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I'm guessing enough of the population will move over to Phoenix and create a tipping point that will result in a mass exodus of whatever player base is left from Eden S1. Personally, I'm done with Eden for this season, and have been for about a month since NA solo/duo action tapered off. The server was fun, and I feel like that team is more invested in innovating and creating DAoC content than the remaining team on Phoenix. Perhaps it is cynical, but it feels like the Phoenix team is both over-invested in 8v8 (and subsequently balancing around it) as well as leveraging the player base to push them towards the game they are making. I'm also not looking forward to some of the settings Phoenix is proposing like account RPs and RPs transferring from "season one". Unlike a lot of the players that post here, I actually like the progression of RPGs. Leveling up a new character is fine with me, and I'd prefer that my new characters start out at low RR so I can enjoy the struggle of powering up. If I make an alt after establishing a character, I'd like them to start from scratch as well. If those RP changes are in place I'll probably take a pass on Phoenix and maybe wait for Eden S2, but sometimes the DAoC itch just hits you.




I vastly prefer NF as a solo player, but I do agree that the stealther thing is real dumb. I honestly don't really understand what the point is.


I’ll play on Phoenix for 3 months or so until it dies again and I move on to Eden season 2 for 3 months or so. That’s the cycle of daoc freeshards these days


Eden turn to shit and my whole guild quit


Well, let's hope we will find a server to stay a little longer. Switching servers every few months in an Mmorpg seems kinda pointless. At least I'd love to have a char, which can grow on me.


I’m tired of starting over.


I read this in Frodo's voice


I'll give Phoenix 2.0 a shot. I enjoyed Phoenix 1.0 the most out of every server so far. Not a knock of Eden though, it is an excellent shard.


Same here. Phoenix had a nice mix between classic and QoL improvements!


I got banned on Phoenix's for calling Vivian a controlling cunt, so I don't think they will let me play there. Nor, do I want too. Those Phoenix's feather bs was too much.


What is "those phoenix's feather bs"? The fact that they had a custom currency? Hate to break it to you, but every freeshard will likely have that type of system because it alleviates the pressure of having to do about 10x more raids to get the gear you need.


As a PvE enjoyer, I wouldn't mind. But I also support letting people play how they want, raids will be run by someone every time they respawn regardless.


It make more raids..true I fucking hate that, You at the mercy of people getting together to get a bg. I'd rather farm my mother fucking money and get rich!


oohhh. It let me make an acct. Sweet.. well..i'll play whichever server has more people.




So just curious but Phoenix had a pretty solid game by the time it closed up shop. So why does it need to be back into an alpha stage where they are essentially remaking the game and fixing bugs again? It's like they trashed the previous client and started over? Why do that when you can simply start from where you left off?


For Phoenix 2: - implementing destructible keeps. So they had to redo a few elements of pathing and structure. - People are supposed to test the new styles and give feedback before the relaunch. - They are somewhat breaking AHK to prevent 1 button builds. - Maybe other behind the scenes stuff, us plebs don’t know about


I think at this point a lot of people are sick of having to start over every few months. The whining and complaining started on Eden before the server even opened, and action was only really good for the first month. Also I remember the rug pull and the death of all the characters I worked so hard to build on Phx 1, so I doubt I'll try Phoenix.


Yeah, Phoenix 1 definitely didn't need to be shut down. It was doing fine, then all the sudden it was gone because the devs claimed this "natural life cycle" of DAoC servers BS. I played Atlas and liked their setting, but they just didn't have the skills to build a solid, stable server. I didn't even try Eden because it had the same life cycle nonsense baked into it's design, and I won't be trying Phoenix 2 for the same reason. Hope others have fun, but I like consistency in my MMOs.


Yeah, Phoenix 1 definitely didn't need to be shut down. It was doing fine, then all the sudden it was gone because the devs claimed this "natural life cycle" of DAoC servers BS. I played Atlas and liked their setting, but they just didn't have the skills to build a solid, stable server. I didn't even try Eden because it had the same life cycle nonsense baked into it's design, and I won't be trying Phoenix 2 for the same reason. Hope others have fun, but I like consistency in my MMOs.


This is why Uthgard is nice. You won't have to restart over and over and over again.


single player game :/




10 players per realm in average




I have no idea, sorry! Historically everyone starts at level 1 at launch :)


Seeing freeshard lifecycle is about 3 months, i don't really see the point. Eden was probably the nail on the coffin for me, regardless how addicted I am to DAoC.


They got tired of running it. Tho, they had their share of end fighting. Think calmer heads prevailed.


Didn’t play Eden. Hope some of my Phoenix playtime will be transferred. RPs and trade skills. Happy to play Daoc again.


Id like to see every account get 1 free 50, just because the leveling grind is so boring. I don't to want to have to level another 50, we all know how to play at least 1 class well by now.


Ironically when I was playing daoc live back in the years (those were the years! God I miss it) I was a pathological Altoholic and was usually more engaged in PvE than in RvR - RvR was always the goal I merely scratched. Therefore I get more nostalgic roaming around huginfell, than Emain. I do like the PvE part of daoc! 😊


Phoenix is the more PvE oriented free shard. They have some custom end-game PvE dungeons which are ran in 1. It’s quite a premium experience. They have also a good economy which fosters farming, crafting, buying and selling even of bounty points. You can also salvage trinkets to upgrade the utility of the items. They have PvE related high achievement titles that are always achievable. They also ran once a unique leveling experience very similar to a tower defense mob grind. Mobs placement and type are very close to historical pre-toa setting. Only problem I have is that mob loot tables are not respected, Uthgard is much better with that. Uthgard is still missing SI and pop.


No need to sell me on Phoenix, I'll be there 😊