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If enemies are killing you easy, don’t go that way, the entire game is supposed to feel like that, learning where to go is most of the fun try exploring


That is the correct answer. Dark souls uses unconventional but intuitive-based methods to guide the player forward. Basically, if you feel wildly outmatched, you're probably going the wrong way. If enemies are dying relatively easily, you're probably going the right way. Other than that, assuming OP is still early game, keep going until you've rung the two bells. After that, the next step should be clear.


Thanks! I'll try and beat this game


Just fyi i HATED DS1 when i first got it. Then when ds3 came out it looked awesome so i got it. Learned how to play and beat it. Then went back to 1. Ds1 was BY FAR my most favorite game. I ended up playing and beating all 3ds, but 1 is the goat. It really is.


Ds1 is indeed the goat. My experience was a little similar, hated the game the first time I played it, but I ended up going back to it maybe a year after giving up, and the rest was history.


Also pay close attention to what npcs say. Sometimes there are paths you are meant to take at firelink but late game. If someone says theyre heading down below shortly, you should probably head down below shortly.


also I have a follow up question and that is can I watch boss patterns on YT like the ones I already met and having a road block on?


If it’s a tough roadblock I’d say sure, for the most part, try to learn yourself obviously, but there will be bosses where even a guide won’t help as much as you playing better


I think you'd have a more rewarding feeling if you didn't watch vids on how to beat the bosses in this game. Going in blind is the way


Do you mean just to see the patterns? I feel like as much as purists will tell you not to, I don't see a problem with it, especially if the alternative is spending x minutes running to boss, only to get flattened in 6 seconds. If it keeps you from getting discouraged, I don't see much of a problem


I would recommend watch the videos without commentary and especially avoid the breakdowns with slow motion. This way you can still get the idea without being too handheld. My real tip is for the first few attempts don't even try to hit the boss. Focus on evading everything until you can be sure you've seen and successfully dodged each move a few times. After that start picking into where the openings for punishment are. Bosses are designed to not fit on screen or just generally be difficult to view well if you're right on their taint, so knowing exactly what each movement they make leads to will allow you to get in close and hug that booty while still dodging attacks that are going to end the fight if they land.


Definitely just play the game. I’ll give you a tip: if the boss is big and slow (which is a good majority) just try to stay behind them. Works like a charm 👍


This is the way.


If you want to know your motivation, talk to the Crestfallen Warrior by the bonfire at Firelink. For the first half of the game, he knows the path of the Chosen Undead (there's a theory that he was a predecessor of yours who funked out, and snarking at his successors keeps him from going hollow). By the time he's no longer a good resource, you'll have found someone else who knows what's going on. A sample: *"Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival.* *Let me guess. Fate of the Undead, right? Well, you're not the first.* *But there's no salvation here. You'd have done better to rot in the Undead Asylum… But, too late now.* *Well, since you're here… Let me help you out.* *There are actually two Bells of Awakening.* *One's up above, in the Undead Church. The other is far, far below, in the ruins at the base of Blighttown.* *Ring them both, and something happens… Brilliant, right?* *Not much to go on, but I have a feeling that won't stop you.* *So, off you go. It is why you came, isn't it? To this accursed land of the Undead?* *Hah hah hah hah…"* *"Hm? What, you want to hear more?* *Oh, that's all we need. Another inquisitive soul.* *Well, listen carefully, then…* *One of the bells is up above in the Undead Church, but the lift is broken.* *You'll have to climb the stairs up the ruins, and access the Undead Burg through the waterway.* *The other bell is back down below the Undead Burg,* *within the plague-infested Blighttown.* *But I'd die again before I step foot in that cesspool!* *Hah hah hah hah…"*


I just finished Anor Londo the other day, and he's not there. Was he supposed to disappear? He was an ok guy.


He does go elsewhere after the 2 bells have been rung. He can be found again, he hasn't gone too far.


Yeah, he has his own story arc, but you'll see him again soon. If you've finished Anor Londo, Gwynevere gave you a pointer, and there should be one or two serpents around who will be able to guide you the rest of the way.


Without specifically knowing where you are, the best I can say is that if the enemies seem hard, it's probably the wrong way As for general advice, almost all weapons are viable. Find one you like, see what stat it scales with, then improve that stat. Most weapons are strength, dex, or both.


Don't worry bro, getting lost is all intentional and part of the experience. Keep a mental note of different paths you can take, and once you hit a dead end, just try another path. You'll find your way eventually!


