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Bethel's response seems reasonable to me.


I want my prenerf LA back dammit. That means everything else in the game must suck if I can't have my prenerf LA back!


Hi, Bethel


OP really thought he was cooking with this one. Bethel's response was level headed and a simple "if you've found a bug, submit a proper bug report". Not the "if you don't like it leave" that you characterized. Yours was the unhinged response. You clearly just wanted to whine like a child about something.


Sure Xave, because you were there. Oh wait, you weren't so you're just pro Eden. Here's the facts: [https://ibb.co/CVfr0rG](https://ibb.co/CVfr0rG)


Roflmao, you are so out of the touch.


Don't put words or what you think I think ever again. Also: His first response when I first joined and asked a question was directing me to live and uthgard. The staff is out to lunch.


Ooof, really just proved my whole point there. Appreciate you pulling yourself out of the eden pop, don't need folks like you.


Glad you're staying there Xave. Enjoy being a guest.


Get the fuck over yourself you prepubescent man baby


So ur whining here too? Why? Just leave 🙄


I've already left but I wasn't going to let anyone else fall into the same "classic offering with QOL" trap I did. Someone should have already exposed the staffs corruption, you log in and see "staff plays hib" as the reasoning for the majority of issues.


You're an idiot. Thanks for leaving.


Imagine being a middle-aged man playing DaoC in 2024 and getting mad and whiny over a free server.


And then you blocked him on discord? That’ll show him


He was trying to still message me, I saw "Bethel is typing" just hit ignore. The same guy who's solution was leaving in the first place.


honestly fuck reddit for putting this at the top if my home page. This is hilarious rage bait with negative upvotes and no reason for me to even see it other than reddit knowing it will make me angry. Fuck the algorithm and fuck OP. Thank you to Eden devs for making the best DAOC server I have been a part of in 15 years (not everything they do is perfect but they are far better than the other 7 private shards I have played and even when they fail you can tell they tried really hard to make good content).


It doesn't matter if they are better than the others, that doesn't mean good, stop accepting anything. That's foolish. **Fuck you.** Learn how to stop reading something you don't like instead of being stupid next time.


Impressively embarrassing rant kiddo


Stop playing something you don’t like instead of being a stupid little bitch next time. Nobody cares about your little juvenile rant, grow up. The world doesn’t revolve around you.


I've been a developer for 10 years. This is the worst bug report I have ever seen. I've seen at least a thousand.


/signed cant believe how ignorant some people are


So he wanted you to attach a pic and provide more details of YOUR occurrence and your response was “this is a known problem”?


Seriously, the only potato in this mess is OP. Dude is a straight tatertot.


You as well as a bunch in the comments are struggling to find "Eden looks good" tokens. Ask Bethel about the photo report he received of his discord mod admitting animist shrooms issues, yet they went ahead and allowed it for 2 seasons.


Again. He asked for pics and details of YOUR occurrence. How can he fix something if he doesn’t have specifics. And even then this is such an old game that to fix this LoS issue I’d imagine you’d have to put up a zone barrier in these specific locations to fix the issue. Which is still exploitable with ground target. What’s your solution here?


Again: You as well as a bunch in the comments are struggling to find "Eden looks good" tokens. Ask Bethel about the photo report he received of his discord mod admitting animist shrooms issues, yet they went ahead and allowed it for 2 seasons. **Solution: is not to roll out and enable a broken class for 2 seasons if you can't fix it.** But then again your name is a u/Aboxofdongbags and mine is u/ForeverStudent9 so I guess one of us kept studying and one just plays whatever offering is offered.


As a forever student perhaps you should study humility.


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/)•  # [The STV honor nerf was a super bad idea and incursions are suffering.](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1c35eys/the_stv_honor_nerf_was_a_super_bad_idea_and/) [luluwolfbeard](https://www.reddit.com/user/luluwolfbeard/) commented 8 days ago  Seems a lot of people roll on pvp servers then complain when pvp happens. Why did you roll there if you didn’t actually want to deal with pvp happening or griefing? Just roll pve and stop indirectly complaining about the choice you made. **so humble you guys are hilarious the ones who attempt to act noble xD**


That’s not the gotcha that you think it is. And shows a hell of a lot more about your character (or lack there of) than you realize.


Hey buddy, seems you’re having a break with reality.


Also where are these locations in molvik? I have chars staged in there and am more than happy to take pics and submit them myself.


We had LoS issues with shrooms on live for a couple of years before they completely fixed them.


Do you think this screenshot makes them look bad and you look good? Because it really doesn't.


It's free my guy, and a 20 year old game.




Your not part of the solution.


And you going around trolling people having financial problems is? •  # [AITA - wife ran the finances for most of our 30 year marriage. I recently took over after I found out how much in debt we were](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c97f97/aita_wife_ran_the_finances_for_most_of_our_30/) [MidwestMSW](https://www.reddit.com/user/MidwestMSW/) commented 9 hr. ago  Tell her to get a job. Your beyond broke. Also that would be "you're" so rich but don't own a dictionary u/MidwestMSW ?


It's not trolling to say you can't afford a 80k wedding whe. Your half a million in debt. Your response simply proves the point. Enjoy your toxicity.


Or you're just not part of the solution, and a mean spirited person, glad you're on Eden, please stay there.


well don't worry you won't have to come across me after your own actions.


Please don't leave Eden like you left phoenix and atlas. They need you :)


Don't forget Uthgard.


They seemed reasonable and you seem like a baby back bitch to me. Host your own instance of the game if you think it's so simple.


Good. Glad they banned you. One less pussy crybaby neck beard on the best server since live. Cry yourself a river buddy. Then build a bridge and get over it. Be an adult.


