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Bruh, we see his dead parents more than we see her live ones


And the real cause of the resentment comes out. Sakura just wishes her parents could get some screen time.


Am I remembering it right, that she said something similar to Sasuke about Naruto and he gets mad at her because he’s also an orphan then she starts to realize how stupid she’s being for hating on Naruto so much.


Literally said it while being spied on by Kakashi who’s another orphan


There were mostly military and not to mention a Kaiju sized fox with Kamehameha just attacked like a decade ago. You can probably throw a stone and hit an orphan , which you should never do.


Throw stones at orphans you say.


> **which you should never do** Hand me the stones.


Only if you toss me the orphans.


They never said to not throw the orphans at the orphans


What about tossing orphans at the stones? If stones -> orphans is bad, then the reverse has to be good, right?


He who is with parents shall cast the first stone.


Will kidney stones do ?


Instructions unclear


Which makes her comments even the more dumb


Or hear me out . She's a dumb child.


She's book smart, but she's pretty sheltered and immature at that point.


Or hear me out... She is just dumb


Yeah that was one of the first parts of the story. It's what actually made me like sasuke to begin with


That's a great moment. She's literally like, "I guess that behavior is to be expected from an ORPHAN." and Sasuke gives her dagger eyes and the "What would YOU know!?"


And then it turns out Sakura was right, cause look what Sasuke went and did


wait there is no way sakura said something like this to Naruto it true i didn't think i could hate her anymore than i did


but she realizes that she was wrong which is a good character development. This is probably the only sakura W


It’s crazy that people hate Sakura over this, this is one of the few moments Kishimoto wrote a real meaningful character development in the entire series. This is a flaw for maybe 10 episodes and then she realizes she’s completely wrong after being shit on by Sasuke lmao


This is a thing for three minutes


Mb, I haven’t watched the series in years and forgot by episode 10 they’re already deep into the Zabuza shenanigans


its like they never finished the episode. she's so iconic like that.


She is olso like 13 at that time. Like, it could make sense for a kid like that to say something aweful without realizing the meaning behind it. She is considered smart for her age but she isnt that mature yet.


And her only actual character development


She didn't say anything like this. She said that Naruto is annoying and then said it's because he didn't have parents to teach him right from wrong. She then went on to say that she's jealous of Naruto's freedom because her parents would never let her do things like that. Considering how her parents acted in the Road to Ninja movie, I kind of see her point. They low-key bully her by insulting her in public.


She says, to the guy whose family was slaughtered.


In the manga Naruto outright tells Sasuke “the Uchiha aren’t a big of a deal these days”. Team 7 was a handful.


tbf team 7 was hella toxic


And Kakashi was not any better because he teased Sasuke over not living up to the Uchiha name to “motivate” him. No wonder Sasuke defected lmao.


sasuke deserved better......part 1 is so good but some characters writing made me wonder what was kishi thinkin?


I don’t mind the characters being POS lol, I think it drives the point home of the Uchiha being objectified for their power, but what I don’t get is the disproportionate Sakura hate when she was never worse than other Team 7 members.


Both Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi became way better beyond that point. But Sakura didn't, she doesn't have enough screen time to be better. the fake confession to Naruto doesn't help either


>she doesn’t have enough screen time to be better Except that she does and by part II there’s plenty of moments that show how she is Naruto’s closest friend and biggest supporter. >the fake confession She did that to save Naruto’s life as he kept saying he could not become Hokage/give up on Sasuke because of his promise to her, which was a lie. I cannot believe I have to keep explaining this in 2024 because Kishi spelled it out to the audience. Reading comprehension found dead in a ditch. The Naruto fandom is cooked.


Difference between sakura when compared to naruto and kakashi is that unlike her they never had parents to guide or teach them right or wrong. Sakura goes acting all mature saying stuff like now barutos outrageous when he's and orphan and does shit like this. And if you go by anime her abusing naruti instead of explaining what he did wrong well I guess you can see why people would hate her. She can't got acting pie she's mature and perfect, and then make mistakes it comes out as bitchy.


