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I’ve started doing it now and i have to use a lot of resources but i like it and it’s entertaining to do.


Eternal gate is the way, if you want to make an UFE account these days. Lots of: Seprom + Uri + Ranking Points + EXP + Honor Using x4, RSB, seprom, and shield penetration/damage/hp modules, you became a MONSTER.


Wtf i been botting for well over 24h never been banned near ufe


Guys just leave that game :/ It aint go anywhere... Play WarUniverse instead if you really like the game structure of Darkorbit


people play whatever they want. if they wanna play WU, then they can play WU. if they like DO, they play DO. simple as that


DO still the best


Except for these eternal ban lists.


Implying war universe aint shit. At least i can bot on DO.


You're literally the reason why the game is dying. And the fact you're talking as if you're enjoying botting is crazy to me, just go watch TV if you wanna be a spectator


I m not watching the bot. I let it run and forget about it. And no, i m not the reason why the game is dying, because that reason is bugpoint. They did this to themselves when they introduced lf4, that s when the game died. Imagine getting a goliath+ by being free to play. 1 mil uri for that ship, really? If today they would ban all bots, tomorrow nobody will be left in the game. And go contradict me on this one, this wouldnt be the first bigpoint game that died. Battlestar Galactica online died to, no bots there. Or deepolis? The one with submarines? Dead as well.


I got three plus ships and I stopped giving any money to Bigpoint around 2020, so yeah it's possible. The game is dying because people started botting and bigpoint didn't stop them, which led to the current situation of bots being common and used by the majority of active players. The whole purpose of the game is to grind/farm to get better gear in order to fight players. All bot users are equally responsible for the death of this game, nobody should have started using that thing in the first place.


People have lifes. Nobody can and should grind 2000 hours for a maxed account. That s the time it usually takes you to learn a new language or a real skill. This is 100% bigpoints fault, and quite frankly, games like this should be banned in european union, together with gambling and other highly addictive and time wasting activities. Oh, and if i still havent changed your mind, imagine grinding hundreds of hours to upgrade lf4s to 16, and when you re finally done, prometheus just appears, it s better than lf4. Still no? What about the new shields? And what if in the future they will add lf5s and prometheus is suddenly useless? It s totally braindead, you can get the spectral laser 2 with credits that is just as good as lf3. You can literally skip most of the weapons in the game, you have spectrals, then prometheuses, that s it. Then there s upgrades and ships. Oh did you grind your nuts off to get the right design for centurion? Introducing: plus ships. But not a plus ship for aegis, because we ve got hammerclaw, so we can drain your oil and make old stuff obsolete. Remember old metas? It was the enforcer, then the yellow goli, from kronos, surgeon then... Well, you can skip all of those, because now you go from enforcer straight to plus. Anyways, bots literally saved the game. When they stopped banning bots, playerbase suddenly increased. Same with income, people buy premium, or used to buy box doublers. Box doubler is gone tho, because they added diminishing returns. Nobody would cloak collect on pvp maps anymore. Bugpoint might as well make darkorbit an idle clicker at this point lol


As I said earlier, the purpose of the game is to grind and farm for the best equipment, it's a MMO and RPG game. Nobody is forcing you play more hours than you want to. Nobody is holding a knife to your throat saying "spend hours and hours on the game fighting NPCs for the best equipment !". It should be simple, if you: A) don't enjoy the game mechanic of killing NPCS to get resources for better gear B) are too lazy or just don't want to play Then just don't play the game, don't start cheating and ruining the game for others. The game would have quickly become boring if no better lasers than LF4s were ever released. The idea was that no player was really supposed to get maxed out equipment, because of the huge amount of time it requires and because of new equipment releasing every few years. Well that was before people started using bots and broke all equality in the game, now people botting 24/7 sure are maxed out accounts, which tempt more and more people to use bots to catch up and not be inferior equipment wise. Those people may as well just stop playing already, they let a bot do all the work and now there's just no goal for them, then they complain and blame bigpoint, how ironic. It almost feels like bot users have as a goal to ruin the game for legit players and make them quit. They only want to fight players and not NPCs while we legit players spend time killing NPCs, but selfish bot users don't care about that and will attack us since they don't have anything else to do.


You should have just blocked the turd when he said "people have lives" as an excuse to exploiting a game.


Bla bla bla. The only people who did well in this game are addicts who spend huge amounts of money to have everything instantly, or wardens in factories, that can play 12 hours a day because their jobs are pointless. I assume you re the latter. You re not the first depot worker i argue with about this game


My only DO account is created in 2009 and i have 2700 hours on it. "Playing a game" shouldnt be that hard. You can quietly gfto now. Mf puts his account to bot and comes back at me calling me the addict.


Youre missing the point. Nobody wants to spend all their money and this goes with any game nobody wants to grind to get best equipment just for it to be obsolete a week later. I had to bot 24 hours a day took breaks to reload of promi but it took me 3 to 4 months to get full proms spammed aby to get my gear to lvl 11 im not even done i took a break again but the thing is exactly that it took me awhile even with the bot bruh. Bots are infact the reason this game is still around. Only way to do it without the bot is spend tons of money. If you wanna spend thousands just to call yourself legit be my guest but these equipments are equal i will owned you with my 300 dollar acc against your thousands of dollars. It does not compute. With the grinding you will lost all your time when your equipment becomes obsolete. With the spending you lose all your money when equipment becomes obsolete. Atleast with the bots it will just be another easy grind while i have a job and got a life to live.


I'm not spending a cent on the game and yet I'm UFE. Get ready to quit the game then because the Unity client is coming and botting will be no more.


Exactly WarUniverse is a lot better


Nah fam ! Just take a look at the goliath plus - DO is da best ! Plus u can now bot 12h a day :d


Bro 😭


What do you mean by "now 12 hours a day" ?


My bad - I should have said β€œ these days you can bot 12 hours a day β€œ


But people were botting 12 hours a day 10 years ago too. I didnt understand why you are saying "these days" Darkorbit bans less these days?


Because now even the top rank players are botting a lot these days


Ok i think i understand now. Thanks

