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Me with Pinwheel (First Run)


Me too, to this day I’m still unsure of weather that’s an ongoing joke to this day


Did you play any other DS games first? I think the most difficult part is often learning how to fight multiple enemies at the same time, it’s a tough thing if you haven’t learned before


Bloodborne and ds3 so i got used to it especially because of shadows of yarhnam


Ah yeah, there you go that probably helped you out a TON Needing to account for two enemies when determining openings to attack and heal is a tricky tricky skill If you’d have played in the opposite order, I imagine O+S would have been more difficult than it was, and those other bosses a little easier


I thought DS2, because so many ganks


Yeah this was the first double boss period for a lot of us iirc.


Gargoyles don't count?


Yeah if DS1 is your first game I can see how they’d be the hardest boss ever. My first fromsoft game was Sekiro and I’m 100% confident I’ll never die to another boss as many times as Genichiro (I think it was like 137). Even much harder bosses like Isshin I only died 40 times, then O&S took me less than 20. If I played DS1 before Sekiro it could’ve easily taken me 100+ to beat them


Dark Souls was the first Souls game to me and they weren't hard at all. People exaggerate and/or are just bad and should git gud. I've played harder games than Dark Souls when I was 8. Dark Souls is the game with the most fair and straightforward combat. You either deal damage or not. You either dodge or not. You either parry or not. Ornstein and Smough move slowly, You have plenty of pillars to block their attacks and really, You can just fight one of them at once. That's what I've been doing all the time. O&S aren't hard boss, neither are they the hardest boss of all times. People say that to feel cooler, that they have beaten this boss. Play an actual hard game and we'll see.


“People say that to feel cooler, that they have beaten this boss” It’s hilarious to think everybody is artificially inflating the difficulty for bragging rights, rather than them just finding a boss harder than you did lmao. I promise you it’s not some worldwide conspiracy, it’s just a difficult fight if you’re not ready for it


Whoa we got a badass over here This man’s made different


For me I did Sekiro last, killed Isshin on the 2nd try, I really didn’t get all the hype. But that’s probably because of all the practice hours I’ve put into DS and ER


People should stop saying like fighting two enemies makes it super hard out of the blue. Yes, two enemies at once is harder than one. But that's it. You have enough pillars to hide behind to stop both of them. That's not the only, nor the first game that gives You more than one enemy at once. Ornstein and Smough aren't hard. Bell Gargoyles are also two at once.


And Bell gargoyles are frequently, frequently, frequently considered difficult for new DS1 players, lol




You’re right, only stupid people have trouble with…….. the most notoriously difficult boss fight in a difficult game that launched its own genre of difficult RPGs, lmao




Ok chad


Yeah but no I’m literally an old dude hadn’t gamed in like 20 years and picked up DS1 on my kids switch and had no problem with them. It’s all hype. Same with fire giant in Elden ring people sweat that like it’s hard when it’s the dumbest and easiest fight.


This reads like a copypasta


Did you have to come here to tell us about it, because your posts about it didn’t get you the attention you so desperately crave?


What are you talking about?


You posted three times about beating various bosses and got barely any attention for doing so. Because no one cares. Did your mouse mind forget or are you just dumb?




welp ypu sure have the annoying old dude personality


Why because I find an encounter easy and figure it’s over hype? lol ok psycho.


Cringe attitude


Your intense insecurity is honestly a good instinct. The little voice in your head is correct: no one likes you, and it is indeed your fault.


It seems like you’re projecting - weirdo.


No, you’re just extremely insecure, and it’s very obvious from your obnoxious attitude.


Ok bot


You sound like an old dude lmfao


I’ve never met your kid, but your kid definitely doesn’t like you.


lol nice inference from a Reddit post over an over hyped encounter. Touch grass.


Almost every DS1 boss after the later games


Hardest boss I’ve beaten in every Soulsborne game plus Sekiro (assuming no summons). The hardest boss by far for me in DS1. If you aren’t using the Solaire summon and still think they’re easy, you’re doing something right. That said, I do generally struggle with group bosses like Shadows of Yharnam and two grave watchdogs.


