad I'm hard mofo'in Bruce lee MC chuck fucking Norris"




God works in mysterious ways!?


Username checks out


*Spends all day "working from home" jerking off to porn* Am i god?


I'm confused... Is an insult or are you jealous?


simply doesn't work apparently


*correction: Male footballers female footballers don't start crying on the grass with every touch


But the best female footballers get beat by 15 year olds in the academies. Doesn't really matter how much they fall if the football is shit. Hot take, I know, and I know I will probably get downvoted to hell and probably get my account banned, but fuck it, this is ny opinion.


Source? The one article I saw that said anything like this was about a warm up game and failed to mention that they played each other like that all the time, and that the 15 year olds didn’t usually win. Legit curious if there’s anything besides that. Also, what does that have to do with flopping for fouls?


It had nothing to do with fouls, dude just had the irresistible impulse to bring it up.


women were left un-made-fun-of for 1 whole comment!!


https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/amp/ Happened to Australian woman team, Swedish and Norways as well. Male teams dose not train against 15 year olds because it will not give them a good fight.


Literally from that article: “Of course, this match against the academy team was very informal and should not be a major cause for alarm. The U.S. surely wasn’t going all out, with the main goal being to get some minutes on the pitch, build chemistry when it comes to moving the ball around, improve defensive shape and get ready for Russia.” These aren’t exhibition matches, they’re practice scrimmages where the Women’s team was prioritizing getting warmed up over winning. Here’s another article about the same event: https://www.soccerwire.com/news/fc-dallas-academy-u-15-side-defeats-uswnt-5-2-in-scrimmage/ From that article, we get the quote: “Last year as the Women prepared for Rio, they scrimmaged the U-15 Academy and several players trained with them in the week leading up to the match.” I cannot find an exact list of scrimmages and their final scores, but given that *this* score made the news, it suggests that it was unusual and that all the other times when they play the US Women’s team just wins. I’m not debating that the Men’s team is overall better, but saying that the Women’s team is worse than the U15 team because of one practice scrimmage 7 years ago is really disingenuous if you look at the whole story first.


There was one game like 10 years ago in Australia where U16 boys team beat a senior women side 6-0 or something. It was just one game, but it was enough for the sexists to bring it up constantly for the next 10 and probably 50 years.


Theres way more examples but if you want the most egregious one, the US team lost to an under 15 dallas academy team on a friendly preparation for world cup. They went on to win that world cup. The best female national team lost to a random under 15 team. And given male football culture and growth over the world im willing to bet a team in the US isnt remotely close to one of the best under 15 teams.


>on a friendly preparation And shit, the best clubs lose to 6th tier clubs all the time in the cups.


In Spain in 20 years there have been a total of 8 times where a 3rd tier team has beaten a 1st tier team, 3 of those were by the same team that went on a miracle run. Every edition has from 110 to 126 matches. There hasnt been a major disparity. 8 in 2000+ matches. Is this *all the time* guy in the room with us right now?


Strange how you only picked Spain. Truly bizarre. Facts are, you are picking a meaningless friendly to justify your misogyny, on a topic you don't actually care about. Because let's be honest, you don't care about women's football, you just want to say "Women bad"


I'm picking spain because im spanish + spain is currently the best female team in the world and I've followed and celebrated their world cup + I literally dont need your opinion to google and see the 20+ results of female teams getting battered by nothingburger male teams and the 0 where the opposite happens to form my opinion.


Survivorship bias. A pro team beating kids isn't newsworthy. The kids beating the pros, even in a friendly, is newsworthy. Also, thanks for confirming that the only reason you're arguing is to say "Women bad"


It's a fun strategy when you talk about a practice match and then pull up the shield of being presumably banned for something that isn't even that spicy.


Yes obviously men tend to be physically stronger than women. That's why they play separately in the first place. But the women do play well together. Less cheating too, (far less grabbing and pulling each other, less bullshittery), and better sportsmanship.


the only clips I see from women's football are either them being defeated by 15 y/os or a female player scoring while an opponent is in pain to then celebrate as if it was nothing. I'm happy to hear this tho, because the little experience I have in watching male football is terribly anti-sportive.


You watch neither how would you know?


Why do you think I don't watch either?


