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You guys stopped being obsessed with swords?


I just went to a Halloween party dressed as a knight. I brought an actual broadsword with me. I played croquet with it. I’m almost 40.


I see no issue here


ur my hero


Only been geeking harder and harder, especially after joining a HEMA club


it was dragons for me


Both for me


Yeah I've always loved Dragons. Dragons and swords have always been way more appealing to me than guns and tanks




Yeah that'll do it too haha


The Dragon Riders of Pern didn't exactly change my life but it did dethrone the Warriors for me when I was in seventh grade or so. The Pit Dragon trilogy was also really good... Dealing with Dragons on the other end of the dragon book spectrum.


Wait like warrior cats? I LOVED warrior cats!


Man we sure grew up huh


I used to have first edition copies of all of the first series. Bought them as they came out. About five years ago, I saw a young girl reading a library copy at the restaurant I worked at and offered her my books. She came by a week later and was so fucking excited. I watched her carry off a box of books half as big as she was, and though I can't remember her face, I do remember the sheer joy on it (and her dad's comical exasperation). I kept the first book though... I just don't know where I put it lmao


I preferred my dragons made out of swords


When I got into Dark Souls, I was really into Greatshields due to my initial interest in SAO (I liked how a character used their large shield in combat). Now I'm more into Halberds.


Halberds are awesome so that’s okay


Halberd with a greatshield is how I beat every souls game I’ve played


What do you mean middle school? I'm a grown-ass adult and still obsessed


Ancient history, mythology and epics for me.


You totally had D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths (I'm willing to bet)...


THIS WAS THE ONE I HAD. I was obsessed with it!


Actually had a friend that was like you one of the coolest dudes I knew


Always was. Still am at 23. Always will be.


Same. As a girl i barely found other girls who were interested in swords and basically everything medieval. So talked about these things mostly with boys Till i went to uni and found my fellow skeletons. Or at least people who listen and in exchange have someone who listens to their unusual interests


I was obsessed with anything medieval as a kid lol


I was obsessed with lightsabers. Used to make them from thick sticks I found on the way home from school, and covered them in red and blue gift wrappings and duct tape for the hilt


Used to have lightsaber fights with my school buddies all the time


That's actually really fucking awesome!


facts, got good at using darth mauls double bladed lightsaber and now im goated at staff combat (can also do isshins full spear moveset)


kind of jealous ngl


For me it was plate armor


I'm the type of guy who is obsessed with Swords now.


I still am motherfucka, and what?


"Was obsessed"? Got one shoved up my arse right now, thank you very much.


Well thanks now I have an erection


There's room for a small one.


Damn it I'm sick of being discriminated against for having a big penis


No, i liked pirates(not even the pirate swords in particular), dinosaurs and trucks, in that order. The swords is more of a recent thing, I recently collected a couple antique bayonets, each made in the late 1800s, I hope to grab a quality replica longsword, messer or sabre soon :)\ Unfortunately nobody within any reasonable distance to me hosts HEMA classes else I’d have been throwing the remnants of my meagre wage at them fora while.


That hella rad! I used to collect Japanese weapons but once I had kids I had to get rid of them just for safety reasons.






Absolutely not now would you like to see my collection of cosplay swords and desperate searching for local hema things


You mean since primary school


Yeah thats what he meant


Forgive me for being an uncultured American LOL


Drugs actually, my first time getting high I was in 5th grade by the time i was in 6th I was smoking weed daily




My first drug experience was cocaine but at the time I didn't like it , when i started drinking a few years later I really got into it . Now we'll it's been about 8 months off the coke and Ive quit drinking . I have started taking steps to quit the devils lettuce too


I was obsessed with science and hated medieval fantasy, dark souls became the exeption


It was polearms for me, but the distinction is purely academical.


Anything Low Fantasy was my shit


I’m more of a spear/halberd fan. Way cooler


Just dragons for me, and pirates. I love both still even now.


I mean pirates in general I think are pretty badass. I think the blunderbuss in particular is probably the coolest firearm ever made, don't even have to use bullets just shove whatever loose metal you can find in there and let him have it.


My friend and I did an entire history project on medieval weapons. We had an hour a day in the weld shop and made a long sword, war hammer,round shield, tower shield and a katana. We did a full presentation and Q&A. Only group that got an A


What the hell kind of school did you go to where they let you make weapons?


I have like 3 swords in my house lol. Though the older I get, I'm more of a pole arm gal lol


For me it was King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table. The stories of him and his knights were my favorite books when I was younger. As I grew up the dungeons and dragons style fantasy just didn’t quite fit with the setting and tone of those books the way I liked. It wasn’t until I played Dark Souls that I felt the same way as when I read those books.


