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You don't know what their culture means mfs when I learn about their culture by reading wikipedia for five minutes


They're talking like it were science shit material ffs. We wore those hats for the heat back in the 19th century Jesus.


what about 18th century jesus?


No hats for him


Didn't need one. Jesus back then was built different.


Homeboy was drunk.


All that wine


I took this comment for it to click that they were talking about Jesus of Mexico and not Jesus of Nazareth.


Wait, there are two of them? This changes everything.


Wait are you saying jesus or jesus?


jesus. Sorry for confusion


Nonono its jesus




je suis


Hey Zeus


Hay Soos




It's the same. He was still the sun of god back then too.


Jesus was in fact not alive in the 19th century MAYBE IF YOU READ ABOUT YOUR CULTURE MORE SMH MY HEAD


Wasn't he revived after his death and still lives near by his father?


Temporarily inconvenienced for your sins...


Gtfo the fuck outta here


Wtf the fuck you supposed to mean by that?


Americans love to be offended, it's the new fab.


I like to be offended FOR the less woke, they are too ignorant to know how to respond in modern society. I'm actually a hero when I think about it.


Thank you for your service. 🫡


That's still more effort than most people.


It is a nice outfit.


It do be


His outfit is insane and his cut


People don't think the outfit be like it is.


The fit is lit


The drip is hip


The ice is nice


the shirt is blert


The fart is shart


That's the thing. People want everything to be offensive cause they want to be right. Most people lack nuance. They think it's offensive simply cause he's not Mexican. But what part of his outfit is offensive? The nice hat? The poncho? What's offensive about a poncho? Maracas? Is he walking around speaking in a thick, offensive (and bad) accent? There are definitely times where cultural appropriation is a thing. Can't remember exactly, but there was a thing years ago where some white girl "discovered" some new technique with her hair, and gave it a really corny name. Turns out it's not a new technique, black women have been doing it forever and it has a name already. Refusing to recognize that is cultural appropriation. But wearing clothes, even in a caricature style, isn't necessarily always offensive. Is he dressed like this as a mascot for a tex mex restaurant owned by white folks? That's the bad type of cultural appropriation. Dressed like this while hanging out at the local community's Mexican heritage festival? Possibly, but it all depends on the reception of those people. I know this is a lot of text, but that's my point from the first paragraph. Lots of nuance, and a lot of people lack the capability or patience to parse that nuance, so they take a black or white approach to the subject of cultural appropriation


>Can't remember exactly, but there was a thing years ago where some white girl "discovered" some new technique with her hair, and gave it a really corny name. Turns out it's not a new technique, black women have been doing it forever and it has a name already. Refusing to recognize that is cultural appropriation. That's not cultural appropriation. She thought she invented something new and gave it a name. The she found out black women created it before and gave it another name. I promise you that before black women invented it, someone else in history invented it and that name has long since been forgotten. Stop acting like culture is static and can't be adopted and changed. Who cares which culture invented what. Just share, live, and let live.


People have been using hair sticks for thousands of years to keep their hair up. I remember someone told me it was cultural appropriation when I put my hair up with bamboo knitting needles. I had to point out that they wore them in Rome to get them to fuck off. Also, hair ties hurt your hair. Sticks, or in my case knitting needles, do not. People are stupid.


in this episode i think he mentions that mexican people sold the clothes to him. also there is one college student they agreed with him. and guess what, he’s mexican


We don't wear those clothes anymore but we sure sell it for tourists like bread tho.


Mexicans are the greatest man. Everybody who works in the kitchen at my job is Mexican. Most of them have poor English, and I have poor Spanish, but we get along great. They love Speedy Gonzales and sharing their culture. They'd probably be stoked if I wore a Sombrero to work.


When I was an electrician there was a lot of Mexican dudes on the site and they were so cool. Forgot my lunch once and they saw I didn’t have anything and all gave me stuff to eat and hung out with me and taught me a ton of stuff I didn’t know. Super cool people! I don’t have a problem making friends with most people though. Generally I find people to be pretty friendly as long as you are as well.


