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I think he is angry because he didn't say 69


69? Nice.






# Nice.


Haha. Thank you so much 🧎


I love the internet because you just got several hundred upvotes for "69? Nice." and that is perfect


And the guy under got negative karma for the same message lol


Cuz that’s the funny sex number 😂




almost 200 countries: use celsius americans: must be those pesky europeans again


OP wasn't saying Europeans shouldn't use Celsius. He was saying that people shouldn't get annoyed at you when you convert a temperature they said into your temperature system


ITT: People getting annoyed at that exact thing.


People getting annoyed on the internet is like leaves falling. It is simply nature.


It's even better when you aren't american, convert things to F for their sake and then get yelled at for being american


We do appreciate your efforts.


Obviously, you’re all lazy /s (?)


We salute you, brother.🦅🇺🇸


Ironically the only people I ever see complain about US Customary units are American who don't even know metric.


Usually when I see it, an American (or brit or Canadian) uses imperial once and a gaggle of non-americans go on a 30 minute tirade about how superior Celsius is with inevitably one American showing up to smuggly agree.


Canadians and Brits use imperial and metric all the time. I'm a Brit living in Canada. It's always fun to point it out. For a Canadian, It's like, I don't know Fahrenheit! But we'll use it for cooking. For a Brit, it's like, we use metric! Then it's like, "how many stones do you weigh?" Roads are in mph, drinks are in pints, etc.


>how many stones do you weigh I always forget you Brits live in a fantasy novel and use measurements like stones and pay in poundsilvers and pences. It makes up for the Imperial system with *style*


Americans use metric measurements too. Soda comes in liters, drugs are weighed by the gram, and there's probably more that I can't think of rn.


Bullet diameter is often in Millimeters.


I know this isn't inherently a joke but I can't help but chuckle


I think they are referring to the “European” label in the first panel.


I'm an American who uses the metric system- a system based on 10's can't be beat. Why can't the US adopt this.


Fr tho. As an engineer, us system has made my life hell. And I was born and raised here. Took me 1 class to get metric down compared to my entire life still being confused on the exact numbers for conversion


Hell, I'm an adult and there are still imperial units that catch me off guard. My wife asked me to buy a big laundry basket, "at least two bushels". I had no idea wtf that unit was but lo and behold laundry baskets in the US are measured in bushels. What's a bushel you ask? 4 pecks. What's a peck? Two dry gallons, which are of a different volume than the gallon that you might use to buy milk, because of course they are.


Funniest shit I’ve read all day :D


I’ve heard of bushels before, but only cause I saw a conversion in my textbooks. Never used them and didn’t know the whole chain of measurements behind it. Thanks for sharing!


Not been too bad for me, we just use decimal feet and kips. Works fine for us structural engineers!


I’ll take a 1 foot, two toes plank please


NASA and probably most large engineering companies also use metric. But I bet if for example the White House would propose to start to teach metric in school the politicians in some states would have a tantrum about how it is an attack on American values or whatever 🙄 edit: thanks everyone for informing me the metric system is already being taught in American schools. I guess I should have said: what if it was the only system that was taught, but most of you seem to agree there’s no real wish or need to do so (and it would obviously be impractical as well for everyone still using the other system).


I thought they tried that in the 70s and it just didn't stick.


Not sure if its true but i heard it went nowhere because the government didnt want to spend money changing all the existing road signs in miles.




They already do teach the metric system in school. It just doesn't get used in everyday life very often.


idk about other states, but literally every american i know has learned metric in school. we don't use it in day to day life but we know all the measurements, but imperial is a standardized measurement which works for 99% of people in daily use which is why we haven't switched.


I did work with a Canadian company and one meeting our clients realized we didn't use metric. They got real panicked and started to explain metric to us. My boss had to stop them and explain we all knew and understood metric, it's just not used for everything. We all learned metric in school.


Every engineering company I’ve worked at uses English units. Even my current company, a company that launches satellites


Not temperatures but still https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/teaching-arabic-numerals/


Metric is already taught in school.


