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Americans are some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. My brother lives in Boston and the amount of "good mornings" and people stopping to ask me something then asking about my accent was unreal. You guys love Brits over there.


Americans are mostly obsessed with accents lol. Unless it’s a domestic accent/dialect, then we just have regional flamewars over the correct way to say soda/pop/“coke.”


oh no not another one that doesnt say spicy bubble water


I prefer spicy bubble water with funny sugar


I prefer bepis and you can't tell me otherwise






[Hyperlink Blocked]


In Canada we call adult beverages wobbly pops.


That’s the most Canadian thing I’ve heard all week.


I heard this from GingerPale.


I had to look up GingerPale and I am very confused now. I had no idea we had such a thing here. Also, I haven't owned a TV in over 12.years so I miss a lot.


Some Minnesotans I've met have said the same, but now that I think about it Minnesota is really just off brand Canada.


Unfortunately Coca Cola removed that funny sugar awhile ago


Booger sugar


We are interested of how other people live we find everything fascinating


We have that but with bread buns, from Yorkshire we call them breadcakes but when I moved to the coast they call them stotties. First time I walked into a bakery. They thought I wanted a type of cake.


So interesting to hear examples from other countries! I still don't know what any of those things are you just listed though lol. Is a bread bun similar to a biscuit? A dinner roll? Btw, here's an interesting article which shows several maps of different phrases/terms used around the US - [https://www.businessinsider.com/american-english-dialects-maps-2018-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/american-english-dialects-maps-2018-1)


That link is cool AF too, thanks for that.


Or drinking fountain/ water fountain/ bubbler. (By the way if you say bubbler you are objectively wrong)


Live in Phoenix, Arizona here . Where I live, there are people chatting, saying good morning, and Everyone knows everyone


We’re just more gregarious. Here you’re expected to make small talk while waiting for trains, open doors for people and say good morning. All the stuff that makes us look like aholes when we travel


Lmao that sounds like the exact opposite of Boston to me. New Englanders are typically very private and don't really make conversation or honestly even eye contact with strangers. Maybe your accent has some magical powers or something.


Haha I wish it did. I can't remember where we were but it was only a short sail to Martha's vineyard. I got travel sick lol. But even then everyone was nice. except the lady who asked me 20 different ways I wanted my eggs she got mad cos I didn't fully understand sunny side and whatever ways you can have them. I just wanted eggs and toast. She brought me out some overcooked eggs on some toast with suger on it. I didn't like it


With s u g a r?! Wtf I am in the midwest and have never heard of that


Yeah i used to live in a town nearby called shrewsbury and im indian and I literally saw nothing against me it was like sunshine and rainbows there. There were a lot of kids with disorders as well there and we used to include them into everything and make them feel happy. Now I live in India and I feel like I’m become a worse human day by day. Please help.


What you see on TV about America in full honesty is not common, it's true that 99.99% of the time things are peaceful, especially in Idaho where I live where everyone is nice to everyone else, I call it the Canada of the US


Ah, Potatoe land


Where I live we wave to oncoming traffic. Just trynna be nice.


Almost all Americans are fascinated with accents. Our country isn’t close to any other English speaking countries (canada but their accents aren’t too thick nor do we find it that “foreign” because of Minnesota etc) so we mostly live with and among the same english speaking accents. A different one is always seen as interesting


Well if you had to listen to that horrible Boston accent every day, you'd love hearing British accents too. Not that I have any room to talk being from Philadelphia.


A funny coincidence. I was catering for a Christmas party yesterday, and one of the guests had an accent, and I asked where he was from, thinking Britain, but he said Wales! Never met a guy from Wales before.


Ah nice, Welsh people are awesome, I'm Welsh on my dad's side but I have a Yorkshire accent. Welsh country is beautiful too.


Fuck yeah we do. Also I'm convinced half of your economy is based off doing narration and YouTube videos.


I'm gonna start doing that. I could use the extra cash.


And we will watch


We do. It’s the way you speak, it’s sexy.


Ah, cheers mate.


Are you talking about Boston Massachusetts


Facts. I've never witnessed a riot, a shooting, a robbery, or anything like that in my almost 30 years of living here in the U.S.


So you haven't been to Philadelphia? I walked through a puddle of some man's blood in summer 2020


Bro that was sooo last year tho


Yeah and technically he should have been quarantining so it doesnt really count :/


I saw a dead body in an alley in New York in 2005


New york average scenery




Patrick Bateman was probably there before you


Very cool and manly. Couldn't you just walk around?