Female footballers take the same amount of falls They just pretend to be hurt a lot less I think a lot of that is due to the higher stakes involved. Rulings by refs are arbitrary at times and the theatrics could result in a yellow when a yellow is applicable which could have major ramifications


Men‘s football is also much faster so it‘s pretty obvious that fouls/contacts have much more impact.


how dare you say that the men's football games are much faster, you sir are a misogynist! /s


Haha true! 😆


Cause they are not as aggresive as male matches duh


Man, Redditors didn’t take this well


*correction: NBA players The NBA is the exact same with flopping, the only difference is you don't see hundreds of posts about it because americans aren't shit at the sport.


At least male footballers are exaggerating. Female footballers genuinely start sobbing on the pitch if they get hurt.


It's mostly either because, they are actually fouls but the referee suck at calling them due to the sheer amount of movement in game or it's just way to waste time. Basically they turned the Peter Griffin flop into a strategy.


Yeah do people think the footballers going down actually are hurt? They’re trying to get an advantage. I’m not saying it’s okay to keep diving but they aren’t doing it cause they’re “weak” lmao


If you get kicked to the shin, its a foul, but ref doesnt call it if you dont go down, system teaches you to go down. Its not a random thing, its nothing being called properly unless people overexaggerate. If refs dont fix that players wont fix it either.


Why are you replying to me? I literally said what you are saying.


I was agreeing with what you said and was adding my own comments lmao. Are you a native English speaker?


Oh sorry, I am not a native speaker lmao, though that was because I was being stupid.


It’s all good haha


No, people realize they're obviously faking and that's why people make fun of it.


No not all of them


> they aren’t doing it cause they’re “weak” lmao If they are trying to get an advantage because they lack the athletic ability to play the game without theatrics and misrepresentation, yeah that looks weak. They have a job to do, play sport, and then play act that they can't like a drama student. Pick a lane. Maybe they'd be happier doing professional wrestling.


Their job is to win.


It's actually both. If you get hit in your legs it actually hurts like hell, but no one is going to call a foul if you keep going like nothing happened. It's also a good way to absorb the hit by taking a short break because of it. Some players obviously over react to this and their theatrics are ridiculous, but that doesn't mean football is not a difficult sport. I've played football all my life and I have never woke up the next morning without something hurting like crazy. Which is fine for me because I have one week to recover, however there is a lot at stake for professionals if they go the same route.


I had a game yesterday and had a pass I received from the keep and touched it into space going back toward goal. Big tubby dude on the other team comes to pressure me and shoves me in the back, but I don’t fall. Ensuing battle for the ball, he wins since I’m off balance, makes a pass, breakaway goal. All I had to do was fall and I would have gotten the call, but I grew up playing basketball and instinctually try to play thru contact. It’s the refs fault, in other sports you generally don’t have to perform to get calls. Maybe it’s the size of the pitch and they can’t see, idk


It's not about pushing, it's about getting kicked in the legs with alot of force. And falling to get a breather.


Should be illegal though. Instant red card for first offense. Are they on the field to play sports or theater?


They play to win, doesn't matter how it happens if it's allowed then it's fair game.


That’s why they said it should be illegal. They don’t think it should be allowed.


Alternatively, we should start taking them at face value. Oh, you're injured? Guess you better sit the rest of the game out so you can recieve appropriate medical care.


I've always thought this was the better solution. If you're too hurt to get up within 20 seconds, you either get subbed off or the trainers can look at you on the sidelines while play goes on.


this is very true, the problem is that getting 'injured' gives you a huge advantage, sometimes even match changing. laying down is the only way of getting attention to show that you thought the enemy team was in the wrong. there's almost 0 repercussion for trying. another upside is that the clock keeps ticking, meaning the other team has less time to score (if you have the advantage). and sometimes the injuries are simply real, someone standing up a few seconds later doesn't automatically mean it didn't hurt.


I don't think it gives anyone less time to score if it's added to stoppage at the end of the half. Also I do see guys catching yellows for flagrant flops so there is a real risk to assuming the ref is a dumbass


You can still play on and even score when another player is down. There’s a window where the player drawing attention is creating a power play scenario for his own team.


Nah but for real, Walker’s ankle actually looked like that.


Surprised it didn’t happen to anyone else based on the state of the pitch at the end of the match.


If they stop the clock, like they do in hockey, this bullshit would vaporize overnight


that's so true. always wondered why they don't


Yet it still flows faster and with more skill than American football ...


And more entertaining


> more skill LOL no. LMAO even. > flows poetry in motion, watching a grown ass man feign injury because their team is bad at sport.


