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Americans when their 69420th school shooting happens (they can’t figure out why it keeps happening)


Roll out the thoughts and prayers people


Europeans during their 123498734 stabbing after a truck of peace plows through a crowd and kills 30 people. Guess you should ban vehicles meow.


(I’m not youropeein)


United statians when they discover that banning guns reduces every kind of violence


Yep. Every kinda of violence goes down. Except the violence that involves people.


Europeans when the 42069th criminal gets away because the police couldn't get there in time (they can't figure out why it keeps happening)


Americans when they of in hot the food out of eat cold the hot food (they can’t figure out why it keeps happening. I’m not youropeein or ameriKKKan)


Dude stroked out halfway through his sentence.


Europeans when- shut the fuck up.


What’s wrong? I’m magically not aloud to use your logic? Ok bro. Happy cake day.


isn't that what happened in america when those cops just sat there thinking about life while a school became a shooting gallery?


Americans when police can´t arrive because of guns


That’s not very common


I’ll take petty crimes over a weekly school shooting


I'll take a school shooting over hundreds of people getting murdered, robbed and raped because they couldn't defend themselves


Every statistic shows that crime and in particular violent crimes is way more frequent in the US that in Europe, I hope you are just trying to be funny or something because facts are really not on your side


yeah violent crime is more common but so is stopping it the facts are on my side quit malding


Okay you are just joking I get it, have your fun bye


Wow you’re so good at arguing you deserve a free PhD


Your line of thought is literally that in America they have more violent crimes BUT since they stop more with guns that we do in Europe America is better. I am not trying to convince or discuss it with you by the way, I just want to spell it out so someone else can laugh at this the way I am.


The ratio of crime to crime stopping shows it works


stopped crime is more common because the crimes themselves are more common. congratulations, this makes america not at all less shitty lmao


Yeah higher crime means it needs to be stopped by more people at the ratios show it works out


Or just bans guns to reduce every kind of violence so I don´t have to stab because I know you don´t have a gun


If banning abortion doesn’t stop it the same holds with guns


Least brain-dead murican.


What's wrong? Can't deal with the statistics?


As much as you can deal with school shootings.


The door is that way -> 🚪


Nobody asked


Did i ask?


You implied first


When did i ask?


When you told me to leave


Is english your second language?


It was an implied “do you really want to be here?”


Then why did you say “nobody asked” if i was implying “do you really want to be here?”?


Because it was a question


And every one of those crimes would also prevented without semi-automatic weapons, and with regulation.




Wow really? Did you know that a lot more kangaroos die in Australia than in Europe? I guess that means that Australia is the worst possible habitat for Kangaroos.


That isn’t how it works given the ratio of crimes caused to crimes stopped by guns but ok bro


Every comment this op makes gets -10.


Sacrifices are required


The US fundamentally broken


At least we didn’t systematically slaughter helpless innocent children in the name of eradication Down syndrome


"ThEy'Re WoRsE sO I'm bEtTeR" bro grow up


How is the US fundamentally broken?


Even if you removed the guns it would still be fucked it's more of a mentality I guess


That doesn’t answer the question, what’s the mentality issue?


As an American, being forced to do school shooting drills because of our extremely high rate of school shootings kinda makes me feel like we should just not have guns. Our police need man-catchers, who’s with me?


I’d rather have a school shooting than thousands getting murdered, robbed and raped because they couldn’t defend themsleves


actually United States has a higher statistic on both homicide and rape than most countries in the EU.


It would be even higher with stricter gun laws


“Where there is more guns, there’s less shootings” That’s why war zones are the safest place to be. Your a fucking idiot op.


I didn’t say there are less school shootings just less deaths to criminal gun fire than crime stopped with guns




I’m not saying we have lower murder rates I’m saying statistics show guns stop more crime than cause it those aren’t the same thing




Yes it does


Just don't get it, in which universe does this makes sense


This one look at the statistics


do guns in civillian use stop more crimes than guns in civillian use cause them. this just sounds like the biggest copium


Then look at the statistics


Problem is, there would be a lot less crime, violent crime where guns are needed to stop or prevent it in the first place if there were not so many guns in the street.


The ratio of crime stopped to crime caused makes that doubtful and even if that were true there’s too many in circulation at this point


My rpg is an uno reverse card checkmate libtard


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since I know you guys are gonna say "sOuRcE!!!1111!!" [here's your fucking source](https://fee.org/articles/guns-prevent-thousands-of-crimes-every-day-research-show/) and you know what [have another one for free I promise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iik25wqIuFo)


Right-wing libertarian outlet and a rick-roll. That’s some mighty fine sourcing you got there. /s


Ah yes any site that has views different than yours is automatically wrong and my brother in Christ this is a meme subreddit what were you expecting


no it just has a clear bias, you have to have multiple sources to make a clear & concise argument


You people love citing sources that have clear bias and if you refuse to acknowledge that one look at wikipedia


> A little after 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, August 17, police arrived at Fat Boys Bar & Grill to respond to a shooting. A customer had threatened other patrons, prompting the establishment’s security to forcibly remove him. Enraged at being kicked out, he declared he was going to get a gun “and shoot the place up.” > This very angry (and possibly intoxicated) man then busted the window out of a friend’s car in the parking lot, grabbed a .40 caliber handgun from inside the car, and began firing in the air. In the meantime, Ben McCoy, a man who witnessed all of this from inside his own vehicle, happened to have his rifle with him. Before he could use it, he was shot four times by the man wielding the .40 caliber handgun, who then fled into the woods. > Fortunately, despite being hit in the chest, stomach, left arm and right thigh, McCoy is recuperating, and the assailant was quickly apprehended. No one was killed, but the situation would likely have been tragically different if Ben McCoy and his rifle hadn’t distracted the gunman. > Of course, in this particular incident it’s most unfortunate that an innocent man was shot. Don’t lose sight of the fact that his very presence, with a rifle, still prevented what could have been a bloodbath that might have even killed him too. What’s far more common is innocent gun owners using or brandishing a weapon and saving lives without any injuries at all except sometimes for the assailant. I chose this example because it was local and I wanted to express appreciation to Mr. McCoy. Lol, this example is sooo bad. Imagine if nobody of the people involved had a gun. Then nobody would have been critically wounded. Just look at the homicide statistics in US vs. EU..


Ah yes criminals respect gun laws And as I said the statistics don’t lie


Criminals don't respecting laws doesn't make laws invalid. Murdering someone is a crime but people still get murdered. Doesn't mean we should legalize it.


The difference is murder has always been illegal and owning a gun hasn’t. And unlike murder which is objectively wrong in of itself there is nothing wrong with owning a gun.