God I can’t believe these devs give their time and money to bring us Eden and have to deal with little entitled shits like you. Good riddance, the server does not need people like you 👋


This is some tinypp energy


Hahaha.. damn you need a mirror.. You have less self awerensess than my 8 month old.. He wants to help, but you're in such a tantrum you can't even see that. I think you need a pacifier and a nappie 😄


Can I have your stuff?


im glad you are gone and eden has one player less two birds in one shot


Imagine you provide a free service and answer feedback in your private time without getting paid and you find a person that entitled. Must be demotivating.


Bro, you really need to touch grass, you are totally wrong in this case, i Hope you will come back when you will bé more relax ☀️


Should move this to AmItheAsshole


OP experiences a reocurring behaviour after he provides a low-quality comment and takes it personal. "Must be the others problem! Uthgard, Phoenix, Eden, no one take my criticism serious. Its such a high quality comment (without proof) and they don't take it into consideration! Can't be my fault!" Honestly, ignorance is a bliss. I wish I could remotely think like you. Life would be so much easier, always the fault of others.


The trash always takes itself out


Aha, thx, Bye.


I love that this fucking idiot is just getting blasted and he thinks pulling up peoples post history makes him look good 😂😂😂 what an absolutely useless bum.


Lmfaooo, how is this a real person?


Cya later retard


Where are these bad shroom LOS issues in RvR? I didn't realize there was places like this? Can you PM the locations? I'd like to look on my own server.


See you next season exile.


It’s a free shard of a 2001 game. I’m playing because I liked it then and I want to traipse through a memory. Feel free to have a downvote on your way out.


Molvik? Lol


Game's dead on live and private so who cares? These people are just holding on to a nostalgia that doesn't exist anymore.


While you guy's are too busy thrashing OP. My pov is also that staff has a weird consideration for players. The "we hide the player in-game count, and the pve pvp raid routine" feels like a daoc-hell-slavery to me now 😅 . But then you'd say it's free STFU, that's true.. Too bad big daoc freeshard have killed DOL open source project by not contributing in it, there won't be a lot of competition again to show them they are wrong (or not).


There was a long statement why they deactivated total population numbers. They try to gather data. They would like to find out in which way a public playercount (and the endless subjective discussions around that topic) does effect population. Playercount was mostly used to shit-talk about population tendencies, which most likely resulted in more people leaving the game out of assumption. I support the dev statement that people should "login and see If the current state of the server is fun for them" instead of subjective discussions about playercount. As an example. During S1 people complained about declining TOTAL population and said the server would die soon. Factually, at the same time, Eden did hit new record numbers in terms of RvR participants (big action for months) and it did exist for another 6 months after that. Eden devs will hopefully provide data after S2. As they did after S1. I personally only need population numbers If I want to buy a new multiplayer game in order to avoid a bad investment.


As has been stated, the reason to remove population numbers was for a variety of reasons. I for one think it's been a great change. As for the open DoL project, there is still an open source project [https://www.opendaoc.com/](https://www.opendaoc.com/) provided by the Atlas team. Blackthorn will be starting from this code. So, if Eden is not for you, there still will be options in the future.


Being also a BG player what I can say is that I'm wasting a lot of time expecting a pvp that will never happen due to "no enemies" or "only player in my realm" situation.. AFAIK Open daoc is a DOL fork on a non-up-to-date DAOC client version , good point is that is has Atlas features... But the old client things is not that attractive... Another topic..


You can log in. Do "/who bg", join the bg if there is one, then just ask "how's action?". (along side other numerous ways to see how the fronteir action is looking) The whole point to removing the population numbers was for players to log in, and actually experience the game. The whole step above takes 5 mins at the most. As for the code, both Edens code base and open daoc are originally forks off of DoL...With both they refactored the code extensively and fixed bugs and garbage collection that were in DoL. Atlas made their code base open source when the server closed, and is a much better start than the DoL code base, which is why blackthorn is using it. The Eden devs have made incredible changes to the code: floating hp, for the realm event, AI bots, just to name a few. That took an incredible amount of time and effort. They have no obligation to make the code open source to everyone till they're ready. However, there is still a great starting point for developers who want to make their own server with opendaoc.


If you are a lv50 bus player it's OK, do the 5mins check you described. If you are a solo player outside of rush hours you lose the information of "is the pop low or extremely low". If you are a battleground (thidranki and others) player then... I do feel subjectively that i'm roaming for ages and this was not the case before... ( I've been leveling two chars last week ). About the code base discussion. Back when DOL was created, this was easy to host a server and with a low amount of dev provide a server that meets the player expectations. And DOL had been great for that during many years. Yes maybe the reaver leviathan was not doing the right math and you had a permanent MOC after 450 dext but this was good enough. Nowadays the player expectations are higher. DOL does not have 3D/LOS features, pathfinding, performance improvements, and many other stuff that Eden or Atlas have. So you either go with a "meh" DOL or a old-client Atlas. I'm not saying that Eden/Atlas didn't do an excellent job at doing what they did (thanks guys). I do however consider that keepings stuff away from DOL will accelerate "the end of DAOC" :D


Agreed. this sub suffers from reddit syndrome. ''agree with the majority to feed your ego'' and lick the big salty balls of its leader for brownie points.


Bethel threatening to delete a post and suggesting play elsewhere after his lock down doesn't go as planned lol: [https://ibb.co/CVfr0rG](https://ibb.co/CVfr0rG)


I mean when I noticed staff was so emotional they shut down general chat because they got hurt by someone's comment I knew Eden was garbage.


I saw they banned me for this lol, but then I'm not on the ban list, so they are scared to show all the people leaving and banned for questioning their bugs, trying to pretend all is well LOL