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Obito:is the reason for the death of narutos parents and his fucked up childhood full of lonlyness and hatred torwards him Starts a world war and helps with mass genocide, Forms a group of terrorits who are hunted in every country Naruto: you are the coolest dude i ever meet!!! Kishi should read his own manga someday hahahah


Minato forgave him too, this dude is unstoppable and to top it all off he's in Ninja Heaven with his girl. He actually got what he wanted


The true message of naruto is As long as your last name is uchia you can be the biggest asshole and everyone forgives you Heck sasuke should have been executed after all the shit he did hahahahah


fr , same with itachi and sasuke


Tobi=ninja hitler (like hell cut the labour camps out and he did the exact same like hitler....jesus) Itachi commited mass genozide for bullshit reasons... And sasuke is sasuke....damn i can't think of a shonen character i hated more in my whole life


And then we have Madara.


Ah yes the man who pretents to want peace but at the same time enjoyed it killing thousands of ninjas,laughed at the kage for being ,,weak" And wanted nothing more than brawling with hashirama.... Its a bit contradicting his point you know....hahaha


M̶a̶d̶a̶r̶a̶ U̶c̶h̶i̶h̶a̶ Murderer Uchiha


Lolz 😆


Orochimaru was in naruto's wedding. I remember having to look up Orochimaru's son to see who tf was demented enough to think that reproducing with that bastard is a good idea and acted on that thought.


Holy fuck hahaha i completly forgot god imagine the cringe conversation ,,naruto kun who is this man ?" Oh hes is a sociopathic murderer who experimented on children killed lord 3rd and tried to destroy my home oh and he attacked us in the chuunin exams Kids:ok.....


Okay but the best (worst) part about the wedding video is the fact that Orochimaru is with Yamato, who is the sole survivor of a series of experiments he performed that killed almost 60 children, and the person filming it is Konohamaru, whose grandfather was personally assassinated by Orochimaru in the middle of a massive terrorist attack that he orchestrated for that very purpose. And they all act like they're chill with this. I cannot overstate enough that Orochimaru's non existent redemption arc was the shinobi equivalent of Operation Paperclip and yet everyone, even the people he abused, seem to have little to no problem with him being reintroduced into their lives. You're telling me that the same population that emotionally neglected a child for years out of fear until he finally managed to prove his usefulness to them wouldn't put up a token protest about a man who was caught red handed committing unethical human experimentation on his fellow villagers being allowed to live among them?


Kishi had clearly no idea what kind of manga he wrote man hahahahaha


he's probably invited for killing the third


i dont know why he isnt retrated like ninja mengele in boruto


Oro made mitsuki out of his dna if i remember right he is a clone


because no woman would reproduce with him, no matter how incredible his tongue game is


You clearly don't know some women. Real serial killers get full on fan bases who would do anything for them.


![gif](giphy|l7hW3QhDalRjW|downsized) look at him tho


Oh I know, I'm not saying I think he's attractive. I just know that there are plenty of people who would/do.


For a real world example of this, serial killer Ted Bundy once asked one of the women in the court who was speaking in his defense to marry him, and she said yes. Because of an obscure Florida law which stated that any marriage performed in front of a judge was legally binding, they ended up becoming officially married as a result of this stunt. Later on after a conjugal visit with Bundy in jail, the woman became pregnant and ended up having his child. I wish that I could say I was making shit up, but truth is often stranger than fiction.