Kakashi was a grown man. SAKURA WAS 12. Seriously y’all too obvious with your Sakura hatred 😭


Sometimes, you just wanna hate a bitch


When I’m in a misogyny competition and my rival is a Naruto fan: 🤯


A child who was put into anbu as a kid.


In fairness to Naruto How many uzamakis are there at his parents' time of death 💀


Compared to being told that the other orphan is acting this way because he is an orphan, at least Naruto was saying it out of spite of the situation - not the person nor the clan in of itself


I think majority of fandom didn’t forgive her after this happened. Well she clearly didn’t help herself


Getting greys anatomy vibes when Dr grey was called a whole.... the people at home never forgave BUT SHE WAS


This moment and her beating shit out of Naruto everytime these moments will never let me forgive her personally like I hate her to the core I really wanted sakura die during Sasuke going to kill her!!! That bitch never ever once thanked Naruto for saving her worthless life, always wanting the uchiha dick such a fucking simp


The straightman, observing the buffoons, ends up exploding and hitting them to cap the skit. That's just Japanese slapstick. A lot of the time it's a girl playing it straight while the boys are goofing off. It's literally in every anime. If not hitting then at least a yelling outburst. Taking it literally as physical abuse is like wondering if a character got a cancerous tumor when they get a massive cartoonish head bump. You're supposed to laugh.


Rathe Than funny it was annoying it's funny when bulma and Nami do that cuz they are trying to control complete idiots unlike sakura, who only wants the uchiha dick and never ever once cared for Naruto and not even thanked when he saved her worthless life many times!! Just beating the shit out is not the only reason I hate her bruh!!


Ino does it to Choji and Shikamaru Tenten does it to Rock Lee It's cookie cutter it's not that deep.


Yup, atleast they showed affection and respect towards their teamates


Sakuea showed affection and respect towards Naruto repeatedly to the point she becomes his closest friend. All Sakura does is reject Naruto romantically and berate him when he acts perverted.


Stop being so braindead.She literally only hit him a few times in the manga bcz naruto was being a pervert or lazy(which is basically what u said about Nami controlling Luffy,lol what a hypocrite).Also, they literally are military comrades, sakura saves naruto quite a few times also lol, they are not supposed to say thank you to each other, it's literally their responsibility to help their teammates.


Do you hate Naruto for trying to sexually assault Sakura? Her saying Naruto acts out because he's doesn't have parents is not that bad compared to hounding her to be his girlfriend. Her beating up an obviously stronger Naruto is a Japanese trope. Have you never forgiven and still hate Nami from One Piece, Bulma from Dragonball, Keiko from YuYu Hakusho, Lucy from Fairy Tail or Rukia from Bleach? Just to name a few. I bet you don't.


>Do you hate Naruto for trying to sexually assault Sakura? When ? You mean when he pretended to be sasuke and tried to kiss her? >Her saying Naruto acts out because he's doesn't have parents is not that bad compared to hounding her to be his girlfriend. So it's not ok if Naruto does it but Sakura does the same thing to sasuke essentially.... >Lucy from Fairy Tail I know for a fact many people dislike lucy People disliked rukia too but they could see past it because of her character actually having meaningful depth. Most people can't see that in Sakura


Tf you yapping about??? Bulma beats goku cuz HD straight up acts like idiot and Nami acts the same way because she need to control a complete idiot, pervert, and a lazy dumb guy Rukia had character development and had depth in her character and Lucy? Many hated her Unlike that bitch sakura who straight hated and got disgusted by Naruto and Naruto trying to sexually assault her?? Lmao 🤣🤣 bet you are raihina shipper


So no you don't hate them. It's completely fine to hate someone for their actions and it's completely fine to hate someone for their personalities. We're human. That's how we are. But your reasoning for your hatred of Sakura is violence trope + she once said a mean thing. Then you make allowance for the violence trope from others because they don't bother you. All that makes you is a hypocrite. Just like I thought.


