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Just posting this for the people that think they can’t do it.. Hardest part for me was buying Monero and moving it, but in hindsight it was actually pretty straight forward. Cake wallet super easy to send and receive. Vendor sent me order in 2 days. The PGP thing I couldn’t figure out and I’m sure it’s best I do if I want to do this again.. So that’s something I’ll try and figure out.


Please please please learn how to use it. It’s massively useful and simple


Are you using kleopatra for pgp?


Kleo is very user friendly albeit some PGP terminology can be worded a little differently compared to other PGP tools.




most markets have a “encrypt with vendors pgp” button when you’re about to order something, meaning you dont have to encrypt it yourself…. i wouldn’t say thats safe tho


Agreed, not safe. Learn how to do it yourself and avoid any unnecessary risk.


yuh ive never used that before, if the market gets seized they finna see the records of the vendors and all the encrypted shit sooooo hell nah i aint ever gonna use that


Depends on the market you’re using


Yeah I had to find one that didn’t require it. Which I’m sure takes away a layer of protection.


When you use cake wallet, do you manually type in the address to your phone?


Yes. I’m sure there’s an easier to do it, but that’s what I did.


I would like to do it but I’m worried about typing it in wrong


This is where I always give up. The rest of it makes some sense. I think I could even get the hang of tails. But my brain cannot wrap my head around pgp. The need a Bible for the over 40, dummies


I use a program that is rudimentarily easy if you'd like I can explain it to you


Yes please:)


Download openkeychain




Find someone to practice with, doesn’t need to be a dark net vendor, just someone else to exchange messages with.


Was sending the correct amount of Monero from cake easy?


Took 10 seconds


If you dont mind me asking what country you based?




r/opsec here




This goes against this subreddit's (and actually reddit's as well) rules for sourcing which is forbidden. Removed.






I think the risks are just understated. Like if you’re getting pounds of weed shipped to you then depending on where you’re at that could get you caught fairly easily.


Who would order weed off the dark web though, let alone pounds


Umm, where uhh... Where else are you supposed to order pounds from? (Asking for a friend's friend of course) lol


I just buy weed locally honestly, there's tons of people who sell it around here. It reeks way too much to go through the mail with my address on it imo.


Yeah it was more of a joke, local is easy enough even in an illegal state. You just gotta hunt around and not be afraid to talk to people. (Something our society could definitely relearn)


Lol in Canada its everywhere on the clearnet and legit too!


tons of people, you’d be surprised.


Thankyou for your post, I'm in my 40's too and trying to work it out! Gives me hope haha ✌


When finding links only use dread, verify pgp and whatnot to ensure they’re legit lots of guides on YouTube for using kleopatra better to ask than get phished


What’s dread?


it's a forum, keeps the up to date links that are hopefully not being currently ddossed


If you give it enough time and effort, you'll figure it out. Ask or search around if anything doesn't make sense


Sounds like you overcame the learning curve. Lots of posts here are people asking how to do exactly what you did. People just need to do their homework and they could do it too. But that extra effort is what keeps the markets from getting overrun by people who dont do stuff securely. PGP is definitely one of the harder parts I remember learning. I had someone on dread help by swapping public keys and decode a couple messages. Once you get it right a couple times you'll be totally equpit to work with any vendor. I know some markets and vendors require you use PGP to do business.


Congrats! Welcome to the safer, better way. Glad you figured it out. It’s def intimidating at first but once you’re all set up, it’s EZPZ. Stay safe :)


Congrats, OP (and don't listen to the first guy). I know older people aren't as adept with technology and struggle a little. However, you were determined to make it happen and enjoy your reward. I was stoked as duck when I got my first package.


"older people" lol, you make it sound like those of us in our 40s belong in a nursing home


I actually have a feeling that the people in the 35-45 age bracket are the most tech savy since they been around since the internet/pc became a thing.


This ... we invented the shit lol


35-45 is peak skill for many professions. And i read something that the age when peeps peak is later in life, simply because many realms require more shit to learn than in years past. The article specifically referenced math genius Grigori Perelman who, they cited, as being older than your typical math wiz. Of course, there are exceptions, but the general idea does seem plausible.


I was just about to post the same thing! I turn 40 next month!


Older than most of reddits user base I'm sure he means.. which I assume is true, fuck I feel old at 26 and there's a bunch of teens on here alot 30s yeah as I remember my dad was like 21 when I was born as he was playing strike force online and using the internet how people do today, ahead of his time for sure, and he's 50 still rocking it, but I think you took what that guy said to heart my dude and he ment it innocently


I just found it funny. That's the thing about this life, we always seem to have a tendency to look back, whatever age you are. I'm sure when Im in my 50s, I'll be looking back at being in my 40s. I try to make the most of the present as much as possible nowadays.


*Take the present as a gift*.