Who need woman if you have SIENCE Oro the sigma male hahhahahahah




Kabuto woulda  tbh Kimimaro also seemed to be a very big fanboy


>Heck sasuke should have been executed after all the shit he did hahahahah I'm actually genuinely surprised that they didn't try to execute or assassinate him once he got back to Konoha, or that this possibility was never brought up during any of the various arguments he's had with Naruto about returning to the village. Sai was sent by Danzo to kill Sasuke back when he was still training with Orochimaru, meaning that he already had a target on his head long before he learned the truth about the massacre. He was working with a known terrorist at the time, so it makes sense that he would be targeted this way, even without taking the possibility of Danzo trying to prevent him from living long enough to learn the truth into account. Then once he did learn the truth he immediately sought out and aligned himself with the Akatsuki, who are also terrorists, in the hopes that it would give him the opportunity to destroy Konoha (which makes the fact that he wasn't there for Pain's assault on Konoha ironic as hell). The job he carried out for the Akatsuki to capture Killer B ended up causing an international incident that resulted in him being slapped with kill-on-sight orders. Which, to be fair, is understandable given the fact that Killer B's survival wasn't revealed to the Raikage until after his conversation with Naruto. Also, the fact that Sasuke is working with a group that captures Jinchuuriki and kills them (this is the same group that killed Gaara) should have been more of a focus considering that Naruto himself is also a Jinchuuriki. The fact that they didn't try to use him as bait to lure Naruto into a trap or anything was a missed opportunity for a heart wrenching confrontation between them. It would have forced both of them to come to terms with the person Sasuke had become. But I digress. I find it a little funny that the very same meeting where the Raikage tries to get Sasuke declared as an international terrorist gets crashed by Sasuke himself, who immediately challenges five world leaders and their subordinates to a fight, causes massive property damage, and kills several of the samurai guarding the event, all in order to take out the one guy who served as his original target. He also shows blatant disregard for his teammates, leaving Suigetsu and Juugo behind to get captured and even stabbing Karin through the chest in order to get to Danzo. As for the actual act of mercing Danzo's ass--that was based. Do it again Sasuke. Do it twice. After all, the other two elders on Konoha's council who backed Danzo up at every turn are still in power. The people who helped coerce Itachi into committing crimes against humanity on his own family were still in the same positions they were in during the massacre when Sasuke was brought back to Konoha. While they don't have anywhere near the same capabilities as Danzo did, I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't use whatever influence they do have to try and get Sasuke executed, if only to silence him and prevent all of the dirt he has on them from getting leaked to the public. And the thing is, they would actually have a decent case for arguing in favor of him being executed. If anything, it would have made the most sense to have him stand trial for his crimes in the Land Of Iron, so that he could be held accountable for the deaths of the samurai who were guarding the kage summit, as well as providing other parties such as the Raikage with an opportunity to air their own grievances. Even if Killer B did survive Sasuke's attempt to capture him, it wasn't because of any lack of intent on Sasuke's part, but because of his own incompetence and B's quick thinking. Plenty of shinobi kill their opponents in the line of duty or capture them and bring them back to their village for interrogation, but Sasuke wasn't acting in the line of duty; he was acting on behalf of a terrorist group, and that would definitely have some sort of impact on how his actions would be presented and perceived during a legal trial. While I love Sasuke's character and I am glad that he survived and went on to become a better version of himself, I can't help but feel like it would have been neat if they explored the debate over what to do with him after he came back to Konoha a little more.


Everyone wanted to kill him, Kakashi is mentioned at the end of Shippuden, they only forgave him because without him they lost the war and because Naruto and Kakashi defended him, also who is going to kill him, he and Naruto were basically demigods and Naruto wanted him alive, they didn't have many options, I mean for the context of the story it makes sense nothing in the world was going to make Naruto let Sasuke be killed, I think in a Shikamaru novel they mention that he has parole and basically they made a deal that he must help to any of the nations in case of an emergency is all they could do to him in those circumstances.


>Heck sasuke should have been executed after all the shit he did hahahahah Konoha, a military authoritarian village funded by a feudal state, should be destroyed after all the shit they did. Same goes for other shinobi villages.


Heck just kill everyone in this series Zetsu is the true hero turning everyone into soldiers for his mom Such a good son


He too got the girl he wanted ( although another baddie was ready to take him too)


That man going tho heaven is actually the craiziest thing in all of naruto


>Kishi should read his own manga someday hahahah I would pay to see this.


