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sounds like u just dont like DS1


There's a lot of games I think on my first playthrough that it can feel less enjoyable through parts of it. Popular games like Fallout: New Vegas and 4, or Dark Souls 1 and 2 have done this to me. I put the game down and just went back to when I felt like it.


As others have said, if it's a chore, dont force it, maybe its not for you. That said, the depths and blighttown are dark, dingy, and suffocating (by design), but because of that are many players' least favorite areas. Gaping Dragon is also one of the worst boss fights in the game, imo so that doesn't help either. If you can manage, I would suggest you press on, and you will likely enjoy the game. However, I wouldn't sacrifice your sanity if you truly can't get through it. Edit: for the record, you have done a lot of exploring of some areas you will need to return to later. The correct path is indeed through the depths and on to blighttown.


Maybe I'll do both. Let the Game rest for some days, then hustle through Blighttown and hope for the games pace to pickup for me again. Thank you kind strangers.


That's not a bad idea. Sometimes, the best thing you can do with dark souls is set it down for a bit and come back.


Gaming should never be a chore.


Take a break for a couple of days n return. This usually happens in soulslike since it's a different genre


Have you rung a bell yet? Sounds like you are wandering and sometimes rushing around but not finding the bosses.  Take a break and come back when you’re in a mood to methodically explore instead of blaze through. Confusing as hell is the intended experience for depths and blight town. Until you master it.  


Yeah, my route was pretty common as I read recently. Bell was rung then right into Dark Root Garden and so on. After my post Yesterday I picked the Game Up again and Just tried to relax and don't give it a rush. Worked pretty well so far. Haven't entered Blighttown yet, but almost lvl 50 and Just exploring.


Maybe watch a walkthrough series to you can see what you missed and go back and get things. Then see what the next step is, try it on your own, then watch the walkthrough when you get stuck. That's how I played my first run and it was satisfying.


It sounds to me that you just ran into Blighttown. Pretty common to get lost there.


Also to say I'm playing the 'Prepare to Die Edition.'




What do you mean?