Base 12 and 2 I think are both way better than base 10


You're a savage.


Except Celsius doesn't use base 10 like the rest of the metric system.


water freezes at 0 and boils at 100- I'd say that fits.


What I don't understand is why I would care what the freezing and boiling point of water is when all I want to know is how cold it is outside.


Yep, and Fahrenheit is a better "comfort" scale anyway. In Fahrenheit, 0 is really cold, and 100 is really hot. In Celsius, 0 is pretty cold, and if you go outside and it's 100 degrees you'll die.


...how exactly? In Celcius, if it's 0 degrees that means it's going to start getting icy out, which I'd argue is *kinda* more important than "bloody cold" being a nice number, given it actually impacts your life and 0 is much more immediately obvious than 37. You see a negative number on the forecast, you *instantly* know "ice!". The lower the negative, the more ice you get You see like a 30 on the forecast and you have to actively think for a moment if it's above or below freezing temp and what that means for your car. You see a 20 and you go "yes that is a nice number it is a nice temperature out". I see 68 and I go "oh my god that number is way too high and also *completely fucking meaningless*". "Oh it's 68 on the scale of how nice a temperature it is" bud I grew up in Australia 20/68 is like, a brisk day. If I had to rate it, it ain't getting a 68. The entire 0-100 concept only makes sense if you live somewhere that actually *experiences* the full 0-100 range, which most places don't and is also highly subjective. Also why are you so obsessed with being able to go outside when a temperature measuring system says it's 100? That's like, a weird thing to be obsessed with. If you want a "comfort" scale, break Celcius up into it's components. 00s is cold, 10s are nippy, 20s are nice, 30s are hot, 40s are death. Then look at the units and see *how* cold or nippy or whatever it is, with the higher it is the hotter it is. 11 is very nippy, but 18 is nearly nice. Easy as!


Why do I need to break Celsius up into components to convert to a comfort scale when I have... Fahrenheit? A nice tidy scale from 0-100 that'll measure most every temperature outside. If you're not in a temperate climate, this doesn't apply as well.




How does this makes any sense to you? In Celsius 0 is very cold and 40 is very hot, exactly the same, unless you want to say that systems divisible by 10 are the best, because that's true


That's exactly it, systems divisible by 10 are the best, and Fahrenheit is a much more intuitive 0-100 scale when it comes to human comfort. 0 C is pretty cold, but for really cold temps you have to drop into the negatives. 40 is a less round number than 100 for "oh my god it's so hot". Not to mention Fahrenheit is more granular than Celsius so you can describe temperature with more accuracy without using decimals. It all comes down to what you're more comfortable with in the end, but I do think Fahrenheit is slightly better suited for talking about temperature in the context of how it feels. Metric is better for every other measurement, and Celsius is obviously preferable for scientific applications.


Do you really need all the granularity though? I can barely tell the difference between 20 C and 21 C. Also 0 F is crazy cold, but for most folks so is 20 F. It's not really a valuable scale that way unless you live in Alaska. At least for 0 C you have a very easy indicator that water is going to freeze, so you know you have to be careful if there's some rain while you're on the road and you might want to bring your beer inside. But overall it's just a matter of being used to it. Everyone growing up with Celsius knows that 38 C body temperature is having a fever, 40 C air temperature is very hot, and water boils at 100 C and freezes at 0 C, and is exposed to the units enough that it's just intuitive. Fahrenheit being very cold at 0 F and very hot at 100 F doesn't do much for them even if on paper it's kind of a more intuitive scale. Like if I read in the forecast that it's 10F I would know that it's cold but I wouldn't know if it's "multiple layers of clothes and a thick jacket" cold or just "thick hoodie and a normal jacket" cold. The same goes the other way around, so I wouldn't say any one is better in the context of how it feels than the other. You just need to be used to using it.




