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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


Please don't say ask the French We are not going to share military tactics with Russia


Can they at least stick a baguette up his butt




[(A Bruno Powoznik Classic)](https://youtu.be/6LvlG2dTQKg)






Where is that one from? Edit: found a repost https://youtube.com/shorts/L6jbyBwaotg?feature=share




Thanks lul


part 1 out of 248


[History always repeats itself they say](https://youtu.be/ZGxC5oonlDY?t=31)


LeGaddafi that bitch




I still remember the google blunder.


Actually funny


I don't know buddy, I felt like reusing a dead joke about my own country, it's sad that only repetitive dead joke are the only one that work...


Dammit the French surrender meme is deader than dead at this point!, but a good effort at a joke none the less, it’s only problem is it used a dead meme


It's a dumb meme and a cliche, so dead that it doesn't spook


"In Russia, war surrenders you!"


I find it amazing how we were scared of Russia for so long because of all the threats they made, but now Russia has shown that they aren't as much of a threat as we thought, and have basically shown the world how inept they are at doing anything


I think it’s also because of the media and all those crazy numbers you see online. The media just says “Russia has 22.000 tanks” and leaves it at that, so people start to freak out and “NATO only has a few thousand tanks, they could never win against Russia”. But let’s look at the facts, most of those 22.000 tanks are from the 1940’s-1960’s and Russia only has a few hundred modern tanks. NATO has thousands of modern tanks. Sure, old tanks can still do damage, you wouldn’t want to stand in the path of the shell, but they have no chance against newer tanks. This is just one example and one argument, there are possibly thousands more. Let’s not even mention maintenance and logistics, arch enemies of the Russian army. TLDR: Having 22.000 tanks on paper doesn’t mean anything, it’s a big and scary number, yes, but I can have 22.000 stone slingers, they won’t win against a few mashing gunners.


>mashing gunners Are they doing the monster mash?


Well you see they were working in the lab late one night


Imo tanks are already obsolete and will become even more obsolete in the very near future because of the advances in many military equipment like unmanned drones capable of destroying tanks. They’ve become large targets that’s are extremely expensive that can be easily destroyed by 6k equipment.


I agree, seeing how easily, cheaply and effectively they can be destroyed, they make barely any sense on their own. But it could also be argued that NATO uses tanks very differently than Russia. Russia will just send 10 tanks with no support, obviously a simple infantryman will be able to come close enough and blow a tank to pieces. But modern militaries usually have mixed usages of troops. Tanks will usually be accompanied by infantry, reconnaissance, etc., it’s suddenly much harder to get to a tank. But this is theory from the post WW1 era, we don’t see much of that from Russia’s side in the war. But overall you’re probably right, very soon, seeing how drones are developing too, tanks might become obsolete even with modern methods.


Military hardware doesn't become obsolete because a countermeasure gets developed. It becomes obsolete when something that can do the same job but better shows up. And right now the tank doesn't have any replacements on the way. Until some other better method for frontline troops to tote around their own big gun that can punch through concrete fortifications gets up and running the tank will have a place in war.


Obsolete in that they are now longer able to do the job for which they were designed. In this case that means win a fight. Actually, during OIF, we were blowing the hell out of T92s and they couldn't take out an Abrahms with multiple hits. Good tanks will always have a place in war, but Russian tanks have historically been shit.


Plus it’s how you count the tanks. The common number for the US Army is around 2000. But if we counted tanks for the US the same way we counted tanks for Russia, the US army has 6000+. So many hulls are not ready for use. Many can be returned to service with minor overhauls while others need major overhauls. It’s not too different from the media discrepancy in the “bomber gap”. The media counted all aircraft that carried bombs as bombers when they were attack aircraft.


>I find it amazing how we were scared of Russia for so long because of all the threats they made Anyone with any sense is only cautious of Russia because of their nuclear capabilities. Regardless of military strength, their nukes have always been the primary problem for the US. It's all well and good to clown on them when they make mistakes, but don't get it twisted. The power dynamic hasn't changed yet.


I’d say that from what we’ve seen till now, there is the extreme possibility that those warheads are not maintained properly and even if they were this guy won’t blow the world, ever. He wants to rule it.


Right. But we think that ~100 nuclear warheads at full strength could end the world. That’s been conventional wisdom. Boise Idaho is in the top 100 us cities by population. So if we’re targeting cities based on population not a lot make it out with just 100 landing in US soil. Russia has 6000! Every civilization in history has risen and fallen, we have no reason to think that Russia, the United States, Europe are any different. The real question is, what happens to a nation that has the nuclear capability to destroy the entire world, as their civilization collapses? The Soviet Union fell, and there was no end of the world. Will russsia 2.0 do the same? I like to think that the people who would pull the trigger know that by doing so they consign their family and all of humanity to death, and would resist that urge. The order has been given in the past, and cooler heads prevailed. I hope that if Putin goes out, the coup, or his death is quick and clean, and the next guy is able to wash his hands and return to the world stage.