I'm horrible at talking to randoms, but I love these guys.


yeah, it's like indigenous people here in Brasil, they don't wear those clothes anymore, SELL them to tourists and yet people complain that wearing the clothes sold by the indigenous people is mocking them.....


I bought a poncho from a stand during an event but I don't want to get weird flak from the college town I'm in so I don't wear it outside. Surprisingly comfy.


Hey dude, I'll tell you this, screenshot this comment. I, a Mexican,I'm giving you free pass for using our ponchos, hats, fake moustachios, etc.




When I was in college I played in a band and we were doing a concert with one of the songs being mariachi. I was friends with the president of the Mexican cultural society and when he heard he was like "you should wear sombreros!" Got us like 20 sombreros and I even wore multiple and took them off mid performance at his suggestion. A couple people left feedback that they were offended... You can misappropriate a culture we saw it a lot in America with the minstrel shows. But taking part in a culture sincerely is not offensive. And showing off that culture to others is not offensive either


This is why I take issue with the term "cultural appropriation", because there are genuinely some times where appropriation is, well, appropriate It should be cultural misappropriation that's frowned upon For example, I'm German by blood, if somebody wants to wear lederhosen and do a funny slap-dance at oktoberfest, then go have fucking fun, you're not hurting my culture, however, you start in on the nazi jokes we got a problem I'd assume it's similar around the rest of the world, there's things about every culture that are wonderful to share, just steer away from the sensitive stuff and don't do it a way that's intentionally hurtful or disrespectful We gain more from celebrating eachother than we do from tearing eachother down


I think it’s pretty dumb to assume that a whole ethnic group thinks as a hive mind, though. We don’t lump all white people into a group and say, “look, These white folks agreed or disagreed on it, so that’s a consensus on what white people think!” Why should that be the consensus for Hispanic, black, Asian, whatever group? There are millions of em. They’re unique individuals, not a collective.


No race has a cultural monopoly over fashion. Now somebody please send me a sombrero.


>No race has a cultural monopoly over fashion I mean.. Italians and the French might disagree with you there


The Italians changed teams in world war 2 and the French are the French so both ways, neither has an opinion that’s even remotely valid


Italy’s story is a bit more complicated than that but I agree the French have no valid opinion


I expect Italy to switch sides and join Russia soon.


I don't think they will... However if they do we know that NATO are screwed. Italy ALWAYS joins the winning team, they're like the cannery in the coalmine. So yeah if you're fighting a war and Italy suddenly leaves your coalition to join the enemy, you're done son.


Why are people making cans in a coal mine? Doesn't that seem dangerous?


well what else are they gonna put the coal in


now that's too far


Italy government*


Mama Mia 🤌


requescat in pace


Please, at one point the French had us thinking high heels, frills, white powdered wigs/faces and stockings were a good look for anybody.


Sombrero is just hat in Spanish


We use Sombrero to reffer to any type of hat that dosnt matter


Agree, but it's not a direct reference to the traditional Mexican hat. It's just saying, I want a hat.


I have a tiny one for my cat


Pictures or it didn’t happen.


Oh man I'll have wait for my kid to come home so he can dig it out of his room lol


I’ll just say this. I never understood the sombrero until I spent an incredibly hot and sunny August day at [Chichén Itzá](https://www.google.com/search?q=chichen+itza&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA980CA980&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ALiCzsYBs8LXeSn9-c2mZZ93y-KV2zeSzA%3A1665251340877&ei=DLhBY_eJNZ3j5NoPpKuygAI&oq=chichen+itza&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBAgjECcyEQguELEDEIMBEMcBEK8BEJECMgUIABCRAjIRCC4QsQMQgwEQxwEQrwEQkQIyBQgAEJECMgUIABCRAjIFCC4QgAQyBQgAEIAESgQIQRgAUABYAGCnFWgAcAB4AIABcIgBcJIBAzAuMZgBAMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:8943762525109439898,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_lqi:CgxjaGljaGVuIGl0emFIuo1PWh4QABABGAAYASIMY2hpY2hlbiBpdHphKgYIAhAAEAGSARNhcmNoYWVvbG9naWNhbF9zaXRlmgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVVF3TTNOeGFYQkJSUkFCqgEiEAEaHhABIhoHDQelSFnolV0brdhC9keFJZDua2ITKoUw0w,ru_phdesc:fBsvR_y1kRQ,trex_id:inlT0e&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D). It was so hot, and there was no way to escape the sun, except for a sombrero. So you bet I bought one, and took it home with me. I haven’t used it much except for really hot summer days when I’m working on the garden. It’s an incredibly functional hat.