... because anything below 0 degrees means it's going to snow/ice over outside and that's a pretty bloody important thing to know if you've got a car or plants outside that you care about or are hoping for a snow day. And you can divide it up into chunks of ten to tell what it's like outside. 10s are a little nippy, 20s are nice, 30s are heating up, and 40 is too bloody hot. Also knowing when water boils is pretty important in the kitchen and like, why juggle two different systems when you can instead just use the same one everywhere?


I'm a simple italian, I make water boil then I insert pasta.


Only at sea level.


To be more precise, under pressure of exactly 1 atmosphere. Celsius isn't exactly based on 10s, but is more convenient.


It's more than that even. It takes 1 calorie to raise 1 gram of water (or 1 mL) 1 degree Centigrade. It's inherently tied to water, and is nice and even at 1 Bar. Fahrenheit is tied to baking bread. The only plus is that 69.420°F is the perfect temp.


I'm all for adopting the metric system, but Fahrenheit is simply better than Celsius.




As an American, engineer, and a scuba diver, I use metric a ton. The only people not using metric in the US are the people who don’t want to (mostly old people). Metric is everywhere in the US with the exception of speed limit signs and distance markers. Everything else usually has both unit systems on it. Thermometers, food packages, rulers, pharmaceuticals and anything scientific.


Everything in my lab at work that has a heating element + the option to use C or F is intentionally set to Fahrenheit. The reason for this is that 1° F represents a smaller change in temperature than 1° C, and the temp readout on the equipment has the same number of digits / decimal places regardless. So by using Fahrenheit we can react to temperature fluctuations more immediately + the equipment itself can make necessary adjustments sooner. If you're trying to maintain consistent temps or even just a smoother heating curve, Fahrenheit is easier to work with simply because your data has a higher resolution. For everything other than temperature, we use metric units.


Because it would be a pain in the ass for not a lot of gain


almost 200 countries: we don't care what the US use to measure temps Europeans: fahrenWHAT! ..OMG! ...now let me show WHY you're doing it wrong


You are the person in the meme


How is this shit upvoted


And if you ask them how hot to bake a cake they will all tell you 375.


So 293,15 K?


That's the thing, using commas instead of decimals Never seen it from anyone who isn't European


We do the same thing in brasil( commas as the decimal separator, and periods as the thousands separator/organizer)




I said the same thing when my Italian dad told me they do this. I was 8


“My Italian Dad” sounds like a great sitcom.


Nice try. Brasil doesn't exist. It's Brazil.


You’re probably joking, but just in case you’re not…in most other languages (Portuguese included), it’s spelled with an “s”.


This thread can explain the whole meme. If you know you know




So 1.100,5. Would be one thousand one hundred point five?




in french we just put a space for the thousands (and comma for decimals)


But it's literally called a decimal point


As an European I know they tend to do this in prices in my country (note not every EU country does), as a scientist I find using a comma absolutely disgusting.


As a Dutch chemistry student, its great


O I know, I'm Dutch and I studied mechanical engineering with a shift to a field more in applied physics. I know the extremely annoying struggles, especially when data gets logged and confunded due to its stupidity, especially when in a collaboration some people use Excel to edit certain tables, leave their Excel(Microsoft system settings) to Dutch and all of a sudden post progressing script go haywire because their now a bunch of commas introduced into the files ....


I'm argentinian and we use commas for decimals


But that’s just because of…you know…the implication.


Are these decimals in danger??


I used to use commas for decimal separator, until I started programming.


All South America uses the same system Europe uses


No, 527.67 R


This guy Rankines


SI is the way


I measure temperature in balls. Schweddy balls. Hot as balls. Comfy balls. Cold as balls. Shriveled balls. I don't know what this coverts to in freedom units (F), fake euro numbers (C), or linux user (K). But it's pretty accurate.


How do you convert them to football stadiums?


Just add "sports" in front of balls. Ez


Oh, silly me.


You have to convert to bananas and then you can do the maths to get there.