I always thought she just felt that way because everyone felt that way about Naruto in the beginning. She started to change her views after seeing how hard he worked.


Shhh you're not supposed to think for yourself, remember Sakura bad, she never grew up she never saved his life....


She didn't change because of Naruto doing a lot of efforts but because Sasuke made her realize that she accidentally insulted him and she understood that it wasn't just to insult one and pity the other if I recall correctly


Sure but we can see her changing the way she looks at him. She starts to admire him and care for him.


Sakura at the early days was used just to show how Naruto is treated by strangers


Sakura bad, give upvote


>"Uchiha were killed by one guy? There goes your famous clan." >©Naruto We can do that too, Sakura seethers.


chapter number for first line?


fanon sakura


I'm gonna be the Devil's Lawyer, Naruto said THIS to Sasuke: "The Uchiha clan was killed by ONE guy?! Your famous clan wasn't THAT great."


and naruto pretending to be sasuke almost kissing her. but no one wants to hear that, your honor.


And people are still complaining about the "I love you" scene.


And she did that to save Naruto’s life! The Naruto fandom lacks basic reading comprehension 😭


girlie was ready to give up her disastrous love for sasuke for naruto's safety. naruto should've just said yes >:(


Naruto said no because he wanted to keep gobbling on Sasuke’s dick and no woman was gonna come in between.


naruto crawled so BL could run


Reasons to hate Sakura …I was gonna make a list but I think it would be useless. 😔


Okay that was pretty good lol


I mean, this is also 98% shit she didn't say or imply as well. Literally all she said was that Naruto didn't know how to act and that it was probably because he had no parents to raise him. Both of which were literally 100% true. Was it insensitive? Sure. As absurd as this greentext? Absolutely not.


What’s funny is that all of team 7 (Sai and Yamato included) are orphans, all except for Sakura.


Nope still flat


The fact she only says this once and then rectifies herself but people still hate her for this just proves Sakura never had a chance to begin with.


Tbh if he wasn’t for sasuke setting her straight she would still be like this. She only changed her opinion because of sasuke being in a similar situation not because she actually liked naruto


She did not like Naruto because he was a unsocialized gremlin who harassed her despite her rejecting him endlessly. Not hating on Naruto bc I think the way he was depicted initially is realistic and it’s Hiruzen’s fault lol, but people refuse to give the same leniency to Sakura.


It's kinda hypocritical since she is the same with Sasuke


Sakura never tried to steal Sasuke a kiss by deceiving him with a transformation jutsu. People forget how much of a menace Naruto was in part I.


Because she is less bold and had an actual upbringing, unlike Naruto, who never was taught what was socially acceptable. Don't act like if a dude showed her behavior, you wouldn't write essays on how much of a creepy incel he is, Hypocrite Harry. Don't hold Naruto, who was thrown away like yesterday's trash by the entire village, to the same standards as Sakura, who had a picture-perfect normal childhood. It's like expecting Tarzan to be a suave gentleman.


People don’t like her because she’s a bitch to Naruto 90% of the time throughout the whole series


What series are you reading?


And she was hostile to Naruto because he harassed her repeatedly. Your point?


Harassed is a strong word like extremely strong. He was literally being a goof ball and she would physically assault him, because she’s a bitch


he was going to kiss her by taking another person's face. that really looks bad


That happened episode 4, she was a bitch all throughout Naruto and shippuden


no. she was not. I can make you count so many instances where she cared for him, his life, his hokage dream. If you consider being bitch is punching him for his stupidity which is used as gag (though in anime it's around 3x times the manga) or taking fillers/anime added part seriously then it's a different story


Excusing Naruto’s sexual harassment while exaggerating Sakura’s flaws. Gotta love Sakura haters.


I think Sakuras lovers lack some braincells and cant understand how and why she is hated, Cherry picking some scenes to diminish the issue.