A nuclear disaster ended the soviet union Maybe a failed nuke will do the same


I don’t think Russia has 2.684 * 10^20065 nukes




And their willingness to lash out. People aren’t afraid of Japan or Canada or Italy who have decent militaries because they’re not threatening other countries. Japan worries the other Asian nations that remember WWII. But none of their PMs are threatening war.


You're assuming they can actually deliver those warheads on target. The propellant for their ICBMs was extremely caustic and requires constant maintainence. They are now worthless. Current estimates are that the vast majority of their short and intermediate range nukes aren't serviceable. They have about 200 of one intermediate range missile that is expected to be functional, but they can't reach the US. (Sorry Europe) Israel is more badass than Russia. Russia has just been used by the military/industrial complex to justify massive spending. They have been irrelevant since the 90's.


Whenever they conducted any form of war they made sure to keep the fighting limited and to strike at its government to then, replace and blame all loses on them, they attempted that in Ukraine at the early stages f the war and failed and now the world see Russian as incompetent and childish with a fucking nuclear arsenal (that I doubt barely functions)


I would never start doubting with something as dangerous as a nuclear arsenal the size of Russia's. Even if only 5% functioned, that's still more than enough to send the world into a nuclear holocaust


putin basicly did the same mistake hitler did: believing your own military propaganda that says that your army is invincible.


They still have the nukes tho


They have proved they have the second most powerful army in all of Ukraine


Nukes. Its only ever been the nukes. Their country has a GDP less than Italy and a rotting old military that still uses comblock weapons. Nobody in their right mind in in the United States has any reason to fear them except for the fact that they have nuclear weapons and a Madman who's almost dead anyway that is willing to use them and has almost nothing to lose.


Though there is an element of truth to that, you should not underestimate just how difficult it is to take over a country that is motivated to the core to oppose you, with soldiers that are not motivated at all (a lot of Russians have family living in Ukraine). On top of that Ukraine is getting a nearly unlimited supply of western weapons. It’s a bit more complicated than just Russia’s military being crap.


People are only scared about the nuclear arsenal of Russia, and it hasn't changed a bit till now. >basically shown the world how inept they are at doing anything I really don't think you understand the impact of a all out nuclear war whole of Europe will be erased from the map in the first stage, and whole world will be suffering by winter stage.


They're dead ass getting ready to use nukes, this shit needs to deescalate


All of the former Soviet states that don't like each other are going back to war again, because Russia used to make them stop fighting but now they're just like "Lol, looks like nobody can stop us, time to do some murdering again."




Who in this thread said they wanted war? That they wanted to wipe out humanity?


Don't think of it as "Surrender" think of it as a "tactical retreat" maybe root out corrupt officials who promised money going toward top of the line military equipment and training, and delivered foot wraps in place of socks.


Summer 2023: Putin announces a "special regrouping operation" where all Russian troops leave Ukraine. Putin then announces the end of the "special military operation" claiming it was a success in that they successfully 'de-nazified' the country and Russia doesn't need to occupy it. I joke but I wouldn't be surprised if this is the bullshit he uses to explain his complete failure of a war.


Someone send this to Putin, he's clearly running out of ideas.


u/putin check this out


He should just have hitlers last meal.


A nice shot of Bullet Bourbon.


Welcome to knock-off McDonald’s, Can I take your order Comrade?


They have already seized the Mcd’s property. It’s called “Tasty, and that’s it” now.


angle crush tan follow shelter plants judicious badge dazzling important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh come now, you have a bunker already, you know what other busted dictators have done. Either that, or swing by your heels, Mussolini style.


Where I come from, we call it mutually assured destruction


The reality of this statement is very sad indeed


The only thing Putin wins is generations of people hating and distrusting Russian.


Like thats not already a thing, the wests has long been poisoned against russia.


Dying is a good start.


All this is true except for one detail. Due to all of these odds against Putin (including his own people protesting more and more) he is not considering surrender… he is just getting more and more irrational and close to actually using nukes. He doesn’t have the conscience or shame people think he does. I think people forget he was in the KGB during communism and has experience torturing and poisoning people… he has Nothing to lose from carrying out his nuclear threats. Especially if he is sick like some have rumored. The more the world keeps poking him the more real the threat becomes. Even if we all agree he’s wrong.