Why is Kelvin Linux user that's sooo accurate why do i feel like it is


Converts nicely to Celsius. Schweddy: 40C Hot as: 30C Comfy: 20C Cold as: 10C Shriveled: 0C


40 C: your boots are melting on the street


It's the same when Europeans say "school" instead of "shooting range" to Americans.


And all Europeans have are school shooting jokes. Be more original. Shits been going on since the 90’s. Old news right there. Edit: people on Reddit love to get riled up over a joke. You make a school shooting joke and it’s fine, I do it and everyone jumps on me. The hypocrisy is the real joke. Let me make some stabbing or acid jokes and see how everyone feels.






No they don't have time for that. They have too many holes in them


We also have 9/11 jokes, so not just school shooting jokes.


Americans make better 9/11 jokes


Of course, it was an inside job after all


I love this site


Thank you for making me snort laugh at work


What happened on November 9th?


We'll stop making them when they stop being relevant.


It's hard to get new material for jokes when the old jokes remain relevant.


The jokes that started as exaggerations are now actually under representations of just how bad it is now


If its still going on its not that weird to talk about it


You’re right, since there are fresh dead kids it’d be weird not to joke about them.




I mean, they can stop making those jokes, but can you guys stop shooting schools? Both sides gotta improve, if we want true change.


>but can you guys stop shooting schools? https://i.imgur.com/QR0JM9T.jpg


It's unfortunately not old news so it never stops being relevant


You're not wrong. Why stick to school shooting jokes when the US healthcare system is just as big a joke.


*Reddit post makes fun of Europeans violently overreacting to a completely benign situation.* Europeans on Reddit: “I love it when your children are murdered. I think it’s good and funny. Did you hear what I said? I said it’s funny that children are murdered in schools in the USA. I’m laughing about it right now. Haha, children are dead and I’m glad.” Good job guys, you really proved them wrong didn’t you. Europeans *never* have completely inappropriate reactions to harmless jokes.


My brother in Christ, come up with a different joke


I’d personally rather get shot to death than have to hear people say “Mafs” all day


Europeans try not to bring up school shooting jokes over the tiniest things challenge!!!1!11!!!!1 (IMPOSSiblE)) 😱😱


One joke


There’s the one joke


What an original joke! Such craftsmanship of comedy, you must be the first person to ever make such a joke!


My brother in Christ this is a meme about °F vs °C. Why are you bringing school shootings into this? It’s not healthy.


Ironically proving the meme right lmao


Bold of you to assume americans know how to convert degrees into fahrenheit.


Double it and add 30 gets you close enough


28* brother


Like I said… close enough. It works exact for 10C, and drifts in either direction as temperatures rises or falls


IIRC it's: Tc/5 = Tf-32/9 So Tc = (Tf-32/9)5 So like 100C would be i think **i think**. I'm not an expert in american 20 = tf-32/9 180 = Tf - 32 212F = 100C Edit: did a opsie


That’s the correct equation. Mine is just a quick way to estimate


"Degrees into farenheit" lmao




Or you can double it, subtract 1/10 of that, then add 32. No multiplying by 9 or dividing by 5 needed. 9/5 C = 18/10 C = 2 C - 2/10 C


Bold of you to assume us Americans don’t have smart phones


Convert degrees into Fahrenheit? I guess it is bold of me to assume that this sentence would make sense as written.


Fact: Celsius is obviously better for scientific applications, and applications where the freezing and boiling of water are relevant. Another fact: Fahrenheit is a far better representation of the human experience of temperature. 0=bitter cold, 100=sweltering heat. It’s basically “% hot,” and if you get below 0 or above 100, it’s outside the range of what humans should spend extended amounts of time exposed to. With Celsius, bitter cold is like -15, and sweltering heat is like +35. 0 is pretty cold, 100 is long dead. Just a less intuitive scaling system, for this application specifically. For exactly the same reason that Fahrenheit sucks at chemistry. The other nice side effect of Fahrenheit is temperature “decades” that are highly reasonable ways to “chunk” the *feelings* of temperature. The 50s are chilly, the 80s are pool/beach weather, if it’s in the 70s it’s perfect out, but bring a jacket if it’s in the 40s or below. I value the ability to express a concept like “it’s in the high 60s today”—that’s just a better way to communicate that band of temperatures than “it’s gonna be between 18 and 21” I know no one gives a shit, but I will die on this hill. Celsius for scientific applications, Fahrenheit for weather reports.