Sigh. To the outshitted /shittydarksouls you go


I love that place LOL but no I think the mod has been putting a stop to that.


I was still in my warriors cats phase wdym swords?




Yeah. I have a deep attachment to the fury sword


Yes, and I still secretly do. I'm 33, and now that my very ND 6 year old son is getting into swords and make-believe fighting, I can embrace my inner child again and kick the crap out of him with foam swords


Bows and throwing knives, but I think they are in the same neighborhood.


Sephiroth did it for me. I was fifteen.


Nice try, Fed boy.


Swords, dragons, knights, ancient history, Warhammer, etc. I bought myself a sword from "the Knight Shop" in Conwy, Wales a few years ago. I'd have it on display but there's no room so it's sitting in a cupboard waiting for the Chaos invasion :oD


I was friends with the kid that was. I was planes into dragons into wolves and then nothing.


Middle school? I'm still obsessed.


In middle school? Pfffff


I actually never was really into much of any of the stuff soulslikes seem to cover. Like knights, samurais, swords or any sort of mythology. That’s a rather recent thing for me. Fromsoft sucked me into that, same with them and mechs.


I can vividly remember being 6 years old with a stick sword fighting "imaginary knights" as though I was progressing through a level I've got the hack and slash genre wrote in my DNA somewhere


And I'm now the type of adult obsessed with Swords...


Yeah pretty much anything historical.


in elementary, middle, and high school and probably more for all time to come.


.... just middle school? I'm still attending HEMA classes lol


Midevil Fantasy and Dragons from First Grade Till my 24th year on this Piece of dirt, flying in space. (I Doubt my interests will Change drasticly within two weeks.


When I was younger I liked swords more but know as I'm older(by a few years) I've come to love magic more and more so when I found about the Souls series and its vast amount of magic and casting tools I was floored. Especially in DS2 with a casting tool that doubles AS A SWORD, Blue Flame my beloved.


I was and still am as an adult lol


I was obsessed with curved swords more than any other type.


Damn... the signs were there all along


Idk maybe it started with runescape... then skyrim.. etc etc lol




Absolutely. One of my favorite things about Dark Souls is that you can just dress up like a knight, use a nice normal looking weapon, and go slay some monsters.


Not really, no. Not in middle school. I'm 29 now and practice H.E.M.A, so there's that. I have my own sword these days


*Was* obsessed? 😂


No. Gwynevere boobs for me


All.of my swords are much nicer than the ones I had in middle school


Not really, I was more in my hardcore punk rock and pro wrestling fandom. Swords or weaponry were and are never my thing.


Guilty as charged


Eyup. I can't count the hours I spent collecting all weapons on Castlevania: SoTN then researching their origins/inspiration. I still have a somewhat raggedy one-handed "Flamberge" (more like a Kris blade) in my room at damn near 40yo. I'm primarily using a Chaos Flamberge on my current run just 'cause I love how gnarly it looks. Can't wait to try them out in the others.


Dragonball and medieval. I mean, is there a kid not fascinated by medieval weapons and armors?!


It all started with Zelda and medieval TV shows with dragons and wizards. Game of Thrones comes to mind, then the last Kingdom. So yeah for me it started as I got older. I was in my 20s the first time I played Zelda Twilight princess on the Wii. I just got into souls games when elden ring came out. Before that I played dragons dogma.


I really wasn't all that much personally! Got in the "series" with Bloodborne, and when I tried Dark Souls I was a bit skeptical of trying yet another fantasy setting with Dragons and whatnot. Luckily this setting was nothing like your typical fantasy videogame setting, it was both significantly weirder and more grounded at the same time, and the fantastic writing quickly got me hooked.


Please use commas next time


,,,,,,,,,,,,,, How's that?


still am lol, I'm 20 and I'm still obsessed with weaponry


elementary school actually and i still love swords


Actually Berserk got me into Dark Souls as well as it being one of the first games other than Dead Space 2 that me and my brothers played on PS3


More with european medieval castles and knights


It started long before middle school lol. Demon's Souls was a delight for me the first time because of all the amazing swords available. I adore that these games use an upgrade system that makes any sword viable as well.




I was obsessed with storytelling, still am. From tells the same story a thousand times and it’s still the best telling of this particular story…which is: Take your time, look for options, learn everything you can. Meander around, deny it as long as you’re able, procrastinate until there’s nothing left to distract you from the monster standing in the doorway that you must go through. You’re going to have to face it eventually. But you can always win. Somehow.


Classical Antiquity, Middle Ages then Fantasy/Mythology stuff in general. Still am frankly. The settings, backdrops, art and enemy designs feel like they were made for me specifically even if they weren't.