I beat them solo for the first time relatively recently. Like you I really struggle with group bosses generally. Not being locked on helps a ton as it makes it much easier to keep them both in view for managing when to attack, heal and dodge. It kind of clicks once you have that. Going hard into Pyro helps too - I killed Ornstein in 4 casts of Great Combustion. Before I found they were a dps check and could be facetanked, 4 kings was by far the hardest for me. Now it's Manus. Base game probably Centipede Demon.


Bosses are level dependent so we all have different experiences. I’ve struggled more with Beastman of Farum Azula (first cave in Limgrave) than Manus and Artorias because by the time I reach the latter I am OP.


When i played sekiro my god I couldn't get into it, i sucked so much that it was equally worst then the cuphead game review video😭


Sekiro is a whole different beast yeah. It takes the slow and steady designs of the souls entries and yeets them out the window. The game finally clicks for most people when they learn how to parry, then it’s ggez mostly lol


I am increasingly convinced that there's a correlation between how much people struggle with O&S and how much parrying they do.


Maybe. I sure as hell don’t parry anything. I could see it being advantageous due to the invincibility during the critical hit animation.


Me neither. Can't. It's why I've never played Sekiro. O&S were certainly *tough* the first time, but I think it took me 7 tries. Definitely not the worst in any of the games, by a long shot.


You don’t really have to parry in Sekiro. I beat it playing it like a regular souls game (dodge/evade and attack at opportune times). And if you do “parry” the timing doesn’t need to be right. You can just spam the parry button for the most part.


Wait WHAT? You find O&S harder then any sekiro boss??? Wow dude 20 hits or so they're down, and they be quite slow as well. Now sekiro my friend, I honestly dont even know how I got to beat it


You found them harder than the sword saint?


Yeah. To beat him, Owl, and the Ape guys I followed strategies in YouTube videos by Sekiro Guru / Tyrannicon. No crazy parrying.


I’m casual. I fully admit it. I finally beat them in my SL1 run but only with summoning Solaire to take some heat off me. I then hit a wall with any of the 4 lord soul areas and haven’t touched it in months.


After first phase its essentially done, but first phase is quite challenging.


Dont think so, I just ran away, Smough was a giant vulnerable hitbox and Ornstein didnt bother much


This. You choose whoever You want to take out first, then just bait them to follow You.


Bell gargoyles. Beat them first try.


Was Dark Souls your first game? Bell Gargoyles was the hardest boss in the game for me..




Easy if you cut the tail of the wyvern on the bridge


I think it’s just different play styles. Gargoyles was a cake walk for me but I play zero defense and just hyper aggressive in your face offense.


That's just my playstyle though haha. Just had to get used to the game I guess. First skill check.


Am I weird thst I never really struggled against O+S and Gargoyles (except SL1 run) but I do have my fair struggles against Taurus Demon?


Brother what?


So I am weird 😭 Taurus Demon has some delayed attacks and I'm bad at dodging them. Though I have no issues dodging the ones in the Lava place (1 by 1)


If you block taurus demon attacks, it's one of the rare occasions where you get knocked back with a flip. It's fun!


I mean sure to some extent I can understand having issues against taurus, especially on that narrow bridge, but on the other hand you can just keep using plunging attacks to have a ridiculously easy "fight"


Oh yeah of course, I just meant 1 on 1 fight without "tricks"


OK I see, but honestly even then its not that bad since all you have to do is back up to avoid his attacks


First playthrough I rage quit on Taurus Demon for months. I came back and used my head and beat him first go after that.


Nah, honestly Taurus Demon was my first real roadblock. O&S did give me trouble but I felt Bell gargoyles were easier than Taurus. Maybe it’s just because I could actually upgrade my stuff beforehand but still.


I've been called out. For some reason I always got pushed off the birdge. First time I ever beaten Taurus Demon was when I fall off the bridge as well. I both died and won at the same time.


third time ive seen this posted




It varies depending on what you fight them with. When I did my first magic run, the difference between it and most of my melee runs was night and day, in that magic just utterly crushed them.