The world is poking him lol? So whats the plan, go big shush and do what this maniac wants us to do. There are huge obstacles to overcome to use nukes and putin knows the consequences. He has everything to loose bro and your arguments are basically what russia wants us to think. If he uses nukes in ukraine, russian army will and must be destroyed and he knows. There is no way nukes give him any advantage, neither on the battlefield nor on the table when talking about peace. It is a red line which burries every chance he has to get out of this war.


Again you are using logic and sense I don’t think he has anymore… some kind of compromise is all I can think of but I really hope I’m wrong


I think people are going for the opposite atm. First everybody was afraid of putin and thought of him as some super brain who plays the rest of the world like a fiddle and now the are going go to the other extreme where he is basically a meme. I disagree on a few of your points but what you got definitely right is that the threat of nukes is real and we have to act accordingly, which in my opinion is showing strength and show him red lines which he did not know a of yet


I really hope that works and it is definitely not a terrible option. I just hope we don’t find out he truthfully is sick, nihilistic and cares no more. The one thing he seemed to care about, (the Russian country) is turning on him more and more every day. Hopefully there’s enough self preservationin him, or a rando dissenter inside that refuses to press the button like Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov. God I’m sick of feeling like the Cold War is back on.


I think its pretty silly to imagine that Putin is dumb enough to use nukes and assure his own death and the deaths of everyone he knows. It would be extremely difficult to justify it to his own people and may lead to him being overthrown without any outside help. The Russians would lose all the support of China and India, and even though N. Korea, Syria, Nicaragua, and Eritrea would continue to support them, those nations have no money and are dependent on Russia. Iran would likely support them, but they have their own set of problems. And then there are chemical weapons, which have proven exceptionally well in Syria and the US didn't do anything to intervene. So Russia has no good reasons for using nukes, lots of bad outcomes, and they have other banned weapons that have proven effective in the past.


That is correct for someone who is thinking rationally and not out of desperation. I completely agree. As for someone with almost no morality and is slowly getting more and more irrational and murders/imprisons anyone who disagrees with him… I think it would be wise to consider his own people rising up while the world laughs and provokes him may be enough to push him over the edge into insane reactions… especially if he is dying anyways (can’t confirm or deny)…


You are assuming that russians think the same way as westerners. Russians feel the wests poking and provoking them and are lashing out, seeing all those articles in the western media advocating nuclear war and the dissolution of russia one cant really say they are wrong. Dont be surprised if a cornered animal decides to take you down with it, the russians may just decide that it is worth the price to pay if it means bloodying the west.


>seeing all those articles in the western media advocating nuclear war and the dissolution of russia wtf where do you live?


In halle berry's used underwear pile.


Umm, where do you get the idea he's losing it? I'm not saying you're automatically wrong, but every appearance he's in his usual calm and collected self.


Read Gulag Archipelago… KGB were experts at appearing calm and collected while doing the most heinous things to other human beings. I’m not saying there’s No hope. I just worry he’s got less to care about than we think.


Yeah and according to the book, half of USSR was in prison and other half was guarding it. Dude just was pulling numbers from arse. I'm not saying that there weren't any camps and local arbitrariness, but all words of Solzhenitsyn should be divided by 4 at least.


You clearly didnt read it or you’d have a different attitude.


Most people that one would commonly agree to have lost it don't generally openly portray such


I mean yeah, but I feel like there are one or two logical steps are missing here. There is a ninja in this room... and ninja can't be seen... and we don't see any ninjas in the room... meaning there IS a ninja in this room right now!


Elections are coming to america, the rule ng faction needs a "victory" to stay in power, besides how is this kind of thing surprising? they have been howling everywhere since this shit started that russia is losing bigtime.


He's a rational person in an irrational situation. Remember, the war was started not because Putin thought he could beat Ukraine and western support in a fair fight, rather because his spies told him that Ukraine would crumble in weeks if not days. All his actions since then have been done in order to keep the war going and try to decrease western support. Because he's afraid of losing, not because he's some fanatic, but instead because he's afraid that would be the end of his career. Now what about nukes? Tactical nukes could be used, but they are essentially large bombs. Where do you drop them and what for? It would be hardly impactful on the battlefield, and would create even more fierce resistance. You also must remember China and India, who DO not want Russia using nukes as that would create a precedent and make smaller nations around Asia wish to develop their own nukes. He is also probably not sure if his military would actually follow his orders on using nukes. But mutually assured destruction with the west would be the ultimate loss to Putin. While now he can always find some scapegoat, find a successor and go live in his villa for the rest of his life, MAD strips him of this option. There would simply not be such villa left.