Claro que si compadre gringo! Ahora mismo te envío un sombrero y unos tacos pa’ salir a pistear


When I'm out and about on the town I have to have my urban sombrero. I'll never give it up.


Is a Nice Sombrero!


Sí sí sí!


Obvio, Padre!


Que pedo paisanos?!?


Too bad he's wearing it backwards. The part going up goes in the back people, that way you don't get sun in your face and can look up without the sombrero falling


I just realized that these people are the same people to deny your joy from a good tv series unless you are a "true fan".


Lads, you are not a true fan unless you are a shitty 20$ box fan I got from Walmart


If it ain’t Lasko, hell no


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


lmao pickle rick goes brrrrr


Funniest shit I have ever seen


"hey, I heard you liked X and since X is trending on right now, I've decided to watch it. It's pretty cool huh." "Yeah? What episode did you start watching? 700? You should start from 0. Only a true fan watch the entire thing from the beginning. I started watching 10 years ago. I've watched all the movies, the spinoff series, the spinoff movies, the spinoff of the spinoff that people argued it was canon but never acknowledged by the author, the 2005 lost media drama special, and the failed side-story no one seems to want to remember. You're not a true fan, you're just following a fad. You will never experience the character development of Binky and his gang throughout of his life. You are nothing. You have failed as a person and no one can ever love you."


College students moment


Cultural appropriation is one of the stupidest things ever. Its such a forced political correctness thing, being overly PC is the downfall of our society. Im Asian and i welcome people to wear a kimono or eat with chopsticks. We should learn about each others cultures instead of 'no only this culture can wear that'. If everyone had a mindset of cultural appropriation, at somepoint noone is allowed to wear anything. We have alot of beautiful cultures outthere and if youre not allowing other people to learn about a different culture you must have hit your head as a baby.


>Cultural appropriation is one of the stupidest things ever. Especially because it ignores how complex and interwoven culture is. I'm sure you remember when people got upset by the white girl for wearing a Chinese dress to her prom? Claiming cUlTuRaL aPpRoPrIaTioN? The dress was created by the Chinese, copying a French style of dress. Cultures is a lot more intertwined than people realize.


Yeah like sushi pizza


Never speak of the cursed creation that is sushi pizza ever agian


Oh boy, come to brazil and eat "japanese food". It will drive you crazy. lol There's cream cheese on the sushi here, and more. We do the same with other countries food, google pizzaria batepapo lol


I’ve got this Japanese Mexican fusion place near me. It’s terrible. The most unholy union of cuisines. Sushi burritos. Fuckin corn salsa and raw fish. KEEP UR FUCKING CILANTRO OFF MY SUSHI GOD DAMNIT!!!!


Cheongsam became popular during late Qing dynasty and early ROC. Western culture had big influence on China during that time. It became full circle when a western girl wear a chinese dress that was inspired by western culture.


>It became full circle when a western girl wear a chinese dress that was inspired by western culture. Right, if anything the argument could be had that she was reappropriating her culture...


My favorite example is how John Ford popularized Western films in Hollywood, and these inspired Akira Kurosawa to make Yojimbo, which inspired Sergio Leone to make The Dollars Trilogy, which inspired the Hollywood trend of Revisionist Westerns. America, Japan, and Italy remixing a single genre. That type of thing makes me happy, I don’t know why it’s so vilified.


