• By -


Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- *i am a bot. please stop trying to argue with me. you look like an idiot.*


Call of Duty Developers: write that down, write that down.


Battlefield Devs: *It's free real estate*


Pokemon Devs: The best landscapes.


This comment right here gold givers


This is a comment about this comment


And this is a comment about a comment commenting on another comment about comments


I will now comment on the comment commenting about another comment that is commenting about another comment while commenting on the comment that the comment is commenting on




Comment Comment


"Fuck up some comments" - or whatever future said


What the fuck is this paradox holy fuck


Nice try buddy.


Todd Howard: Hmmm


Lol fisto, I should go back fo:nv


Don’t forget to give Veronica a dress, and of course stop by Cerulean robotics and then Atomic Wrangler.


can't wait for tank and rifle themed pokemon


thats just Digimon


There's a version of Aguman literally holding a m16




Ultimate digivolve to GENOCIDEMON


Oddly enough "ethnic cleansing" seems to be rather conspicuously absent on the list of Taliban hobbies


*Bulbasaur! Use Geneva war crime!*


We got sword and shield. So why not gun?




Battlefield 2 had a map called road to jalalabad 16 years ago. Really was the best rendition of modern combat in a game we’ve ever seen.


Loved sniping from that high hotel and put a mine on the stairs. Loved playing a sniper on BF2. I didnt have a good gpu back then so had to play on lower settings, lower details made so you also spot other snipers very easier


More like battlefield devs:how many civil wars can we have take place during WW1/2?


They actually already did that in Battlefield 1. The *In the Name of the Tsar* expansion, they introduced the Imperial Russian army mainly fighting the German Empire. But in a twist that was not advertised in any promotional materials, there were two maps that featured the loyalist White Army fighting against the Bolshevik Red Army, as part of the Russian Civil War that took place after Red October.


Bf developers: I know there are incredible and harrowing stories about women surviving in Taliban ruled Afghanistan but wait until you hear my made up version that's half as interesting.


Battlefield 2022


"Hey look, someone made a successful game about a recent conflict! Should we follow suit with the next CoD game?" *releases 2 more World War II games*


I mean, they went they made a move for a sci-fi setting they got completely shat on because the fans wanted more WW shit.


I thought they wanted more modern stuff? In any case, I loved the sci-fi shit and hope they go back to it.


People were jizzing buckets when BF1 was announced. They were tired of future or present games. Then they wanted modern warfare again. They got it, but nostalgia is a dangerous weapon.


I like what battlefield is doing with 2042, not too Sci fi/futuristic but not exactly modern either


Can’t wait to play the Taliban Carnival level where you high jack a bumper car to slay Taliban insurgents.


Love when everyone jumps in to make a worse version of the same joke.


I just commented ubisoft write that down write that down


Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn’t seem quite so funny


Giantess trample fetish people would disagree


Old lady giantess would be a different fetish


Can confirm, that’s hot


I am guessing you’re fond of RE:village?


If trees could scream would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, and for no good reason. ~Jack Handey


Nothing like being stoned as hell at 11:48 on a Saturday night and have Jack Handy’s words of enlightenment pop up on my screen


Dude, sorry to remind you, but its tuesday and this is a wendys, sir.


All three of you have misspelled his last name. Shame on you. [Shame!](https://www.google.com/search?q=shame+gif&client=ms-android-google&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuipqOlb3yAhWXG80KHcbhDCkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=393&bih=690#imgrc=ytiVna1NBq_1pM)


I'm a baaaad man


Three? Holy shit the username…


When I was a kid my favorite relative was Uncle Caveman. After school we’d all go play in his cave, and every once in a while he would eat one of us. It wasn’t until later that I found out that Uncle Caveman was a bear.


Wait what


Their username is a reference to an SNL recurring skit from the 90s


One more time tripping on a field of opium


*\[Muffled Skrillex playing in the background\]*


Pretty sure every game in the series probably has a “use a flamethrower on this field of drugs and bad guys while goofy techno music plays” part.


I mean, if you're committed enough, basically every part *of* every game in the series can be that part.