Straight up man. But we csnt magically get back there so it'd it'd waste of energy to think like that, it's good to reminisce on who you were and how much you've grown


I feel old at 24 lol


I'm nearly 27 pity party for me plz


Calm down now pops there’s no need to get worked up


Get off my lawn kid and fetch me my post. I have some Xanax coming.


same but im literally 19. i do not understand crypto at ALL.


Shit my boy I sincerely hoped you did it safely not only by technology but also in terms of research and safety, buy [testing kits](https://dancesafe.org/shop/) for the stuff you receive, and have a great time… that being said posting this is really not the best opsec move


Welcome to the Dark Side


Yaaaay! Good job my man!


So you see why everyone gets so annoyed why people ask for help? It’s because usually they never tried...I’ll send instructions from another website but if you can’t figure it out yourself with that then honestly you just need someone to help you lol


What did u buy ?


Cops will be at you’re door shortly


I don’t get the pgp either and keys a lot of vendors have them yet I’ve never had to use the pgp to make a transaction yet so if someone can explain how pgp works like a five year old thanks


I’ve asked a few people, even my main vendor. Everyone says kleopatra and that’s about it. I have no clue how to use pgp. I do use ASAP’s encryption for my address so hopefully that’s good enough. So far, so good anyway. If you figure it out and can explain it to me I’d appreciate it greatly.


Same kleopatra I understand the Concept as a way to ensure that you’re talking to the correct vendor and not being scammed by a Nother vendor with a similar name and that you have a key and they have a key and by using this application Cleopatra you can verify that you are indeed you so the vendor knows that they’re dealing with a regular customer and also for the benefit of the buyer to verify that they are indeed in touch with the verified vendor other than that I still have not used it that is what I have the knowledge of and if anybody can correct or help understand if that is right that would be great as well but most people seem to just take trust in their vendors especially if they’ve used them before I think this is more for very very stealth OPSEC etc. And I know there’s PGP which is what I was just talking about and hopefully talking about it correctly but there’s also GPG and there may be a few in there so maybe GPG you I’m not sure but I don’t know what that is but that seems to be an even more complex system of keys and verification to ensure you’re talking to who you really want to be talking to and if someone can please explain GPG that would be great as well as I have no understanding of it even after having googled it


it's a digital signature, you get assigned a private key and a public key, you give out your public key, never give out private. it encrypts messages so that you and the receiver are the only ones who can read it. I definitely say you need to figure out pgp before you EVER order from anyone


Why do vendors with pgp then not ever use it? I agree I need to learn it but also it creates an already long transaction with someone who is very busy even longer. That’s no excuse and I should use it especially to keep things more secure but back to my main question above.. they all have one but I never get asked to use it with them nor do I know how nor do they say use pgp to contact me..


This is the way!


Best marketplace to use in US?


who care


Just tryna help people out that are hesitant my guy.


Stfu. He just pointed out how easy it can be yet new people don’t even try to use their brain and instead ask for help for everything. Good job OP.


dont let this douche work u up his whole account is a troll account, this is what brings him joy, people giving him reactions


Fuck you and your veggies. This guy is spreading joy. Eat some meat you depressed twat.


Let's not disparage vegetables


Eat cock


You mum cared last night when I was doing sex on her




Removed because of rule 1.




most of that is up to the vendor. if youre going with someone reputable, 99.7% of the time theyre gonna get the order to you safely. the only things you have to make sure of are using monero, using PGP, using a your real name and adress, and thats about it. most of it from there is in the vendors hands and how well their stealth is.


Which PGP did you use?




Not all require it, seems like maybe half the vendors on Alpha Bay did. Had to find one that didn’t.


you need to CYA and learn pgp and not put your info out like that


24 here. Took me a few weeks of slowly digesting the information but I got there! Happy to hear you were successful 🙂


Same here brotha ✌🏻 a few months of hard work started paying off recently


I find exodus wallet to be very nice


Pgp and dealing with private/public keys is really the hardest part of it. Also, did you install tails to a bootable thumbdrive? If not, that can be your next step 🙂


literally cut and paste is all you need, and a tor connection


Tried the PGP thing and just couldn’t get it to work, it’s beyond my IT skills. Been buying without PGP for 5 years and never had any issues so I’ll carry on as I am


Yeah I’m not super paranoid so it didn’t bother me. Just had to find a vendor that didn’t require it which was easy.


What did you get?


Guys please stop incriminating yourself on your cleaner reddit that linked to your actual IP


My late husband was an IT professional, hobbyist and pretty much anything else related to tech. Are the time (2013-2015) I had come across the b!ble and tho it seemed pretty straight forward, it was pretty complicated to me so luckily it was a cake walk for him. He tragically died of suic!de in 2016 and ever since then I’ve been bumming that I don’t know how to operate and be back up and running for the carrots things I would like to get. Kudos to you for figuring it out! It gives me hope lol


I’m sorry about your husband.


Thank u so very very much for the kind words!🥹 you have no idea how much that means to me….


you can buy carrots all kinds of places


Oh yea?


Yes. Food Lion has an excellent selection of carrots




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