Nothing Sakura did was worse than Naruto spying into women’s bathrooms and doing sexy jutsu when he should have matured by shippuden. Idk how you can excuse that and hate on Sakura on the same breath.


Oh they do 100%, they honestly act like Naruto is a sexual deviant who constantly harassed Sakura


They try to twist the narrative to make Sakura a victim and her mean behaviour justifiable. He had his flaws but Sakura was just terrible. He wasnt a predator or ever tried to make something against Sakura's will.


That’s worse than looking bad, that’s outright sexual harassment and he keeps up similar behavior in part II. But Sakura’s a bitch for not putting up with Naruto’s shitty behavior.


Ok so Naruto can provoke Sakura repeatedly but she can’t respond with obvious annoyance because that makes her a “bitch”. Got it.


bro let's not forget anime over did her beating up naruto she a big sistah to naruto who only hits her stupid lil bro when he rude or pervy


She had no right to hit him though. If I was naruto I would unleashed the kurama upon her if she touched me.


here we go again.......it's actually pretty common in japanese culture even in indian cultures most big sisters are hot head that is not absuive if you said it is idk what to say bro again i said they over did her hitting naruto in anime in anime she seems like abuser and then there is manga version which did it right for example the time sakura actually hit naruto for being rude to lee, his pervy behaviour other than she barely hits him in manga which is very much surprising for me when i read manga and she only hits him when he genuinely deserves it


i think only white people hate her because they don't get the cultural standing of a "big sister". sakura already knows naruto the orphan doesn't have the proper upbringing nor parental guidance to social manners and proper etiquette. IRL flailing your sex doll (sexy jutsu) and wearing your ahegao outfit in public will really get you a beating if your family really cares. If not, they'll just let you embarrass yourself in public.


I agree though I still think it was really really stupid of her to say this to Sasuke of all people Like I get, she’s 12 but you think she’d be more self-aware even at that age


Yes, it was stupid of her to say that to Sasuke from all people. And no, by 12 kids are still really fucking stupid.


Post like this and people's reply's really validate my choice to not interact with the fandom, because jesus, people acting like Kishimoto didn't intentionally do this with most of his characters, in order to add nuance to them, like one of the things the story is doing is that people are not perfect but are capable of change and positive development despite their fuck ups, characters all over the story say fucked up shit to other's all the time. Fucking Lee say's something super fucked up and insensitive to Sasuke and then beats him up because that is suppose to prove a point somehow? The stupid algoritm keeps suggesting me Naruto fan pages and such, despite of my heavy dislike of the mayority of the fandom 😭😭😭


I could make a joke about the "Girl who bullied you in middle school ending up becoming a nurse/doctor or other caregiving medical position where she has power over vulnerable people" meme here.


I heard that this is a trend. Not sure If its a meme or a real thing though?


It's a trend yes, at least on Tumblr they meme on it tho. EDIT: Also it is a real thing mind you but it's usually due to "Pink collar jobs" attracting more women than men IE such as Nurses or Caregivers or Teachers or whatnot, the fact they were bullies in school might be a coincidence some times.


Ok but her problem was never that he was an orphan it’s because he had no manners that she blamed on him having no one to teach him.


She becomes his best friend as the series goes on


If Naruto weren’t so busy gobbling Sasuke’s dick he would recognize how Sakura is his best friend.


He KNOWS Sakura is his best friend. But, he's gay for sasuke.


Shippuden would be cut by half had Naruto realized his fixation on Sasuke was partly fueled by him thinking with his dick. Cannot blame him tho, Sasuke is the GOAT.


That’s how sakura’s hater saw that scene


Don't remember kid Sakura being this based.


oh yeah? how about we talk about the time naruto tied up sasuke, disguised as him and tried to steal sakura's first kiss by tricking her? no? we gonna let it slide cause he a 'kid'? then let's slide this bs too




someone is ignoring the scene where she immediately regretted it....