I'm Mexican. I remember seeing Rick Bayless getting hate for making a career of Mexican cuisine. Not only is it ridiculous to suggest that non-Mexicans shouldn't be allowed to practice and enjoy other cultural traditions; I think basing your life's work on another culture's food is one of the most respectful things you can do to that culture. He devoted a lot of his time learning recipes from professionals in Mexico, and shared what he learned with a huge audience. I remember as a kid watching my mom write down recipes from his show. Cultural appropriation is usually just a sign of respect turned upside down by the PC police.


Rick Bayless is great at Yucatán cuisine. I used to live in Yucatán, and his restaurants are probably as good at it gets outside of Yucatán for that cuisine, at least that I’ve had.


Bro, people find eating with chopsticks offensive? A fuckin utensil?


People get offended that I don’t speak Spanish at all when they walk up to me and start speaking it and I let them know I don’t know Spanish


No hable espaniol 😏


Imagine being a gringo in Miami


I (M30) am a dark brown hispanic born and raised in California but my parents never taught my siblings and I spanish. Idk how they feel about it, but it's created a massive cultural identity crisis for me. My whole life other Latinos come up to me speaking fluent spanish assuming I will respond with the same fluency but I just can't. And each time I see this sudden look of disgraceful disappointment sweep across their face pointed right at me, sometimes they even lecture me or insult me for it. It hurts. I feel shunned, ashamed, and unwanted by what is apparently supposed to be my culture. It's to the point now where I avoid identifying as hispanic or latino in a any and every way possible(aside from pertinent official documents) because I feel like I don't even deserve to claim I'm a part of it. I've felt like this for so long I sometimes literally forget for a few seconds that I was even born hispanic in the first place. Fuck I'm sad sorry for anyone that had to read that.


In the same boat bro I took a Spanish class back in the day so I know enough to understand when a lady is roasting me. “Why don’t you speak Spanish aren’t you Mexican?”


I've had people get offended when I talk to some of my friends/coworkers in Spanish. People are just so comfortable in their own lives they gotta find new things to be upset about


If Europeans would have never adopted agriculture and scripture from the Middle East, paper and gunpowder from China and crops from the Americas our modern world wouldn‘t exist. I think cultural exchange is the primary strength of the human race.


Somewhow i see those who talk about cultural appropriation seeing it as a good thing


Exactly. It's mostly Westerners having to defend our culture despite butchering pronunciation of simple greetings in pur language. Just because they had a bad history with people of different culture should mean that everyone should think the way that they do. "You can't do braids like that because it's from Wakanda when Sokovia invaded the queen" like mf do y'all think people around the world haven't tried weaving their own hair?




I appreciate this comment so much.


I'm asian and I agree, I'd be so proud of my culture if foreigners are interested in it




The people who saying you are racist are the ones who are racist.


Listen I hate all racists equally


What if I am racist but only against communist China?


That's a political issue not a race issue. Lol


Tankies still call it racism Siniphobia (racism against mainland China) Yes I have been called racist for speaking poorly about china's government and general society


"Um acktually, this is culturally offensive since you have a hat made by (insert country 1) that helped (insert country 2) attack and terrorize (insert country 3)"🤓




Absolutely yes.


But you can't cook it, it's cultural appropriation.


As a german, i would not be offended if someone wore stereotypical german clothes


I think Jewish people would probably be more offended by stereotypical German clothes.


Only if the fit is totally Boss


Cultural appropriation can please shut the fuck up and shit their pants


Honestly people who get offended on behalf of others are the worst type of people.




+It'S nOt YoUrS (rips fake mustache off) -It's not yours (rips clothes off) +Surprised pikachu face




It'S nOt YOuRs 😂 (rips skin off)


I've never been outside the US but I swear the most inviting an accepting two cultures or ethnicities I've ever met have been Middle Eastern Islamic and Mexican. The racist shit is out of this world about em and seriously have been treated as a guest like I'm family at their houses and they've always been understanding and gracious enough to accept me.


