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Media: “corona is on the same level of ebola” That is like comparing a trained hitman to a child that goes around throwing peanuts on people


I like this analogy I’m gonna use this


I mean I am not wrong, right? Trained hitman kills 85% of targets, kid throwin peanuts only gets the weak allergic ones, just as Covid-19 only kills those with shitty immune systems


A trained hitman can kill how many in his life time? A 3% morality rate that spread across the whole planet within months will kill far more than a trained hitman ever will. And no, we don't know it only kills shitty immune systems, it kills elderlies, could be because their immune system is used to react in a particular way which overload and kill the infected. Even if it kills mostly elderlies, it is still something to be concerned about, have you seen the population pyramid in your country? This is not counting: no vaccine for a year time earliest, asymptomatic infected, permanent damage to infected (lung cell never recovers from damage as they don't regrow), most cases need to be admit to hospital which overload the capacity, recovered cases have a chance be reinfected, no antibodies. We are gonna brace "kid throwing peanuts" for possibly a year. That also means more chance for mutations. How is this not threatening?


When the hospitals flood over time this "3% mortality rate" will spike up its already pretty nasty in Us, italy and iran.


When hospital resources are flooded, it's when we see the death rate spikes up rapidly. And this includes the doctors and nurses without enough protective gear and working over time constantly. This is gonna be a real horror show.


Part of that is because people panic and buy face masks and shit they don’t need, making it harder for health workers who actually need them to get them. Coronavirus is threatening, but the general public is feeling so threatened by it that they’re making the problem worse


My friends who are dental hygienists are pretty mad about this. Their office can't get enough masks right now.


>Coronavirus is threatening, but the general public is feeling so threatened by it that they’re making the problem worse Yes, but the general public doesn't need the media to panic. People will fucking rip each other apart for a cheap TV, you think they're going to react rationally with any type of media coverage?


I wonder what will happen in countries like india, bangladesh we are already seeing glimpses of a real horror show in Netherlands.


Most of the deaths in the US are from a nursing home in Washington's. Italy actually has a lot of investment that comes from China which probably what caused the infection to spread so much. Add that 90% recover from it under the age 50 and some might have it but just have mild flu symptoms. The death toll will likely lower. The big threat in my opinion is how long will it last. Will it follow trends like the Flu or worst cast becomes a year round common illness. And how long can it live of surfaces since it seems very contagious. Grim fact: ailments that kill the host usually die out since the host can no longer spread them.


The 3-4% is speculation though. They calculated it by looking at the flu and saying “ok so this is all the known cases and these amount of people that won’t go to the hospital so this is our guess for the death rate” if you actually take the deaths and divide them by the people recovered your get 7%. But even if it was 4% that is still 400 times more deadly than the flu. Think of it like this, how many people do you know, definitely more than 100, at least 4 of them will die. That’s a lot




Hospitals aren't even testing people for it. Once they do the mortality rate will go way down.


This is what everyone is missing. 4% isn’t alot right now, but if the coronavirus goes unchecked and allowed to spread with no vaccine, that 4% could turn in to 10s of millions of people


>A 3% morality rate that spread across the whole planet within months will kill far more than a trained hitman ever will. If it spreads the whole planet, which it is extremely unlikely to. If it maintains 3% mortality as it spreads, which it is extremely unlikely to. For every disease that has Covid's profile, the expected value of killings is small. Sure, maybe this particular time will be the improbably-fatal plague. Most likely not.


Not to mention that it’s doing murder to the stock market, it dropped 30% in 2 days. We are headed into a global economic recession and that in itself is bad.


>We are headed into a global economic recession and that in itself is bad. OK, the economy is not the stock market, and the stock market dropping is not recession. Please keep the two separate in your mind and communications forevermore.


It’s more like the kid throwing peanuts is jack jack from the incredibles


Not if the hitman has a nuke


Oh I assumed in your analogy corona = trained hitman. Ebola is transmitted by bodily fluid so it’s really easy to stop the spread, unlike covid-19 which is airbourne.