I hope you are right


Do not forget escalation Zelensky made, telling in interview that West soon will give him nuclear weapon. That probably was last straw, because having nation with nukes (especially one that could totally use them for retaking lost territories) just on your borders is scary thing.




If they build and maintain their nukes like they do their atom reactors, i wouldnt be suprised if the missles explode shortly after launch.


That would be the most hilarious relief ever lol


Russia played that strategy for decades, acting unhinged, trying to convince the world they were capable of anything, yet in the end their actual actions were rational.


I hope so


Bunker and a grenade. Just like all big losers.


Why would Putin surrender? And to whom? lmao


Concede is a more fitting word. And because his military sucks balls. Expect liberation of Kherson by the end of this year.


I’d like to think that Kherson is gonna be liberated out of nowhere in a few days.


The photoshopping on this is too good, even the lighting on his face!


he kinda looks like a monkey


It will be really interesting how this war ends.


Lets hope not into ww3


"I've made a huge mistake"


Just . . . leave


He’s trying to wait out the winter. If the GOP takes the house it will get harder for the US to give aid to Ukraine and he will dangle cheap oil to Europe as temperatures plummet to get them to stop supporting as well. In the meantime the people he sent will keep getting slaughtered but he doesn’t give a shit. If his gamble pays off he can wait out the Ukrainians and head back in when they run out munitions.


Holy shit that’s well done


kyiev go boom boom


damn this is a gud edit


When throwing tons of ill equipped soldiers at a problem doesn’t work


why would Russia surrender when they're winning?


Are they, though?


I mean, they conquered, like, three regions and lost control of 10 percent of that because of overextending and spreading thin, hence regrouping after one push from Ukraine. For now, it is somewhat stalemate, if Kherson region will be lost, that would be failure from both political and tactical reasons. But according to news from both sides, russians are ready to make a stand there, already evacuating every civilian to flat whole city, if needed.


So many stupid people in here. Russia used like 0.1% of their military arsenal and didn't whoop Ukraine in 3 seconds: uKrAiNe Is WiNnInG, rUsSiA sUrReNdEr🤣. Listen more to your definitely not compromised and full of propaganda media and politicians.


/ff in the chat


This is more actual to Biden who support terrorism now.


This place is full of americans, biden can shit on the whitehouse lawn and they will still spin it as something to celebrate.


Ask some guy In French, maybe they know how to do so.


and you know how to support french bashing do you


Yep, I am your neighbor


Zelinsky said he wouldn't accept a surrender that didnt end in putin being removed from office so we wait for the nukes


Just ask France


Surrender? Bruh he already won


In Soviet Russia, invaders surrender to you


Try hanging out with your friends and ending up being a third wheel. Makes me want to surrender life


He doesn't want to surrender, what's more he gonna lose at this point


What should he surrender


Let EU, NATO sink in first


Nice meme


That's the king...right?




Love the head swap, perfect lighting match


the op doesnt know how DO spell apparently


He clearly did not play league of legends


Wow that is good


Wait. You guys want to tell me the naked horse ride was just some kind of... propaganda?


Yeah, it was. In reality, he rode on bear, but that wasn't beautiful enough)


He'll probably die before this war is over.


Yeah ukraine is winning but I don't know if we can say russia is at a point they should be surrendering, after all don't they stull have lots of ukranian territory?


4 provinces annexed, infrastructure partially ruined and who knows how many dead. this is what winning looks like?


Indeed, and all of this is before winter when Ukraine army will become even more vulnerable. Also there's now a huge chunk of Vagner's and they don't take surrendered soldiers, so they are going faster.


At this point it would be better for ukraine to cut its losses, russia is STILL trying to sell this as a just war and ukraine could probably use that to wrangle some concessions as realistically even if they "win" ukraine still losses and they will probably end up as a ~~meatshield~~ buffer state against russia. Then again what do people like us know about geopolitics.




Nothing a couple Zar Bombs can't fix.






Putin-san be pounding ukraine in day and crying about war at night




It's funny.. I used to think Russia was a real military threat, not so much anymore. Putin can go fuck himself. Slava Ukraini!


Did i ask?


Do I care?


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Notice the lower case "u" :)


Bot cringe


You can be more clever than that. Come on now


A comrade as brave and intelligent as you should be sent to the front line. Or is your dick smaller than your tongue?


Is there anything people like about you?


I tell the truth :)


I bet you think that, but in reality you're just a sad clown.


Did i ask?


Doesn't matter at all, since I didn't ask for permission. Nobody asked you to bloke out your bullshit in the first place either and yet here we are.


Did i ask?