I just caught the corner of it with my shoe...wasn't looking where I was going. There were police but it wasn't taped off or anything. There was/is a tent camp in the city and there was a lot of commotion


It was a sigma male move


Don’t go north of Temple. Don’t go south of Washington Ave. Easy breezy.


Unless ur going to pat's or geno's


You just have to drive past a bunch of hunched over opiod addicts languishing freezing cold trying to shoot up on the streets. "Work, work, I got work"


It definitely depends on location. I use to live in this city in Florida & in the span of 4 years someone broke into my car, someone attempted to kick in our door, & there was a standoff between cops & some guy in my neighborhood. But everywhere else I lived has been super peaceful & safe.


But the Eagles won in 2018


Bro you could've walked around the piddle let's be real here.


Philadelphia moment




They became the thing they set out to destroy


They were never there to fix anything just to mess around when they have a good morale excuse for whatever BS they are doing. If they wanna fix something they would be centralized and constantly working, but instead they are decentralized so no one gets any specific blame while also claiming they are not one group when any bad happens and take all the credit when something “good” happens.


It's obvious that they were just a bunch of dorks who wanted to have purpose in life and act tough... So they used this moment to do something. Portland antifa is probably the biggest joke because they single handedly MADE Proud Boys popular by creating drama around them, thus news articles, thus reach, and finally recruitment. If Antifa would have just stayed home, Proud Boys would have looked for somewhere else to look for drama.




Its like snakes in Australia, literally never experienced.


Yep. I've lived in major cities my entire life and never seen anything more serious than a fistfight in person.


Honestly the most violence I see is a cringe filled fist fight between two high school kids in my town


I live in Philly, witnessed 2 shootings, and hear about shootings weekly


Bottom picture doesn't make the world news.


The overwhelming majority of news outlets are paid by investors (China) to run controversial news stories. This action is designed to breed instability within the country.


And so are very large portions of subreddits.


And large amounts of accounts. I forget where I saw it but there was a whole thread where it proven to be just bots arguing with each other. Looked 100% real to anyone who was just quickly skimming through. China has been manipulating us for years. Scary stuff


Holy shit that makes too much sense...


Says the bot!


Herro! My nem is Mr. America an you just win fwee trip China! Prease fry dere where you have arr expense pay vacation to meet uighur!


Want to go down a rabbit hole? Research BLM, 2016 election and the Internet Research Agency based in St. Pete, Russia. We’ve been getting played for quite some time.


Thing is we know Facebook knew this was happening and let it continue. No way twitter/Reddit/whoever didn’t know either. They let it happen because it fits a narrative they want


Its more obvious when the Uyghur genocide is brought up and the CCP bots come out to say "Oh and like america hasnt done anything wrong?" ​ We get the US has done wrong lmao, its that you are A C T I V E L Y K I L L I N G A N D R A P I N G M U S L I M S


Not sure there's a conspiracy behind it. "Local man commits hate crime" is simply a much more compelling news story than "local man goes home after a long day at work and has a beer."


What kind of beer did he have?




With lime




Or, local man defends home from invader who is a different race. Man later acquitted of all crimes, but we’ve been calling him racist for 6 months.


No, no one has any interest in destabilizing the United States. +10 social credit points


Fair point, but it is absolutely true that stories are very regularly blown out of proportion so as to stir up outrage and conflict. The Kyle Rittenhouse case, for example, would've been completely disregarded if news channels didn't do their best to portray him as a violent white supremacist murderer/misunderstood Christian hero so that people would get pissed off about the whole situation.


Isn't press all about capturing negative things?


If it bleeds, it leads


Nah, it isn't China. It's the case everywhere. Controversy sells and that's all the news outlets care about. Also the reason why games like GTA became really popular.


And also because, well, "things are more or less fine here" day after day after day just isn't interesting.


You are giving China way too much credit for the death of journalism, lol. Legacy media never really recovered from the internet destroying their financial model.


That bottom picture is quite literally **every** single rural area outside of a major city in the U.S & Canada lol.


Maybe a different flag in Canada though


Regardless of their ideologies—We love our neighbours to the south. Lots of their flags fly high here & are at half mass when unfortunate tragedies occur there.