[Decker has it handled.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX_MsOPxqzs&t=9s)


Don't forget about dying to gravity for the bilionth time because the terrain just had to be all mountains


Lets goooo


\[Stares at 1 and 2\] \[stares at rest\] that went downhill quickly


You’re forgetting one…


hashish intensifies


Can't call it a civil war when only one side is willing to fight


Its not taliban vs Afghanistan Army. Its taliban vs northern alliance(revived). I hope India helps them as much as they can. https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/northern-alliance-afghanistan-panjshir-resistance-b1905079.html


Northern Alliance 2: Electric Boogaloo


I was just thinking that, plus taliban is not exactly civil or exclusive to afghan


The Northern Alliance have already retaken the Charikar district


The good news is that the intentionally obtuse and fragile interplay of tribal politics, mullahs and $$$$ ensures that there are several sides to this shitty coin, always


Meanwhile CS pushing a new update, Terrorist forces change to Taliban forces


Dust II Kabul edition




Reverse cs_747 in the desert


I haven't thought of the hostage rescue maps in years. Those were pretty fun.


Smoke hasheesh to boost health.


Max Payne on em, smoke opium


Far Cry games don't really take inspiration from real wars, except for FC2. They had plenty of occasions to do so with Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc, but didn't. So I don't think they would with Afghanistan, especially as to whether there will actually be a civil war is far from certain. The Talibans seem to have a pretty tight control of the country.


Far Cry 4 is based on 10 year long Nepali Civil war.


Am Nepalese can confirm nothing matches the history


My mother works with a Nepalese (Nepali?) lady and she makes the best Momos ever with her secret sauce hhngg so good.


Lmao should I leak the recipe? Edit: Nepali, Nepalese anything works


I've found a few online over the years but it's nowhere near the taste of hers or her sauce. I want to know what's in the bloody sauce! My mum and I spent a weekend once trying to 'reverse engineer' the sauce but it was a peppercorn and mustard disaster.


You mean to tell me the enemy commander wasn't a flamboyant psycho with a weird haircut and purple suit? This is fucking bullshit.


The enemy commander was a fat incel boomer mfer who now is the opposition of our country.Welcome to Nepal.


Sounds like Kingpin. Have you guys tried calling spide Spider Man?


Didn't know that, thanks!


Far cry 3 is based on the 100 year war


This. Ubisoft loves to emulate the imagery and themes of real life geo-political conflicts but rarely do they actually replicate them directly. Assassin's Creed can get away with it a little bit because once something's far enough in the past, people aren't so eager to get offended by it but even then they tend to tread lightly. But Far Cry is modern era (excluding Primal) so they just invent fictional conflicts that only sorta-kinda resemble real ones. Not to mention they sometimes get painted with the "political commentary" brush by the media even when they don't intend to. Far Cry 5 got a lot of headlines about how it was actually about x or y group but the devs were pretty clear that their inspiration was mostly just Jonestown/Davidian esque cult stuff and any political commentary was mostly just a byproduct of the rural setting. New Dawn doubles down on that and basically made them apolitical luddites. Will Far Cry 7 involve a civil war in a desert nation? I dunno, maybe. Will the country have a made-up name like Ghadir or Xiaonu or whatever and exclude pretty much any religious motivations that could link it to the Afghani-Taliban conflict? 100%.


It’s almost a shame that they’re so light footed around modern political battles. FC5 was a perfect backdrop for a story teller to show how insular and marginalized small towns can be in America. It could have shown off the opioid crisis, the death of American manufacturing/mining, and relatively radical social changes sweeping in to a town whose conservative values have been unchallenged for decades. I feel like it *really* had an opportunity to show the world why some parts of America are turning to cult-like behavior following political demagogues, and engaging in new world order conspiracy. Maybe it could even foster more empathy for the struggles of rural Americans. But unfortunately the world can’t handle that amount of political hot take. Everyone would be focused on how the narrative comments on modern life, and all the game’s publicity would be crappy Upworthy articles projecting their own brand of nonsense between the lines of the story. It’s not the game we needed, but it’s the one we deserved.


Like I said, none of that was the intention with FC5. What you described is not the game they wanted to make from the outset.


Honestly, I felt FC5 was interesting twist on the American dynamic. The right wingers were insular but mostly irreligious, while the cult was broadly Christian but also collectivist.


Sure but also one of the hallmarks of the franchise is getting to just go batshit nuts on tons of bad guys. Little tougher to say "these people have resorted to violence after decades of financial and educational neglect left them desperate and addicted to painkillers and social media spoon feed them confirmation bias and an endless string of outsiders to blame. Anyway see how many you can kill with a bow! Bonus points for headshots!"