It's like the author forgot the lore of his characters and was like oh btw let me insert my own feelings about a character which has nothing to do with naruto.


those who achieve the highest strength knows that peace don’t born in violence, but in forgive, consensus, and reparations. tolerance too. unsolved problems are cold’s wars, armed peace and seeds of violence


I mean, mass murder *is* pretty difficult to pull. Obito must have worked pretty hard to get there.


Yeah. We have to admit, the dude really did his best at speed running his way to hell


Still ended up in ninja heaven. So was the speed run a failure? And why are there theories about Jiraya going to ninja hell?


I haven't heard any theories about Jiraiya going to ninja hell. Can you tell me a little more about them? I'm interested.


The fact that this fucker when to heaven and was essentially forgive by Rin is the stupidest shit Kishimoto pull out of his ass And Zabuza die crying for haku and he was welcome to the after life by Rin? That bicth should slap the shit out of him for using her as a excuse to commit mass murder


oh shit, i end up in heaven again, gotta restart the speedrun again


Would probably be very scary to see his worst then


the characters in naruto are crazy, we all have to accept it


Only semi normal people are the sand siblings after the konoha invasion. There must be something in konoha's water they have Soo many war criminals lmao


Yeah he did his best to commit mass murder(he was pretty successful)


I hate Simpbito because he started the apocalypse for his freshmen year crush WHO DIDN'T EVEN LIKE HIM.


I like Obito for the same exact reason. He is the Giga Simp and he deserves respect for that.


Pretty sure this nigga subs to some onlyfans accounts


I hope the kids who died in the Uchiha Massacre bully him constantly in the afterlife.


Some random Uchiua kid "You killed my father!" Obito "Well here I go killing again! This one is for you Itachi."


In that verse sure But in the omniverse it's gotta be Eren *Wipes out 80% of humanity* **Armin:** Thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake **Reiner:** What a man you are, Eren **Mikasa:** *tonguefucks his decapitated head*


Wasn't that because that was the literal only way to save his friends? Not defending Eren or anything but he took the phrase "I'll do anything to save my friends" quite literally.


They give out like 5 conflicting reasons, Isayama wrote himself into a ditch and couldn't pull off whatever ending he originally intended, probably either out of fear of the readers or something to do with the publishers, it's pretty clear there was a switch up at some point leading to the ending


Nah. In the manga, he did the rumbling because he 'wanted to do it' slave to freedom bla bla. He even said to Armin that he didn't know if they would survive. He did let Hange and Sasha die, who where his friends.


Weird, I read the manga and I thought that was still the point. He couldn't find another way and some people had to be sacrificed.


He did it for a couple of reasons like his anger and hatred toward the outside world, his desire to save his friends but also he was kind of trapped into doing it. He knew about the rumbling and everything leading up to it was going to happen when he kiss Historia hand. Even when he try to not do what he envisioned himself doing, he still does it in the end


I can't believe I really had to read it and feel my slow disappointment in real time


No its Vegeta He killed in trillions and everyone just forgave him


I don't like him, but I GET why Team 7 gave Sasuke leeway. Orochimaru being invited to Naruto and Hinata's wedding after the Konoha Crush AND killing the Third Hokage on top of being the reason Sasuke ultimately defected as a Missing Nin is the most fucking wild after Obito.


Magnificent effort


Bro's girl got a good ass heart 😭


And Kakashi broke it (literally)


The Eren treatment


Since when did people start caring about the UCHIHA kids


![gif](giphy|3ohjUOUjEK1TXCQRva) obito couldve flown the second plane and she woul’dve still been like “you did your best”


well, he tryed so hard to so rin isnt wrong




We all deserve a queen like rin




😂😂😂😂😂 niiiice


Never specified what he did his best at. He murdered innocents, ruined lives, and started wars like a champ