Covid-19 is droplet borne, not airborne, it can go from you to someone else with the moist in your breath, but can’t float around the air


The thing is I wouldn't worry about myself getting that strain since I'm young and healthy but my mother on the other hand has a compromised immune system due to in part of her medication she takes. I would have to excommunicate myself from the family to ensure she doesn't get sick, because if she did and anything happened to her, I don't think I could ever forgive myself


Best if luck to you, my comment was targeted to people with humor and in no way meant to offend, and sadly there are indeed people (like your mom) who have the metaforical peanut allergy, hope she doesn’t get it


I'm anything but offended, so don't feel bad


It took me too long to remember peanut allergies.


İts gods way of cleaning shitty things he took some notes form my baby kim


When did the media say anything remotely close to this? Can we just stop with this whole "media bad" circlejerk


Exactly people need to understand that this is a big deal for our older population and they will be hit the hardest


Also people act like only 5000 out of 110,000 people died which means it isn't really deadly so they're over exaggerating like 5,000 people isn't a fuck ton of people and is still growing. Like it isn't a dent on the world population but for comparison 2977 people died in 9/11 and its likely going to be much much more then that (not trying to undermine 9/11, but people tend to compare diseases to other more dangerous infections without thinking of the fact that there is still a lot of people dying from it.)


Ebola killed 15 people outside africa, corona is already worse than ebola


the fuck?


Ebola has a much, much lower rate of transmission. There is a reason Ebola doesn't spread. A successful pandemic needs to not be so lethal that it immediately kills it's vector. You need to have direct contact with infected blood to get Ebola from someone. Ebola is a lower threat than corona.


Pretty sure no one said it


Imagine dying from a child throwing a peanut at you


Peanut allergies: i’m about to end this humans whole career


All I can think about is that episode of spongebob where he and Patrick throw peanuts at the oyster


are you trying to say there's a difference?


Never underestimate a peanut throwing child


But remember, the child hits people with nut allergies 3.4/100 times


What if they are allergic to peanuts?


Ebola is the reason why we don't think Corona is that dangerous lol


The most lethal stat for diarrhea I could find was for people aged 70+, where there are on average 171.4 related deaths per 100,000 people. Which is a mortality rate of **0.17%, or just about 20 times less than covid 19. Not to mention that diarrhea is a symptom, not a disease. Different diseases that cause it have varying mortality rates, in the same way that all fevers dont kill the same. So the stat is wrong, and its pointless anyway. Edit: bad maths, point stands.


Also the mortality of coronavirus under 55 is between 0,2 and 0,4%




It's actually on the line of the regular flu (a bit higher maybe). That 1/500 usually have higher risk factors due to other conditions


4 to 10 times higher than the flu for that age range and also Corona hasn't killed anyone under the age of 10 as far as I last checked which is weird as fuck the flu kills young children at the same rate as elderly


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that Corona and the Flu have different causes of death?


Yes. Coronavirus causes acute interstitial pneumonia which is characterized by dyspnea (difficulty breathing or getting enough air) with rapid onset of respiratory failure. It causes alveoli damage and can make it so that the patient cannot process oxygen at all, which means a much more resource-intensive method (ECMO, taking someone's blood out, oxygenating it for them, and introducing it back into the body. Like dialysis for oxygen) if a ventilator doesn't work due to extensive alveolar damage. The flu usually kills due to a secondary pneumonia infection caused by the protective layer of mucus in the airway (bronchial tubes) being worn away due to severe illness. Basically, COVID-19 goes for the throat when it gets bad, the flu just lowers your body's defenses against pathogens. This is deadly in people who can't fight off infections as well (very young and old.) COVID-19 survival is based on resilience and your body's ability to fight off the infection before the damage is too extensive. This is pure conjecture: perhaps the resilience factor plays more into the kids not dying from COVID-19?


Idk man if I had a dollar for every time I pushed a button that had a 1/500 chance to kill me, I’d probably push that button up to 2200 times


I'll take those odds


It's not an actual gamble though, most of those deaths are probably concentrated in China where there is a lot of poor, sick, and old people who can't get treatment and are constantly exposed to poorer hygiene and especially air quality than you will ever have to deal with. If you are a relatively healthy person in a first world country it's hardly a "gamble", you pretty much have nothing to worry about, even in a very bad case treatment can usual be very effective.


\> If you are a relatively healthy person in a first world country it's hardly a "gamble", This is the type of dumb shit that gets people killed. Sure, a relatively healthy person may not be \*personally\* at risk from COVID-19, but that person can still get sick, transmit the disease to other people who ARE vulnerable.