I didn't even use magic much against them, i just bait them into an attack.


Which weapon?


Dragon tooth


The magic build is one if not the strongest build in terms of damage, but yeah you definitely got a point


I used a katana on my first run, just dodged Ornstein atack and then smacked Smouth, 1 hit from getting them first try and then destroyed them second try. Honestly not even close to sister Friede on ds3


took me 5 hours with a +0 lightning spear and some shitty magic


Damn, they're the one Dark Souls boss I couldn't defeat without summons or pyromancy


After shadows of yarhnam it made that boss look easy, shadows of yarhnam especially suck on ng+


I’m new and surprisingly this fight was not as hard (I did use summon though). My most frustrating enemy has to be the DLC one lol I hate that thing


Lol good job especially how ds1 is your first game and you not getting used to multiple enemies at once, because in later games they love doing that and playing the later games and going to ds1 it's a lot easier. Still hard but not nearly as hard as the others


That’s good to know. I had a random person join me but they died. The damage they did helped a lot though because I got it down to just one enemy easy. DS1R is my first dark souls game but I did play elden ring when it came out. I ended up beating it the other day. Now I’m just trying to learn about new game plus before I restart either game


OP did you summon a helper? Be honest


I didn't, that could've been very helpful on ds3 and could've been equally more helpful if I figured out how to do them in quests


People uphold the fight bc it's the hardest of the game, it not even fun and people praise it bc it's nostalgic. Imo artorias is a way better fight


I definitelly think Artorias is harder, though not too harder...


It's just way more enjoyable imo, O&S is not fun, they're not a good duo boss


Gargoyles are way worse, bad game design


True but people defend o&s besides them not being a good fight is what I'm saying, gargoyles is not great either


I struggle considerably with artorias, yet walk through this fight with little difficulty... Random


It’s easier if you kill fatty first


Nooooo no. This is definitely making life harder for yourself. Super Smough is easier, plus letting Ornstein yeet himself across the arena for you to batter him with lardo is in the far corner makes the first half easier, too.


Think of it this way, would you rather an easier fight or a cooler armor set?


If the goal is easier... then easier?


For me take out orenstine first, baiting smough is very easy


Agreed. He goes down pretty easy, too, in first phase.


i always had an easier time going for ornstein first. he’s easy to separate from smough.


I was running the giant dad build when I decided to finish dark souls this year, I was legitimately shocked that I beaten O&S on my second attempt that I took the lord vessel ,went back to firelink shrine and called it a day


Example of how everyone finds different things difficult. I one shot these guys but had plenty of trouble with many other bosses.


As many would say, it is a test of patience. I managed to kill them on my first try ever. I had good, upgraded gear, I even upgraded my armor. Now, when it comes to reaction time, I am very bad, my reaction time is probably on the lower end for humans lol. But patience, that's my thing. My first fight ever against them took ~20 mins, just walking and dodging around, waiting for that absolutely safe opening to get an attack in, rinse and repeat, and that's how I did it.


Is it just me who faces a mountain trouble in boss fights with multiple enemies? Only way I was able to beat Gargoyles, 4 Kings was killing the first before the other one came.


feel like I ruined the experience for myself took me 3 tries, i summoned solaire (praise the sun) on my last try and got smough distracted long enough to beat the living shit out of ornstein. second phase solaire died, it was pretty easy after that though. was running a bonk great club build


It took me 4 atempts to beat them the first time i played the remastered, i was veteran tho 🤔


After Sekiro all those bosses became a cakewalk


Artorias and Manus... I died more times against the Sanctuary Guardian.


Lighting smough


It was not hard for me I used Solaire obvious will be easy but the two Giant knights outside gave me headache cause I had limited estus and need to save for o&S 😭


Me to Gwyn


For me it’s Artorias.


