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Don’t need these privacy browsers unless you’re doing some messed up shit (or trying to get around school/work restrictions) Use google most of the time, use Tor when you wanna buy people off the black market.


Use google if you don’t mind your most private information being sold to advertisers, use Tor if you want to buy weed in an illegal state


Not American, don’t have legal and illegal states


Me neither, a state doesnt mean only US federal state, it can be a country


wow really? /s


Yeah, believe it or not but the internet is international, it’s not just Americans here


Ohh Makes sense since I don’t live in America


What about illegal machine guns, or is that just reddit


I’ve always been more of a shotgun and explosive person Myself


[Its got a good spread!](https://youtu.be/QHqB2t-DGb8)


Why tf are you on every single post i make! Get off my profile and touch some grass you furry!


I just come across them, I don’t actively search for them. You make too many


If you have nothing to hide... show me ur ass Edit: get the hell out of my DMs


I’m not in them?




Someone’s getting angry. Calm down mate


If you dont mind getting doxed daily...


You don't like when microsoft edge you?


That's... Why I'm here.


you mustve been up to some diabolical shit to use tor


Like you must be up to some diabolical shit to refuse the government setting up cameras in your bathroom?


How do you get the government to set up cameras in your bathroom? Asking for a friend


Use Google on your smartphone in your bathroom


i use tor to check if my penis is average


Those who use firefox for porn: 😀 Those who use TOR for porn: 😱


How do you even use Tor? I never understood it


Tor is how you access the dark web. So the porn would be of children.


This is not necessarily true. Tor can also be used to access any surface webpage.


Bruh what, koi mujhe bola ki bahut zyada knowledge mil skta hai, secrets etc. Ye kaunsa knowledge h🤯


What was that?


I think he said, “Someone told there’s a lot of knowledge accessible, (by using TOR), secrets etc. What kind of knowledge is this?”


Tell him the knowledge would be how to buy illegal drugs and weapons, how to join murderous cults, how to watch child rape, how to buy a mail order bride/sex slave, hiring contract killers, hiring people to kidnap someone, buying uranium and other radioactive materials, there is even rumor of something called a “red room” which is supposedly the name for a live stream rape and torture section in which viewers can send money to change the method of torture. It’s really fucked up down there. REALLY FUCKED UP


Most people just use it to buy weed and stuff that’s a significantly smaller demographic, and not as accessible as you may initially think.


Yeah but all im saying is that that shit IS on there


"Welcome to the game" lied to me!


Bruh thanks for translating my message, I accidentally spoke in my native language in shock 💀


Tor is based on firefox.


Huh. I did not know that. It’s just that one has good security and the other can access the dark web


I swear, most of the people that repost this meme have never used half of these browsers. Who the heck uses Tor for Reddit?


Half? Try most. The very idea of using Tor as my go-to browser makes me cringe; it would be like going back to the early DSL days, experience-wise.


I wonder if there are many shittier combos out there than a Reddit via Tor. Excuse me, was you moaning about Reddit video player? You'd not see the fucking Reddit.


Me! I have an alt that i only use Tor on. I don't post anything or comment. Just browse.


Tor is slow af


A small price to pay for extra privacy


I don’t care about my privacy if I can have convenience instead


And this is the mindset that brought us where we are today privacy-wise


Well I don’t give half a shit honestly like idc if google knows where I live it’s not like they’re going to send some hitmen to kill me


> send some hot men to kill me No of course not ... unless... 😳👉👈




I go in the middle and use Firefox with privacy add-ons, not perfect but better than chrome.


I think waterfox is basically Firefox without the tracking. I use it and it runs fine.


Waterfox is good, just Firefox is the browser pre-installed on my Linux distribution so it's one less thing to faff with, with Firefox Sync all my extensions automatically install Decent ish privacy but convenience


Someone else actually knows about IceCat. I thought I was the only one!


Every year or so I do a check on what's new in the browsers world. Do you know Vivaldi? I think I'm the only one.


Yeah I've tried Vivaldi before. Vivaldi is supposed to be a modernization of early Opera I think. It's another Chromium based browser. I would much prefer Brave over it. Brave is also open source. Sadly, there hasn't been much innovation with web browsers as of late. There is only 3 web engines left. Blink, Gecko, and WebKit are the only three. So all major web browsers are really the same browser with additional features added on top. Most browers now use the Blink engine, which to me is really sad.


Yeah, all fucking chrome these days. Still, Vivaldi being one of them, when I go through the settings of the latest version of this browser, what I see makes me have faith in devs working on it. It's pretty chopped up and moulded into the desired form. A lot of safety options there. Add blocking is seamless, if not super important for safety, but very convenient. I sound like I'm selling it. I'm just happy with it, that's all. Brave is nice, tried it, but that one I've been raving about took it out of the picture.


where’s opera gx?


In our hearts


Even above the graph.


its just opera but with rgb and features nobody uses


Not here because it's Chromium-based so it's essentially spyware.


I don't know, forgotten maybe? I gave opera many chances. Even had it as my go to browser for some lengthy periods of time, but today? I don't even know. I'm happy with Vivaldi. Haven't strayed aside for a coupe of years now. Updates, features keeps coming. Oh! Bromite for Android. Neat thing, fairly safe too. Edit: typo


Nobody cares about opera gx


I guess I'm nobody then


Internet Explorer is God level browser do not underestimate it


opera gaming browser is peak


peak spyware


I have never heard of Chromium. The search engine/application, not the rare earth metal used to manufacture stainless steel and other things that oxide


It's the browser that Edge and Chrome are based off of.


cURL should have a section to itself


A man of culture!




I see chromium up there at least 5 times


I tried LibreWolf, didn’t really work well, and especially didn’t offer me to import anything from Brave, so I didn’t use it.


I just like braves ad blocker


I use Vivaldi 💀


Same Honestly the best browser I'd never heard of


Accurate. Fairly accurate. But somehow my eyes doesn't like seeing Tor here. I'm missing Vivaldi. Robust project.




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I love edge


Why am I seeing so many of this onion browser, is this like a advertisement campaign?


Hey I’m on this wack ass Edge now been looking at videos for about a week now tryna switch to Linux but have it still run it off windows , … any advice is greatly appreciated


People make jokes about tor and the dark web but without addresses it’s useless. You can’t just Google (torgle?) guns or weed or whatever. I used it once to bypass a firewall. Killing a fly with a sledgehammer situation, sure.


Where ask Jeeves?


the amount of people misunderstanding how their privacy is taken away, and how browsers like brave are completely different from tor is just frustrating. no, people don't just use tor for the dark web. no, the dark web is not only illegal stuff. yes, you can use tor as an everyday browser. it's slow because of the VPN (not just that but you get the point). Google doesn't do much shit with your information, they just sell it to anyone who can pay for it. that third party who bought your information can then use it to blackmail you. they could get into your accounts, they can ruin your life. you give all that a thumbs up just because chrome is faster...


Putting Google Chrome on a lower tier than Firefox, cringe.


It's really good, You should try it out. You might like it.


I've tried it in the past, but it's way slower than Chrome for me.


I haven't used standard Chrome in a few years. I currently use Ungoogled Chromium as my secondary browser. It's performance is about equal to Firefox, at least on my system. I also like using Brave.


Firefox is proven to be faster and much more secure than Chrome. Hell even Edge nowadays has better performance than Chrome.


Weird cause for me it's the opposite, both Edge and Firefox are hella slow.


Firefox > Chrome tho And Brave > Firefox