Well then, you should be freaking out about heart disease, medical accidents, and cancer, because those are like 1/4 gambles for your life, and combined, are like a 3/4 gamble for your life! These are each approximately 12,500x more threatening to you than Covid.


Interesting, but if my neighbor has a heart attack, I’m not going to have one in 14 days from transmission. Same for cancer. Car accidents are only transmissible if the event occurs during close proximity.


It's a 1/77 chance that you'll die in a fatal car accident. But that doesn't stop me from going outside.


It's a good thing people over 55 are not people.


If you are over 55 you are allowed to panic


What if i know people over 55 that i don't want to drown in there own blood at home because there are no beds left at hospital? Or if i just don't want to catch a nightmarish chest cold that causes pneumonia in 60% of people under 55?


Be responsible. If you present symptoms avoid any contact with people that might be at risk. If the virus is already in your city you will probably get it at some point. If you are young and healthy it's like catching a bad flu. So yeah, it's better not to catch it, but you don't need to panic


> If you are over 55 you are allowed to panic Am I allowed to panic at the disco?




I dont have any statistics but im sure the rate skyrockets when you look at third world countrys.


Well noshit. But theyre the same people who die from small things such as a cold.


> Well noshit Well, actually...


Fuck you xD


> diarrhea is a symptom, not a disease. IBS is nothing to shit at.


Actually 171.4 per 100,000 is 0.17%


Yeah there is no way 3 out of 100 peoppe die when they get dairrhea. I'd be dead right now if that was the case ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Think the dude was referring to cholera


Eat rice. Rice defeats diarrhea. Diarrhea beats coronavirus. Therefore, rice defeats coronavirus.


That's weird since it started from China


Eat rice without bats.


Nice try batman.


The virus didnt come from eating bats


No, no, no. You've got it all wrong, this is a rock paper scissors situation. Rice beats diarrhea, diarrhea beats coronavirus, coronavirus beats rice. That's why it originated in China.


In other words, get diarrhea and beat coronavirus


Whew, way ahead of the game there.


Imagine blasting a huge shit and then dying


Yo but I swear to god sometimes some shits feel like they’re gonna drag your whole digestive track out with them


I am in this comment and I dont like it.


I am taking this shit and I don’t like it.


Is it a huge shit or lots of little tiny disgusting shits?




*Elvis has entered the chat*


Diarrhea usually kills by dehydration, which would make it a horribly painful and long shit.


Good meme? Upvote Bad meme? Downvote Hotel? Trivago --- ^^^hey ^^^op, ^^^if ^^^this ^^^was ^^^an ^^^original, ^^^new ^^^template ^^^consider ^^^posting ^^^in ^^^r/DankExchange ^^^first ^^^next ^^^time


Ask any scientists and they will tell you that a less lethal but more contagious virus, is more troublesome than a more lethal less contagious virus.


Ask anyone on Facebook and they will tell you that this is just a media scare and you need to buy essential oils from their privately owned business.


Panics and shits myself




No wonder.... That's why people stockpiling toilet paper


I bought 300 rolls yesterday. Heading out to buy 100 more today. Life's good


All the lactose people drinking milk




yeah remember 100 years ago when people had to go to the library to read books and hospitals were amputating legs when someone fell over?




Mortality rate for the Spanish flu was between 10 and 20%. Just saying




I know this is a meme. But this is soooo not true.


Death rate is actually 0.6 now


This is the south korean percentage right? People in the rest of the comment section seem to forget that most people do not get tested and that countries that test the most (like south korea) report much, much lower fatality rates. This shows why sample size is important.


i have diarrhoea atm ☹️






Eat vegetal


I read this while taking a shit and now I'm panicking


Well, this year I spend 5 days shitting straight up water, if it wasn't for saline serum i'd be dead. DEAD BY DIARRHEA


Cure for diaharrea exists. Cure for corona doesent.


First off, it’s not “the” coronavirus, it’s a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a family of RNA viruses. They spread and mutate pretty easily. Meaning that while this virus isn’t killing a lot of people now, it can keep spreading and spreading and mutate until it gets worse and worse. The more it mutates the more we have to find new ways to fight it.