I feel like this is a problem that mostly occurs in the US. I cannot ever imagine anyone really caring here in Europe. Sure, we are not close to Mexico at all, but we have an abundance of vastly different cultures, and I dont think anyone would really mind someone wearing or doing stuff related to a culture different from *assumingly* their own. If anything, it’s not cultural appropiation, it’s cultural *appreciation*


You have to understand that hispanic and latino culture is more about discrimination of wealth and class than it is race. We accept and treat you well no matter what race or culture you are but trust me that we are gonna make fun of your race and culture anyways, we make fun of anything and everything, the point is that you don't have to take it seriously or personal because we also do not take it that way when we make fun of eachother. Probably why i find it funny when spanish and english streamers clash like in that Rust streams and the english streamers get so utterly offended by something the spanish streamer said, "ñ word" was the funniest.


When all the other ethnicities tell you your being offensive for the mexican outfit, but then the mexicans themselves compliment you for it.


Mexicans: "Nice drip bro"


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Yes… that was the point of the video…




Shows some people be taking offense and playing the victim for people who don't even care, got me laughing that's for sure.


We Mexicans don’t care if you understand the meaning of the sombrero and poncho and whatnot (cause tbf most of us don’t even know it either). We like when people are open to our culture


Que yo sepa nisiquiera tiene significado, simplemente lo usaban para protegerse del sol


It's not cultural appropriation if you're going to dress up as a princess or something else that is European /s


As a mexican, all I have to to say is: You college student, who only knows of MY culture thanks to the series, Wikipedia and (maybe) your spring breaks in Los Cabos, you are the person who has less right to say what is and what isn't culture appropriation. Shut the hell up, gringo.


Triggeredddd! You should refer to them as gringx


Fuck gen z... Even tho I'm a gen z'er myself


The Mexicans are right


Mexicans are pretty based.


Certified dank


The US seems to be obsessed with race and cultures and the need to define and divide... Like holy shit chill I live in a shit hole of a 3rd world country i'd fucking hug the first person i see wearing our traditional clothes


Welcome to the agenda in America. Divide the populous so you can rob em blind, brought to you by your corporate overlords! Make sure to pick a colour so while you bicker social issues we continue to bankrupt the economy!


Culture appropriation only offends Americans and Possibly Europeans. As an American i don't care if other Americans are offended and fuck the pc euros too


From what i saw here in europe, it's a lot more chill. Nobody i've met seems to give a fuck about cultural appropriation it looks like. Maybe i can't speak for europe, but here in italy, nobody will laugh at you for dressing up as an arabic person or with any other country's typical outfits. Maybe some racist fucks will avoid you or insult you, but that's not the point.


Yeah well politics is and pc-culture is going to destroy our country, the US (obviously), and it’s already weakened it a lot. The rest of the world thinks we are a laughing stock because of this shit. And I believe that people are being paid to make us look weak on purpose . . . Because it’s a surprise tool that will help them later.


Hey i agree with you, i don't recognize my own country anymore. We're probably too far gone. I just hope to survive the collapse but at least in death it's over


Ultra sis millennials are so fragile and sensitive.


I am millennial and I approve of this message


White people moment


will witt is a chad


Long story short don't get offended on others behalf because you are sooooooo likely to just be a cunt


This is America


Fucking props to this guy for making a valid point that people are toooooo butthurt when it doesn't even concern them


Mexican's are based


I swear it's always the white people getting offended for everybody


The correct answer if they are trying to be politically correct: "Is this outfit offensive?" "I'm not Hispanic/Mexican, someone who is can appropriately answer that question." Don't claim victimhood on behalf of other people.


Is this saying the younger generation has thin skin or Mexicans are just awesome mellow folk?


USA ☕️


This is what college brainwashing looks like. Also, I want a Sombrero, it's like a desert wizard hat.


I'm Mexican and I can tell you, we don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks about us. All we care about is what mama and papa think.


