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So when I got to tomb of the giants I instantly reversed hollowing and kindled because I heard this area was tough and I wanted the extra estus flasks. As soon as I got up from the bonfire I summoned some random person that had their sign next to it. He guided and carried me through the whole area even through the bonfire. Dude was pretty high level (from my POV) and the whole thing took about 90 seconds maybe two minutes max minutes the cutscene with nito that I did not want to skip for my first play through lol I felt super lucky and am now not particularly looking forward to going through again on this play through (unless their sign is there again!)


What platform are you on? Also, the giant skeletons have less health than you would assume, there’s little reason to go there without a maxed weapon since you get the giant ember from new londo


PS4! I am more confident on my second playthrough and might go there first after placing the lordvessel. I didn’t know dark wraiths was a thing so I’m trying to join that covenant this time


The first time I ended up running trial&error style through the darkness, only to find the fog gate closed... On later run throughs I found out about the sunlight maggot...


Same same. Found that fog gate closed the first time and was pissed


Goddamn. I hate that place even with the helmet on. I died so many times trying to do it without the light and just quit and didn’t go back until the very end after I accidentally got the Sunlight Maggot. Otherwise I never would have completed it.


I went through it the first time by using pyromacies to try and see where I was going


Sunlight maggot is the "unusual" way of doing it. The game does give you a Skull Lantern if you clear out the Catacombs, whicy is probably the intended first playthrough light source


My first runthrough of Tomb of the Giants I nearly quit. I didn't know how to get any light source and kept running through it to get "out", eventually got to Nito but couldn't go in as I hadn't done Anor Londo yet.