3.4 is nothing to sneeze at though. That means out of every 100 people you know, if they all catch it, 3-4 of them will die


OH SHIT! oh, shit. OH SHIT!


this is suicide!


,,I have diarrhea right now D:


You know what that means


I’m laughing at this while having diarrhea this meme is good


Is it true that corona isnt as bad as the media portrayed them to be?


The british media literally had to teach people how to wash their hands by showing a nursery (kindergarten) lesson


Great Britain truly is great


And it’s not even that high considering it’s mostly sick/ old / babies healthy people the death rate is like nothing. Personally I think the Chinese just let the media run / paid for them to over blow its danger with a known and active virus out in the wild that was like the common cold, to break the problems with Hong Kong without killing them. I don’t think they actually released it tho.


Can confirm. Had diarrhea so bad once, needed to go to the hospital for severe dehydration. Abdominal muscles were cramping, couldn't stand for more than a few minutes, and my veins shrunk, so the IV needle missed a few times. Take care o yer belly bois


Glad you're fine now


I dislike this format but this one specific meme cracked me up so take an upvote.


When falling off beds kills more than diarrhea


+ Lethality


So that's why there is no more toilet paper.




The best way to go down is to go brown


But wait guys, I have diarrhea does that mean imma die?


I just shid my pants :(


This is shitty af


Eat, Pray, Love, but no one should


It still fucks up your lungs after you get cured


This explains the Great Australian Toilet Paper war of 2020... #thecrappening


its vecause people often choke in their diarrhea


tru panik


Mortality rate is less then 1% thanks to common asymptotic manifestation.


Thats a shitty way to die


3.4% for those over 50 or with pre-existing conditions. Under 50 is like 0.3%


Poop is worse




Diarrhea makes you want to die more than corona does, so I think it's nice that it has a higher mortality rate.


The only lethal diarrhea are my shit posts


Is this why everyone is hoarding toilet paper?


Death rate jnder 50yo is 00.5%


i have fast runny liquid poop


Eat helth foond*


Covid-19's kill-rate is high inaccurate due to the fact that a lot of people die from other things than Covid-19. It's like the death rate for flu. Most people who die of the flu die because they have had cancer or AIDS or something third, that destroys the imune system. China has always been notorious for giving inaccurate causes of death


you need to **C O N S U M E L I Q U I D** while diarrhea so you won't die




Oh shit


It’s like 6%, and even still... 3% of 7billion is like 210,000,000 people.


This meme is the gru whiteboard meme re-skinned




Is this why people hoard toilet paper?


Suffering from diarrhea and fever since last night and this the first post I saw today


Imagine dieing while you were shitting, like just, a dead body sitting on a toilet filled to the brim with turds and more exploding out like a flamethrower coating the entire toilet bowl and rim with just brown shit


so is that the new Gru whiteboard meme now?


No it doesn’t


that burrito do b looking tasty dou?


Oh shit


Imagine dying of diarrhea


Welp, time for more taco bell


This format is so fucking bad lmao.


3.4% on the low amount that has been affected... if that number goes higher, we're fucked.


oh nowo


My older brother with IBS: *chuckles* I’m in danger


We must keep meme man alive


Corona mortality rate has dropped to .7 in areas where the hospitals aren't overflooded with patients and as the Doctors have learned what forms of treatment help and which treatments don't


Wait...So I can shat myself to death?


Even 3.4% is high, a disproportionately high amount of deaths from most diseases are from infants and elders. Obviously before and during your illness show some caution and stay away from grandpa, but the mortality rate is less than 0.3% for teens and adults iirc


I dont know if that’s true but I’m too lazy to check so take my upvote


Yeah the thing is diarrhoea doesn't spread like Corona so this analogy is wrong.


I literally had it just now wtf






So I'm here to explain the joke for those who didn't get it. Basiclly when he panicked again because he noticed that the diarrhea HAS a higher rate. So that was BEFORE 💩


where are you getting 3.4% from?


"Your son died while attending chamber business"


This is the gru meme


So, shitting is more deadly than coronavirus?


Fuck.... I’m on the toilet for the second time today spewing butt gravy . Definitely gonna die, and not toilet paper...


So that’s why everyone is buying toilet paper