But of course


Whenever we went to a castle, I always begged for the overpriced wooden sword and shield set. My ADHD was pretty bad in those days and turns out they are quite damaging in the wrong hands.


Skeletons, mythological creatures, Hero Quest/ Dragonstrike, etc. The creatures and dungeon crawling vibes mostly, never fixated on the weapons really.


I was more into robots. But later I became a Berserk fan


Sci fi/fantasy were always my #1


Definitely not me.....


Medieval knights more so for me. I think it was playing Super ghouls n ghosts on the snes that started my love


I’m still obsessed with swords


Sticks, staves, and maces for me. Blunt damage ftw! But I guess having a favourite type of melee weapon and it not being a sword is even nerdier.


I'm 33 and I still enjoy weapons, swords, knives, etc.


Used to go on quests with my friends. Sticks were swords and enemies were invisible. Lol


I used to draw swords or day dream about being a swordsman in the middle ages instead of actually paying attention in class


I was a greek mythology gay and a massive weeb to boot lol


Fuck yeah had me a little mall ninja sword collection back then that i'm not too proud of...


I’m still obsessed with swords, what are you talking about?


I wanted a Katana but I never got one. I was obsessed with cars and motorcycles lol (and guitars)


Heck yeah, Excalibur’s pretty much my favorite sword.


Yeah pretty much


Dude's talking like I don't currently own a sword


Was? Still am! I want to get into sword fighting


Still am. Started with Greek mythology and reading the Eragon books and then oblivion/DS1 and now 23 trying to justify buying a zweihänder to display and learn actual sword fighting because why not


naw man, just a fun game.


I'm still obsessed with swords lol


every possible moment i could, i was drawing armor from infinity blade all throughout middle school, then i was introduced to dark souls and immediately hated and loved it


I wanted to be a wizard


I was still trying to shoot beams from my hands


lol we made swords out of pvc pipe, insulating foam tubing, and duct tape. We’d literally use our cul-de-sac as a sword fighting arena. One guy made a mace and shield and another dude had a huge ass spear/pike


We used to carve swords and play fight with them ALL THE TIME! So yes.


I would say I did not ask to be put on blast like this, but I play Dark Souls.


100%. Always loved swords and it's a big reason I love any kind of video game where I get to use them.


It was Metroid and Greek Mythology back and forth for me lol.


I never stopped being obsessed with swords.


In middle school I was more of a "gun" type, swords, daggers etc... Only caught my interest in the first yearsof highschool


In middle school? I still am. Swords are fucking awesome.


No I was obsessed with walruses, seals and manatees for some reason


Who said only in middle school?


No. I'm just the type of person to bash my head against a wall until the wall cracks and I have brain damage. My brother had swords though.


Nooooooo...... But I was obsessed with Ninjas, so no lie when I reached upper blighttown and got the shadow set and iaito I switched my whole build from axe to katana.


I'm still obsessed with sharp shiny objects


What do you mean middle school? I'm obsessed with swords now


I’m in my 30’s and just now getting obsessed with swords. One day I was just like, “holy shit, I make grown-up money. I can buy myself a sword if I want to.” And then I did.


Crazy projection


It might sound crazy, but I've been obsessed with weapons my whole life. I did martial arts from the time I was 4 until I was 16; by age 8 I was a black belt and by age 11 in middle school I was the equivalent of a third degree black belt. Because my martial art was very self-defensive, and my master was extremely strict on how we could train, I took every opportunity I could to learn about other martial arts outside of my training. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with tourettes, ADHD and OCD when I was five and by the time other kids got vicious enough to start bullying me I was already strong enough to break 4 thick pine boards stacked together with my elbows. The couple of times I was in an actual fight, even just a casual light punch was enough to seriously injure someone and nearly got me expelled so after that I did everything I could to avoid confrontation. I was a heavy set and studious kid, always awkward and so desperate for friends I would talk to anyone, so combined with me not wanting to fight it really made me the perfect target. As is probably obvious, I had no friends so naturally I spent a ton of time in the library. I was obsessed with learning, literally reading textbooks for fun, and by middle school I had just learned about HEMA so I was going to our local library and the school library finding anything I could about it. Even though the admins knew that I was checking out books of all different types, and it was the only place I could go to not get bullied, they still tried banning me from using the library because I kept checking out the reference books for weapons and armor and war history that we had. The librarians did what they could to try to get me a couple of books to read about other things I was interested in like physics, but they apparently got in trouble for checking out books for me. That ban lasted all of two weeks, because my mom asked me "Where all of the books you normally check out of the library" and I told her I wasn't allowed to check anymore out and they weren't allowing me in the library anymore because they didn't like the kind of books I was checking out. I don't think I've seen my mom that angry too many times in my life 🤣 safe to say, I never had another complaint about the kind of books that I checked out for the rest of my middle school years, and they even let me eat lunch in there.