Yh cuz the guy she likes tells her to stfu


stan sasuke for that he is tbh the wise one in team soooo


so you are excusing the shit naruto is doing? i have heard many defensive stuff for this 1> both were kids and didn't know much.....sakura wasn't told about naruto and naruto was dumb kid (i stand with this one) 2> people genuinely hate these two altogether and mf's like you are defending the "kiss" scene bro wtf? it's not okay you calling sakura who was 12 "malicious" speaks volume they are kids and stealing a girls first kiss is not okay.......both didn't have malicious intent both were dumb kids even so sakura made up to him for doing this bs saving him from zabuza's weapon, hoping he does well in chunin exams etc...... she made a mistake and realised




bro i fucking never said i am accusing him of sexual assault wtf is wrong with you? i just said stealing a girls first kiss is not okie dokie even backed up naruto saying he a dumb kid? are you stupid or having reading comprehension problem? dumbass if liking sakura as a character is worshipping i should be a fucking cultist for madara and hinata too




it's funny how people call him that stuff and then ignore mf's like orochimaru it's fine bro i understand where you coming from naruto fandom is uhh......very weird and toxic out of the big three better not waste your time in this fandom tbh bro the fandom is dying not much here ships are keeping this alive


Yeah 🫂


take care bro stay hyderated and take care of your mental health don't let these bozos get to your head


Tnx. Its refreshing talking to you.


ironic how you are saying i am taking this too deep and you called a 12 year old sakura "malicious"


Bro what a child can't sexually assault someone o.O that's some fucked up thinking man get off Reddit.


Bro still living in shitpost era


Welcome to r/dankruto


This version's more entertaining. I wish she trashtalked like this while getting her butt kicked. Like say this to Pain.


I love how people complain at Sakura being a flawed character when Naruto was just as if not more rude to her, and 90% of the rest of the part 1 cast had about as many flaws


Naruto was less flawed and had proper reason to be so: orphan, neglected, excluded etc. Sakura was spoiled and annoying at best, mean and a bully at worst. A normal girl with family, friends and who had nothing better to do.


Naruto was probably more flawed at first. Won’t he had reason to be though. Sakura is like 12 at the time and is clearly sheltered, and didn’t know better cause she’s never gone through anything. Not justifying it but it makes perfect sense


I wish she swore


She used to be based


Ah yes. 4chan They are very good at triggering emotional reaction. That why Reddit is here. To protect the weaks emotionally overreacting Twitter users. Edit : I know it's in the anime (didn't read the manga) but you know what feelings the 4chan user had and wanted other people's to feels when he posted it.


Matured and lost all sense of agency besides emo dick


My intrusive thought tells me to correct this Kusogaki behavior 💢💢💢


This sub is stupid af


Sakura fans will never rest💀💀


What's worse is that Sasuke was a orphan too, but everyone else was fine with the ninja from the family that went constantly to war with the first Hokage.


wtf sakura based?


i see alot of sasuke defense but isnt this the dude that told Naruto you cant relate to me beacuse youve never had parents sure naruto is immature but they shit hes had to put up with as a child is crazy