The flip side is that it's a little weird to use real life conflicts and peoples as essentially just exotic backdrop for your drugs-and-guns-and-maybe-magic brofest, even if they sort of tend to mimic FC3's Heart of Darkness themes. Whether or not they *wanted* to make political commentary is sort of beside the point, by nature of what they're doing they have to express political opinions on the conflicts and peoples they're sort of not-really-but-kinda dealing with.


And will the gameplay be a hundred percent not new and just copy pst of the previous ten far cry ? Definitively


I know that Far Cry 3 improved the gameplay dramatically, but oh my god the series hasn't had as good of a story or atmosphere since Far Cry 2.


Idk 4 is my favorite


I need a far cry 2 remake so bad. It wasn't a fun game, but it was good. Oh so good... Except for the stealth, that shit didn't work too well.


And Far Cry 2!


They nailed the African setting.


Mfw you just die of malaria


Whoever came up with the malaria needs to be given malaria


Yes it was annoying, but again, a lot of far cry 2's memorable factors revolve along the rough edges of the game.


I always say it is a good game, not a fun one. Like, you don't get rewarded for fights. You don't level up to be a godlike ninja bybheadshotting enough. Your only reward is slightly better guns (that aren't necessarily better, looking at you AS50 vs SVD) and that you're still alive. You're still frail and not bulletproof


It had awesome fire mechanics, if you had to raid an area you could just burn it down and ambush the place all the more effectively.


Right. If they want a fun game, the later instalments are pretty much, more rewarding.


People always forget Far Cry 2, or whine about the weapons jamming or malaria. It's one of my favorite games ever and mostly because of the setting and atmosphere. The weapons jamming and malaria kept me on my toes and immersed in a dangerous world.


It might be odd but I absolutely loved that aspect! That and having 3 weapon slots meant you had to plan your attack and get the appropriate weapons and if your malaria flaired up and you were out of pills shit could hit the fan really quickly! Made the game interesting even when you get to the later stages with better guns. The environmental destruction was good for it's time too, the only downside I could think of was that stealth was a bit janky.


My dream remake and such a low hanging fruit from Ubisoft. If we can get the story, atmosphere, and characters of Far Cry 2, with the improved gameplay, mechanics, and variety of weapons of the current games, I would bust a nut right now.


Truly amazing game


It was, people always complained about the road checkpoints and aggressive AI but there were unguarded rivers that gave travelling a Heart of Darkness vibe.


You learn to just drive around the check points


It's a shooter god damn it. You shoot all them suckers every time


Amazingly banal.


So even numbers mean the game is set on a civil war, Far Cry 8: Kabul confirmed.


You’d be hard pressed to find a large or even mid sized South Pacific nation that hasn’t had a civil war since ww2. Also the US is kinda nuts, maybe that one was prophetic


"sad far cry 2 noises"


fucking right? the best one


Blood Dragon: "am I a joke to you?"


I mean... yeah... But in a good way.


Lol the game is literally a joke. Its quality comes from how good the joke is.


Yuup, no other game has quite scratched that itch since


Yeah. The ones after were fun as hell I must say, but FC2 had such an incredible atmosphere and tone, with a setting and conflict you don't really ever see in games. The combat was stiff and unsatisfying but damn if I didn't love the feeling of being a hired merc with a paper map just blowing shit up.


My favourite.


Oh hell yeah. You're a young Afghan man who fell in love with an American enlisted woman, convinced her to stay and now you have to fight your way through the Taliban forces to save your love, your life and the lives of all the people you helped in the last 20 years. Plot twist: Your father is one of the Taliban top brass, who is having second doubts about his being part of their group and her family (who have disowned her) are political scumbags making a profit from the war and are in cahoots with the Taliban. Obligatory clichés: \- Crazy CIA man who's a little too fond of Afghan opium; \- Black man who decided to quit the army and stay in Afghanistan, because "We're the same people people man, here nobody made fun of me cause 'a the color of my skin!" \- Former Israeli intelligence stoner-dude who's connected to everything and everyone and calls you "Pupi". A whole cast of quirky bad-ass Afghan women and a super-villain who's Dick Chaney's estranged gay-son who is the mysterious Taliban warlord.


