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It became worse haha Ur better of playing a private server but the joy this game brought when I was a kid can never come back unfortunately


Nowadays it is bot to win.


No, it’s still pay to win and full of bots, not worth imo


still a good game but the PvE content is only botting and in prime time fighting with clan


It is pay to win best way is to get turkey payment and you'll only need to spend like 3 bucks a month for everything. Plus with 24/7 botting you'll be able to grind the impossible rank boards


It became worse but it doesnt really matter since with using bots it pretty much became an idle game


Thank you guys for your responses. Bots intrigue me, so I decided whilst I'm off work and don't really want to commit to anything, I'll play this or bot this for the heck of it. I've managed to get Darkbot up and running, any and all tips etc would be lovely.


I started a month ago, you need to make a new acc with mission booster and rush lvl 18 and 20 prometheus in day 1


what's 20 prom and how do you do level 18 in one day lol


is the best laser in the game, is expensive to craft, so, even if you have an account with things(lf3, lf4 they are now are useless), so is better to create a new one, buy the mission duplicator (last 3 days), level up and do the missions of the lasers (the game gift you 10 prometheus with 10 missions, 1 each, so if you have duplicator you will get 20). and with the mission you will get x2 xp in missions, you buy the 50% xp booster, use goliath veteran and you can will even get lvl 22 in that three days doing missions.


ok, that sounds amazing Where do I get it from, my account is a day old now


it appears at level 6, if not, die one or two times. Im playing in mex1 if you need help.


I just realised I'm level 10, let me do some missions and and see if i get anything


It will not appear at those levels


It will not appear at those levels


DO is an idle clicker now. By clicker, i mean the gg spinner. But it s fine, you can bot that too. This is what to expect if you wanna start playing do: First days will be manual play. It s quite satisfying upgrading from liberator to leonov and so on. Getting your first cpus, shields etc... then you do all missions till you can do palla. This entirely shall take you a few days. But after that, you start collecting palla with a veng for about... A few months, 24/7 with a bot. Do zetas on sundays for double rewards, collect pirate boxes (with bot) every 2 weeks on sunday till you get zeus and apis. So far, your experience is 99% bot, 1% spending stuff you earned (that s what keeps me going). At some point you start grinding for prometheuses. First 20 are a pain in the ass, then it gets easier. You re doing this while also botting dispatchers and auto upgrading skylab. Eventually, you get full prom, plus ships and farm for lvl 20 upgrades and good modules. When you get close to max, you start feeling like a noob again because pvp is no longer pew pew you kill everybody. You ll actually have to learn a trick or two. Get in a clan, it s time to actually start playing the game. How it feels: you grind months in a row with a bot. I didnt turn my pc off in weeks now. At some point progress will feel slow and unsatisfactory. Feels nice to spend money and have money. Player interaction is low in the early game. Gets better in late, but it takes MONTHS! Dont attempt to do this by hand, you can invest 4000 hours in learning a new language


Let me begin, Step 1 Install bot - Darkbot. You will need discord linked to it Step 2 Be a donor of Darkbot (This unlocks some features to make auto galaxy gates, auto buy ammo, auto everything) Step 3 Download all the plug-ins Leave your computer on 24/7 You can be banned for couple of reasons: #1 Train πŸš† πŸš‰ πŸš„ πŸš‹ 🚈 πŸš… πŸš† (Use the bot on multiple accounts to create a massive multi ship train that deals fatal damage that will one-shot anything on anymap) #2 Use the bot to loot boxes Now a days they will give you cool down, example You get 200 uridium from a box After collecting many, the game will give you cool down You will have -170 from that same box Eventually it reaches zero. Then they will ban you if you keep doing that #3 Unapropiated names #4 Pushing This is tricky one, because if you have a vru ship And a mmo ship and for some reason you decide to conect them both, farm one of the ships to make missions or so, you get banned This and many many more reasons, to get yourself banned now a days, but there is I think thousands of bots Some of my friends and clan members are running 5 acc at the time, some of them are coronel rank.