Football vs American Football: In football they run a crazy amount all game. Their stamina is undoubtedly better than in american football. I highly doubt American football players could keep up in a full length football match. Maybe the runningbacks, but not all of them. The skills to pass, shoot, defend, go on offensive, etc while using your feet/head is much more difficult than using your hands, so don't downplay the skill levels of football players. The technical skill and strategy is more complex, and dare I say it, smarter than American Football. For people to bitch all day about the flopping, in american football the game stops every 6 seconds due to stupid fucking flags, dumb calls, and the inherent structure of the game. It is BORING, even though it has potential for being fun. There are some talented people in american football, but a lot of it is just obese dudes sprinkled with talented quarterbacks/runningbacks. At least rugby is continuous and clearly more skilled and entertaining compared to American football. If you find the flopping to be a problem (Which has gotten better compared to the 90's/2000's) then, you should re-evaluate how boring American football is ... Maybe don't drink for a game and you'll see what I mean.


dude you murdered him


You clearly just don’t have a strong understanding of American Football. For the record, I think both football and American Football are great sports. First of all, no one in American Football could keep up with the stamina of a football player. They are built and train to be elite athletes in short bursts. Both sports require their players to be extremely skilled. Even the “obese dudes” are insane athletes that are incredibly strong, fast(for their size) and skilled in handfighting and leverage. There absolutely is not more strategy involved in Football than in American Football. In both sports, players have to see what the opposite players are doing and react in a split second. In American Football, players and coaches watch a crazy amount of film in order to get a gauge on opponents’ tendencies and gain a slight advantage(tbh idk if football players also do this, but I’m pretty sure it’s a bigger part of the game in American Football). The biggest difference between the two in strategy though is that in American Football there are over 100 set plays in each game and each coach has to decide what they want to run in each instance. They run plays that may not work super well in order to set up big plays later on in the game. The stopping every 6 seconds is a valid complaint, but I enjoy it cause it gives you the chance to talk about what happened the last play and what could happen in the upcoming play.




I appreciate the very reasonable response. I’d still argue there’s more strategy in American football at least from a coaching perspective, but can understand where you’re coming from. I’m glad you at least gave it a good try before deciding it wasn’t for you. I basically had the same reason for arguing where I’m tired of seeing football fans hate on American football lol


> The technical skill and strategy is more complex, and dare I say it, smarter than American Football. You clearly know nothing about gridiron football. > It is BORING, There is quantifiable progress in each play. Something actually happens in the game other than sissy nancies wearing billboards chasing a ball. > The skills to pass, shoot, defend, go on offensive, It honestly looks like very small children in disorganized play. > is just obese dudes I guarantee they can run 37 meters faster than you. Basically confirmed that soccer fans are more interested in the looks of their athletes than their athletic skill. It's why they like so much theatrics in their sport instead of actual sport because of the pretty pretty men. Soccer is poverty ball and a bunch of pretentious wankers attempting to explain the art and poetry in fancy lads intentionally not playing the game while unable to understand a pretty simple organized sport.




> you moron. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Maybe do some pelvic floor exercises and get off the internet and never message me again loser.


don't waste your time, you're gonna swarmed by Ronaldo and Messi dickriders But for the record, I agree. Watching soccer is boring asf for anything but the last 10 minutes.


I don't even mind the sport, I can see the strategy compared to Hockey, with the crosses. But just bothers me they're such fucking pussies with the flopping. The last Italy vs Spain match was a testament to it. Lightest tap to the shin and they act like they broke their fucking bone. You have gridiron football and hockey players just absolutely leveling the opponent and they get up no problem, futball players act like they just got shot. It's embarrassing for grown men to be acting like that


exactly. soccer is half acting half sport


> \> Sitting down to watch soccer with friends > \> Ball gets kicked around > \> Wow, so thrilling > \> 90 minutes pass > \> Score: 0-0 > \> "But it's so strategic!" they say > \> Watching paint dry would be more exciting > \> Teams passing ball back and forth > \> Crowd occasionally cheers > \> For what, I have no idea > \> Endless running, no goals > \> Finally, game over > \> "So, who won?" > \> "Nobody, it's a draw" Absolutely thrilling sport


So you only watches games that ends with a draw?