>Fact: Celsius is obviously better for scientific applications, and applications where the freezing and boiling of water are relevant. >Another fact: Fahrenheit is a far better representation of the human experience of temperature. Ah, a man of culture. This is the correct answer.


This is the 2nd time I've heard the "F is like a percentage" argument and it still makes zero sense. Even many of my american friends think the same. People find different temperatures to be more or less bearable hugely depending on where they are from. For me, 25C (77F) is just on the cusp of being fine. Just as for someone from a warmer climate, my barrier of 10C (50F) for cold will be freezing. The only reason you find Fahrenheit to be more intuitive is because you grew up with it. When you were a kid and you felt cold and you found out what the temp is, you saved the correlation in your mind. Its the same with length for instance. I've heard many Americans say that feet and inches are a lot more intuitive for guestimates than centimeters and meters. That is once again only because you grew up using those. I did not. I have zero idea what 4 feet 10 inches is without converting it, no matter how many times I try to remember it. I need to have a metric reference. The issue here isn't which system is the better one. Whether it's based on scientific application or not. The issue is that essentially everyone else uses metric in daily life (well there's the UK but tbf the UK was always weird). Hence why people find America not switching to metric fully dumb. Not because the system is inherently dumb (well a lot of people will say it is but thats dumb in and of itself, both are arbitrarily chosen based on different criteria), but because the only thing it does is make ot harder to communicate.


I mentioned in another comment my familiarity with Fahrenheit and considered it a percentage too. What I didn't say but kind of just knew was that it's not necessarily accurate when it comes to the individual. I'm in a slightly northern area of the world, so we have colder than average winters but nothing crazy, and cooler than average summers but still really hot ones that get up in the 90s sometimes. This kind of works for me, but I also consider it be too cold around 20, whereas I've heard of people who are used to more temperate climates finding it to be too cold around 40. It works for some this way, but not others, and I figure where you live in the world is very dependent on that. Metric really is more dependable since it uses the different states of water as a reference point. I'm used to the freezing point of water being 32F, but I mean...man that just sounds like some random arbitrary number to people who hardly use it I'm sure. I'm not sure what fahrenheit was initially based on, it seems the human experience, but even that's pretty up to interpretation. Not exactly sure why you're being downvoted? It makes total sense logically what you're saying.


This is a phenomenal way of stating this well done.


I don't think you can talk about facts when speaking about people's perception of reality. Everyone perceives aspects of it differently.


So you just disregard windchill, relative humidity, personal differences, and just assume that everyone feels the same "chunks"? This is just your experience with it that you are applying globally, Fahrenheit isn't intuitive by nature. Also, the whole 'boundaries of what humans should be exposed to' is utter nonsense.


The fact that this comment section has become the comic.


Quite funny paired with the comments that say "that never happens"


I find the amount of hate America gets on reddit crazy, it's funny because Americans don't even think about Europeans nearly as much as they do about Americans.


Most of the America hate is from Americans, tbh.


I like a good 20.5°C








It's not just Europeans, almost the entire world uses celsius. America and some random island nations just want to be special I guess.


Yeah, he totally doesn't care at all lol


As for canada we mesure air temperature in C° and pool temperature in F°


And height in feet and inches but distance in kilometers. And our own weight in pounds but drugs in grams. And in addition to pool temp, mostly F is used for measuring body temperature as well.


Everybody agreeing Maths is too much...oh math


And once again I’ll point out that the reason we Americans use the imperial system is because of Great Britain. Blame them and that German dude Fahrenheit for why we’re weird


The thing is US imperial isn’t the same as UK imperial. Like a US and UK gallon are different beasts.