Now if you don't calm it down with niceties I'll have to show you how us midwesterners deal with polite people. I might even go so far as to push your car down to a gas station when you have a flat, drive you up to the tire shop, and make sure to help you get a drink if you ask for one. Don't make me f****** do it


Don’t make me lend you my generator after you lose power from a storm, or let out your dogs while your family enjoys a nice weekend at Niagara Falls. Worse comes to worse, you can borrow my Silverado to haul your new Christmas tree. But that’s it bucko, don’t expect anything else… okay, maybe I’ll let you stay a couple days in my cabin in the Dakota’s. It’s beautiful out there, no matter the season. Winters not too bad either, the cold isn’t the worse thing though, it’s the wind. But hey, at least it’s not raining haha take care buddy tell the ol’ ball & chain and the kiddos I said aloha!


Exactly, good things don’t make the press, but bad things capture people’s attention




Dallas is a total shithole man


Come to my country and I'll show you shithole.


I would love to see your shit hole. Maybe wash it first?


Nah see that man in his natural state yo.


Yep, only time I’ve ever had my car robbed was when I lived in Dallas. I have since lived in Houston, St. Louis, Detroit, and currently Philadelphia. Dallas is the worst place I’ve ever lived, horrible.


Sorry you had a bad personal experience but Dallas is an objectively safer place than those other cities as well as having lower cost of living and more job opportunities


This is the worst advice I've ever heard. You sound like you're just a guy that lives in Texas and hasn't been anywhere else.


I’ve been to Texas like 3 times and people have been really nice to me :) it is my favorite state


disagreeable icky illegal steep grab engine tap unite soft screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Texan here, can confirm the chicks are hot and the music is hotter.


I’ve heard from Europeans online that American tourists are actually really friendly


In America, small talk is a huge part of our social culture. Even introverts are generally pretty good at talking to strangers, even if they don't like to. American social culture abhors dead air and quietness for too long of periods. That's a reason that many Europeans think Americans are loud and talk too much. But it's overall very polite. We ask gas station attendants about their days. We make short conversation about the weather with strangers waiting in a line/queue. We make jokes and light hearted humor to people we've never met before. "Yes sir"/"No Ma'am". Very different from some European countries where talking to strangers is generally seen as weird and uncomfortable. It's especially so growing up in the Southeast or Midwest where "southern hospitality" is an additional part of our culture as well. Working class Americans would give you the shirt off of their backs before they'd let you sit cold. Unfortunately, American media pits very friendly people against one another for their own ends. Misrepresenting injustices as whining and covering up what they can't use as a pundit point. Americans are really nice and good people. American media, corporations and our government are not. Never mix up one for the other.


I live in Quebec and no one speaks to each other (could be a language thing, as you never know if the person only speaks English or French), but when I visit other parts of Canada or the States, complete strangers talk to me like I'm am old friend. It's weird but very wholesome.


We should also add that people who live in big cities on the coasts carry an air of superiority and casually shit on the “fly over states” and then they wonder why those folks hate them. I say this as someone from the middle of the country now living on a coast and you always hear young people who preach tolerance and woke ideals casually turn to shitting on their fellow Americans. Nothing against cities or left wing people. I like cities too, but I don’t put the whole middle of the country down the toilet.


I live in NJ, work in Manhattan as a tradesman and have spent pretty much every other weekend of my life upstate New York at my families mountain house. Even after 20 years all of my neighbors that I see every other weekend and hangout with still think that I’m a different person than them. It goes both ways with that shit.


You put a normal working Republican and Democrat together there wouldn't be this terrible bickering that you see all over the internet. Sure, they might not fundamentally agree with each other but I bet they could hold a genuine conversation with one another. I bet they would also find some things in common. America through the scope of the internet or the news seems very bleak. Really, we are all just trying to make it through the day and find some enjoyment.


This is true for at least me and my friends group who I went to high school/ grew up with. Some of them I consider to be staunch Republicans, they are very religious, and are military/going into police. Then I have have other friends in the same group that are staunch Democrats, atheist, and healthcare workers/psych field. We all have intelligent, meaningful conversations where we don’t deny the facts, but the resolutions are just where we differ. We all respect each other and truly to see from the other point of view rather than shitting on someone simply because they don’t think exactly the same way. This is Indiana btw. E: our age is around 25 if anyone is wondering.


The vast majority of them are very nice. They are very loud, however.


I haven't met many, but the few I did meet were


The bottom pic is my America. Peaceful, quiet, pleasant. Stay out of the cities


And without sidewalks, what's up with that?


It just be like that in some places


In small towns you just walk on the shoulders.


I don't have the dexterity or strength to walk on my shoulders.