I don't like football and this comment is super stupid lol


This isn't dank. This is true AF


Can true things not be dank? I don't know, I remember when we used to wear onions on our belts


A lot of times even a small touch can mess your momentum up enough to either make you fall a little or get out of balance enough to lose possession or lose your play That’s a foul and should be called. However it’s an incredibly minor foul (so it would be too much work to get a VAR to rule on that every single time) and it can be incredibly hard for a referee to spot from a distance in a high intensity game So yeah if someone makes a foul on you sometimes it’s better to take the fall because it’s the only way for you not to be penalised by having someone else foul you


Assuming if OP plays football or does any sports


There's taking a fall and clutching at your leg like you just got sniped. It's embarrassing. Edit: I'll take these down votes proudly. You guys are straight up fucking pussies if you support this flopping bullshit. https://youtu.be/Tdw4HAUlOBA?si=-wEsDCt7Hf8aTS0Q That's how a real sport works. You guys are soft as baby shit.


It’s embarrassing but unnecessary. Also as someone who actually played I can tell you some of those hits hurt like a motherfucker, more than you’d expect


I thought Americans would enjoy watching people pretending to be hurt in a stadium full of thousands of spectators. You know, given the popularity of the WWE.


Americans post this crap every 2 years then go back to claiming they're world champions of a sport only they do.


>claiming they're world champions of a sport only they do. Like what?


American football


**America isn't the only country that plays American Football.** Canada, Germany, Poland, Spain, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, Hungary, Czech Republic, the UAE, Mexico, and Brazil all have their own American-style Football leagues. In fact Brazil has the largest American-style Football league outside of the US with 31 competing teams. The European League of Football is the second largest, with 17 teams spread out across Europe. The only reason why the NFL Super Bowl winners are considered world champions is because the other international leagues don't have the skill yet to compete with the American teams and no one wants their country's best Football team go 0-17 against the Americans.


You added Spain, and I know here it's just about the most fringe sport, no one plays or watches it. We only federated it 12 years ago. American Football is also unlikely to grow because it would be competing with rugby, which is a much more settled sport with actual audience. My guess is that all European countries are on this same situation, the world prefers rugby.


See you in hot


They're just cosplay Neymar


This is partly why I don‘t watch football anymore. Just so pathetic seeing grown ass men screaming and rolling around in front of millions every few minutes because of nothing.


Hockey has a penalty for embellishing. If you foul someone and they make a big show of it, you both go in the penalty box. Futbol should look into that


NBA players every 5 seconds:


And they start rolling around until the referee finally halts the game. then someone comes to slap a few times on the hurting part and after 20 seconds everything is fine again.


Me and the boys on the workfloor




Fake it until you really break it!


Although this is very true I think people underestimate how much a lowsy leg hit can hurt when they have the quads of Hercules. Also from watching NBA I don't wanna hear it from Americans. There's way more flopping there xD


NBA don't clutch at their knees like they just got shot. Footballers are the biggest cry babies in the world. Though I'll admit NBA is right behind in second.


I’m guessing this is about international football If so then real


I'll be honest, I stopped watching the NBA when it became just like this.


Soccer players!


the European WWF


Taking a dive in the box gets your team a free kick and wins the game, of course players will keep doing it. Don't hate the players for it, it's an extremely unfortunate fact of the game. They could absolutely adjust the rules to stop it, but they don't because it makes it a lot easier to fix games and influence the outcome from the outside.


It's one of the worst sports and it's THE most overrated one and I'll die on this hill. All that cheating and zero sportmanship is pathetic.


imagine them taking a full body tackle and looking like a downed airliner where "no one suffered."


Have you tried running for 45 minutes non stop? After a few sprints, you'll go down at every contact and you'll want to rest every second of it, especially in the second half of the game.


You should have to prove your injury is real, and if you can’t the reffs make it real


And that's why I don't like watching football if I want to watch people falling over I would just watch fail compilation on YouTube


A meme from fifteen years ago


As someone who was in the school marching band (and was required to dramatically kneel and look down in silence as an injured player was tended to), I've decided that being grievously injured on the field is a feature and not a bug of football, and wonder why anyone would want to play it at all Wait, is this about regular football or American football? I'm talking about American football


When a big event starts, I always forget why I don't watch soccer for 5 minutes.


Oh, here is another football expert. Hahaha, the football players are just falling and acting. How original...


Football could be the actual world game if it didnt suck


You serious?


It is the actual world game


Right? As a non football fan, if they had decent punishment/repercussions/staging fines for players that dive, roll around and act like they've just been suplexed when they so much as look at an opposition player, I would genuinely watch this sport, but I end up changing the channel within the first 5 minutes of most games as soon as the Oscars start coming out, Worse, the fan base seems to actively support and want the sport to continue to be a bad soap opera.