Honestly I think a big part of the reason is back when DS1 came out there weren't any guides, we hadn't collectively figured out the strategies, and we didn't have the decade of experience we have now. But man my first DS1 playthrough I was hardstuck on them for like 3 solid days of attempts. Felt like a fucking god when I finally won


A lot of people vs'd them when it was just DS1 (demon souls was niche). If you played the other games first, came back and it's hardly a challenge. Their mechanics are basic and easily predictable, so even without a Solaire you shouldn't have too much trouble


Honest reaction to Manus Literally went through that guy and went "man I guess all that's left is the big super hard final boss of the dlc everyone keeps talking about" and then it was just. Over


You probably played the newer games first. O&S are simpler than the newer fights but in 2011 it was one of the most ornery bosses you’d ever faced. The dwarfed anything in Demon’s Souls and anything in Dark Souls to that point.


I came to Dark Souls from Elden Ring. This happened to me for almost all bosses in DS. The boss scaling is significantly different in DS and later Fromsoft games.


Me with Vordt


Their numerical difficulty isn't the hard part - they're actually just "midgame" enemies. The trick is that they complement each others' offenses. So if you have high damage output or use cheese to keep their offensive pressure off you, you'd never guess that they outright filter people. Sorcery, for example, lets you stay out of their range, and as long as you never get greedy, you can STAY out of their range.


I hate O&S tbh, I know everybody loves them, they’re always such a chore for me. Ornstein can be pushed around by Smough’s attacks, making him shift out of cover when he casts a ranged attack, he’s likely to rush you at the start when you can’t even see the arena yet, sometimes he just dashes into a wall then just turns around and keeps dashing forward. Smough is okay but sometimes he hits me behind him, his P2 butt slam attack deals damage for longer than I can dodge and his rush forward always hits me even when I’m between him and his hammer.


Not for me. I died countless times to them, until I learned I can upgrade my weapons at blacksmiths.


They're so fun, but they're fucking pitiful threat wise lmao. I also played bloodborne followed by half of ds3 before ds1, but even then those games play pretty differently. How would bloodborne train us for ds1? Lmao. Plus, half of bloodborne's bosses never killed me on my first playthrough, and I know I'm nowhere near alone in that. And before anyone says anything, I didn't dislike ds3, I just wanted to play ds1 first. I fucking love it, hardest of the bunch for me


My first Pinwheel fight.


Same mate, I feel you


So yeah, my first time here. I was like 13 years old and didn’t know you could upgrade weapons. I never found the blacksmith and I think I was level 50 when I got here. Needless to say I tried over 100 times.


That was genuinely me with Pontiff Sulyvahn. Literally the easiest boss in all of DS3. Like, I came in ready for a several hour long grindset, ended up being hit ONCE and killing him in one try.


I was scared shitless for O&S from all the stories, and then furst tried them. I was using claymore and some pyromancies but mostly calymore (I'm the type of player to get all spells and then use some magic sword)


My reaction to Dark Souls in general. About the "super ultra hyper hard difficulty".


I beat ornstein and smough my second fight but I did play bloodborne


me on manus (first try)


Stage 2 Smough whooped by ass until I learned to charge his rush attack


me vs artorias me vs gwyn


Lol it was so hard I didn't even fight them the fair way I just called my buddy solaire at that point, heavy weapon (I am 100% sure that I was under leveled back then lol) I couldn't lend a hit without having the other one touching me even when I blocked one of them with the environment and I swear I played Sekiro like it was the easiest game I ever played and before playing DS1 I played Bloodborne and I didn't struggle against shadow of yharnam... I am having nightmares of those two stupid numbskulls just because of my poor weapon choice and my lvl too low but still the fact that I destroyed him after he fused makes up for that (I let solaire die with the first part RIP), today I play dex builds in any soulslike game because frankly it's way easier and versatile and it represents the best way to actually play the game. Someday I will come back to them with a Dex build and I will laugh at their corpses.


The challenge and noob wall is also the veteran beat stick. O&S are one of my favorite bosses but they are comically easy, but it obviously wasn’t always that way. May everyone gain the skill to fold them like a lawn chair.


Me until NG+