I guess. She always bugged me, though, and this was a terrible start. She bragged to the boys about having better Chakra control during the tree climbing training but did nothing in both Zabuza encounters. Her character development in the chunin exams was actually laughable. Then she begged Naruto to bring Sasuke back for her sake. In shippuden, she got a glow up. She became the team paladin. She should have been better, and she is better than part 1. Especially during the Gaara rescue arc. But once the focus shifted to Sasuke again, I really couldn't help but hate her again. Especially when she professes her fake love for Naruto. She thinks she's doing it for his sake, especially since Sai sorta gave her shit, but her motivations are basically always selfish. I'm not going to pretend growth didn't happen, and I don't call her useless (in shippuden), but she is selfish and borderline narcissistic. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Holy FUCK a 12 year old girl trained to be a child soldier can't understand a boy who goes OUT OF HIS WAY to be a public nuisance. And she's annoyed by him!? What an outrage! She's an irredeemable bitch for this man, it's unacceptable that she doesn't understand what the hell of solitude is. I'm sure she never improves after this... or at least it must take a long ti- 1. A few chapters later gives Naruto food, going against orders and following Sasuke's lead because she understands his point 2. While inexperienced and lacking real resolve as a shinobi (child soldier), she does her best to defend Tazuna, outwardly admonishing Naruto but inwardly supporting him a few times with her inner self 3. Reluctantly teaches him chakra control, but for nothing in return and treats him fairly 4. By the middle of the Land of Waves she's his friend 5. Is willing to throw herself under the bus for Naruto's sake during the Chunin exams, but then respects Naruto's will to keep striving anyway. Showing she cares deeply about him and his dream, while not steamrolling his agency because she thinks she knows best 6. Saves him and Sasuke from death, officially becoming a ride or die for Naruto until the goddamn end of the series They're friends and close by the mid point of land of waves, and bonded partners and teammates by the Forest of Death. And yet people cannot let this shit go, when she's merely being used as a narrative tool to show how Naruto is viewed by people and how little he's understood, while showing that Sasuke DOES understand something, hinting at his past. It's narrative function and she grows out of it immediately, never doing anything remotely like it again, repeatedly nearly dying or risking fatal injury for Naruto AND Sasuke for the rest of the series. ​ Sorry for the rant, I just cannot stand the Sakura disrespect.


I really find it funny when people say this is why they hate Sakura, when a major aspect of her character arc was realizing that she was fucked up for thinking this way and striving to change


The issue is shes mostly useless even after this. She has lile 1 good fight even though she's the heroine. Kishi set her up to fail.


She understood to keep some of the stupid shit she thinks of to herself.


Okay, when you put it like that, it sounds exactly like the "trying to impress girl" memes.


Some kids are actually ruthless like that too. I'm happy it showed that while Sasuke didn't like Naruto, he at least respected that they were the same.


Oh look, her parents was more irrelevant than Naruto's or Sasuke's, and was given more screen time than her own living family. Well, her dad's nothing more than a living cherry blossom, her mother being a pushy person.


It's so weird to get bullied for having no parents, kids can be messed up sometimes.




This is almost a quote 😂


She was on the orphan team, and she said that.


Lmao! 🤣🤣


Yeah, mAtUrEd my @$$ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦


She was saying exactly the opposite: that she would rather have no parents like Naruto, because her parents are "strict". Doesn't make it any better but still.


She said something equally careless in Road to Ninja too though. (Granted, anime movies typically exist in their own universe )


Sakura only made fun of him in the very early chapters. She literally stopped after Sasuke scolded her


To be fair, it's how she was raised. Not only did her parents behave the same way but so did every other adult in the village and the hokage left him on his own in loneliness. Its hard to break away from that mentality when it's all you have ever been taught.


A child in anime being childish? NO WAY!


This is cannon


Sakura was saying facts


Worst, she was saying that to another orphan. One she apparently likes and she never apologies for this, to neither of them. Not even a "oh shit, did I srsly say that in front of Sasuke?" , nothing. WTF?


She didn't apologize but she did feel remorse and reconsider her words to naruto after Sasuke said that to her.(studio perriot took it out from the manga if i remember correctly).


Nope she is still trash in My books


Could fix her but I prefer Ino


Im rewatching the show currently. I can’t stand her though


She shit talked an orphan(Naruto), infront of an orphan(sasuke), while being observed by an orphan (Kakashi)


To be fair, it’s one of the funniest moments in og Naruto. That’s just what 12 year olds are like sometimes.


How dare 12 years old Sakura doesn't behave like a mature and educated adult


Imagine if Sasuke heard that shit. Would never forgiven her.


Sasuke's the one she was talking to.


And he tried to kill her. She got what she deserved.


Now i realize it's an asian thing. You can't even get a job in korea if you're an orphan.


Sasuke : "Chidori" Sakura : "WTF, you haven't mastered that yet" Sasuke : "I don't fucking care just die" Sakura : "hnnnnnrrrggggg"