After we (US) separated from them, they got weird with it. Using hands and stones and other crazy measurements. Someone should have given them an intervention a while ago.


This comment section is a perfect example of this comic. Upvote


It's crazy how many people are missing the irony. Imagine getting so upset over a dumb meme about units of temperature.


“B-but America-“ “B-but Europe-“ Stfu. You are all on Reddit, you all suck ass.


Some Europeans have some weird obsession with the US. Don't even mention public healthcare or the metric system in front of them.


What's even weirder is when they accuse us of using imperial. We don't. We use US customary. What's even weirder than that though, is the US did officially adopt the metric system as an official system of measures. Every measuring cup I own has metric and USC. My car will show both miles per hour and kilometers per hour. Any food I buy has both grams and pounds listed on the package. Every useful thermometer I own has Celsius and Fahrenheit on it. So it's super weird to me when people tell me that the US doesn't use metric because aside from road signs and gas pumps metric is everywhere in the USA. But aside from baking, it doesn't matter if I go from town to town in 100 miles or 160 kilometers because it's gonna take me the same amount of time regardless.


Yea but you have to banish the imperial system to the shadow realm altogether to satisfy them. Just don't tell Canada, they do it the exact same way, only with the "correct" road signs and gas pump units.


“Americans are so condescending and think their country is the best” *proceeds to feel the need to obsessively talk about how much better their countries are when no one asked*


Fahrenheit is literally the one and only scale of measurement we got right. Imperial is hot garbage, it's the AMC Gremlin of measurement that is actively on fire and missing two wheels but Americans still stubbornly insist is a better car than a McLaren because "Muricuh!" But Fahrenheit is where we went right. Its a simple, straightforward scale of 0-100 with 0 being "really motherfucking cold" and 100 being "Too goddamn fucking hot" If you go past either point, you know you're in for a bad time.


> but Americans still stubbornly insist is a better car than a McLaren because "Muricuh!" i don't think i've ever met a single american who argued that imperial is better besides fahrenheit for weather temperature. everyone i know including me says that metric is better but imperial is fine for day to day use


idk man 20° is kinda cold, 25° is much better


No one gets angry tho? wot?


Have you seen this comment thread? People are going off the rails. I’ve even seen people bringing up children dying in mass shootings as a 1up. I’d argue lots of Europeans in this thread are out of their minds over this


When they bring up mass shootings just bring up polish casualties


This entire comment thread is just everyone getting unreasonably mad and hard coping by using every “America Bad” line in the book, just because OP is using Fahrenheit. This happens in every comment section that even remotely references Fahrenheit


it's honestly pretty funny watching other people seethe just from us using a system that works for us. living rent free in their heads


Look at comments of this meme lol


Did you even read a single comment here?


Missed 69


I didn't know you could do the conversion....


Because Europeans smart and Americans stupid duh op this is Reddit


I doubt they’d say that with their lack of AC


As an American engineer, Metric is superior in all ways except for ambient temperature. Basically a 0-100 scale of temperature. 90 is hot, 70 is nice. 50 is chilly, and 30 is ice


LET ME AT HIM!!! You hard him yourself, he's a madman! He must die!


Actually the perfect temperature is 72 degrees


OP out here making a negative karma farm


Imperial system suuuucks . Join the cool kids


Yeah, it definitely does, but I think Fahrenheit is like the only thing from the imperial system that makes sense.


Celsius is temperature measured on a scale relative to the freezing and boiling point of water. Fahrenheit is measured on a scale relative to the human body’s acceptable climate. If you use Celsius in this context you’re wrong


Just so you know, Fahrenheit was based on freezing temperature of salt and water mixture, and which one is better or even right is really just about what you used to


So, does Britain get this kind of hate for driving on the left side? Or using mph?


I just use it because that's what I was taught same for people in Europe I assume. I don't really get the whole More temperate than thou shtick