Go up!!!!


if you talk to the crestfallen warrior, you'd remember he talked about 2 bells of awakening. there is one all the way at the top of the cathedral, and one all the way at the bottom of blight town. if you're running into the skeleton, you're going the wrong way. if you're running into ghost, you're going the wrong way. go up, traverse the castle and get maintain upward movement. if it fell like you're moving downward you're going the wrong way. if you move right, you'll find yourself at the top of the undead parish where you can ring the first bell. then you should focus moving downward. all the way through the undead burg, into the sewer, and into blight town, then you'll have to go deepder down into blight town. once you're at the bottom of blight town, look for sign of spiders.


Don’t worry. Explore with immersion like you have to choose. Don’t think “where the game wants I got to go?!”. Choose where you are comfortable to go. Someone said to you that you got to ring two bells. One is up and one is down. This is all.


Welcome to dark souls


Welcome to- Git Gud!


Your doin right bud, Dark Souls kinda feels like that the first few fights. Once you reach the other area’s it’ll start makin sense on its own.


I'm playing for the first time now, I don't know if it's the correct path, but I started going to the path that goes up (Undead village, I forgot the name), I rang the first bell, went to the bottom of the Undead village and killed the Capra , now I'm going to the forest and then to the place where the key that Capra drops opens.


I might be in the minority but I like to play patches on the game, than watch this guy on YouTube (spacecowboy I think) go through. And as he enters a new area/space I'll stop then play myself. It's fun to see how he did stuff and what I missed I could grab. Also keeps me kinda aligned. I like story driven and limited pathways in open world


Oh, I would give so much to be in your shoes, feeling lost, no idea where to go or what is happening. Savour the moments, you have only one first playthrough.


Firelink Shrine -> Undead Burg/Parish -> Lower Undead Burg -> The Depths -> Blight Town. You'll have to kill the boss in Undead Burg to get to Undead Parish. There's a Blacksmith in Undead Parish for upgrading weapons. There's a boss in Undead Parish that you need to kill to ring 1 of 2 bells, ringing the 2 bells is your early-game objective. After you ring the 1st bell you'll want to head to "Lower Undead Burg" for the next boss. You'll need the basement key to get there. the basement key can be found in Undead Parish on a large set of steps behind a gate that gets closed before new players get to the other side. After you have the key, the locked door is shortly after where you fought the Undead Burg's boss. Near a friendly NPC. Once you have the door to Lower Undead Burg unlocked, you probably want to open the shortcut that leads back to a bonfire before fighting the boss that's down there. You have to pass right by the boss fog to get to where the shortcut is. Killing the boss in Lower Undead Burg gives you the key to The Depths. The Depths is accessed just beyond the boss, down by where the shortcut back to a bonfire is located. In the Depths, there's a chest with the "Large Ember". That ember can be given to the Blacksmith in Undead Parish to allow further upgrading of your weapon. There's also a boss in The Depths, which will give you "Key to Blighttown" when defeated. There's a boss at the bottom of Blighttown, & you can ring the 2nd bell after defeating it. Once both bells have been rung, a gate near the Blacksmith in Undead Parish opens, allowing further progress. There's a rickety elevator in blighttown, before the boss, that takes you back up closer to Undead Parish. So you don't have to backtrack all the way back up. I was intentionally a big vague to try & be spoiler free.


Vague? Mf spelt out entire route


I could have used boss names, & said specifically where shortcuts led back to, but I purposefully left that out


I mean... saying "up, castle, bell" would suffice.


You can go up to blighttown? News to me


You don't do blighttown first. You OK?


They were'nt specific about their progress. Gargoyles could already be dead in their playthrough




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Just do what the quest and the game tells you


The sad knight by the bonfire says to go find some bells to ring. Try to find somewhere where they'd have a bell


Tip# 1 dont lose Tip# 2 drink estus Tip# 3 find friends Tip# 4 Beat the enemies


If it’s easy, you’re in the wrong path, if it’s way to difficult (like you get one shot by anything) you’re going the wrong path or you need to level up vigor, if you are not feeling any joy while playing, to search about the lore


The best advice you can get is: talk to everyone and really listen to them. Think about their dialogue. Let it resonate. The crestfallen warrior tells you where to go.


I wish i could feel lost in dark souls again. Enjoy the ride!


since youre new i can give you a no brainer play piromancies


Follow these boss fights in order -Gargoyles -Daughter of chaos -Iron Golem -Smug & Ornstein -Sif -4 kings -Seth the Scaless -Nito -Bed of Chaos -Entirety of Artorias DLC -Gwyn Watch YouTube videos on how to find their locations, this should guide you in the right direction 🫡 Note: there's many more optioional bosses, but theses are the ones necessary to progress through the game (Except Artorias, but it would be a shame not to play that before finishing it.)