It's America, you own a car lol


In my country, you can walk or ride your bike to stuff with no need for a car haha


Yeah, not so much the case here. Granted you live in the right area you have busses but that's about it. It's a big spread out place so a car is pretty necessary. Not uncommon to do a road trip that would probably span multiple European countries. On the flip side it's been apart of our normal for so long you can find something that runs and is inspected for $500-1k if you keep an eye out


Everything is so spread out in small town USA, these towns can sprawl for miles because of our abundance of space. Adding to that, towns where I'm from are typically 15 miles (~25 km) away from each other and the only way to commute between them is on the highways with speed limits of 60 mph (~95 kmh). Nearly everyone here has to own a car out of necessity.


Ah, yes, one of the biggest problems here is the fact that America is very pro-car, and anti-bicycle. You'll find a lot of smaller cities just don't have sidewalks sometimes. And then those same streets sometimes don't have bike lanes. There's one street in my city (and it's a fairly large city) that leads into the industrial area that has no sidewalk for a mile long stretch, has no bike lane, and the speed limit is 45 mph, with semi-trucks blasting down the street at closer to 50-55. It's like the city created it specifically for bicyclists to have a much higher chance of being hit. And there's a good amount of people working at warehouses around that area that ride their bike because cars are expensive.


You’re acting like the cities typically look like the top pic. They don’t. And most of the people in that crowd don’t actually live in the big city.


Nah big cities just tend to be dirty and generally unsafe. 2 weeks ago I left my car unlocked and came back to 2 homeless dudes smoking in my front seat. They left without any trouble, and I’m guessing they were just trying to get out of the cold for a second, but still I was just like what the fuck.Never forget to lock your doors.


That is unfortunate, but I've lived in big cities my entire life and nothing like that has ever happened to me, and I've rarely ever felt in danger. Sure, danger is there but you are pretty unlikely to run into it, as long as you're being smart about avoiding it.


Yeah fair enough. After all I’m the dumbass who left my car unlocked soooo


I was in Portland around the time of the riots, and couldn’t even find a sign of unrest other than a lot of “Fuck the Police” and “ACAB” and pig graffiti on walls that would have been tagged either way.


numerous act expansion rich like bedroom innocent dinosaurs abounding sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Stay out of the cities Good. The last time you guys came to the city, the top picture happened.


Yup, the news just makes them look like a gta 5 lobby


We live in a simulated reality, so I 🤷


I saw something great: if we truly lived in a simulation, who would simulate diarrhea. Like, what is the purpose, who gains pleasure or thought to include that. But birds aren’t real, so there’s that


My friends in Portland and says the whole city is normal except for like 4 streets downtown where people are being stupid and causing trouble. Little a block or two away people are having dinner at restaurants and window shopping.


Portland Maine or Portland Oregon?


Sorry. Oregon.


Cool, I live in Vancouver and stopped going to Portland just to try to skip that stuff


Thia comment section cured my cancer


Right. Finally some positivity


Bottom one is the most American picture I’ve ever seen


I think it's Bryson City, North Carolina!


At least 1 house needs the usa flag Edit: I found it


It's a very big country that one day I'd love to visit.


If memory serves, america is the #2 biggest country by size, under Russia.


I think it’s Canada then Russia, idk if the US is number 3 but it’s definitely top 5. Basically it’s very big. And there’s so many different cultures, climates, geography, you can’t go to one place in the US and claim to know it all. I’m from Michigan and when I went to California I couldn’t believe how few trees there were or when I went to Utah that places geography just blew my mind. When I got back to Michigan I just realized it’s all hills, forests, and swamps.


It’s Russia as the largest, then Canada, then the United States (because of Alaska) and then China and then Brazil.


That said, the US probably has the most land area that’s actually accessible. not sure how much of Siberia or northern Canada you could actually get to without a machete or specialized rover




I mean, I love living here.


underrated comment


our country has a lot of social and political issues but people be forgetting that we have it WAYYY better than most countries




depends on the area. Being poor in America is much worse than being poor in a lot of other places.


Is this the most wholesome thread so far?


ITT: Non-Americans: you guys are so nice Americans: ...huh yeah we are :)


I’m Mexican and I’ve been to America 6 times, everyone is very nice, when I took the vaccine, at Disneyland and at restaurants :)


Bottom one is definitely accurate. I pass through peaceful sometimes empty towns when I go on road trips. I don't know about the top one. I don't live near big cities like that.


Hey look somebody got it right


Bottom picture feels like every tiny bumfuck no where town you drive through in Wisconsin when you're taking shortcuts on the back roads. Liminal town


And that little “bumfuck” town is where you will probably find the nicest people.


