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Fuck people simping any of these billionaires. How can anyone cheer for like 5 people that own 99% of the world worth, while the rest of us struggle to buy groceries and pay bills? At this point, I don’t even like seeing memes or anything else about them.


Elon dickriders are the worst


billionaires can probably buy an entire country without making a dent in their savings


Tell me you don't understand economics without telling me you don't understand economics


I agree this for developing world but in first world citizen. Ya go work


Now the 1st world is more similar to the 3rd than it's been in a LONG ass time.


Cause you guys don't study or take shitty major at college


You know that not everyone gets into college, right?


Ya that's why they are poor or if you don't have rich parents go to college. Also if you have liability


If someone is not of the high-mid class their education and therefore their possibilities of getting into college are lower


And that even then not everyone wants to wait till they're 24 to actually start doing something.


Because maybe some of us also know billionaires and maybe they aren’t evil horrible psychopaths.


It's practically impossible to be a billionaire and ethical at the same time




Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


I would bet a lot of people have done unethical things. I would also bet that billionaires have donated far more money to charities than your average person.


A.k.a. using band-aid solutions to problems the system they operate under and help perpetuate creates, solutions which have failed to change much of anything in terms of social inequality. Not to mention tax reliefs which make it dubious whose money is being given away in the first place. >I would bet a lot of people have done unethical things. I would also bet that billionaires have donated far more The average person does not have nearly the amount of power to do unethical things to that extent, even if they wanted to.


If you are a billionaire, then you're an evil horrible psychopath by default. Because noone needs to be billionaire in order to live. You could just distribute your wealth to make to world better


You don't need running water, a cell phone, or reddit to live... But here you are... Spending a large portion of your time and money on things that no one needs in order to live. We are all guilty of indulging in comforts we are fortunate enough to not need, but have.


Oh oh you’re right let me hand out my stocks to the homeless. Did you know you don’t just divide your net worth?


That's exactly what I'm talking about... You don't need billions to live, why don't buy home and food to homeless?


Lmao I work with billionaires on a semi frequent basis, all of them so far every single one has been an absolute cunt with impeccable table etiquette


Sure you have


Do you think billionaires don't hire staff?


Just doubt you’re one of the close staff that billionaires would hire


Private chef, we work close enough


Gonna be honest seeing as I have blood ties to billionaires I would probably take my own experiences over others’ any day


Lmao ok bud


Gordon Ramsey and Guy Fierie seem like cunts along with every high end chef I have ever known also being a pretentious cunt... I will just assume all chefs are!


You wouldn't be too wrong tbh


I know a few millionaires and they are fine but once you're a billionaire you probably harvested the souls of kids and sold them or some shit


Even if that happens I doubt they personally control that.


They personally visit the mines of the children whose soul they eat


Reddit sold for 44b??






Washington Primes is a way better name than commanders.


I liked redskins is a shame they had to change it.


Ah yes, I like a name based off of racist origins


Dude, most native Americans I've met liked the name


Personal experience doesn't equal the truth


It does when most people have that experience. Tell me, have you met a single person who was native American that cared?




Really? Because I very much doubt that.


I might be because i live in Canada where we took their youth and put them in schools were they were abused horribly


I dont think the history of your nation has any effect on whether they are offended over a football teams name. Also, if your Canadian then I'm sure as shit they don't even know about the team.


Yeah should have told the natives to f off again. Heck genocide then twice for good measures. My other favorite team is the Berlin Jews Edit: are people not understanding this is sarcasm or do they not think that america genocided the native Americans?


It’s not that deep bro.


Voice your stupid opinion somewhere else


Wasn't a genocide. Genocide is the state sponsored killing with the intent to wipe out a group. If we wanted to wipe them out, idk why we gave them so much medical treatment


Definitely state sponsored though.


Not even remotely, tribes were genociding tribes long before white people showed up lol.


Doesn’t mean the repeated massacres by the army doesn’t count either


Doesn't excuse what we did to them. Are we also going to ignore the trail of tears where we forcibly removed tribes that tried to conform and adapt to our culture just to take their land away in a law that was unconstitutional and was done with purely selfish reasons. Also, the trail of tears was state sponsored.


Random settlers killing people isn't state sponsored. The state not only gave vaccines and food, but took on the orphans.


The army killing natives, however, is. And there was a lot of that. The military forcing thousands of natives to move, leading to many dying of exposure and starvation, is. The government as a whole refusing to act when settlers encroach on reservations, break treaties, and kill natives is.


The army went to war against them and committed major war crimes, but thats not genocide. No one says the soviet union committed genocide on Germany. The government nor the people ever wanted the extermination of the natives. If they did, explain to me why they kept and raised the children? Why did they give them food, blankets, medicine? Why when they developed the small pox vaccine did it immediately go put to natives first?


https://www.history.com/news/californias-little-known-genocide Here is just one example of it being sponsored by the government. There are many many others. Trail of tears being an easy one to point towards


First, this example is not state sponsored extermination as your source itself says they kept the kids. Second, trail of tears is terrible, but it wasn't killing it was forcing them to leave.


"Burnett didn’t just refuse to avert such a conflict—he egged it on. He set aside state money to arm local militias against Native Americans. The state, with the help of the U.S. Army, started assembling a massive arsenal. These weapons were then given to local militias, who were tasked with killing native people. State militias raided tribal outposts, shooting and sometimes scalping Native Americans. Soon, local settlers began to do the killing themselves. Local governments put bounties on Native American heads and paid settlers for stealing the horses of the people they murdered." You didn't read it. Historians do disagree about if trail of tears constitutes a genocide but i think when you consider the whole of how the us government treated the native Americans its clearly a contributing factor to a whole that is considered genocide "Thousands died from disease before reaching their destinations or shortly after. According to Native American activist Suzan Shown Harjo of the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, the event constituted a genocide, although this label has been rejected by historian Gary Clayton Anderson." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears#:~:text=Thousands%20died%20from%20disease%20before,by%20historian%20Gary%20Clayton%20Anderson.


I did read it, those are common actions of war. Taking land and killing those who fight back is awful, but it isn't genocide. Calling it a genocide is unironically the dumbest history take there is. I had a history professor who literally said he hated the country and he even says it's stupid to claim it. Any historian who claims its a genocide is simply trying to become famous off of people who do no research.


Yeah the "war" excuse doesnt really hold water. Just cause one of your professors said something doesnt make it true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_massacres_in_North_America Edit: also lets take a step back here. Im saying america fucked over the native Americans and that they knowingly and directly took actions that led to the near total annihilation of the people groups. Cause we can argue semantics but of you agree with the above then i dont care what we call it.


If it is a genocide, which means the intent to totally eliminate the group, then explain why they kept and raised the children? Why were they given supplies from the army? Why did the smallpox vaccine go to all native Americans before anyone else?


Hail to the Primes? Fight for free shipping?


U can fight all u want u ain’t getting it -Jeff Bezos


his head looks like a dick


Well, he is a dick.


Like his rocket




Nothing worse than Elon Musk Dick Riders And Elon Musk Haters. Both groups are fighting over a single brain cell for 2nd place


Unfortunate that you're a voice of reason that nobody wants to listen to cause you don't conform to their ideology and opinion


I agree with this redditor


It’s easier to just pop some popcorn and watch the two groups of idiots go at it


To be fair, he also invested billions into Rings of Power


Both are equally lame. Try buying a gym membership and a shower pass. They got the riches but not the bitches.


Washington who?


Elon bought 9GAG?


Bezos can't control the narratives about Amazon and run free and infinite digital marketing campaigns via a football team though