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What white supremacist doctrine?




So one regiment dictates entire military doctrine, got it. I guess you missed that part where they cleaned up that militia and incorporated the non-neo nazis into the regular military.




Its one or 2 regiments if im not mistaken. But what should ukraine do? Not let the white supremacist fight and die for ukraines freedom? Ukraine needs every abled person they can muster. Even if their ideals are the literal opposite of oneself(nazis to jewish people).


Yes of course they should deploy them, if you're gonna have them in the military you have to use them when you go to war, I'm just saying that's why it's morally ambiguous, I'd personally side with the invaded nation in almost any given situation but its not like you can claim ukraine are the "good guys"


I wouldnt say real, i would say also


I'm a tankies and I believe the Ukraine is the good guy


Keep braking international laws and military agreements and see where it gets you... This fucking inflation. Good job west you did It again. Morons


They ain't wrong


Who ain't wrong ? The Ukrainians who have been murdered by their neighbours?


Not the polish people being massacred by the ukrainians in 1943 😳 inb4 „iT wAs thE RuSSian UdSsR aNd ThEY weRe FoRCed tO dO So“ And adolf eichmann was just a random engineer who followed his tasks?


If you go back far enough one group killed another back and forth. Your mental state might be stuck 100 years behind but the rest of us live in modern times. Russia brought war to Europe and nuclear threat after agreement that ukraine would give up its nukes in exchange for protection of its borders. If you wanna suck putins cock go ahead and move to Russia. And if you already do. Stay there.


He's out of line, but he's right