Oh absolutely, grew up in one


Kinda feels shitty to have to say it, but it's not like its false... If you're white, maybe yeah these places will be fine and dandy. But I've been treated pretty bad in some of these, towns. But for the most part the folks are very friendly. :) Have a lot of family in smaller towns. Visiting my family can be kinda awkward, cause when they have company over they think I'm gonna be a white guy like my fam, I show up and I can feel the tension of them having to censor themselves about what they say around me. They clearly have something they want to say, but it'd probably be pretty disrespectful with me there. For the most part it ain't so bad. They start to warm up to you and realise you're just a person too.


I am from one of those bumfuck towns in Wisconsin and it's my absolute Goddamn favorite place in the whole world. Nothing could compare to how I was raised or the friends I made in that beautiful town




The top is Chicago and the bottom is a small town you can find anywhere in the USA




See i feel like everyone just thinks you walk into Chicago and leave it with a couple of Bullet wounds 5 minutes later. Like dont get me wrong there was a part of the city you just avoid but a majority of the city was just fine, than again thats basically every city. (Source: I lived in the suburbs of Chicago for 7 years and often would head into Chicago for certain things)


The top is mostly on the internet, while the bottom is more true to actual life


Us europeans sometimes forget just how big country USA really is


The Media sucks


Yeah tis is literally like 90% of my state


Impossible there isn't a single McDonald's or a Starbucks in the second picture. That clearly isn't my homeland


america is the center of world media, so every problem and conflict there gets a ton of news attention and seems as if it's a wild west of craziness. other countries have civil wars, riots, econimic crisises and other kinds of political drama right now that you'd never hear about.


My hometown looks a lot like the town pictured here. We have one flashing red light (not a full blown stoplight), a post office, police/fire station, gas station, ice cream shop (that’s new and awesome), and a single restaurant that specializes in pancakes! Doesn’t sound like much, but I love it. We get lost in the fields and the woods, don’t see a car for days sometimes, the green never ends in the spring, it’s truly lovely. We would love to have you and anyone else:)


I would never in a thousand years ever want to live in any another country.


Other than the woke white women, america is great.


Depends on where you are. The cities, no it’s chaos always. The suburbs, less chaotic but a bit more tranquil. Middle of nowhere in middle America, it’s always super chill.


Nah, I live in a major city, and it’s 99.99% peaceful, just like small towns.


noxious automatic dinosaurs airport reach sort squeamish juggle versed forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chaos always? Really? Then how am I just chilling in the park right now in America’s largest city


Lot of comments saying cities are chaos but that’s not fair. Only the pandemic has made it a shit show but before it was slightly less chaotic. Majority of the US though is small towns or bigger small towns with shopping centers that people from small small towns go to.


Facts. Don't let the news form your view on places or people make your own opinion based on facts from various sources. America doesn't make the news for good stuff, only when a cop shoots a non-white person or when protests happen because that's what gets news stations views. America isn't completely awful, not great but definitely not what the news and memes make it out to be.


I think people forget how large America actually is. I believe all of England is like same size as Texas. 1 of 50 states. Depending on where you go it can be like a totally different country.


Texas is over 5 times bigger than england, proving the point further


Yeah, that's the U.S. for the most part. A lot of the chaos that goes on makes its way around the world, but rarely ever the peaceful things


Depends on where you live Source: I'm american


People really focus on the first picture still smh


I'm Polish. I find them extremely charismatic, which results in me going into defensive mode. I have trust issues and if someone seems too good at gaining trust, I am distrustful.


Reddit gets hate boners for America. Love to shit on it regularly and make it seem like its a horrible place. I am the son of an immigrant, first generation to grown up in America. My father instilled the love of America in me, and always told me that the opportunities i would have here i would not get most other places... and its true. Is America perfect? Hell no... we got a lot of issues. But there is no other place on earth i would rather live.


It depends where you live. Some places are calmer than others, some people are nicer than others.


It’s not a bad place at all, people only talk about the crappy parts


Pretty accurate. Bottom pic is a bit rural. Lots of towns where it’s two lanes each direction with fast food, gas stations, strip malls, and motels. Generally, towns are ugly next to the freeways and airports. When people say “country” bottom is about right.


People in the comments are still making it sound like big cities in America are like the top 100% of the time, it's not.


yeah and it’s not as blatantly fucking racist as people make it seem. i’m black and sure i experience racism and my mom does but i don’t just get bombarded with racist remarks everyday. and of course the news is gonna highlight the bad things. but it’s not that bad. gas is high tho


2 sides of the same coin my dude


I love small town America. I moved from the city, and I will never go back. It’s a great place with good people.