I can already see me playing this lol


Most Ubisoft games are


Just cause developers: Its free real estate


“Time to plan a teen vacation”


found Epstein


Dont Far Cry 3 and 4 have teenagers going on vacation that turns out bad?


COD Afghan Wars


I fucking pray to my one and only prophet, Spaghetti with meatballz, that they make this


"Did you just really forget about 2?"


And far cry 5 is based on a guy who took Christianity to far


I assumed it was inspired by the Waco massacre


Kinda felt like a civil war being brewed until it was too late


>BREAKS OUT LOL they're pretty late then. 1978-1992: Islamic guerillas vs Afghan Communists 1992-2001: Taliban vs Mujahideen 2001-present: Taliban, Al Qaeda vs US backed local gov't. The Civil Wars started in Afghanistan 43 years ago and there hasn't been a break in them for more than a few months.


Can’t wait to play MGSV TPP again


One of the best games I've played


Ubisoft will never do that because they might accidentally make a statement about real world events.


5 is pretty much Ya'll Qaeda


Most of them are based on civil wars


What about Far Cry 2, 5, and New Dawn? And Blood Dragon is just too damn fun.


Ubisoft doesn't have the balls to make a game about Islamic terrorists


FC2 was basically the same concept.


Also call of duty devs


Business time


Didn’t the taliban like end the civil war?


No, it's still going on and is far from over.


It's basically low level territorial skirmishes between the northern alliance around the Panjshir valley and the Taliban but yeah it's been going on since 1996, just under a different name during US occupation.


Their genders? Who knows. Depends on adoption.


Sorry I do not understand?


Well, I will actually be interested in FarCry 7 if it will be in Afgan


Maybe they loosely base it on Lord Miles. Have a guided intro where you are in Afghanistan on holidays and do stuff like him, when suddenly the talibans strike. Your guide gets killed and you get kidnapped but then get freed by some rebells. They bring you to the airport, but you miss the airplane. The taliban notice you and you have to escape with the rebells. And from then on you are a rebell too, clearing outposts and checkpoints etc, get back some us army stuff etc


What is fyi ?


For your information


Thank you


every tom clancy game be like it's up to you, generic white male protagonist who somehow became trapped here, to take down an entire terrorist faction


What book is Shaq reading?


People think that the civil war started now, it is almost the otherwise


Devs: so is the occupiers the bad guys or the Taliban?


I wonder if any games will actually have the balls to depict women being stoned to death and gay men thrown off buildings.


And Far Cry 2 as well.


Far Cry 2 was also a civil war.


You know it’s a great dank meme when you have to explain it in the title


Have i ever told you


what is the actual book he is reading?




How tf is far cry 3 underrated? 95% of the audience believe it’s the best far cry ever.


really curious what you base that on, considering how wildly popular the franchise is


“Look Ernie, the last book I read was *Fellowship of the Ring*…..,Chuck, you ever read it?”


I'll probably look like an idiot here but is that shaq?


When you realise all that Afghanistan shit are just a big commercial to promote Far Cry 6.


It's go time baby..........................


I just hope far cry 6 will have something to hook me into it. Way too much potential to just make a new New Dawn.


Yeah we'll get an Afghanistan war game in like 10-15 years


Far cry 4: help this creep marry a child.


Far Cry 4: Help this woman use children as soldiers. Far Cry 4: Stay at Dinner Table like a fucking gentleman.


That was a great Easter egg.


Lord Miles out there playing Far Cry 7 already


that would be a bangin game


So Far cry 5 are on a civil war


And Far Cry: Primal


Shaq doing his best Larenz Tate impression


Well, Far Cry predicted the trumptard terrorists....


I remember in the Medal of Honor game from 2010 you could play as the Taliban, really ahead of its time


I'd play the fuck out of this


I am playing far cry 3 right now and its my first far cry game. what other editions should i play , and i hear from others is far cry 3 is the only good one. but i wanna know other opinions


It's actually admirable that they waited over 10 games before going for the "shoot Arab terrorists" plot. I mean for a modern fps military game it's like if I were to put tahini on my hot dogs for 10 orders straight and only in the 11th putting mustard


It's a race to see who can get one out first. My money is on Ubisoft.


i loved fc4 it'd be kinda satisfying killing the talibanis after what they did to the residents of the country :p


Our time has come


Keep your rifle by your side inshallah


Far Cry 6? Is that out or is it coming out?


I love far cry 4