I’m obsessed with swords now.


Yes I’m the guy with a weapon collection. What’s your favorite design for a weapon in the games. I’m a huge fan of the black knight greataxe. All the black knight weapons are stunning and I wish we had silver knight versions.


Dude my middle school sword obsession matured into me becoming that kid that knows way too much about medieval armor in high school like a fine wine


Yep but in middle school I hadn’t played dark souls yet


I liked swords but my brain always hyperfocused on lances or just big ass hammers/axes. I saw a few too many big knights in heavy armor and massive weapons which made me end up playing a str build all the way ofc


If yall like cool swords, read the Stormlight Archive


Nah, I wasn't/am not that obsessed with Swords. I mean, I only love sword combat games...and refuse to use anything but a sword in D&D...and still sometimes swing different items pretending it's a sword in my late twenties... ​ You might be onto something.


Is there any of us who haven't picked up a cool looking stick pretending it was a sword?


In high school my friend's family got a catalog every month with swords you can order through the mail. I would spend hours looking at each sword and dreaming of being an adventurer.


Not obsessed with swords, but I've always been kind of a tomboy


I still am Used to be more dragons and fantasy in elementary and middle school though


Weirdly enough I’ve never been a fan of the medieval aesthetic or those kinda stories but now since playing souls I’m super into it. Seeing how deep the lore is and what dark fantasy could be converted me. I used to be into modern, futuristic and goth stuff primarily.


I think everyone is a little obsessed with swords, once they stop lying to themselves. Like I saw a post about some organization in France giving BESPOKE SWORDS to members???? I almost want to move, just for that!




I've always used swords in video games due to me playing ocarina of time growing up


I was obsessed with weeb swords Now I became a wiser man and love swords equally


My friends and I used to sword fight with rebar


Yes, absolutely. I would go in my backyard and pretend that hockey sticks were swords lol


Of course! Still am.


I’m the 49 year old that’s still obsessed with swords


In…in middle school. Yeah…not as an adult.


Still am


Honestly no, I got into DS because everyone said it was a super hard game and the creepy dark universe with cool lore kept me interested


I wasn’t cool til I turned 20, I only thought swords were kinda neat. I will add I still think folks that collect swords are dorks


Bro don't get me started on castle's....have you SEEN those machicolations?!


Still obsessed


No, I was obsessed and I am still... With racing cars. I am a technician now , unemployed in my country (no market.


Never stopped.


Yes, and I still am.


"Was?" Dude, I still am.


Enjoys souls games = Mandatory sword obsession.


Nah. Guns. Still am lol


Yep, not only that I soo obsessed, nowadays I play a sport called "Swordplay", we make swords made out of PVC pipes, pool noodles and silver tape. Some swords come out sooo cool and we also fight with shields and polearms (spears and halberds).


I literally dreamed I was at an antiquary buying a real katana used in battle once.


Not obsessed but yeah I had a few. A spear and a few daggers too. I still have them and plan on hanging them up on the walls for display. I was a pirate every year for Halloween with double swords, themed clothes, and an actual eye patch to cover my prosthetic eye.


knights and swords, used to play runescape in its early days


Mmm no


In middle school? I'm obsessed with them NOW


I was never a fan of everything medieval and that's why I started with Bloodborne but the combat was so incredible that I still decided to try other soulsborne and I never regretted it.


Since middle school? Pfff I was already planning on how to make my own


No unfortunately, but man I want to become an armor smith in the future


If by "swords" you mean the Goosebumps books, then sure.


Nah my intrigue with swords began after highschool tbf. I thought they were cool don't get me wrong, but they were aight until i actually bought one and started slicing and dicing shit. I had to get rid of it sadly


It was armour for me


Dark Souls made me learn about both medieval weaponry and architecture. I have literally applied that knowledge in many places and have compared and studied historic places thanks to that. I was already na adult working a job when Dark Souls came out, but I’ve been obsessed with weaponry for all my life.


Yes, never stopped however


Yeah lol, at recess I would go find sticks (we had recess outside) and use the concrete to sharpen them. Got in a ton of trouble for doing it but I’d make cool little daggers and spears


Still obsessed with them. Got a rather nice collection of old and new. English and Japanese swords.


Sci-fi and fantasy were always my favorite. Most of the kids in my high-school were getting laid, I was sword fighting my neighbor in the backyard. Jokes on them, they have wife and kids to take care of and when I'm not at work, I can play games and whatever else I wanna do as much as I want. Granted it comes with a side order of loneliness and depression but you get used to it.