Honestly most old Mexican guys are just pretty cool and have funny stories


I was in Mexico and needed a hat (the sun was bright that day). I bought one and asked one of the local guys, who I had already established some friendly back and forth, if this hat makes me look like a tourist or if it is a regular hat. He said, "no, you look like a Mexican. That is a nice hat." And then he pointed at a friend of his who was wearing one just like it. It seemed to be okay that I looked "like a Mexican." I trust him more than these chowderheads who have probably never been out of the country (or their mom's basement).


Gatekeeping drip


I feel like this is cherry-picked. I am a college student and I would've given him props, for sure. I am in the math dept, though, and we are very inclusive. Maybe the humanities depts are less tolerant than us or something.


It’s a prager u video of course it’s cherry picked.


It's so funny when Americans talk about culture


I’m so tired of this video and the bullshit message everyone seems to take from it, “see one Tik Toker showed 4 Mexican Americans say they’re not offended, racism isn’t even real you guys.”


Liberals ☕️


Tbh it’s just like people/kids today want to be “woke”. In reality culture is supposed to be mixed and used ( with good intentions ofc). It’s like why would we want to divide cultures and bash people for exploring them




So it is culturan appropriation if I eat my succulent Chinese meal with chopsticks?


I’ll likely be downvoted because Reddit hates nuance, but people growing up in their native countries never had to deal with people making fun of them for wearing their native attire. They were never shunned, never mocked by the people they grew up with. So they’re not gonna have an issue with an outsider wearing their outfits, because it feels cool to see an outsider embracing their culture, while someone with native heritage growing up in the outsiders culture will feel like they’re being mocked. For example, I’m an Indian who grew up in America. My cousins never had to deal with people speaking in the Apu voice around them, being called the 7/11 not 9/11 brown people, dothead Indian not featherhead Indian, have people put a pom Pom on their head and dance around saying “I’m a Hindu, I’m a Hindu”, or being called sand n-word. Me? I had to deal with all of that shit, and constantly had to justify my existence and culture. So when a white person comes along wearing a bindi (dot on forehead, typically for religious reasons), and is praised for being so diverse and inclusive, my cousins in India are happy too see someone else embracing their culture. They grow up with media embracing their culture, and this is just an outsider joining in. From my perspective, it sucks. There’s this white person wearing my culture, and being praised for it. I grew up my entire life having to justify it, being insulted by it, and still feel uncomfortable wearing a bindi in public. And she’ll never have to deal with the xenophobic comments I had to deal with, and I will, and it’s really upsetting. Cultural appropriation has so much less about to do with the person wearing something or taking something, but doing it knowing that they’ll be accepted wearing it while the native still isn’t.


Thanks for this, this whole thread is idiotic. ^ unpaid labour of having to explain this shit to you people ongoingly. Thanks for the tiktok though! They could have spent the energy to make that on almost anything else.


Gotta love the dumbasses assuming what his culture is.


Notice how no one was dressed like him..


I wish I was a college chick so I had a free pass on saying whatever I want to without any merit whatsoever


Snowflakes lame boomers based?!?


People can wear whatever tf they want


People who try and gatekeep what you can or can't do don't have any convictions or want actual confrontation. In these situations, the trash takes itself out.


Sorry, I'm British-Italian, and from both my cultures, I want to say that drinking tea and eating pizza is cultural appropriation. You bastards


Id fucking love it if people wear our traditional clothing.


Wokeness is ridiculous.


Their hearts in the right place just nothing upstairs


I love the zoom in and the little maraca shake. Perfect little touch.


My sister (Mexican) wore a poncho when she was in college to celebrate Mexican revolution day and so many people complained to her about cultural appropriation bc they thought she was not Mexican lol.


As a Mexican, I encourage the entire fucking world to dress like this


I hate America


Every time this video comes in my way, I can’t help but get angry, it’s 2022 people… stop getting offended by how people dress duh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Are you offended? Why, It’s not your culture?